Veeder-Root TLS-450PLUS, TLS4 Operator's Manual

Manual No: 577014-110 Revision: B
Operator’s Manual
Veeder-Root makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this publication, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
The information contained in this publication may be subject to change without notice.
This publication contains proprietary information which is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the prior written consent of Veeder-Root.
©Veeder-Root 2016. All rights reserved.
Contractor Certification Requirements ..............................................................................1
Related Documents ..........................................................................................................1
Console Touch Screen Overview
Console Home Screen ......................................................................................................2
Front Panel Status Lights .........................................................................................2
Example Touch Screen Status Bar Notifications .....................................................2
Touch Screen Icon Descriptions .......................................................................................3
Entering Changes On A Touch Screen ............................................................................4
Console Comm Ports ........................................................................................................4
TLS4 Comm Ports - Menu>Setup>Communication .................................................4
TLS-450PLUS Comm Ports - Menu>Setup>Communication...................................5
Alarm Limit Settings - Menu>Setup>Tank>Limits .............................................................5
Security Login ...................................................................................................................6
Using On-Board Help - Actions>Help ...............................................................................6
On-board Help Topics of Interest - Actions>Help.....................................................6
System Maintenance Screen Examples ...........................................................................7
Backup System Data - Menu>Software Maintenance>DB Backup..........................7
To View The Console’s Software Version - Menu>Overview>About .......................7
To Download Console Software - Menu>Software Maintenance>Download ...........7

Table of Contents

Initial Setup Of The Console Using Workflow Wizard
Initial Screen - Menu>Setup>Workflow Wizard>Setup Workflow .....................................9
Setup>Display>Language/Units ...............................................................................9
Setup>Date and Time ..............................................................................................9
Setup>Display>Date/Time Format .........................................................................10
Setup>Display>Number Format .............................................................................10
Setup>Headers ......................................................................................................11
Setup>System>Alarm Filtering...............................................................................11
Setup>Communication>System Hostname............................................................12
Setup>Communication>Ethernet Port....................................................................13
Setup>Communication>Internal Modem................................................................14
Setup>Communication>CDIM Port ........................................................................15
Setup>Communication>TDIM Port.........................................................................15
Setup>Communication>IFSF .................................................................................16
Setup>Communication>Serial Port ........................................................................17
Setup>Communication>SMTP Relay.....................................................................18
Setup>Devices ......................................................................................................19
Setup>BIR>General ...............................................................................................24
Setup>BIR>Threshold Alarm..................................................................................25
Setup>Tank>General .............................................................................................26
Setup>Tank>Limits - Concluded ............................................................................29
Setup>Tank>Environmental Test ..........................................................................30
Setup>Tank Chart>Charts......................................................................................33
Setup>Tank>HRM Limits (International Option).....................................................34
Setup>Tank>Siphon Sets.......................................................................................35
Setup>Tank>All Tanks ...........................................................................................36
Setup>Products>Labels .........................................................................................37
Setup>Product>Product Mapping ..........................................................................37
Setup>Tank Chart>AccuChart ...............................................................................38
Setup>Pumps and Lines>Pumps...........................................................................40
Setup>Pumps and Lines>Line ...............................................................................41
Setup>Pumps and Lines>PLLD .............................................................................42
Setup>Pumps and Lines>All Lines.........................................................................44
Setup>Pumps and Lines>All PLLD ........................................................................45
Setup>Inventory>Report Times..............................................................................46
Setup>Inventory>Shifts ..........................................................................................46
Setup>Delivery .......................................................................................................47
Setup>Automatic Events>Address Book................................................................48
Setup>Automatic Events>AutoXmit .......................................................................49
Setup>Automatic Events>Autoconnect Tasks .......................................................50
Setup>Automatic Events>Device Tasks ................................................................51
Setup>Automatic Events>Print Tasks....................................................................52
Setup>Automatic Events>All Tasks .......................................................................53
System Administration>Roles Admin .....................................................................54
System Administration>Users Admin .....................................................................56
Software Maintenance
Activate/Revert Screen (Menu>Software Maintenance>Activate/Revert) ......................58
Notes on Reverting to a Previous Software Version ..............................................59
DB Backup (Menu>Software Maintenance>DB Backup) ................................................60
Example Database Backup Procedure...................................................................60
DB Restore (Menu>Software Maintenance>DB Restore) ..............................................61
Download (Menu>Software Maintenance>Download) ....................................................62
Example Software Download Procedure................................................................62
System Snapshot (Menu>Software Maintenance>System Snapshot) ...........................63
Example System Snapshot Procedure...................................................................64
Upgrade Features (Menu>Software Maintenance>Upgrade Features) ..........................64
Table of Contents



