Vector OPA2-VC, OPA2-2T-VC, OPA2-2TH-VC, OPU2-T-VC, OPU2-TH-VC Operating Manual

Doc : 70-00-0736, Serie X2, 20190206 © Vector Controls GmbH, Schweiz Page 1 subjects to alteration
Operating instructions for the
X2 operating system
The X2 operating system was designed for universal controllers and sensors. Devices based on the X2 operating system contain a multitude of standardized functions and application possibilities. From simple ventilation controllers for domestic applications to HVAC system solutions for entire buildings. There is a suitable solution for almost every application. With the EasySet program, the controllers can be conveniently read out, programmed and transferred to other controllers.


These operating instructions apply to devices of the X2 series with integrated control unit, as well as to devices of the OPA2 and OPU2 series.


Remote terminal
Remote terminal with T + 2 passive inputs
Remote terminal with RHT + 2 passive inputs
Remote terminal with T
Remote terminal with RHT
Remote terminal with RT + 2 passive inputs
Remote terminal with RHT + 2 passive inputs
In addition, the various product descriptions and the programming instructions for technicians are contained in separate documents. This should facilitate the work with the different controllers and operating levels.
Doc : 70-00-0736, Serie X2, 20190206 © Vector Controls GmbH, Schweiz Page 2 subjects to alteration

Display and Operation

Key Layout

Display and Symbol

Occupied: (Comfort) All control functions operating per set points.
Unoccupied: (Standby, Economy) If enabled, alternative set points are used with the intention to reduce energy consumption.
OFF: (Energy Hold Off, EHO) Normal control functions are inactive, inputs are monitored for alarms.
Heating (reverse) active
Cooling (direct) active
Fan active
Manual override, delay on enable function
Schedule set
Vertical Bar
Loop indication
Display of setpoint, clock or parameter number
Display of input or parameter value
Idle display: Active digital output and Parameter setting
LEFT Button
UP Button
DOWN Button
RIGHT Button
UP Button
LEFT Button
DOWN Button
RIGHT Button
LEFT Button
UP Button
RIGHT Button
DOWN Button
ON/OFF Button
UP Button
RIGHT Button
DOWN Button
LEFT Button
Doc : 70-00-0736, Serie X2, 20190206 © Vector Controls GmbH, Schweiz Page 3 subjects to alteration

Idle Display

The idle display is activated when no key has been pressed for 30 seconds.
The idle display can be deactivated by the technician. Last active control loop or manual output will remain displayed.

Display of control loop

Active when changing set points. Large digits show input value. Small digits show set point. Horizontal bars top left
show which loop is being displayed.

Override of secondary set point in cascade control

With cascade control, manual override of the secondary circuit can be activated. This is defined by the technician in
the controller settings.
If cascade control is active (with VAV for example) the user can override the primary loop and manually select the set
point of the secondary loop (the loop is then changed to constant air volume mode). This function is helpful for tuning the VAV system. While the secondary loop is displayed change the set point with UP/DOWN. The hand symbol appears. Change setpoint again to cancel cascade override. The hand symbol disappears.

Manual Mode

The hand symbol is displayed during a pending delay. For example, if a start -up delay is active. The controller
remains switched off and displays the hand symbol until the delay has elapsed. Then the controller switches on and the hand symbol goes out.


A status LED is located on the upper left side of the controller housing. During normal operation the LED blinks
briefly once every 5 seconds. It will blink every second in case there is an alarm or fault condition.

Power Failure

All parameters and set points are memorized and do not need to be re -entered. The switch-on behaviour on return
of the power supply is set by the technician.
Clock and time schedule settings are retained for 48 hours after being powered for at least 10 hours.

Error Messages

Err1: Communication error Err2: Internal error: Firmware version of the memory does not match firmware. Err3: Timer error: Set time and acknowledge error. If an error occurs again at a previously set time, the watch is
faulty. Time switching functions are not guaranteed in this case.
Err4: Configuration error: An assigned input is not activated or has failed. Check all settings and ensure that all
inputs used are activated and functional. Err5: Copy error: Communication error with external memory AEC-PM1 or AEC-PM2. Err6: Copy error: Checksums of the data record are incorrect. The data record is invalid .
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