This is the reference manual for Vector Graphic's implementation of
Microsoft's BASIC-Se,Revision 5.e, one of the most extensive and .high-speed
BASIC'savailable. It meets the ANSIqualifications for BASIC,as set forth
in document BSRX3.60-l97S. Vector Graphic is proud to offer; the BASIC-S0
interpreter with Vector GraPlic systems.
For readers familiar with earlier versions of Microsoft BASIC,AppendixA
describes the enhancements in Revision 5.0 over earlier releases, including
incanpatibilities with them. If you have software written in one of the
earlier versions, check Appendix A for new features that may affect
This manual covers a number of upwardcompatible versions of BASIC-Se,
specifically the -SK,- -Extended," an; "Disk- versions. My feature in the
SKand Extended versions is available in the Disk version. The version
available fran Vector Graphic is the Disk version. Therefore, everything
described in this manual is present in the Vector Graphic implementation, no
matter ~at version it is listed under.
Most users will makeuse of the BASIC-aainterpreter. (The interpreter
is a progrClll ~ich allows entry and ed!tiB3 of BASICprograms, and executes
them line by line W1eneverdesired.) For certain specialized applications,
the Microsoft BASICcompiler (BASCOM)is also available through Vector
Graphic. 'lbe canpiler allows ~u to convert a BASIC-S0progrClll,originally
written and debu;ged using the interpreter, into machine language, Wlich can
then be executed at very high speed. \\hen ~u obtain the canpiler, you will
receiver a manual detailing its use, but because it may be relevent to a
user of the BASIC-aeinterpreter, Appendix L discusses the BASICcanpiler in
brief. Note that Appendix L lists several features which are present in the
interpreter but \tbich are absent or different in the canpiler. Programmers
intending to compile BASIC-S0programs must pay attention to these
In a Vector Graphic canputer, BASIC-Seruns in conjuction with the CP/M
operating system. The name of the BASIC-Seinterpreter file on the disk
supplied by Vector Graphic is -MBASIC.CQtl.- Therefore, in order to call up
the interpreter fran the CP/Mexecutive, do the following: First, if MBASIC
is not already present on the main CP/Mdiskette, mount the BASIC-Sedisk in
drive A. Then, following the A> prompt, type MaASle and then press the
RETURNkey. Optionally, you can enter one or more parameters before
depressil'Xl RETURN,including the name of the BASICprogram you want to
execute, the number of files you want OPENat one time, and the highest
memorylocation you want BASICto use. These options are discussed in
Appendix D. In this manual, the term -initialization" means the above
process, of calling up BASIC-Se,nothil'Xlmore.
Of particular interest is the option to immediately execute a BASIC
program by typiB3 its nane as a paraneter followil'Xl the word MBASIC. This
causes the program to be loaded, and then executed as if a RUNcommandwere
typed. In other words, the system jumps directly into the application
program whenMBASICis called up. Further, if you are using CP/M2, rather
than an earlier version of CP/M,you can configure ~ur system diskette to
bypass the CP/M.executive and instead carry out a particular CP/Mcommandor