Figure 1. TLS4 Comm Ports ..................................................................................4
Figure 2. TLS-450PLUS Comm Ports ....................................................................5
Figure 3. Initial Setup Home Screen ......................................................................8
Figure 4. Accessing Workflow Wizard Setup .........................................................8
Figure 5. Software Maintenance Screen ..............................................................58
Table 1. Activate/Revert Screen Field Descriptions ..............................................59
Table 2. DB Backup Screen Field Descriptions ....................................................60
Table 3. DB Restore Screen Field Descriptions ....................................................61
Table 4. Download Screen Field Descriptions ......................................................62
Table 5. System Snapshot Screen Field Descriptions ..........................................63
Table 6. Upgrade Features Screen Field Descriptions .........................................64


This manual contains instructions for using the Workflow Wizard Setup Application in the TLS450PLUS and TLS4/8601 Series consoles. Workflow Wizard guides the user through the Veeder-Root recommended setup screens during the console’s initial commissioning.
This manual assumes all devices are connected the console and that a site diagram of all probes, sensors and tanks is at hand to assist in determining the correct console addresses for these devices. The procedures herein are intended to be followed using the console’s touch screen. Other setup interface methods vary in feature and accessibility options.
Some of the screens are only visible if the applicable features/devices are installed in your console. Skip over programming instructions for any features/devices that are not installed in your console.

Contractor Certification Requirements

Veeder-Root requires the following minimum training certifications for contractors who will install and setup the equipment discussed in this manual:
Installer (Level 1) Certification: Contractors holding valid Installer Certification are approved to perform wiring and conduit routing; equipment mounting; probe, sensor and carbon canister vapor polisher installation; wireless equipment installation; tank and line preparation; and line leak detector installation.
ATG Technician (Level 2/3 or 4) Certification: Contractors holding valid ATG Technician Certifications are approved to perform installation checkout, startup, programming and operations training, system tests, troubleshooting and servicing for all Veeder-Root Series Tank Monitoring Systems, including Line Leak Detection. In addition, Contractors with the following sub-certification designations are approved to perform installation checkout, startup, programming, system tests, troubleshooting, service techniques and operations training on the designated system.

Related Documents

577014-073 TLS450PLUS Site Prep Manual
577014-075 TLS-450PLUS Troubleshooting Guide
577014-022 TLS4 Site Prep Manual
577014-058 TLS4 Troubleshooting Manual
577013-465 Electronic Line Leak Detectors Application Guide
577013-770 Media-Isolated Mag Plus Probe LPG-ISO Kit Installation Guide
577013-773 Media-Isolated Mag Plus Probe Chem-ISO Kit Installation Guide
577014-056 Mag-FLEX Probe Low Level Water Float Kit Installation Guide

Console Touch Screen Overview

T 1: DELIVERY NEEDED 01/20/2016 06:01 PM
Tank Overview
TANK 1: reg
Fuel Volume 3655 Fuel Height 38.6 Ullage 100% 6345 Temperature 61.9 Water Height 3.0
1 Warning(s) 0 Alarms(s)
Print (0)
See Example
Status Bar
Types Below
Bread Crumbs
Date & Time
Print Button
0 Warning(s) 0 Alarms(s)
0 Warning(s) 0 Alarms(s)
1 Warning(s) 0 Alarms(s)
0 Warning(s) 1 Alarms(s)
Power On to console and no warnings or alarms from system.
System tasks message bar.
Something needs to be reviewed and/or assessed. In this state, touching the status/warning bar brings you to the Reports > Alarms > Active screen so you can see the cause of the warning. While in that screen, touching the status/warning bar again acknowledges the warning and shuts off the beeper.
Something needs to be acted upon immediately. In this state, touching the status/warning bar brings you to the Reports > Alarms > Active screen so you can see the cause of the alarm. While in that screen, touching the status/warning bar again acknowledges the alarm and shuts off the beeper.
The following section console features, touch screen layout and how to access and navigate the setup procedure using the touch screen controls.

