Vectron POS Vario, POS Mini 64 Bit, POS ColorTouch 64 Bit User Manual

Vectron Systems
POS Vario
POS ColorTouch 64 Bit
POS Mini 64 Bit
User manual
Your Vectron dealer
Date: 25.03.2011
© 2005 - 2011 by Vectron Systems AG
Subject to error and modification
Vectron Systems AG
Willy-Brandt-Weg 41
48155 Muenster / Germany
Leading in POS Technology
1. Introduction ..........................................................................9
2. Target group for this manual ............................................10
3. Electromagnetic compatibility..........................................11
4. Notes on safety ..................................................................12
5. Instructions for use ...........................................................13
6. Disposal ..............................................................................14
7. Vectron POS Vario ............................................................. 19
7.1. Shipment ......................................................................................... 19
7.2. The cash register and its components ........................................ 20
7.3. Swiveling color display .................................................................. 21
7.4. Inserting the keyboard template ..................................................22
7.5. Using the touch screen .................................................................. 22
7.6. Accessories ..................................................................................... 23
7.6.1. Internal customer display .............................................................23
7.6.2. Stainless steel stand ...................................................................... 24
7.7. Additional information ..................................................................2 5
7.8. Technical data of Vectron POS Vario ..........................................25
8. Vectron POS ColorTouch ................................................... 31
8.1. Shipment ......................................................................................... 31
8.2. The cash register and its components ........................................32
8.3. Using the touch screen ..................................................................3 4
8.4. Accessories .....................................................................................34
8.4.1. Internal customer display .............................................................35
8.4.2. Protective foil for the TFT touch display ....................................3 6
8.4.3. Stainless steel stand ...................................................................... 37
8.5. Additional information ..................................................................3 8
8.6. Technical data Vectron POS ColorTouch .....................................3 8
9. Vectron POS Mini ...............................................................45
9.1. Shipment .........................................................................................45
9.2. The cash register and its components ........................................46
9.3. Swiveling color display .................................................................. 47
9.4. Inserting the keyboard template .................................................. 4 8
9.5. Using the touch screen ..................................................................4 8
9.6. Accessories ..................................................................................... 49
9.6.1. Internal customer display ............................................................. 49
9.6.2. High-quality stainless steel stand................................................50
9.7. Additional information ..................................................................51
9.8. Technical data of Vectron POS Mini............................................. 51
10. General hardware features ...............................................55
10.1. Ports ................................................................................................55
10.2. Lock systems ..................................................................................6 0
10.3. RAM extensions .............................................................................. 61
10.4. Peripherals ...................................................................................... 61
11. Getting started ..................................................................62
12. Operation ............................................................................63
12.1. Sign in and out at the POS system ............................................... 63
12.1.1. Sign in with key ............................................................................... 6 4
12.1.2. Sign in without key .........................................................................6 4
12.1.3. Sign out ...........................................................................................64
12.2. Guest checks and hold buffers .....................................................64
12.2.1. Starting a new GC...........................................................................65
12.2.2. Close and re-open a GC ................................................................. 65
12.2.3. Paying a guest check .....................................................................6 5
12.2.4. Guest check split ............................................................................ 6 6
12.2.5. Guest check move ..........................................................................6 6
12.2.6. Shift change ....................................................................................67
12.2.7. Hold buffers ....................................................................................67
12.3. Reports ............................................................................................ 67
12.4. Input and output ............................................................................. 70
12.4.1. Input of amounts ............................................................................70
12.4.2. Screen windows .............................................................................. 70
12.5. Making a sale ..................................................................................71
12.5.1. Input of PLUs ..................................................................................71
12.5.2. Free price input .............................................................................. 71
12.5.3. Payment ..........................................................................................7 2
12.6. Void and merchandise return .......................................................72
12.6.1. Void LE ............................................................................................. 7 2
12.6.2. Void ..................................................................................................7 3
12.6.3. Merchandise return .......................................................................7 3
12.7. Change invoice format ................................................................... 73
12.8. Access rights ...................................................................................7 3
12.9. Final remark .................................................................................... 74
13. Service and maintenance ..................................................75
13.1. Cleaning the cabinet ......................................................................75
13.2. Cleaning the display .......................................................................75
13.3. Screen saver ................................................................................... 76
14. Additional Vectron products .............................................77
14.1. Vectron POS Modular .................................................................... 7 7
14.2. Vectron POS MobilePro .................................................................77
14.3. Vectron POS PC ..............................................................................7 9
14.4. Vectron Commander ...................................................................... 7 9
15. EU declaration of conformity ............................................8 0
Supplement ...............................................................................81
Important notes for the connection of scales ............................................81
Piktographs ..................................................................................................... 8 2
Glossary .......................................................................................................... 85
Document revision ..........................................................................................87


We very much appreciate your purchase of a Vectron POS system. You have decided in favor of a high quality product that will sup­port you in your daily work.
This manual contains information on the following stationary Vec­tron POS systems with 64 Bit hardware:
Vectron POS Vario (see chapter 7• )
Vectron POS ColorTouch (see chapter 8• )
Vectron POS Mini (see chapter 9• )
In these chapters the Vectron POS systems are described individu­ally.
In chapter 10 you then get an overview on hardware features and equipment options that all systems have in common.
For information on how to start and to operate the Vectron POS System see chapters 11 & 12.
Please see the supplement for the notes on connection of scales.
Finally, we draw up a glossary.
Please follow the instructions for use and notes on safety on the following pages.
Vectron Systems AG

Target group for this manual2.

