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to make changes to this manual and to the product(s) represented without
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FCC Information
This product has been tested and found to comply with FCC Rules
Part 15 and meets all FCC Class B requirements.
This product meets all
AS/NZS 3548:1995
Printed in the United States of America 4-02
Rev. CQP-0204-007
European Union Declaration of Conformity
Information Technology Equipment
EU Directives Covered by this Declaration:
• 89/336/EEC E lectrom agne tic Comp atib ility Dire ctive
• Vela CineCast™ Quad Pro 4:2:2 MPEG-2 Rack-Mount Decoder,
Model 2000-0422.
Standards on which conformity is being declared:
• EN 55103-1:1997
• EN 55103-2:1997
• EN-60950
• FCC, Part 15, Subpart B
The technical documentat ion requir ed to demonst rate that this prod uct meets th e
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organization listed below and is available for inspection by the relevant enforcement authorities. The CE Mark was first appl ied to this mode l in 2000 .
Communication Certification Laboratory
1940 West Alexander Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84119
The Vela CineCast™ Quad Pro decoder, Model 2000-0422, is an MPEG-2 audio/
video 4-channel deco ding system desi gned for a wide range o f video app licati ons
requiring Serial Digital Interface (SDI) video output. The decoder is designed to
handle compressed di gital video resolu tions rangi ng from MPEG-1 SIF ( 352×240
pixels) to MPEG-2 digital D-1 4:2:2 video (720×512 pixels). The decoder is
designed to be convenien tly mo unt ed i n a st andard 19-i nch equipmen t ra ck, o ccupying one unit of ra ck space. Th e Quad Pro supports Ultr a-2 Fast -40 LVDS SCSI,
compatible with single-ended SCSI. The Quad Pro runs under the Microsoft
2000 or Windows NT™ 4.0 operating systems.
An enhanced version of t he Quad Pro, the Model 2000-0422- 1 (“Dash-1”), includes
all the features of the Model 2000-0422 and incorporates sev er al oth ers:
• Video Fade: In addition to the au d io fad e/ sw itch a nd vi deo swit ch A/B
capabilities of the Cine Cast Quad Pro, this op tion provides the capab ilit y
for video fade from or to adjacent channels. Duration of the fade is programmable from 33 msec. up to 5 se conds. The capa bility to fade to a
background color between the channel-to-channel fade is also supported.
• Genlock Adjustment: The standard Cine Cast Quad Pro aligns the SDI output
with the genlock input. The “Enhanced” Dash-1 version provides the capability of adjusting the SDI output with respect to the ge nlock reference. The
Model 2000-0422-2 version of the Quad Pro also supports this same SDI
genlock reference adjustment feature.
All versions of the Quad Pro decoder wil l be refer red to in thi s book as t he Quad
Pro. Features, commands, etc., unique to the “Dash-1 ” and/o r Mo del 20 00-0422- 2
will be mentioned and amplif i ed upon as r equir ed.
Developer tools for the decoders include a comprehensive 32-bit Windows SDK
for application development, a sample MPEG player application and a selection
of sample MPEG-2 clips.
CineCast is a trademark of Vela LP for a line of audio/video decoder products. All other
trademarks, brand names, or product names appearing in this publication are registered to
the respective companies or organizations that own the names or trademarks.
2CineCast Quad Pro Version 2.6 Installation and User Manual
The CineCast Quad Pro in its basic form is designed for high-quality broadcast
decoding, ad insertion, digital storage and retrieval, video archiving, video on
demand (VOD), and other applications where high quality video is important.
Features such as genlock capability (genlock input s can l ock one, t wo , or four
decoder channels to a single genlock source, or ha ve indi vidu al inputs per channel),
a 2×1 A/V switcher , redundant power supplies, dual st ereo AES audi o, tw o t o four
channels of SMPTE 272M digit al au dio, and dual stereo analog audio, make the
CineCast Quad Pro ideal for high-end professional applications. In addition, each
decode channel supports indi vi dual LTC time code outputs. The Quad Pro supports
two General Purpose Interface (GPI) inputs and outputs per chann el.
An available Software Developers Kit (SDK) provides a versatile and robust set
of tools to integrate MPEG playback capability into your applica tion. The CineCast SDK supports functions such as random acce ss, seamless ba ck-to-back play,
pause, stop, play, continue, f ast forwa rd, slo w motion , freeze frame, singl e frame,
and multi-channel audio control.