Console Home Screen

An example Tank Overview Screen (Default Home Screen) is shown below which has 2 Tanks Monitored and 1 active Warning
1 Warning(s
1/20/2016 06:01 P
rint (0
ee Exam

Front Panel Status Lights


Example Touch Screen Status Bar Notifications

Console Touch Screen Overview Example Touch Screen Status Bar Notifications

Touch Screen Icon Descriptions

Home Screen Icon - Touch to navigate to the home screen. Default is the Tank Overview screen (Home screen shown above).
Favorites Screen Icon - Touch to setup/access your favorite screens and designate which screen will be the home
(default) screen.
Touch to add the current screen to your Favorites list. You can have up to six Favorites screens. If you want to delete a screen from your Favorites list, touch next to that screen.
Touch to set the current screen as the home screen.
Menu Icon - Touch to access System Setup Menus, Reports, Diagnostics and other screens (Administrator assigned access). For initial setup of the console, touch Menu>Setup>Workflow Wizard which steps you through the console setup screens in the proper sequence. See Workflow Wizard setup
Actions Icon - Touch to access Help. Touch the Help icon to open On-Board Help. Also, if the Shifts feature is set up, touching the Actions icon will display the Close Shift icon which can be touched to close a shift.
Unrelated to the choices above, when entering data in any screen, a Red Circle may appear on the Actions icon to indi­cate that additional tasks/menu choices for that screen.
Screen Dependent Icons - The number in the circle under the Actions icon indicates the device you are viewing or setting up. Touching the circled number displays all of the similar devices in a row along the bottom of the screen (other tanks, ports, probes, etc.) that you have set up. Touching the circled number again hides the device icon row. A highlighted icon indicates the device you are viewing or setting up. Some of the device icons you may see depending on system features installed in your console are shown below:
Tank Ethernet
Product Sensor Printer Siphon
Probe External
Console Touch Screen Overview TLS4 Comm Ports - Menu>Setup>Communication
nge to a
touch the ke
USB port (1) upper USB port (2) lower
SWITCH ETH 2 & 3 - shown
in Setup menu as
Ethernet Port 2 (Optional)
Factory Installed, Optional Module Area
VR Bus port Ethernet port (1) RS-232 or RS-485 DB9 ports

Entering Changes On A Touch Screen

The screen example below describes entering data into the screen’s field windows.
Touch down arrow in a menu breadcrumb to view all additional setup
creens, select any in list to jump
White (empty) radio button indicates item is not selected. Touch radio button to select Disabled and deselect Enabled.
to that screen
System Status
Driver Selection
Is Default
Selected device. Touch to select additional devices to be programmed, in this case additional printers.
0 Warning(s)
07/20/2013 09:01 AM
0 Alarms(s)
Enabled Disabled
Yes No
Automatic Manual
Touching in a white field displays a pop-up keyboard/keypad to enter or modify an entry.
Print (0)
A grayed-in field cannot be changed. In this example, if there two or more printers, the field would be white and touching the down arrow would display the additional printers.
After making any change to a screen
Aft entry, touch the key to accept the
ent change(s) or touch the key to
ch cancel the change(s).
If page scroll is visible, touch the up/down
(s) o
l the c
s visible, touch th
pt the
up/d arrows or slide bar with finger to scroll up or down to view additional entry fields.
An asterisk (*) next to a field indicates you
changed an entry for that field before you have accepted or saved the change in a dialog window.

Console Comm Ports

When setting up comm ports, you should verify the connections to the console’s comm ports prior to entering their setup parameters.

TLS4 Comm Ports - Menu>Setup>Communication

Your console’s Comm Port configuration will depend on features ordered. Note: Ethernet ports 2 and 3 are programmed as the same ethernet device.
Figure 1. TLS4 Comm Ports
Console Touch Screen Overview TLS-450PLUS Comm Ports - Menu>Setup>Communication
USB ports: (1) upper, (2) lower
Future expansion port
*Both ports of ethernet 2 are programmed the same.
Ethernet port: (1) upper
Ethernet port 2: middle and lower switched*
Front of Console
Port 2
Bottom of console
Port 1
Selectable Comm
Device slots
Fixed Comm Device slots
High Water Warning
High Water Alarm
Low Product
Delivery Overfill
Delivery Overfill
High Product
Max (Label) Volume
Full Volume (Ref.)
Full Volume (Ref.)
Pump Inlet (Ref.)
Delivery Limit
Delivery Limit
SAFE WORKING CAPACITY Maximum Product Alarm Level ("Label" Volume)
High Product Alarm Level
Fuel Draw Off Level
High Water Warning Level
Low Product Alarm Level
High Water Alarm Level
Interstitial Sensor/Sump Sensor
Typical European TankTypical North American Tank

TLS-450PLUS Comm Ports - Menu>Setup>Communication

Your console’s available Comm Port configuration will depend on features ordered.
Figure 2. TLS-450PLUS Comm Ports

Alarm Limit Settings - Menu>Setup>Tank>Limits

The diagrams below show the relative position of tank alarm (Limit) settings. See “Setup>Tank>Limits” on page 27 for more information about tank alarm limits.

