Vector Informatik GmbH
Ingersheimer Straße 24
D-70499 Stuttgart
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Copyright 2013, Vector Informatik GmbH. Printed in Germany.
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Art. 80082

Manual Table of contents
© Vector Informatik GmbH Version 5.1 - I -
Table of contents
1 Introduction 3
1.1 About this User Manual 4
1.1.1 Certification 5
1.1.2 Warranty 5
1.1.3 Registered trademarks 5
2 CANcaseXL and CANcaseXL log 7
2.1 Introduction 8
2.2 Driver Installation 8
2.3 Connectors 8
2.3.1 USB Connector 9
2.3.2 Binder Connector 9
2.3.3 External Trigger Input (CANcaseXL log only) 9
2.3.4 D-SUB9 Connector 9
2.4 Synchronization 9
2.5 LED Display 10
2.6 Additional Features on CANcaseXL log 11
2.6.1 Operating Modes 11
2.6.2 Additional LEDs 11
2.6.3 Piezo Buzzer 12
2.6.4 Memory Card 12
2.6.5 Battery 13
2.6.6 CANcaseXL log Flowchart 14
2.7 Replacing Piggybacks 15
2.8 Technical Data 16
3 CANcaseXL/log Accessories 17
3.1 Accessories 18
4 Common Features 19
4.1 Time Synchronization 20
4.1.1 General Information 20
4.1.2 Software Sync 22
4.1.3 Hardware Sync 23
5 Driver Installation 25
5.1 Minimum Requirements 26
5.2 Hints 26
5.3 Vector Driver Setup 27
5.4 Vector Hardware Configuration 29
5.5 Loop Tests 31
5.5.1 CAN 31
5.5.2 FlexRay 34
5.5.3 MOST 35
5.5.4 Ethernet 35

Manual Introduction
© Vector Informatik GmbH Version 5.1 - 3 -
1 Introduction
In this chapter you find the following information:
1.1 About this User Manual page 4
Registered trademarks

Introduction Manual
- 4 - Version 5.1 © Vector Informatik GmbH
1.1 About this User Manual
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Manual Introduction
© Vector Informatik GmbH Version 5.1 - 5 -
1.1.1 Certification
Certified Quality
Management System
Vector Informatik GmbH has ISO 9001:2008 certification. The ISO standard is a
globally recognized standard.
We reserve the right to change the contents of the documentation and the software
without notice. Vector Informatik GmbH assumes no liability for correct contents or
damages which are resulted from the usage of the documentation. We are grateful for
references to mistakes or for suggestions for improvement to be able to offer you
even more efficient products in the future.
1.1.3 Registered trademarks
All trademarks mentioned in this documentation and if necessary third party
registered are absolutely subject to the conditions of each valid label right and the
rights of particular registered proprietor. All trademarks, trade names or company
names are or can be trademarks or registered trademarks of their particular
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name is free of third party rights.
Windows, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 are trademarks of the
Microsoft Corporation.

Manual CANcaseXL and CANcaseXL log
© Vector Informatik GmbH Version 5.1 - 7 -
2 CANcaseXL and CANcaseXL log
In this chapter you find the following information:
2.1 Introduction page 8
2.2 Driver Installation page 8
2.3 Connectors page 8
USB Connector
Binder Connector
External Trigger Input (CANcaseXL log only)
D-SUB9 Connector
2.4 Synchronization page 9
2.5 LED Display page 10
2.6 Additional Features on CANcaseXL log page 11
Operating Modes
Additional LEDs
Piezo Buzzer
Memory Card
CANcaseXL log Flowchart
2.7 Replacing Piggybacks page 15
2.8 Technical Data page 16

CANcaseXL and CANcaseXL log Manual
- 8 - Version 5.1 © Vector Informatik GmbH
2.1 Introduction
The CANcaseXL is a USB interface with a powerful 32 bit 64MHz microcontroller from
ATMEL with ARM7 Core and two SJA1000 CAN controllers from Philips. It can
process CAN messages with either 11-bit or 29-bit identifiers. It is also possible to
receive and analyze Remote Frames without any limitations. The CANcaseXL is also
capable of generating and detecting Error frames on the bus.
The CANcaseXL log offers the same features as the CANcaseXL, but it can also be
used as a data logger for CAN and LIN messages. The logged data is saved on
industrial-grade SD cards (see section Memory Card on page 12).
The CANcaseXL/log can be configured with the Vector Hardware Config tool
(Windows | Start | Settings | Control Panel | Vector Hardware). Further details
about the tool can be found in the separate installation instructions at the end of this
Various transceivers are available to interface the CANcaseXL/log to a particular type
of bus. These CAN and LIN transceivers can be purchased as plug-in boards
(Piggybacks) and can be mounted inside the CANcaseXL/log. For information on
installing transceivers please refer to section Replacing Piggybacks on page 15. A
list of available Piggybacks is included in the accessories manual on the driver CD:
Note: Information on the driver installation process can be found in the separate
installation instructions at the end of this manual.
The CANcaseXL has the following connectors:
USB connector for the usage with PC in Interface Mode
Binder connector (type 711) for power supply, synchronization and trigger
two D-SUB9 connectors for independent CAN/LIN operation
The CANcaseXL log also has:
an SD card slot for data logging
Note: In Interface Mode, the SD card cannot be accessed if bus activities take
place or if an application accesses the device.
Note: The CANcaseXL log is delivered with a 2GB SD card.

Manual CANcaseXL and CANcaseXL log
© Vector Informatik GmbH Version 5.1 - 9 -
2.3.1 USB Connector
The CANcaseXL/log is connected to an USB port which also supplies the
CANcaseXL/log in Interface Mode.
If the USB port is not capable of supplying the required 500 mA operating current, the
CANcaseXL/log may be optionally supplied by an external power supply. The
CANcaseXL/log provides a 3-pin Binder connector for this purpose. Available power
supplies can be found in the accessories manual on the driver CD.
Voltage supply 7 V…33 V (recommended 12 V)
Synchronization line / external trigger input
Warning: It is recommended to connect the logger to the same voltage supply (e.g.
battery of the vehicle) as the vehicle or test equipment.
If two different voltage supplies are being used for logger and test equipment, the
ground (GND) pins of the two voltage supplies must be connected.
2.3.3 External Trigger Input (CANcaseXL log only)
In Logging Mode, pin 2 of the 3-pin Binder connector acts as a trigger input. You can
initiate triggers by pulling down pin 2 to GND. The trigger input is low active, i.e. a
trigger occurs by a falling edge.
Warning: The external trigger input is designed for 5 V (TTL) and must not be tied to
12 V!
The CANcaseXL/log is connected to the CAN or LIN bus (Channel1 and Channel2)
via a 9-pin D-SUB socket. The pin assignments of the D-SUB9 connectors depend on
the Piggybacks being used. Further information can be found in the accessories
manual on the driver CD.
Note: Further information on the synchronization can be found in section Time
Synchronization on page 20.

CANcaseXL and CANcaseXL log Manual
- 10 - Version 5.1 © Vector Informatik GmbH
2.5 LED Display
The CANcaseXL/log has three LEDs for each channel (Channel1 and Channel2). The
LEDs indicate the direction of the message and any error frame that occurs:
Active if messages are being received.
Active if messages are being sent.
Active if error events occur on the bus.
Only in Logger Mode:
Blinking LED means that the related channel is not „on bus“.
(( )) : Blinking or flashing LED.