About this Guide
This document provides a complete overview of the WaveRider NCL1170 bridge/router,
including system features, network planning, and procedures for implementing, installing,
operating, and troubleshooting this device.
Before proceeding, we recommend that you read the following sections:
• Software License Agreement on page ii
• Warranty on page iv
• Regulatory Notices on page x
• Warnings and Advisories on page xii
APCD–NC006–A ix

Regulatory Notices
This device has be designed to operate with several different antenna types. Each antenna
type shall not exceed the maximum antenna system gain as given in the following table.
Antennas having a higher gain are strictly prohibited by Industry Canada and FCC regulations.
The required antenna impedance is 50 ohms.
Table 1 Maximum Antenna System Gain
Antenna Type Maximum Antenna System Gain
Omni 9.0 dBi
Patch 10.6 dBi
Yagi 10.1 dBi
Dish 20.5 dBi
NOTE: For a Dish antenna a cavity filter with a minimum rejection of
20 dB, ± 22MHz from the channel center frequency is required.
Industry Canada
The NCL1170complies with IC RSS–210.
Operators must be familiar with IC RSS–210 and RSS–102.
The IC certification number for the NCL1170 is “pending”.
T o prevent radio interference to the licensed service, this device
is intended to be operated indoors and away from windows to
provide maximum shielding. Equipment (or its transmit antenna)
that is installed outdoors is subject to licensing.
Federal Communications Commission
The NCL1170 complies with FCC Part 15 Regulations.
The FCC ID for the NCL1170 is OOX-WRM2000.
The transmitter of this device complies with Part 15.247 of the FCC Rules.
x APCD–NC006–A