The CineCast Quad Pro 4-Channel SCSI decoder is designed to interface to a
SCSI Ultra-2 Fast-40 LVDS (or SCSI Ultra Fast-20 single-ended interface).
A sketch of the decoder, along with pinouts of audio connectors, and views of
the front and back panels, appears at the end of this chapter.
System Requirements
Environmental and Support Requirements
• Commercial 115V, 60 Hz or 230V, 50 Hz AC voltage source.
• Operating temperature not to exceed 104° F (40° C).
• Relative humidity between 10% and 90%.
• Associated equipment needed to accomplish the decoding process, such as
video and audio monitors, video servers, distribution apparatus, etc.
• PC with SCSI host adapter (see next section for details).
• Tools, cables, and associated hardware necessary for installation of the
CineCast Quad Pro 4-Channel SCSI Decoder.
Recommended PC Syst em Confi gura tion
• Pentium® based system, with 200 MHz or faster processor.
Chapter 1 — G etting Started3
• Minimum of 32MB of RAM (64MB recommended).
• Microsoft Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.0 (NT Service Pack 6a).
• Ultra-2 / Wide (16-bit) SCSI-3 host adapter (PCI bus), such as those made
by Qlogic
. See“Host Adapter (Initiator) Configuration,” page 16 for
configuration information.
SCSI Protocol Interface (ASPI).
• System hard drive (SCSI, EIDE or IDE) for operating system.
• Dedicated SCSI hard drive to hold MPEG video files.
• SMPTE Longitudinal Time Code (LTC) input: Master clock input for local
house time.
• NTSC/PAL Discrete Input determines power - up vi deo stan dard .
• LED status panel indic at es boa r d power-up st at us, SCS I b us activity, LUN
playback activity, SCSI hot swap status, and power supply and fan failure
• Each of the four deco der channels is independ ent ly a ccessi ble via indivi du al
• Back panel audio and v ideo connectors consist of two 44-pin D-Sub con nectors (analog audio, GPIO, LTC out, and tally); a 15-pin D-Sub for LTC inp ut
and power -up vid eo standard discret e input; and si xteen BNC connec tors for
video out, genlock in, and digital audio out.
4CineCast Quad Pro Version 2.6 Installation and User Manual
• Two stereo channels of AES/EBU digital audio output.
• Two stereo channels of balanced analog audio (18dB/ 20dB headr oom select) .
• Composite video genlock input.
• LTC time code output.
• Two general purpose input discretes (GPIN1 and GPIN2).
• Two general purpose output discretes (GPOUT1 an d GPOUT2 ).
• Playback Active output (normally open [NO] contact closure; tally output).
MPEG Decoder
• MPEG-2 Main Pr ofile and 422 Prof il e @ Mai n Level sup por ted.
• Supported stream types: System, Program, Transport, Video PES, Video
Elementary, Audio PES (MPEG and MPEG Audio Elementary.
• MPEG stream bit rates supported up to 50Mbps for System, Program, and
Transport streams.
• Supports M PEG- 1 vi de o co mpr es sio n enc apsu la ted in MP EG-2 Pro gra m
and Transport streams.
• Supports the following NTSC and PAL resolutions (in pixels):
720×512 (4:2:2 profile) 720×608 (4:2:2 profile)
704×480 704×576
640×480 544×576
544×480 480×576
352×240 —
Audio Decoding
• Dual stereo analog audio outputs, dual stereo AES audio outputs, and two
stereo channels of SMPTE 272M audio embedded in the SDI output.
Features and Characteristics
Chapter 1 — G etting Started5
• Primary audio decoder supports two-channel (left/right) MPEG-1 layers I
and II at 32kHz, 44.1kHz, and 48kHz.
• The Model 2000-0422 secondary audio decoder supports two-channel
MPEG-1 (layers I and II).
• The secondary au di o decoder of the enhan ced M odel 2000-0422-1 ( “Da sh1”) supports the following:
Two-channel MPEG-1 layers I and II.
MPEG-1 layer III (MP3), when played as an audio elementary stream.