This manual is meant for all users of the Vectron POS systems POS Vario, Vectron POS ColorTouch and Vectron POS Mini and describes all basic procedures for operating these systems.
This manual does not contain information concerning the extensive programming of the Vectron POS system. This requires detailed specialist knowledge and therefore lies in the responsibility of your trained Vectron dealer. Please address all further questions to your Vectron dea-
ler. He will be glad to assist you.

Electromagnetic compatibility3.

These are Class A products. In a domestic environment these • products may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
The electromagnetic emissions of the devices are below the • standardized limit values for interferences. However we cannot guarantee a complete protection against disturbance of radio an d T V recep tio n , if the device s a re appl ied in business- and living areas in a distance of less than 33 ft from the receiving aerial.
Installation and maintenance should be carried out by EMC-• skilled personnel.
Special hints concerning the cabling•
USB-, PS/2- , p aral lel and drawe r c ables may not exce e d • 10 ft. This restrict ion does n ot apply to R S232- and network cables.
You s hould always use shi elde d c a bles . Un shie lded • cables must have a ferrite core mounted as close to the Vectron POS unit as possible.

Notes on safety4.

When operating your Vectron POS system please follow these instructions:
Only by means of proper positioning and • maintenance, as well as proprietary operation according to the reference instruc­tions, the safety and health of individuals and of animals and property, will not be endangered.
Improper • installation, maintenance, or operation may result in injury to the user and damage to the devices.
Maintenance and • repair of the Vectron POS system is to be carried out only by trained personnel, certified by the manufac­tu rer.
The Vectron POS system has been manufactured to the highest • possible standards. However, we cannot guarantee that the de­livered components, their constituent parts and the documen­tation are, and will remain, free of faults.
The manufacturer does not accept liability in case of improper • installation and maintenance and improper operation of the Vectron POS system.

Instructions for use5.

Please follow these instructions:
Only operate the POS system with the dealer installed periphe-• rals.
Do not insert any foreign objects into any openings on the • devices.
The power supply Vectron PS10 must be plugged into a proper-• ly grounded outlet.
The POS system may not be exposed to direct sunlight. Ensure • there is sufficient airflow around the device to allow for ade­quate cooling.
Protect the POS system from dust and humidity.•
Protect the POS system from improper voltages.•
Clean only with a damp cloth using a mild • cleanser.
Before opening the housing of the Vectron POS system, unplug • it from the outlet.
In case of service please contact your Vectron dealer. When • sending the device for repair always use the original pack ing. For damages due to improper packing the manufacturer does not accept liability.


The manufacturer assumes a unilateral obligation to take back waste electric and electronic equipment that has been used for commercial purposes, consistent with Art. 9 of European Union Directive 2002/96/EC, last changed by European Union Directive 2003/108/EC. It applies:
Th e m anufactu rer ta kes ba ck waste elect ric and el ectronic • equipment that was produced by or on behalf of the company and guarantees a proper recycling of this equipment.
The legal obligation applies for devices, that will be put on the • market after August 13, 2005. In addition, the manufacturer extends this obligation to all devices that have been put on the ma rket as of Janu ary 1, 2004 .
Please hand over any waste electric or electronic equipment • and any accessories or peripherals that you do not require or that cannot be used anymore to your Vectron dealer. Or send it back to the manufacturer directly, prepaid and marked „Waste electric and electronic equipment“.
WEEE-Reg.-No. DE 91733199
7. Vectron POS Vario ............................................................. 19
7.1. Shipment ......................................................................................... 19
7.2. The cash register and its components ........................................20
7.3. Swiveling color display .................................................................. 21
7.4. Inserting the keyboard template .................................................. 22
7.5. Using the touch screen ..................................................................2 2
7.6. Accessories .....................................................................................23
7.6.1. Internal customer display .............................................................23
7.6.2. Stainless steel stand ...................................................................... 24
7.7. Additional information ..................................................................2 5
7.8. Technical data of Vectron POS Vario ..........................................25

Vectron POS Vario7.

In this chapter you get numerous technical information on the Vectron POS Vario. You are also informed on accessories available for this POS system. For additional hardware features and equip­ment options please see chapter 10.
The Vectron POS Vario distinguishes itself by a number of techni­cal features and functions. The 64-bit-technology and the battery buffered RAM accelerate data access, guarantee fast processing and avoid data loss in case of a power failure. In addition, the Vec­tron POS Vario has a small, compact housing, which only requires a sm all fo otpr int.

Shipment7.1 .

