Veebeam laptop-to-TV content streamer Getting Started Manual

getting started
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United Kingdom
FCC Statement
This product h as been tested and comp lies with the speci fications for a Class B digi tal devices, pursu ant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Thes e limits are designed t o provide reasonable p rotection agains t interference in a resi dential installa­tion. This devic e generates, uses, an d can radiate radio freq uency energy and if n ot installed and used a ccording to the instructio ns, may cause harmful in terference to radio c ommunication. Howe ver, there is no guarantee tha t interference will not occur in a pa rticular installat ion.
If this equipmen t does cause harmful i nterference to radio o r television recepti on, which is found by turn ing the equip­ment off and on, t he user is encouraged t o try to correct th e interference by one o r more of the following me asures:
• Reorient or relo cate the receiving a ntenna
• Increase the se paration betwee n the equipment or dev ices
• Connect the eq uipment to an outlet oth er than the receiver ’s
• Consult a dealer or a n experienced radi o/TV techn ician for assistance.
FCC Caution: Any c hanges or modica tions not expressly a pproved by the part y responsible for co mpliance could void the user’s autho rity to operate this e quipment.
This device com plies with Part 15 of the FCC Rule s. Operation is subje ct to the following t wo conditions: (1) This d evice may not cause harm ful interference, an d (2) this device must ac cept any interferenc e received, includi ng interference that may cause undesired operation.
This equipment m ay only be operated ind oors. Operation o utdoors is in violatio n of 47 U.S.C. 301 and could subjec t the operator to ser ious legal penalties .
This device and it s antenna(s) m ust not be co-locat ed or operating in conju nction with any oth er antenna or transmit ter.
Industry Canada Compliance Statement l Avis de Confo rmité à la Régleme ntation d’Indu strie Canada
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numé rique de la classe B est co nforme à la norme NMB- 003 du Canada.
This product i s licensed under the AVC pate nt portfolio lice nse for the personal an d non-commercial u se of a consumer
to (1) encode video i n compliance with the AVC st andard (“AVC video”) and/ or (2) decode AVC video tha t was encoded by a consumer enga ged in a personal and no n-commercial ac tivity and/ or was obtained from a v ideo provider licens ed
to provide AVC video . No license is granted or sh all be implied for any othe r use. Additional infor mation may be
obtained from M PEG LA, L.L.C. See h ttp://w
Rovi ACP
This product i ncorporates copy pr otection techno logy that is protect ed by US patents and othe r intellectual prop erty
rights of Rovi Cor poration. The use of R ovi Corporation’s copy pr otection techno logy in the product m ust be authorised
by Rovi Corporation. Reverse engineering and disassembly are prohibited.
©2010 Veebeam Corp. All rig hts reserve d. Veebeam and the Vee beam logo are tra demarks of Veebe am Corp. Other bra nds and produc t names are
trademarks o r registered tra demarks of their r espective ho lders. 12/10 (500 -D)
United States
1469 Rollins Road Burlingame, CA 94010 USA
2) Connect to Your TV
Connect the Veebeam box to your TV using the AV cable (or HDM I cable).* Turn your TV on and
select the correc t video input on the TV.
Plug the Veebeam box into a wall socket. Remove the USB antenna from its cradle, and check that the light in front of the box comes on.
Your TV will soon display the Veebeam star t-up screen.
VEEBEAM HD ( shown)**
*Where possible , Veebeam recommends co nnecting via an HDMI c able for best perfo rmance. **Veebeam SD does not inc lude an HDMI or Optical Au dio port, and has one USB por t.
3) Insert USB Antenna
Insert the USB antenna into an open USB port on yo ur laptop.
Wait for the indicator on the USB antenna to st ay lit and the Veebeam system tray ( Windows) or menu bar (Mac OS) icon to turn gre en. This signifies that your laptop is connected to your T V.
You’re Done!
Your TV should now display your deskto p.
4) Using Veebeam
Screencasting Mode (default) :
This is the default mode Veebeam come s up in when you plug in the USB antenna. Use this mode to display your desktop on y our TV or share websites with friends and family.
Video PlayTo Mode:
Use this mode to enjoy the best vid eo quality when playing local media files. You can enter this mode and control media play back by launching the Veebeam Player using the system
tray (Windows) o r menu bar (Mac OS). To revert to the Desktop M ode, simply press the
stop button in the Veebeam Playe r.
Veebeam is designed to work when the T V and laptop are in the same room.
The box should be visible from th e laptop to optimize the wireless connection.
5) Getting Help
User Manual:
For detailed instruc tions on setting up your Veebeam box, download t he User Guide from under Support/ Documentation.
Online Support:
For additional questions on s etting up your Veebeam box, go to
and select Suppor t.
Your Veebeam Includes
*Premium cables sold separately.
1) Install Software
Before starting, please ensure that you’ve installed the latest OS and PC OEM
updates on your laptop.
Download the latest Veebeam so ftware from
and install it on the laptop you wish to co nnect to your TV.
After installation, a Veebeam ico n will appear in the system tray ( Windows) or will appear on the menu bar when the USB an tenna is inserted (Mac OS ).
Be sure and check on ww for the latest information on minimum s ystem requirements, operating systems supported
(under Product /SD or HD) and known issues (under Support /Downloads and FAQs).
If your TV suppor ts HDMI and/or digital audio inp uts, you can improve your system’s performance by using prem ium cables (sold separately).
Ra nking of Video/Aud io Performance by Set-up:
Notes: 1) If you use an HD MI video cable, you don’t need a separate audio cable.
2) The speed of your b roadband internet connection may impac t the
playback of web-based content.