Starting torque VC without PG: when 0.5Hz, 150% rated torque; VC with P G: when 0Hz, 200% rated torque
Torque response VC without PG: ≤20ms; VC w ith PG : ≤10ms
Frequency accuracy Digit setting: max fre quency×±0.01%; A nalog settin g: max freq uency×±0.2 %
Frequency resolution Digit setting: 0.01Hz; Analog se tting: max frequency×0 .05%
DC braking capacity Starting frequency:0.00~50.00Hz; Braking time:0.0~60.0s; Braking current:0.0~150.0% rated current
Torque boost capacity Auto torque upgrade 0.0%~100.0%; Manual torque upgrade 0 .0%~30.0%
V/F curve
4 modes: one linearity torque char acteristic c urve ,one se lf-settin g V/F cur ve mode, one drop
torque characteristic curve (1.1 - 2.0 powe rs),and square V/F curve mode.
2 modes: linear Acceleration/Dec eleration and S curve Acceleration/D ecelerat ion. 4 se ts of
ACC/DEC, time unit 0.01s selectable , longest time: 650 .00s.
Rated output voltage
Rely on power supply voltage compensate function, w hile motor ra ted voltag e is 100%, se t it at
the range of 50-100%(outp ut can no t over inpu t voltage).
Voltage auto-adj ustment While power supply voltage fluctuates, i t can auto-keep constan t output v oltage.
Auto energy-saving running
While under V/F control mode, accord ing to load situation, auto-op timize outpu t voltage to save
Auto-limit current Auto-limit the current whi le running to preven t over curren t break trouble.
Instant power off tre atment While instant power off, realize continual oper ation by b us voltage control.
Standard functions
PID control, speed track, power off res tart, jump fr equency, upper/lower frequency limit control ,
program operation, multi- speed , RS485, analo g output, freq uency impuls e output.
Frequency setting channels
Keyboard digital setting, Analog voltage/curren t termina l AI1, Analog voltage/current terminal AI2,
Communication given and multi-chann el termina l selection , Main and auxiliary chan nel
combination, expansion card, supporting differen t modes swi tch
Feedback input channel
Voltage /Current Terminal AI1, Voltage/Current Terminal AI12 , Communication given, Low-s peed
pulse input PUL, extension c ard
Running command channel Operation panel given, extern al termina l given, communica tion given , expansion card given
Input command signal
Start, stop, FWD/REV, JOG, multi-step speed, free stop, res et, ACC /DEC time se lection,
frequency given channel selec tion, exterior faul t alarm.
Exterior output signal
1 relay output, 1 collector ou tput, 1 AO output: 0~10V output or 4~20 mA output, or frequency
pulse output
Protection function
Overvoltage, under-voltage, current l imit, over-current, ove rload, electric thermal relay, overheat,
overvoltage stall, data protec tion, rapid spe ed protecti on, inp ut/output pha se failure protection
LED display
Single file 5 digital tube display Can monitor one state variable
Two file 5 digi tal tube display Can monitor two state variables
Parameter copy Can upload or download functi on code in formation o f inverter to realiz e fast param eter copy.
State monitor
Output frequency, given frequency , outpu t current, input vol tage, output v oltage, motor speed,
PID feedback, PID given value, module temperature etc. monitor parameters.
Fault alarm