Standard delivery of the Vectron POS Vario comprises:
One Vectron POS Vario, equipment according to order•
External power supply Vectron PS10•
National mains plug•
Four rubber feet•
Operator lock according to order•
User manual•
Dispatch box•
Software license according to order•
The Vectron POS Vario is available with different equip­ment. Please check the correct delivery on receipt. In case of incorrect delivery please contact your Vectron dealer.
Your dealer will supply the system and install it. You may then start working immediately.

The cash register and its components7.2 .

Th e Vec tro n PO S Var io is availa b le in different des igns . They all have in common:
Anthracite plastic housing, splash-proof•
Manually and steplessly adjustable TFT color display • with a res olution of 640 x 480 pixels , 10. 4 in ch screen diagonal and a maximum of 256 colors
Numerous ports at the bottom (• see chapter 10.1)
Optionally available is the following equipment:
Touch screen•
Integrated customer display, for the display of two lines, • each with 20 alphanumeric characters
Finally, the Vectron POS Vario is alternatively available with flat keyboard (easy to label) or with raised keyboard.
Fig. 1: Vectron POS Vario with raised keyboard
Fig. 2: Vectron POS Vario with flat keyboard

Swiveling color display7.3 .

The swiveling color display of the Vectron POS Vario allows an easy reading of the information. Being steplessly adjus­table, the display’s viewing angle can easily be adapted to the individual requirements of every user.
At the display’s joint you can adjust individually the power you need to swivel the display. Pl ease conta c t your Vectron dealer.
Inserting the 7.4. keyboard template
The Vectron POS Vario without touch screen is exclusively operated via the keyboard. The individual keyboard ele­ments can be assigned individual functions. This facilitates data input since you can book a PLU by simply pressing a bu tton . For a bet ter overvi ew on the assigne d functions , you can use a keyboard template.
For models with a flat keyboard, lift the cover foil at the front of the POS system and put the template under the foil.
For models with a raised keyboard, the function tags for each key have to be cut out. Put the function tag onto the key, then put on the plastic cover. Make sure that the cover is correctly adjusted. The tapered edge points at the operator.

Using the touch screen7.5 .

If your POS system is equipped with a so-called touch screen you can operate the touch-sensitive display by using your finger. The monitor layout can be designed accordin g to your de mands . For th e resp e ctive func tion s , elements can be created in this layout that considerably ease the input of data, as it sometimes suffices to actuate a touch button, e.g. to book to a PLU.
The touch screen may only be touched with fingers.
The use of pens, pencils or other sharp objects may dama­ge the device.
No liability is accepted for such damages!


The Vectron POS Vario can be varied manifold. Thus, nu­merous accessories are available for this POS system:
Internal • customer display
Stainless steel stand•
• Lock systems (see chapter 10.2)
S• RAM extensions (see chapter 10.3)
Internal 7.6.1. customer display
Th e Vec tro n PO S Var io can be equi pped or retro fitted with a customer display, which is integrated in the housing.
Fig. 3: Integrated customer display for Vectron POS Vario

7.6. 2. Stainless steel stand

The high-quality stand made of stainless steel is ergonomi­ca lly designe d a nd very sta ble. Bei ng step less ly adju stabl e, the viewing angle can be adapted individually to every user of the POS system.
Fig. 4: Table version of the stainless steel stand for Vectron POS Vario

Additional information7.7.

In chapter 10 you find add itio nal informati on concern ing ha rdware features an d e quipm ent option s for the Vectron POS Vario.
In chapters 11 & 12 you are informed on how to start and to operate the Vectron POS Vario.

7.8. Technical data of Vectron POS Vario

100,000 • PLUs*
65,535 • departments*
1,000 • operators*
65,535 • guest checks or customers*
200 cash registers per • network*
100 printers per network*•
Th e i ndic ate d valu es are maxim um val ues, wh ich ca n o nly be reach ed with s peci al pro gram ming an d o pti mum ha rdware equipment. Please contact your Vectron dealer to assist you with your special requirements.
10, 4” TFT Colo rdis play w ith 640 x 480 pixels, ma x. 256 • colors
optional touch screen•
optional • customer display
flat or • raised keyboard with 108 configurable keys
2 MB RAM (battery-buffered), upgrade to 4, 6 or 10 MB • available
8 MB Flash memory for system software•
10/100BaseT Ethernet connection for network • operation
six • serial ports for printer, scanner, EFT Terminal, beve- rage control system, etc.
parallel • port
two USB ports (Host & Function)•
two p orts fo r up to four ca sh drawers (p er adapter) with • „Open Sensor“
one PS/2 port for • PC-keyboard and PC-mouse
standard • lo ck ‘Dallas iBut ton’, available in ma gnetic design, optional with lock systems ‘EasyReader’ or ‘Ad­dimat’
0 ... 40°C operation temperature •
-10 ... +50°C storage temperature•
Certificates: CE, UL listed•
Dimensions above without rubber feet
Dimensions above are indicated in inch. Metric dimensions are to be found in the respective German chapter.
approx. 4.200 g resp. 9.26 lb (incl. customer display)
+ 61 hidden pages