MPEG-2 AAC-ISO/IEC 13818-7 Advanced Audio Coding (AAC)
Low-Complexity Profile (LC) Audio Data Transport Stream (ADTS),
two-channel downmixed.
• 20-bit audio sampl e reso luti on main tain ed throu gh the system ( MPEG audi o
is only 16-bit).
• Analog audio uses 24-bit DACs.
• AES/EBU digital audio output and SDI embedded audio always at 48kHz
sampling rate; sample rate converters convert other rates to 48kHz.
• Future support for two-channel Dolby* Digital (AC-3) (5.1 downmixed to
two-channel.) Not currently supported. Contact Vela Customer Service for
more informatio n.
Playback Modes
• Playlist: Allows the user to create, modify and/ or play back a list of M PEG
video files.
• “Back-to-back with no black” mode supported (stream concatenation).
• Pre-black value set-up: 0-255 frames.
• Post-black value set-up: 0-255 frames.
• Frame count: Number of displayed frames using vertical sync as counter.
• Pause on under -run modes: T his determ ines what happens t o a playback when
the host system can not keep up with the demand of dat a. Available modes:
1. Freeze Video: Pause video, start playback when data flow is restored.
2. Go To Black: When the decoder ru ns out of data in th e SDRAM buffer,
playback will termin ate and an error code will be returned to the host .
* Dolby is a trademark of Do lb y Laboratories.
Features and Characteristics
6CineCast Quad Pro Version 2.6 Installation and User Manual
MPEG Play on Trigger Options
• Pause on first frame of video (soft trigger).
• Hardware trigger using General Purpose Input discrete 1 or 2.
• Trigger on LTC input time code.
• Trigger when adjacent channel's playback complete (i.e. start playback on
channel 2 when channel 1 is complete).
Selection of Video and Audio Content:
• Automatic: Firmware parses MPEG headers to choose video and
audio streams.
• Program and System streams: manual selection via audio/video stream
ID select.
• T ransport streams: manual selection via Transport Program ID (PID) select.
Playback Controls
• Playlist (create and play lists of MPEG files).
• Frame accurate start/stop and play out of all frames of MPEG data.
• Stop (go to black).
• Stop (with freeze frame).
• Pause video (freeze frame and suspend playback).
• Pause on first frame of video.
• Pause on last frame of video.
• Fast Forward (plays only I-frames).
• Slow Motion (e ig ht di fferent speeds).
• Single Step (frame advance and frame advance by ‘n’ frames).
• Resume normal play (from trick mode).
• Blank and Unblank video.
• Internal A/B switch allows video and audio switching of two decoder
channels into a single A/V output channel.
• The Model 2000-0422-1 “Dash-1” version of the decoder also provides
video and audio fading between two decoder channels with adjustable
fade times from 33 ms to 5.4 sec ond s .
Features and Characteristics
Chapter 1 — G etting Started7
Audio Controls
• Audio selection for pr imary an d secondar y audio ou tp uts from f our different
• Audio fade and switch, fade time adjustable 21ms to 341ms.
• Audio gain (-84dB to +12dB): Host specifies gain in dB in one-sixteenth-dB
• Left/Right channel swapping.
• Left only mode: Left cha nne l on bo th righ t and left audi o outp uts.
• Right only mod e: Righ t cha n nel on bo th r ight a nd lef t aud io o ut put s.
• Analog audio: Selectable 18dB/20dB headroom; default is 18dB.
• Two stereo channels of audio gets embedded into SDI video and output as
analog aud io an d AE S/E BU di git al au dio .
• Audio level indicator: Reports back to host for monitoring purposes.
Genlock Options Per Channel
• Individual channel genlock input.
• Channel 1 genlock input used to lock all four channels together.
• Channel pairs locked together:
Channels 1 and 2
Channels 3 and 4
Decoder ChannelGenlock Input Source Select
Channel 1Channel 1
Channel 2Channel 2, Channel 1
Channel 3Channel 3, Channel 1
Channel 4Channel 4, Channel 3, Channel 1
The Model 2000-0422-1 “Dash-1” version of the decoder provides an SDI
genlock adjustment to ad just the re lative position of the SDI out put to that of
the composite genlock input.
Closed Captioning Support
• Divicom/C-Cube® format type 09 (two bytes, field 1 only).