Console Touch Screen Overview On-board Help Topics of Interest - Actions>Help

Sign In Cancel

Security Login

If the console Security Feature is Enabled - Touch the Login button to open the login screen so you can login as a
Once the screen displays, log in to the system with your Username and Password. NOTE: If you do not log in, you are only permitted to view system status screens and to print out end-user reports.
Touch the Logout button to log out of the console. NOTE: If the console is inactive for 15 minutes, the console will automatically log you out. You will need to log back in to access your user account.

Using On-Board Help - Actions>Help

Note: On-board help covers all console features, some of which may not be on visible/applicable if they were not ordered with your console.
To access On-Board Help touch the Actions icon then touch the Help icon .
Upon entering Help, the topic associated with the currently displayed screen will be visible. Repeatedly touch the side scroll bar up/down arrows to scroll through a topic. You can also drag and pan through a topic. Touch the ‘X’ in the right corner of the Help screen title bar to return to the TLS4/TLS-450PLUS screen you were viewing.
•To show or hide the help Table of Contents (TOC) pane on left side of screen - Quickly tap the text (Show TOC or Hide TOC) twice with your finger.
•To expand ( ) or close ( ) a book - Touch the icon of the book once with your finger.
•To go to a topic ( ) within a book - Quickly tap the book topic twice with your finger.
•Touch the side TOC scroll bar, and either move your finger up (to scroll down) or move your finger down (to scroll up).
•Repeatedly touch the side TOC scroll bar upper arrow to scroll up, or repeatedly touch the side scroll bar down arrow to scroll down.
On-board Help Topics of Interest - Actions>Help
• Understanding ATG -This help section explains the fundamentals of automatic tank gauges (ATG) as implemented by Veeder-Root.
• Configuration and Maintenance - This help book discusses Comm Ports, Initial Console Setup Sequence, and Periodic Maintenance recommendations.
• Welcome (Help Intro) , Screen Icons, On-Screen Keyboards, and Touchscreen navigation are essential help topics which you can view in the On-Board Help’s Table of Contents.
• Reference Tables - This help section contains topics that cover a wide variety of useful information replaceable fuses, V­R acronyms, system device identifiers, tank tilt calculation information, DIM data, etc.
Console Touch Screen Overview Backup System Data - Menu>Software Maintenance>DB Backup
System Status
07/20/2013 09:10 AM
0 Warning(s) 0 Alarms(s)
Print (0)
Software Maintenance
Current Version
Available Version
Current Operations
Backup Destination
1.gB 230.4
Not available
Select a source to retrieve versions available
DB Backup
Select destination device
System Status
07/20/2013 09:18 AM
0 Warning(s) 0 Alarms(s)
Print (0)
Console Series # 8601
Software Part # 342004-001.gB230.4r71119
ATG Functionality Email Notification Custom On-Board Help Custom Alarms Web Enabled Extended Storage L2
Created Jul 29 2013 17:43:52
Hardware Description
Installed Features
Serial #
CPU 11260090
iButton 000D016283f20b
UNIV SENS I/O MODULE (B1.S1) 000D016283f20b
Max Allowed Ports 9
System Status
07/20/2013 09:10 AM
0 Warning(s) 0 Alarms(s)
Print (0)
Software Maintenance
Current Version
Available Version
Current Operations
Backup Destination
1.gB 230.4
Not available
Select a source to retrieve versions available
Select Source

System Maintenance Screen Examples

Backup System Data - Menu>Software Maintenance>DB Backup

Insert your Fat 32 formatted thumb drive (mini- mum 4 GB) in a USB port and touch the down
arrow in the Backup Destination field to select the thumb drive, then follow the on-screen instructions to backup console data.
You should perform a DB Backup weekly.

