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At a glance With FRstress the user can intentionally and reproducibly disturb the FlexRay bus, its
physical characteristics and the logical level.
The test scenarios consist of the definition of trigger conditions and corresponding
The graphic shows the block diagram of
FRstress block
FRstress offers the following capabilities:
¼ Forcing shortcuts between the bus lines, power or ground
¼ Disturbing specific messages
¼ Manipulating single bit fields of a FlexRay messages
¼ Frame deletion
¼ Frame delay
actions like disturbance or activation of a trigger output. With the start of
measurement a set of four tests can be transferred to the hardware for execution.
Although hardware can only disturb one channel it is possible to configure test
scenarios for both channels of a FlexRay cluster. The software provides the support
of two hardware devices.
FRstress provides a comprehensive online help function which can be called from the
Help[Help] menu, the button or the <F1> key.
Info: If you choose the Help|Using Help command or press the <F1> key while
FRstress online Help is active, you get information on using and configuring the
online help function.
2.3 Basic concepts of FRstress
Basic Concepts For the test and the validation of FlexRay networks and ECUs it is important to
analyze the behavior in presence of errors.
reproducible disturbances in the FlexRay network. Disturbances on protocol level as
well as disturbances on physical level are possible.
The graphic below demonstrates the basic function of
analyzes the bit stream on the FlexRay bus and compares the data with the active
trigger streams. As soon as a trigger condition matches, the trigger output is
activated. Additionally to the active trigger signal a dedicated disturbance manipulates
the FlexRay bus. The kind of disturbance depends on the active operation mode of
Basic Functions
FRstress supports you to generate
FRstress. The hardware
FRstress provides three different operation modes. The following chapters give an
overview about the trigger definition and the operation modes.
2.3.1 Trigger definition
Trigger Definitions Altogether four parallel trigger definitions can be defined. The trigger is defined by a
sequence of
bus the trigger will be activated.
The software provides a FlexRay frame oriented input mask for the trigger definition.
All elements of the FlexRay frame and the frame coding (e.g. Byte Start Sequence)
are available for the trigger definition.
These are examples for possible trigger definitions:
0, 1don’t care and . With the detection of this sequence on the FlexRay
User manual FRstress Introduction
FlexRay frame in a certain slot
FlexRay frame in a certain slot and
cycle number
All sync frames
The field frame ID of the frame header
must be filled up with the desired slot
The fields frame IDcycle number and of
the frame header must be filled up with
the desired values.
The field Sync flag indicator of the
frame header must be set to
2.3.2 Operation modes
Pure Scope Mode In this mode FRstress is passive to the FlexRay bus. It analyses the bit stream on the
bus and generates the appropriate trigger signals. The disturbance part is switched
This mode is useful for pure triggering where no disturbances are required. An
oscilloscope is a typical receiver of the trigger signal.
Analog Connection
Additionally to the trigger definition it is possible to define disturbance sequences.
These sequences will be activated after the detection of the assigned trigger. This
means that the earliest point in time for the start of a disturbance sequences is
immediately after the trigger the detection of the last trigger bit.
FRstress is connected to the bus in normal node.
Info: In this mode the transceivers of FRstress transmit in one case against the
transceiver of the sending node and in the other case with the sending transceiver.
This is reflected in the fact that depending on the line position in some case the
desired disturbance can not guaranteed. This means the disturbance can be
influenced by the length of the bus cable, the termination, the transceivers and the
position of the receiver node.