Features and Characteristics
8CineCast Quad Pro Version 2.6 Installation and User Manual
• Divicom/C-Cube format type 0A (using first two of five data bytes, field 1
• ATSC / EIA-708 (field 1).
• Supports either (1) display ordered or (2) bit stream ordered closed
captioning da ta via h ost c omm an d.
Video Support
• NTSC/PAL input discrete determines power-up default video standard
• Programmable background col or: black, blue, or u ser defined color for Y, Cr,
Cb values.
Supported Inline Trick Modes
• Based on last block of MPEG data loaded (same as exis ti ng Vela CineCast
• Occur at specific output SMPTE time code.
• Occur at specific frame count.
• Occur at specific input LTC time code.
• Occur when input discrete (GPIN1 or GPIN2) is activated/ inactivated.
• Occur when playback starts or stops (used for audio/video switching).
• Occurs on adjac ent chann els outp ut (SMPT E time code mod e), f rame count,
or playback start/stop.
Built-in MPEG Test Patterns
• NTSC color bars and hardware-generated 1kHz audio tone.
• PAL color bars and hardware-generated 1kHz audio tone.
Time Code
• Reports LTC input time code back to host through SCSI.
• Trigger playback at specific time code.
• Inline trick mode commands at specific Input LTC time code.
Features and Characteristics
Chapter 1 — G etting Started9
Output (LTC/VITC) Time Code Options
• MPEG GOP header SMPTE time code: Firmware will calculate time code
for each picture in the GOP.
• User defined Starting Time code: Firmware will increment time code for
each video frame.
Decoder Specifications
See Appendix A for a complete list of specifications pertaining to the CineCast
Quad Pro 4-Channel SCSI Decoder.
Device Drivers
Vela has developed CineCast Quad Pro software device drivers for use under the
Microsoft W indo ws oper ating system. Contact y our Vela area sales representati v e
for current information on these products.
CineCast Playback Ap plication Overview
The full-featured CineCast Playback Application ships with ev ery CineCast Quad
Pro decoder . Complete details of the applicati on, including GUI screen il lustrations,
playback mode details, and setup mode informati on can be f ound in C hapte r 3.
Functions Summar y
3Blank Video
4Un-Blank Video
5Pause Video (Freeze frame & stop playback)
6Fast Forward (one speed)
7Slow Motion (various speeds)
8Resume Normal Play from Slow, Fast Motion, or Pause
Table 1-1. Quad Pro Functions Summary
Decoder Specifications
10CineCast Quad Pro Version 2.6 In stallation and User M anual
Para pro teccion continua, r eemp laze el fusible solo con uno del mismo
tipo y clasificacion.
• Do not block ventilation openings.
Ne pas bloquer les ouvertures d'aération.
No tapar abertura de ventilacion.
• Never expose the unit to rain or any liquid.
Jamais exposer l'unité à la pluie ou un liquide quel conque.
Nunca exponer la unidad a lluvia o cualquier otro liquido.
Unpacking and Mounting
The CineCast Quad Pro 4-Channel Decoder comes packed in a sturdy shipping
carton, which contains all relevant hardware, software, cables, and this manual.
1. Carefully un pack the shipping cont ainer and check for damage to the container
or its contents.
2. Following electrical safety considerations outlined above, install the decoder
unit in a suitable 19-inc h eq uipm ent rac k, insurin g tha t adequa te ventil ation is
The following cables are suggested for the CineCast Quad Pro:
• Four video cables with BNC connectors.
• Four genlock cables with BNC connectors.
• Up to eight digital audio output cables with BNC connectors.
• Part No . 60 00- 042 2, audi o out put c a ble wi th ei ght ma le XLR co nnec tors for
analog output. Refer to Table 1-6 and Table 1-7 for audio connector pinouts.
Decoder Installation
14CineCast Quad Pro Version 2.6 In stallation and User M anual
• SCSI interface cable with high-density 68-pin SCSI connector.
• AC power cable (included). Note that if a customer-supplied power cable
is used, it mus t be equ al to or exc eed 18 AWG, 1250W, 10A -12 5V.
Depending on whether or not decoder “hot swapping” is required, the installation and removal sequence, SCSI terminat ion cap abil ity, and switch settings
will be different.