To View The Console’s Software Version - Menu>Overview>About

This screen provides important information about your console's software version and installed features. If you should be experiencing problems with the console, please have the information on this screen available with you before contacting us.
The Veeder-Root Technical Support number is (800) 323-1799.

To Download Console Software - Menu>Software Maintenance>Download

Insert your valid V-R Code thumb drive in a USB port and touch the down arrow in the Backup Destination field to select the coded thumb drive, then follow the on-screen instructions to begin the download. Once the download process has completed, you must activate the software (see “Activate/Revert Screen (Menu>Software Maintenance>Activate/Revert)” on page 58).

Initial Setup Of The Console Using Workflow Wizard

After the console has been installed and connected to the power panel and to all site monitored devices, apply power to the console and let it boot up and display the Home Screen (see below).
Figure 3. Initial Setup Home Screen
Access Workflow Wizard Setup by touching Menu>Setup>Workflow Wizard>Setup Workflow:
Figure 4. Accessing Workflow Wizard Setup
Initial Setup Of The Console Using Workflow Wizard Setup>Display>Language/Units
Touch the Exit icon to quit Workflow Wizard and return to the Home screen
Touch to step back to previous screen
Touch to step forward to next screen
Touch the and icons to access online help for the current screen

Initial Screen - Menu>Setup>Workflow Wizard>Setup Workflow

The initial setup screen in the Workflow Wizard app is shown below. Note that the Workflow Wizard steps through the setup screens in a V-R recommended sequence for initial setup of the console. This manual assumes all devices are connected and recommends you are accessing WW setup from the console GUI. Other setup interface methods vary in feature and accessibility options.
Navigating Workflow Wizard is described in the figure below. When you exit the Workflow Wizard app, or it times out, reentering the app always returns you to the initial screen. To return to the screen you were working on after exiting the app, touch the Next button repeatedly until the desired screen is displayed.
Once the console is setup and functioning and a screen needs modification, the user would likely use the standard quicker path (from the home screen) to the desired screen, e.g., Menu>Setup>etc>etc..


System Language
Touch to select the system lan- guage used for all displays and reports.
System Units
Touch to select U.S., Metric or Imperial units to be used in all displays and calculations.

Setup>Date and Time

This screen lets you enter the current date and time for the console.
Current Date
Touch to enter current date.
Current Time
Touch each field to enter time. Note: the default time format is 12 hour AM/PM (hh:mm AP).
If 24 hour time is desired, enter the correct time on this screen then select hh:mm in the Time Format field in the next Workflow Wizard screen.
Note: Switching to and from Daylight Savings Time is auto­matic based upon your time zone entry below
Time Zone
Touch and scroll to select local time zone.
Initial Setup Of The Console Using Workflow Wizard Setup>Display>Date/Time Format

Setup>Display>Date/Time Format

This screen lets you select the date and time format used in all screens and reports.
Date Format
Touch to enter desired date format.
Date Separator
Touch to enter desired date separator.
Time Format
Touch to select 24 hr time (hh:mm) or 12 hour AM/PM time (hh:mm AP).

Setup>Display>Number Format

This screen lets you select the numerical separators used in all screens and reports.
Decimal Separator
Touch to enter desired decimal separator.
Thousands Separator
Touch to enter desired thousands separa­tor.
Initial Setup Of The Console Using Workflow Wizard Setup>Headers


This screen lets you enter information to identify your site location, address, phone number, etc. This infor- mation appears on the top of most inventory and BIR reports. This screen also lets you enter a fax sender name and fax number when sending faxes.
Header 1 - 4
Touch to enter desired Site Name (1), Street (2), City and State (3) and Phone (4) ­up to 20 characters each header.
Fax Sender Name
Touch to enter data printed at top of trans­mitted faxes from console - up to 30 alpha­numeric characters.
Fax Phone Number
Touch to enter phone number to which the console will dial to send faxes - up to 40 digits.

