Vector Graphic Prom Ram III User Manual

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U)E=i) mAnUAL .
Revision 1
Revision 1
Revision A"
July 16, 1979
Copyright 1979 by Vector Graphic Inc.
All rights reserved.
Vector Graphic makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents of this manual itself, even if the product it describes is covered by a warranty or repair agreement. Further, Vector Graphic reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation of Vector Graphic to notify any person of such revision or changes, except when an agreement to the contrary exists.
Revision Numbers
The date and revision of each page herein appears at the bottom of each page. The revision letter such as A or B changes if the manual has been improved but the product itself has not been significantly modified. The
da~e and revision on the Title Page corresponds to that of the page most
.recently revised. When the product itself is modified significantly, the
product will get a new revision number, as shown on the manual's title page, and the manual will revert to revision A, as if it were treating a brand new product. THIS MANUAL SHOULD ONLY BE USED WITH THE PRODUCT(S) IDENTIFIED ON
The PROM RAM III Board sold hereunder is sold "as is", with all faults and without any warranty, either expressed or implied, including any implied warranty of fitness for intended use or merchantability. However, the above
notwithstanding, VECTOR GRAPHIC, INC., will, for a period of ninety (90)
days following delivery to customer, repair or replace any PROM RAM III Board that is found to contain defects in materials or workmanship, provided:
1. Such defect in material or workmanship existed at the time the
PROM RAM III Board left the VECTOR GRAPHIC, INC., factory,
2. VECTOR GRAPHIC, INC., is given notice of the precise defect
claimed within ten (10) days after its discovery,
3. The PROM RAM III Board is promptly returned to VECTOR GRAPHIC,
INC., at customer's expense, for examination by VECTOR GRAPHIC, INC., to
confirm the alleged defect, and for subsequent repair or replacement if
found to be in order.
Repair, replacement or correction of any defects in material or workmanship
which are discovered after expiration of the period set forth above will be
performed by VECTOR GRAPHIC, INC., at Buyer's expense, provided the PROM RAM
III Board is returned, also at Buyer's expense, to VECTOR GRAPHIC, INC., for
such repair, replacement or correction. In performing any repair,
replacement or correction after expiration of the period set forth above, Buyer will be charged in addition to the cost of parts the then-current VECTOR GRAPHIC, INC., repair rate. At the present time the applicable rate
is $35.00 for the first hour, and $18.00 per hour for every hour of work
required thereafter. Prior to commencing any repair, replacement or
correction of defects in material or workmanship discovered after expiration
of the period for no-cost-to-Buyer repairs, VECTOR GRAPHIC, INC., will
submit to Buyer a written estimate of the expected charges, and VECTOR"·
GRAPHIC, INC., will not commence repair until such time as the written estimate of charges has been returned by Buyer to VECTOR GRAPHIC, INC.,
signed by duly authorized representative authorizing VECTOR GRAPHIC, INC.,
to commence with the repair work involved. VECTOR GRAPHIC, INC., shall have no obligation to repair, replace or correct any PROM RAM III Board until the written estimate has been returned with approval to proceed, and VECTOR
GRAPHIC, INC., may at its option also require prepayment of the estimated repair charges prior to commencing work.
Repair Agreement void if the enclosed card is not returned to VECTOR
GRAPHIC, INC. within ten (10) days of end consumer purchase.