For an installation where “hot swapping” is not implemented:
• No activity can occur on the SCSI bus while a decoder is being installed or
removed (fail ure to adhere to this may cau se the host system to crash and /or
may require the host system to be rebooted).
• The decoder’s internal SCSI terminators may be used.
For an installation where decoder “hot swapping” is required:
• Activity between other SCSI Devices is allowed during the installation /
• No bus activity can occur for the decoder that is being installed or removed
(failure to adhere to this may cause the host system to crash and/or may
require the host system to be rebooted).
• External SCSI bus terminators are to be used.
• “Hot swap” installation and removal procedures are detailed in “Decoder
Installation/Removal (Hot Swap),” page 17.
The SCSI Interface
The Vela CineCast Quad Pro decoder connects to the host system through a
Small Computer Sys tems In te rf ace (SCSI) interface. This i nterface conforms to
the following ANSI standards, except as detailed in this specification. The type
of interface is Low Voltage Differential Signal (LVDS) Ultra-2 (Fast-40), which
is compatible with single-ended (S E) Ultra (Fast-20) SCS I. Supports Log ical
Unit Numbers (LUNs) 0, 1, 2, and 3.
American National Standards Institute SCSI Standards
Typically, each device on a SCSI bus, including the host adapter, must have a
unique SCSI ID. The SCSI ID serves two pur poses:
• It uniquely defines each SCSI device on the bus.
• It determines the d evice’s priority on the bus during ar bitration f or the bus.
Setting the Decoder’s SCSI ID
The SCSI ID of the CineCast Quad Pro Decoder is set via the SCSI ID selector
switch located on the rear panel. It should be noted that ID7 is usually reserved
for the SCSI initiator (host adapter).
Priority in Arbitrating For the Bus
• Normally, the SCSI initiator (host adapter) is set for SCSI ID 7, which is the
highest priorit y.
• Each SCSI device on the bus must have a unique SCSI ID.
• Not all host adapters support SCSI IDs 8–15.
• Some host adapters and operating systems have further restrictions on SCSI
IDs for hard disk, CD-ROMs, and tape drives.
• Operating systems and SCSI device drivers may restrict the use of SCSI IDs
to SCSI IDs 0 through 7 only.
Bus Termination
The CineCast Quad Pro decod er includ es a selectab le built-in termin ator; however, if “hot swapping” of the decoder is anticipated, an in-line SCSI terminator
is recommended. Generally, both ends of a SCSI bus must be terminated.
For systems where only one SCSI cable is used between the host adapter (initiator) and all SCSI devices, the termination is enabled on the host adapter and on
the last SCSI device on the SCSI cable.
For systems where two SCSI cables are connected to the host adapter, the termination is disabled on the host adapter. The last SCSI device on each SCSI cable
must be terminated.
When mixing both 8-bit and 16-bit de vices consult t he host adapter’s user manual
for correct termination requirements.
Decoder Installation
16CineCast Quad Pro Version 2.6 In stallation and User M anual
Host Adapter (Initiator) Configuration
The following Ultra-2 SCS I host adapter, based on the PCI bus, is recommended:
• Qlogic Ultra-2 Wide SCSI host adapter, Model QLA-1080.
Note: Adaptec host adapters, such as the Model AHA-2940U2W, have an inherent problem
dealing with multiple LUN SCSI devices. This limits their performance and are not recommended at this time.
Host Adapter ParameterSetting
Disconnect AllowedEnabled (mandatory for multiple SCSI
decoder operation)
Synchronous Data Transfer
(Synchronous Negotiation)
Synchronous Data Transfer Rate80M transfers/second (REQ/ACK period)
Wide Data Transfer (16-bit)Enabled
Renegotiate on ErrorEnabled
Enable Device at BootEnabled
Enable LUNEnabled
Table 1-2. Host Adapter Settings
SCSISupports SCSI Disconnect-Reconnect
SCSI Transfer Rates
• Asynchronous SCSI supports up to 10Mbps
• Synchronous SCSI supports 80Mbps for Ultra-2/Wide
SCSI (16-bit Ultra-2 SCSI-2)
SCSI ID and LUNProvides selectable SCSI ID (0–15) and responds only to
TerminationSelectable termination
Table 1-3. SCSI Parameters
Decoder Installation
LUN 0, 1, 2, 3
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