Setup>System>Alarm Filtering

This screen lets you enable/disable Alarm Filtering. Alarm Filtering reduces the total num- ber of alarms without compromising the reporting of critical alarms.
Alarm Filtering
When this feature is enabled, the console manipulates a combination of the detection time (the time before an alarm sounds) and the clear time (the time before an alarm is reset) for certain alarms that often go in and out of an alarm state in a short period of time. In addi­tion, some alarm reports during the clear time are consolidated, reducing their number without eliminating the alarm reports.
Mag Sensors
The following Mag Sensor alarms will be filtered:
• Mag sensor fault, install and communication alarms - NOTE: Mag Sensor alarms are reset if the Mag Sensor is replaced or deconfigured and then reconfigured.
Analog Sensors
The following Liquid, Vapor, Groundwater, Type A (2-wire) and Type B (3-wire) alarms will be filtered:
• Open, Short, Water, Water Out, Liquid Warning, Low Liquid, High Liquid and Fuel - NOTE: Liquid Warning, High Liquid, Low Liquid and Fuel alarms are posted immediately even when filtered.
DIMs (Dispenser Interface Modules)
The following DIM alarm will be filtered:
•Communication Alarm - NOTE: If there is more than one DIM card in the console, each card is filtered independently. DIM alarm filtering takes into account the possibility of lost POS sales data by monitoring dispensing during the clear time, but the possibility exists that the filter may not identify all cases when POS sales data may be lost. Unfiltered DIM Communication Alarm reports are available by contacting Veeder-Root Technical Support.
The following Probe alarm will be filtered:
•Probe Out
Initial Setup Of The Console Using Workflow Wizard Setup>Communication>System Hostname

Setup>Communication>System Hostname

This screen lets you specify and change the host name of this console (i.e., what the console is called on the customer's network, such as "MyTLSConsole").
System Hostname
Touch to select the host name of the console as it appears on the customer’s network, in this example TLS-450PLUS.The default host name can be changed to accommodate the cus­tomer’s network needs.
A blank host name is not allowed. The host name may con­tain only ASCII letters ‘a’ through ‘z’ (case-insensitive), dig­its ‘0’ through ‘9’ and the hyphen ‘-’ with no spaces or other characters allowed.
(Note: the console converts any uppercase letters in the host name to lower case when they are saved.)
Initial Setup Of The Console Using Workflow Wizard Setup>Communication>Ethernet Port

Setup>Communication>Ethernet Port

MAC Address [Read-only field] Physical address of the Ether-
net board and is automatically updated by the system (for example, 01:23:45:67:89:ab).
Serial Command Port
Address of serial port used for communications in the console (default port is 10001). If the customer is using port 10001 already for another device, you can select another port.
• Do not use ports 20001, 22, 80, or 443. These are used for other communication purposes within the console.
• If each Ethernet comm device on the console has a different IP address they can be setup with the same serial command port. Oth­erwise, when setting up two or more Ethernet devices with the same IP address on the same serial command serial port, communi­cations may be compromised and no warning messages will be pro­vided.
• When the serial command port is disabled on the “Setup>Sys­tem>Security” screen, the Serial Command Port field on this
This screen lets you configure the ethernet port(s) on the console which is used for remote connectivity to a POS, remote printer, etc.. NOTE: Changes made in this screen may take 10 - 15 seconds before they take effect and then display on the screen. The fastest way to see changes is to accept the changes, go to the Home screen, then back to this screen.
The default port selection is Ethernet Port 1. If more than one Ethernet Port is installed (as in the example above), complete all of the entries for port 1, then select the next Ethernet port from the icon list on the bottom of the screen that you want to configure and repeat the complete field entry process for port 2.
IP Address Type
Dynamic - An Ethernet comm device can have a different IP address every time it con­nects to the network. This address is usually administered by a network service such as DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).
Static [Default] - An Ethernet comm device will have a permanent IP address every
time it connects to the network. This is entered once on the console.
IP Address
[Field only available if IP Address Type is set to Static] Enter an IP address that was assigned by the customer's IT department (the default
setting of won't work).
IP Subnet Mask
[Field only available if IP Address Type is set to Static] Default is and is typical of console configurations. Do not change unless
assigned something different by the customer's IT department.
IP Gateway Address
[Field only available if IP Address Type is set to Static] Enter a Gateway address that was assigned by the customer's IT department (the
default setting of won't work).
IP Default Gateway
When set to Enabled, makes this Ethernet port the default pathway for outbound com­munications, such as email.
Primary DNS
[Field only available if ‘IP Address Type’ is set to Static] Enter a Primary DNS address that was assigned by the customer's IT department.
Secondary DNS
[Field only available if ‘IP Address Type’ is set to Static] Enter a Secondary DNS address that was assigned by the customer's IT department.
screen is not available.
SSH Port
A secure port that is required by the console to ensure protection on the communication side of the device. The default port is 22 and should not be changed.
NOTE: Any changes to this field will affect the same field for the other Ethernet comm device (if one exists).
HTTPS port
A secure port used by the browser to ensure security on the browser’s side of the device. The default port is 443 and should not be changed.
NOTE: Any changes to this field will only affect the specific Ethernet port being programmed.
Changes to the HTTPS port will affect web enable access.
Serial Command Security
Enables or disables the requirement of entering a security code to make changes to the Ethernet comm ports.
Security Code
[Field available if Serial Command Security field is enabled]
Enter a security code (6 alphanumeric characters) that will be required to make any change to the Ethernet comm port(s).
ETX Characters Display
[Field enabled only if RSR 232 End of Message field is enabled] End-Of-Text (ETX) character. ETX is programmable if enabled via the
S53100f command. If it is disabled, the ETX is a fixed Control-C char­acter (ASCII 03).
ETX Characters Computer
[Field enabled only if RSR 232 End of Message field is enabled]
End-Of-Text (ETX) character. ETX is programmable if enabled via the S53100f command. If it is disabled, the ETX is a fixed Control-C char­acter (ASCII 03).
Initial Setup Of The Console Using Workflow Wizard Setup>Communication>Internal Modem