Repair Agreement Table of Contents
Specifications •...•••••.••.•.••••.•.••••.•••••.•..•••..•.••••. 1-1
Description of the PROM/RAM III Board ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1-3
Block A and Block B - General ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2-2
Block A•• ~••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2-3 Block B•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Figures 2&3 - EXamples of Block B Configurations •••••••••••• 2-5 Block Select Addressing ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2-6 PROM/Scratchpad Memory Invert ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2-6
RAM Memory Address Select in Block B •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2-7
Disable 3K of Address Space in Block B •••••••••••••••••••••••• 2-7 Power-on/Reset Jump - Description ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2-8 Use PRESET or POC for Power-on/Reset Jump ••••••••••••••••••••• 2-8 Phantom Generated if Power-on/Reset ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2-9 Jump to PROM/RAM III Board if Power-on/Reset •••••••••••••••••• 2-9
Block Swap•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2-1 0
Disable Power-on/Reset Response ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2-10
MWR.ITE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2-10
Wait Sta~e Generation ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2-11
2.18 Programming a PROM - Normal Procedure •••••••.•••••••••••••••••• 2-13
2.19 Writing a PROM Programming Program •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2-16
2.20 Re-assembling the PROM Programming program •••••••••••••••••••• 2-17
2.21 PROM Programming Program Listing ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2-18 - 2-24
3.1 Addressinq •••••••••••••••••.••••.••••••••••••••••••••. _••••••••• 3-1
3.2 Data Inp:ut/Output••••'•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3-2
3.3 Control Signals •••••••••••••••....••••....•••••••
e .•••••••••••••
Proqramminq ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3-3
3.4 Power Supplies ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3-4
Board Layout ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4-1 Schematic Errata ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4-2
Schem.tic •••••••••••..•••.•••••••••••••••••••••••.•.•••••••••••• 4-3
Standard Location of
Systems Monitor PROM
RAM: 1K, included with the board
PROM: Sockets for 12 PROMs.
Listing included in manual Executable version on MOOS System Diskettes
8.4 and later.
RAM: 300 ns. PROM: User selected (450 ns. typ)
RAM: 2114 static PROM: 2708 (1K each) or 2704 (1/2K each)
Two blocks (A and B) are separately
addressed Block A has 8 PROM sockets Block B has 4 PROM sockets and 1K RAM
Base address of the two 8K blocks Block B PROM at top or bottom of block Address of 1K RAM within remaining 4K Disable unused 3K, for use by other boards
Block B base address: COOOH Block B PROMs: COOOH - CFFFH Block B RAM: DCOOH - DFFFH Block B disabled 3K: DOOOH - DBFFH
Power-on/Reset Jump Options
Use PRESETor POC Jump to first instruction of Block A or
Disable phantom generation Disable jump to on-board memory
POCis used Jump to beginning of Block B Phantom and jump to on-board both enabled
Jumper option to generate MWRlTEon board
Standar~ option not enabled
Jumper option to generate one wait state
each time board is addressed
Standard: option not enabled
+8Vdc@450 mA(Typ) +18Vdc
(depends on quantity of PROM)
(depends on quantity of PROM)
Vector Graphic's PROMRAMIII Board is a versatile, S-100 bus compatible, high density memoryboard combining the memory technologies of erasable programmableread only memories (EPROMs)and high speed randomaccess memory
(RAM). Of unique value, one of the PROMsockets on the board can be used to program a 2708 or 2704 EPROM,enabling any owner to create PROM-based software for use on this board or in any other 1J!icroprocessor device. 1Kof RAMis provided on the board, but no PROMsare included with purchase. The software which is used to program PROMsis provided as a listing in this manual, and is included on disk with all Vector Graphic systems shipped with this board.
combining the use of MSIdecoding logic and unique addressing features, a wide range of applications requirements may be met by this memoryboard. The addressing flexibility is as follows. The board offers two
independently addressable 8Kblocks of memory(A and B). Youuse jumpers to
specify the two separate 8K addressing spaces assigned to these blocks.
Block A can be used for up to 8Kof PROM.Block B contains 1Kof on-board
RAMplus up to 4K of PRCM.
For block B, you use jumpers to specify' whether the PROMis at the top or
the bottom of the 8K allocation, and then, within the remaining 4K, where
the 1Kof RAMis addressed. Once this is done, there are also jumper
options for DISABLINGsome or all of the remaining 3Kof addressing space allocated to block B, so that other boards in the system can use those addresses.
The addressing spaces are fully utilized if 2708 1KPROMsare used. If 2704
PROMsare used, then every other 1/2K of PROMallocation will be used, with 1/2Kgaps between. other features offered by the board are: jump on power-on or reset to on-board memory,with phantom generated to temporarily disable other memoryboards, and a jumper option to use PRESETinstead of
to cause this jump; jumper option for on-board generation of the S-100
MWRITEsignal;. and a jumper option to generate a one-cycle wait-state each
time the board is addressed.
Full buffering of all inputs and outputs is provided to minimize loading of the system S-100 bus to at most one TTLload. On-board power regulation and filtering is provided using IC regulators and heat sinks for power dissipation. careful attention to good design practice and an awareness of the need for flexibility has resulted in a reliable board useful in a wide
variety of systems and applications.
