Vector FlexRay FRstress User Manual

>> User manual
FlexRay Stress Module
Version 1.0
> English
D-70499 Stuttgart
The information and data given in this user manual can be changed without prior notice. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher, regardless of which method or which instruments, electronic or mechanical, are used. All technical information, drafts, etc. are liable to law of copyright protection. © Copyright 2006, Vector Informatik GmbH
ll rights reserved.
User manual FRstress Table of contents
Table of contents
1 Preliminary Notes 3
1.1 About this user manual 4
1.1.1 Access helps and conventions 4
1.1.2 Certification 5
1.1.3 Warranty 5
1.1.4 Support 5
1.1.5 Registered trademarks 5
2 Introduction 7
2.1 Overview 8
2.2 Installation of FRstress 9
2.2.1 Driver installation 9
2.2.2 Check driver installation 9
2.2.3 Software installation 9
2.2.4 FRstress online help 10
2.3 Basic concepts of FRstress 10
2.3.1 Trigger definition 10
2.3.2 Operation modes 11
3 FRstress Configuration Software 13
3.1 Overview 14
3.2 Menus 14
3.2.1 File 14
3.2.2 Disturbance 15
3.2.3 Options 15
3.2.4 Help 16
3.3 Toolbar and Shortcuts 16
3.4 Configuration tree 16
3.5 Configuration pages 17
3.5.1 Hardware Unit 17
3.5.2 Trigger/Disturbance 1-4 19 Trigger Parameters 21 Digital Disturbance 21 Analog Disturbance 22 Disturbance Parameter 23
3.5.3 Continuous Disturbance 23
3.5.4 Analog Disturbance 23
3.5.5 Trigger Input 25
3.5.6 Trigger Output 25
3.6 Message and Status window 26
3.7 FRstress COM Interface 26
4 FRstress Hardware 27
4.1 Interfaces 28
4.1.1 Y-Adapter to the FlexRay bus 28
4.1.2 Trigger Output 28
4.1.3 Trigger Input 28
4.1.4 Sync Line 28
© Vector Informatik GmbH Version 1.0 - I -
Table of contents User manual FRstress
4.1.5 USB 29
4.1.6 Power Connector 29
4.2 LED Indicators 29
5 Technical Data 31
5.1 General 32
5.2 Trigger Input 32
5.3 Trigger Output 32
6 Appendix A: Firmware Update 33
7 Appendix B: Vector.ini 34
8 Appendix C: Address Table 35
9 Index 37
- II - Version 1.0 © Vector Informatik GmbH
User manual FRstress Preliminary Notes

1 Preliminary Notes

This chapter contains the following information:
1.1 About this user manual page 4 Access helps and conventions Certification Warranty Support Registered trademarks
© Vector Informatik GmbH Version 1.0 - 3 -
About this user manual User manual FRstress

1.1 About this user manual

1.1.1 Access helps and conventions

To find information quickly
Conventions The following two charts show the spelling and symbol conventions used in this
This user manual provides you with the following navigational aids:
¼ At the beginning of each chapter you will find a summary of the contents
¼ The header shows which chapter and paragraph you are located in
¼ The footer shows which version the user manual refers to
¼ The index, located at the end of the manual on page , helps you to find
information quickly
Style Utilization
FRstress Legally protected proper names and side notes.
Source code
Hyperlink Hyperlinks and references.
<STRG>+<S> Notation for keyboard shortcuts.
Fields, interface elements, window and dialog names in the software. Accentuation of warnings and notes.
[OK] Buttons are denoted by square brackets File | Save Notation for menus and menu entries
File name and source code.
Symbol Utilization
You can obtain supplemental information here.
This symbol calls your attention to warnings.
You can find additional information here.
Here is an example that has been prepared for you.
Step-by-step instructions provide assistance at these points.
Instructions on editing files are found at these points.
This symbol warns you not to edit the specified file.
- 4 - Version 1.0 © Vector Informatik GmbH
User manual FRstress Preliminary Notes

1.1.2 Certification

Certified Quality Management System
Vector Informatik GmbH has ISO 9001:2000 certification. The ISO standard is a globally recognized standard set by the British Standards Institution.

1.1.3 Warranty

Limitation of warranty We reserve the right to change the documentation and software without prior notice.
Vector Informatik GmbH assumes no liability for the correctness of the contents or for any damages that may arise from use of this manual. We are always grateful for references to mistakes or for suggestions for improvement, so as to be able to offer you even better-performing products in the future.