Setup>Communication>Internal Modem

This screen lets you configure the internal modem (TLS-450PLUS consoles only) which is used for data collection (Note: in the above example screen no internal modem is installed).
Determines if the internal modem is enabled or disabled.
Name of the internal modem.
Baud Rate
Choices are: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200. The default is
Byte Size/Data Bits
Choices are: 8 or 7
Choices are: Odd Parity, Even Parity, or None
Stop Bits
Choices are: 1 or 2
Use Handshaking
Choice is: No Handshaking
Modem Dial Type
Choices are: Tone or Pulse
Dial Tone Interval
Choose interval to wait if there is no dial tone: From 0001 to 9999 hours
Answer On
Choose answer on the number of rings selected: From 0 to 9
Dial In Config
Advanced setting. Leave blank unless directed by Support.
Dial Out Config
Advanced setting. Leave blank unless directed by Support.
Serial Command Security
Select Enable to require all incoming serial commands to have a security code.
Security Code
[Field available and required if Serial Command Security field is enabled].
This the security code that all serial commands must have to be accepted by the console. Valid security codes must be exactly 6 digits (0 - 9) long.
RS232 End of Message
Enables or disables the End of Message RS232 protocol.
This protocol is used by third party devices that may want to interrogate the console for inventory or other related data. These devices require an End-Of-Text command that signals to the device when the communication string from the console ends.
Please refer to the customer's third party device for the type of code to enter in the ETX Characters Display and ETX Characters computer fields below.
ETX Characters Display
[Field enabled only if RSR 232 End of Message field is enabled]
End-Of-Text (ETX) character. ETX is programmable if enabled via the S53100f command. If it is disabled, the ETX is a fixed Control-C character (ASCII 03).
ETX Characters Computer
[Field enabled only if RSR 232 End of Message field is enabled]
End-Of-Text (ETX) character. ETX is programmable if enabled via the S53100f command. If it is disabled, the ETX is a fixed Control-C character (ASCII 03).
Initial Setup Of The Console Using Workflow Wizard Setup>Communication>CDIM Port

Setup>Communication>CDIM Port

DIM Protocol
This screen lets you configure the DIM protocol for the optional CDIM (Current Loop Dispenser Interface Mod­ule).This module is used by the system to collect dispenser transactions for the BIR feature.
Select a CDIM port from the icon list on the bottom of the screen that you want to configure. NOTE: This field will be grayed out for DIMs that do not support ‘pass-through’ com- munications.
Touch to select a DIM Protocol. Choices are:
• Gilbarco CL
•Wayne CL
• Unknown

Setup>Communication>TDIM Port

This screen lets you configure the TCP/IP DIM (Dispenser Interface Module) port. This is used at sites where the console communicates to the dispensers via Ethernet (TCP/IP) instead of the typical serial communications pathway.
Select a TDIM port from the icon list on the bottom of the screen that you want to configure. Repeat the entry process for each TDIM Port.
Touch the radio button to enable or disable this port. NOTE: When the card is auto-detected, this field will be enabled but grayed out.
Touch to enter a unique label (up to 20 alphanumeric charac­ters) for the DIM device.
Port Number
Communications port number assigned to this device (default is 35555). Note: this port is known as the listening port.
Touch to select applicable DIM protocol for your TDIM port. Choices are:
GilbarcoEDIM, VRProtocolDIM, or Unknown.
Units Reported
Touch to select units for this protocol. Choices are: U.S., Metric, or Imperial.
Initial Setup Of The Console Using Workflow Wizard Setup>Communication>IFSF
System Status
07/07/2016 09:10 AM
0 Warning(s) 0 Alarms(s)
Print (0)
EnabledConfigured Disabled
LON Module
Communication IFSF
Node Id
UDP Port
TCP Port