This Users Guide begins ·with a description of the amountand kind of PRat
which can be used on this board, followed by a description of the RAM
included with the board, then a detailed description of the various options you have for addressing the PRats and the RAM. Read it before attempting to re-jumper the board addressing. Following this section are a description of each of the jumper options possible on the board, including addressing
options, power-on/reset jump, MWRITEinput, and wait state generation. The
diagrams of jumper pads showeach of the pads as it is pre-jumpered at the
factory. The guide ends with instructions for operating the PROM programmingsoftware provided with the board, as well as instructions for
writing your ownif desired. The listing of the program is provided.
Amaximumof 12Kbytes (whereK
in available sockets on the board. THE BOARDALONE. Jumpers are addressed.
1024) of 2708 type PROMsmaybe installed NOPRatSAREINCLUDEDWITHPURCHASEOF
used to determine where the PROMsare
The following discussion. assumes that 2708 type PROMs(having 1Kof 8-bit
bytes each) are used. If 2704 PRQIs(having 1/2Kbytes each) are used, the
issues are the same, the only difference is that wherever a 2704 PROMis used, there will be 1/2Kbytes of PRat accessible by the ·system, followed immediately by a 1/2K gap which will not contain any memoryat all.
The numbers 2708 and 2704 are Intel generic part numbers. Manyother manufacturers make equivalents, with 2708 or 2704 as part of their
proprietary part number. All 2708 or 2704pin for pin equivalents can be
used on this board.
In addition to the PROMsockets, there is 1Kof static RAMon the board,
which IS included with purchase of the board alone. Jumpers are used to
determine where this 1Kof RAMis addressed.
To begin specifying the addresses for the memory,there are two seParately
addressable blocks of memoryspace available on the board, called blocks A
and B. Jumpers are used to specify what the base address is for each of these two blocks, within a 64Ktotal memoryspace. Alternately, one (or both) blocks can be disabled canpletely. Jumper area F is normally used to
specify the base address of (or disable) block A and jumper area E is
normally used to specify the base address of (or disable) block B. If a block is not di~abled, then that block will occupy exactly 8K bytes of
memory, beginning at its base address. This is true for both blocks, as
shownin Figure 1.
Starting Address B
Starting Address A
Note that both blocks together occupy 16Kof memory. However,there are
only 12 sockets for PRats, and only 1Kof RAMon the board, totalling 13K.
What happens if the processor .addresses memoryin the remaining 3Kportion?
This memoryspace is NOTnecessarily empty. A set of jumpers is provided
which in effect specify that the unused 3K, within the 16K, is not on the
PRat RAMIII board at all, and therefore maybe-used on other boards.
It must be emphasized that except for the 3Kspecified as unused by jumper,
the addresses assigned to the board for blocks Aand B cannot be used by any
other board, even if some of the PROMsockets are left empty. However, rememberthat you maychoose not to use one (or both) of the blocks at all, by disabling it completely in jumper areas E and F. If you do this, then the corresponding memoryspace CANbe assigned to another board, and no space is wasted.
If the jumpers in area G are switched from the way the board is normally shipped, then the base address of block Awill be controlled by jumper area E and the base address of block B will controlled by jumper area F, instead
of the other way around. If this is done, then the address which is accessed for power-on jump will also be switched, beccining the first address in block Ainstead of the first address in block B. This is the purpose for using this option. (See Section 2.14) For simplicity of language, the Users Guide is written assuming that jumper area Gis left as manufactured.
Block A refers to the 8 PROMsockets at the top of the board (labeled 0
through 7). Insert PROMswhich. you want in block A into these sockets.
Socket 0 corresponds to the 1Kblock beginning at the base address of block A. SOcket 1 corresponds to the next 1Kand so on, as shownin the following table:
Relative to Base Address ("A")
of Block A
A+1eOOH A+1800H A+1400H A+1000H
Jumper area F is normally used to determine the base address of block A, or
to disable block A. Whenthe board is sold, jumper area F is pre-wired to
disable block A. No particular base address is thus specified until you
install the jumpers.
Block B includes the lower four PROMsockets on the board, labeled 8 through
11. The other 4K in block B is filled with the 1Kof RAMon the board, plus
the 3Kof address space which can be, at you discretion, returned for use by
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