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User Manual GL3000/GL4000 Series GL3000/GL4000 Series – Overview
2 GL3000/GL4000 Series – Overview
In this chapter you find the following information:
2.1 General Information page 8
2.2 Connectors page 9
Main Plug
Analog Plug
Digital Plug
Ethernet Connections
USB Connections
AUX Connections
Event Connection
WiFi Connection
2.3 Bus Systems page 17
CAN Piggybacks
2.4 Functions page 21
Manual Switch On and Off the Logger
Automatic Switch On and Off the Logger (Sleep / Wake-up / Standby)
Memory Media
Digital Input
Digital Output
Analog Inputs
LEDs, Display, Keys
Serial Interfaces
Real-Time Clock with Battery
Wireless LAN
Camera HostCAM
User Manual GL3000/GL4000 Series GL3000/GL4000 Series – Overview
Configuration Program. The installation is described in chapter 3.
features four buttons for input and a display for output.
disk instead of a Compact Flash card. This allows the data to be read out faster.
disk instead of a Compact Flash card. This allows the data to be read out faster.
Basic functions
The following table shows the differences of the basic version of the logger variants.
• • •
• • • • •
FlexRay (2x)
• • •
• • • • •
• • • • •
• •
• • • • •
> Analog expansion card with 8 analog inputs
2.1 General Information
GL3000 The GL3000 is a data logger with USB and Ethernet interface which processes CAN
messages with either 11-bit or 29-bit identifiers, Remote Frames, LIN messages and
analog measurement values. The data is stored on a Compact Flash card. The
configuration of the logger is done with the Vector Logger Configurator or the G.i.N.
GL3100 The GL3100 includes all the functionality of the GL3000. In addition its housing
GL3200 The GL3200 only differs from the GL3100 in that the data is recorded on a solid-state
GL4000 The GL4000 includes all the functionality of the GL3000 and also supports FlexRay
recording. In addition its housing features four buttons for input and a display for
GL4200 The GL4200 only differs from the GL4000 in that the data is recorded on a solid-state
Options All loggers can be extended with the following options:
The two GND pins on the main plug and the GND pin on the
analog plug are connected to one another internally. In case of
increased current consumption and/or a small cable diameter, it is
recommended connecting both pins.
For CAN (see chapter 2.3.1), the CANx High and CANx Low pins
are connected. For the galvanically decoupled piggybacks, the
CANx GND and CANx Vbatt pins must also be connected.
User Manual GL3000/GL4000 Series GL3000/GL4000 Series – Overview
ground (GND) pins of the two voltage supplies must be connected.
Then temporarily up to 1200 A can be discharged.
The LIN channels are supplied with maximum 12 V from the supply
voltage of the data logger. If the reference voltage for a LIN
channel is higher than 12 V, this voltage (e.g. 24 V) must be
applied to the LIN1_Vbatt or LIN2_Vbatt
the LIN1/2_Vbatt pins are not connected.
It is recommended to connect also GND as ground supply beside
the LIN pins.
pins. In all other cases,
Analog inputs
Caution: It is recommended to connect the logger to the same voltage supply (e.g.
battery of the vehicle) as the vehicle or test equipment, respectively.
If two different voltage supplies are used for the logger and the test equipment, the
For FlexRay (see chapter 2.3.4), the FlexRay1+/FlexRay1- and FlexRay2+/FlexRay2- pins are connected.
For analog inputs 1 - 4, the AnaInx pins are connected.
Analog inputs 5 and 6 are hard-wired internally and connected to
BattSense and KL15/Wake respectively. They are therefore not
accessible through a plug.
For the serial interfaces (see chapter 2.4.10), the UARTx Tx and
UARTx Rx pins are connected. The UART2 Tx/Rx pins are
connected internally with the UART2 Tx/Rx pins of the analog plug.
The logger is woken up by a positive edge on this pin.
KL15/Ignition, for example, can be connected for this purpose.
If the cables to the logger are long, the voltage drops off on the
Term. 30 line and the GND line due to the operating current. As a
result, a minimally lower voltage than the actual wiring system
voltage is measured with AnaIn5. To prevent this, the BattSense
and GNDSense pins can be connected close to the wiring system
voltage. AnaIn5 then measures the voltage at these pins.
For the voltage supply via Battery (Pins 37/38) and GND (Pins 4/5) a complete
reverse-polarity protection is available that in parallel also suppresses negative peaks
from the main power supply. A protection against positive peaks is also available.
Dependent on the temperature peaks from 35.88 V up to 42.12 V can be absorbed.