This screen lets you configure communication based on International Forecourt Standards Forum (IFSF) standards for a TLS over TCP/IP or a LonWorks
card (LON Module). These international standards for petroleum retail facilitate the interoperability of service stations and equipment.
NOTE: A single console cannot support both TCP/IP and LON Module communications simul­taneously, even though a site may have a mixed configuration on different consoles. The maximum number of tanks a site can support is 30.
Touch the radio button to enable or disable IFSF communication.
The device used for communication. Choices are: LON Module (if installed) or Eth1 for Ether­net Port 1 (for TCP/IP), depending on your hardware configuration.
NOTE: On the TLS450PLUS, Ethernet Ports 2a and 2b are not available for IFSF configuration.
The protocol used for IFSF. The choice is: IFSF-China1. This field is not available with the LON Module device option.
Node Id
The ATG Node Identifier. Each IFSF tank gauge present on a network must have a unique node ID. The default is 01, but you can change it as required. This field is not available with the LON Module device option.
NOTE: With a LonWorks
card, the Node ID is set using the IFSF Node Address Dip Switch on the IFSF Interface Module during installation. Refer to the Console Troubleshooting section of the TLS-450PLUS Troubleshooting manual (P/N 577014-075) or the Troubleshooting section of the TLS4 / 8601 Series Consoles Troubleshooting manual (P/N 577014-
058), as appropriate, for more information on IFSF module cable connector assembly and Node ID switch settings.
UDP Port
The port used for User Datagram Protocol (UDP) communi­cation. The default is 3486, but this field can be edited if you need to use a different port (1024-65535). This field is not available with the LON Module device option.
TCP Port
The port used for Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) con­nection requests. The default is 9000, but this field can be edited if you need to use a different port (1024-65535). This field is not available with the LON Module device option.
Initial Setup Of The Console Using Workflow Wizard Setup>Communication>Serial Port

Setup>Communication>Serial Port

This screen lets you configure the serial ports which may be used for data collection or diag- nostics purposes. Select a serial port from the icon list on the bottom of the screen that you want to configure. Repeat the entry process for each Serial Port.
Touch to enable or disable the Serial Port.
Touch to enter a name for this port.
Touch to select the type of communication card (board) in the console Choices are: RS-232, RS485, EDIM, Satellite HJBox, Satellite SSAT, VMCI, Digicom GSM.
Protocol (only visible if EDIM is selected for Usage)
Touch to select applicable DIM protocol for your EDIM port.
Choices are: GilbarcoEDIM, VRProtocolDIM, Sinopec EDIM.
Baud Rate
Touch to select the communication data rate of this serial port. Choices are: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200. The default is 9600.
Stop Bits
Choices are: 1 or 2
Byte Size/Data Bits
Choices are: 8 or 7
Choices are: Odd Parity, Even Parity, or None
Use Handshaking
Choice is: No Handshaking, RTSCTS or XON XOFF
Serial Command Security
Select Enable to require all incoming serial commands to have a security code.
Security Code
[Field available and required if Serial Command Security field is enabled].
This the security code that all serial commands must have to be accepted by the console. Valid security codes must be exactly 6 digits (0 - 9) long.
RS232 End of Message
Enables or disables the End of Message RS232 protocol.
This protocol is used by third party devices that may want to interrogate the console for inventory or other related data. These devices require an End-Of-Text command that signals to the device when the communication string from the con­sole ends.
Please refer to the customer's third party device for the type of code to enter in the ETX Characters Display and ETX Char­acters computer fields below.
ETX Characters Display
[Field enabled only if RSR 232 End of Message field is enabled]
End-Of-Text (ETX) character. ETX is programmable if enabled via the S53100f command. If it is disabled, the ETX is a fixed Control-C character (ASCII 03).
ETX Characters Computer
[Field enabled only if RSR 232 End of Message field is enabled]
End-Of-Text (ETX) character. ETX is programmable if enabled via the S53100f command. If it is disabled, the ETX is a fixed Control-C character (ASCII 03).
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