1.1.4 Support

Need support? Our business hours are Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (CET):
¼ telephone: +49 711 80670-200
¼ fax: +49 711 80670-555
¼ email:

1.1.5 Registered trademarks

Registered trademarks
All trademarks mentioned in this user manual, including those registered to third parties, are governed by the respective trademark laws and are the property of their respective owners. All trademarks, trade names or company names are or can be trademarks or registered trademarks of their particular owners. All rights which are not expressly allowed are reserved. Failure to explicitly note any given trademark within this user manual does not imply that a third party does not have rights to it.
Windows, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Visual Basic, Visual SourceSafe
are trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.
© Vector Informatik GmbH Version 1.0 - 5 -
User manual FRstress Introduction

2 Introduction

In this chapter you find the following information:
2.1 Overview page 8
2.2 Installation of FRstress page 9 Driver installation Check driver installation Software installation FRstress online help
2.3 Basic concepts of FRstress page 10 Trigger definition Operation modes
© Vector Informatik GmbH Version 1.0 - 7 -
Overview User manual FRstress

2.1 Overview

At a glance With FRstress the user can intentionally and reproducibly disturb the FlexRay bus, its
physical characteristics and the logical level.
The test scenarios consist of the definition of trigger conditions and corresponding
The graphic shows the block diagram of
FRstress block diagram
FRstress offers the following capabilities:
¼ Forcing shortcuts between the bus lines, power or ground
¼ Disturbing specific messages
¼ Manipulating single bit fields of a FlexRay messages
¼ Frame deletion
¼ Frame delay
actions like disturbance or activation of a trigger output. With the start of measurement a set of four tests can be transferred to the hardware for execution.
Although hardware can only disturb one channel it is possible to configure test scenarios for both channels of a FlexRay cluster. The software provides the support of two hardware devices.
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User manual FRstress Introduction

2.2 Installation of FRstress

Overview To work with FRstress you have to install:
1. The USB driver of the hardware unit.
2. The FRstress configuration software.

2.2.1 Driver installation

Install driver 1. Connect FRstress to the PC with a USB cable.
Found New HardwareWindows starts the wizard.
Please follow the instructions found there.
2. Choose
3. Click the [Next] button.
4. During installation by CD you must specify the location of the drivers by clicking
[Browse]. Therefore please select You will find the files required for driver installation in the directory:
5. Please click the [Next] button and follow the instructions of the Hardware.
The wizard finishes its work with a confirmation of success.
Install from a list or specific location.
Include this location in the search.

2.2.2 Check driver installation

Check driver 1. Start the Device Manager.
2. Check to see whether the device Vector
Vector Hardware.
3. Verify the proper installation by double clicking the Vector FRstress item.
After the successful installation of the driver you will see the device status “
device is working properly
” on the General page.
FRstress is shown as a subgroup of

2.2.3 Software installation

Install software Proceed as follows to install the FRstress configuration software:
1. Insert the installation CD in your CD drive.
2. Call up the installation program SETUP.EXE.
3. Follow the instructions of the installation program.
Info: The language of the menus and dialogs can be switched at any time after the
installation (see Appendix B: Vector.ini, page ).
© Vector Informatik GmbH Version 1.0 - 9 -
Basic concepts of FRstress User manual FRstress

2.2.4 FRstress online help

Access the online help file
FRstress provides a comprehensive online help function which can be called from the
Help [Help] menu, the button or the <F1> key.
Info: If you choose the Help|Using Help command or press the <F1> key while
FRstress online Help is active, you get information on using and configuring the
online help function.

2.3 Basic concepts of FRstress

Basic Concepts For the test and the validation of FlexRay networks and ECUs it is important to
analyze the behavior in presence of errors. reproducible disturbances in the FlexRay network. Disturbances on protocol level as well as disturbances on physical level are possible.
The graphic below demonstrates the basic function of
analyzes the bit stream on the FlexRay bus and compares the data with the active trigger streams. As soon as a trigger condition matches, the trigger output is activated. Additionally to the active trigger signal a dedicated disturbance manipulates the FlexRay bus. The kind of disturbance depends on the active operation mode of
Basic Functions
FRstress supports you to generate
FRstress. The hardware
FRstress provides three different operation modes. The following chapters give an
overview about the trigger definition and the operation modes.

2.3.1 Trigger definition

Trigger Definitions Altogether four parallel trigger definitions can be defined. The trigger is defined by a
sequence of bus the trigger will be activated.
The software provides a FlexRay frame oriented input mask for the trigger definition.
All elements of the FlexRay frame and the frame coding (e.g. Byte Start Sequence) are available for the trigger definition.
These are examples for possible trigger definitions:
- 10 - Version 1.0 © Vector Informatik GmbH
0, 1 don’t care and . With the detection of this sequence on the FlexRay
User manual FRstress Introduction
FlexRay frame in a certain slot
FlexRay frame in a certain slot and cycle number
All sync frames
The field frame ID of the frame header must be filled up with the desired slot number.
The fields frame ID cycle number and of the frame header must be filled up with the desired values.
The field Sync flag indicator of the frame header must be set to

2.3.2 Operation modes

Pure Scope Mode In this mode FRstress is passive to the FlexRay bus. It analyses the bit stream on the
bus and generates the appropriate trigger signals. The disturbance part is switched off.
This mode is useful for pure triggering where no disturbances are required. An
oscilloscope is a typical receiver of the trigger signal.
Analog Connection Mode
Additionally to the trigger definition it is possible to define disturbance sequences. These sequences will be activated after the detection of the assigned trigger. This means that the earliest point in time for the start of a disturbance sequences is immediately after the trigger the detection of the last trigger bit.
FRstress is connected to the bus in normal node.
Info: In this mode the transceivers of FRstress transmit in one case against the
transceiver of the sending node and in the other case with the sending transceiver. This is reflected in the fact that depending on the line position in some case the desired disturbance can not guaranteed. This means the disturbance can be influenced by the length of the bus cable, the termination, the transceivers and the position of the receiver node.
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