User Manual GL3000/GL4000 Series GL3000/GL4000 Series – Overview
pin assignment
2.2.3 Analog Plug
The pins of the analog plug (DSUB25, male) have the following meaning:
Pin Assignment Pin Assignment
1 AnaIn7+ 14 AnaIn7-
2 AnaIn8+ 15 AnaIn8-
3 AnaIn9+ 16 AnaIn9-
4 AnaIn10+ 17 AnaIn10-
5 AnaIn11+ 18 AnaIn11-
6 AnaIn12+ 19 AnaIn12-
7 AnaIn13+ 20 AnaIn13-
8 AnaIn14+ 21 AnaIn14-
9 Reserved 22 Reserved
10 5V (out) 23 UART2 Rx
11 UART2 Tx 24 Vbatt (out)
12 RS232LinuxRx 25 RS232LinuxTx
13 GND
The analog inputs (differential) of expansion card A8I (see
chapter 2.4.6) are connected using this plug.
This pin can be used as ground for 5V (out) and Vbatt (out). The
5V (out)
Vbatt (out)
GND pin on the analog plug and the two GND pins on the main
plug are connected to one another internally.
Externally connected devices can be supplied with 5 V through
this pin. The voltage supply at this pin is switched off with a
switch if the logger is in sleep mode or standby mode. This
output can supply currents up to 1A.
This pin outputs the voltage active at pin Battery (VCC) and is
protected with 2A.
For the serial interface (see chapter 2.4.10), the UART2 Tx and
UART2 Rx pins are connected. These pins are connected
internally with the UART2 Tx/Rx pins of the main plug.
These pins support an access to the logger to set the real time
clock (see chapter 3.2.4).
User Manual GL3000/GL4000 Series GL3000/GL4000 Series – Overview
pin assignment
2.2.4 Digital Plug
The pins of this digital plug (DSUB25, female) have the following meaning:
Pin Assignment Pin Assignment
1 Reserved 14 DigIn1
2 DigOut1 15 DigIn2
3 DigOut2 16 DigIn3
4 DigOut3 17 DigIn4
5 DigOut4 18 DigIn5
6 DigOut5 19 DigIn6
7 DigOut6 20 DigIn7
8 DigOut7 21 DigIn8
9 DigOut8 22 Vbatt (out,switched)
10 Reserved 23 DigGND
11 Reserved 24 DigGND
12 Reserved 25 Sync (reserved)
13 Reserved
Digital inputs
The digital inputs (see chapter 2.4.4) are connected via the DigInx
Vbatt (out,
The digital outputs (see chapter 2.4.5) are connected via the
DigOutx and DigGND pins.
The two DigGND pins are the common ground of the digital
outputs and connected to one another internally. They are used to
divert possible high currents that could flow in on digital output
DigOutx. They are bridged internally with GND via a fuse.
It is recommended connecting a good ground if digital outputs are
used with high currents.
For currents higher than 1 A, the ground DigGND (preferably both
pins 23 and 24) must be connected to the vehicle ground (GND at
main plug).
This pin outputs the voltage of Battery via a 1 A electrical fuse if
the logger is switched on.
This output is used for the operation of small accessory devices
which have no own sleep mode and are supposed to operate when
the logger is awake.
The ground of such device must be connected to the vehicle
ground (GND at main plug).
User Manual GL3000/GL4000 Series GL3000/GL4000 Series – Overview
Ethernet connections on the back with the following meanings:
> Eth 1: Configuration of the logger and reading out of the logging files
> Eth 3: Connector for GLA150 (accessory for MOST150).
described in Tutorial: Usage as interface.
with the following meanings:
> USB device connection with USB B socket for connection on the PC.
2.2.5 Ethernet Connections
Ethernet connector One 10/100 Mbit Ethernet connection is located on the front, and two 10/100 Mbit
Logger as bus
> Eth 2: Configuration of the logger and reading out of the logging files (analog to
Eth1), connector for one camera (CAMlog2 or network camera HostCAM) and for
the usage as interface in CANoe/CANalyzer.
The loggers support a monitoring interface that allows the use of loggers as bus
interface for monitoring in CANoe/CANalyzer (since version 7.6 SP3).
The logger is connected via Ethernet to the CANoe/CANalyzer PC and sends after
measurement start the bus data to CANoe/CANalyzer, where the data can be
analyzed in the measurement setup. Sending messages with CANoe/CANalyzer is
not possible. The relevant CANoe/CANalyzer licenses must be provided by a
connected hardware interface on the PC or by a license dongle.
You can find further information in the Vector Logger Configurator manual, chapter
Monitoring Interface. There the configuration of the logger and CANoe/CANalyzer is
2.2.6 USB Connections
USB connection Two USB connections are located on the front, and one USB connection on the back
> USB 1: Reserved.
> USB 2: USB host connection with USB A socket for connection of a USB memory