VDH MC 785 KLIMA User Manual

Description : MC 785 KLIMA 0-100C Thermo/Hygrostat Doc.nr.: 080631 Type: MANUAL Number of pages: 16 Version: V1.0 File: Do080631 MC785 KLIMA 0_100 v10
Software: MC785KLIMA100 Version: V1.00
By: HN Date: 14-03-2008
VDH Products BV - Roden - Holland Signed: File: Doc'08
User manual
(Wall and Panel mount)
User manual Document Nr. : 080631 Version : V1.0
MC 785 KLIMA 0-100C Client : General Page : 2 of 16
The information contained in this document is assumed to be accurate. However, VDH Products BV does not accept any liability for eventual mistakes or errors, and retains the right to adapt or change this document without notice.
Table of contents
1. Technical specifications ..................................................... 3
2. Functional specifications .................................................... 5
3. Control ................................................................. 6
4. Programming internal settings ................................................ 7
5. Operation relay outputs .................................................... 10
6. Sensor calibration ........................................................ 11
7. Alarms ................................................................. 11
8. Front .................................................................. 12
9. Connection diagrams ...................................................... 13
10. Dimensions ............................................................. 15
User manual Document Nr. : 080631 Version : V1.0
MC 785 KLIMA 0-100C Client : General Page : 3 of 16
1. Technical specifications
General Type : MC 785 KLIMA Wall mount version: Housing : Grey plastic Material : Polystyrol 454h KG 2 natur BASF Dimensions : 213 x 180 x 85mm (whd) Front : Polycarbonate (IP-44) Panel mount version: Housing : Steel case for panel mount Material : Steel silver grey painted Dimensions : 217 x 155 x 85mm (whd) Panel cut : min. 208 x 146mm (wh) Front : Polycarbonate (IP-44) Temperature range : 0/+100C per 0,1C Rel. humidity range : 0/+100% RH per 0,1% RH Power supply : 230 Vac; 50/60 Hz (-10/+5%). Power consumption : 9 VA Operating temperature : -20/+50C Operating rel. humidity : 10/+90 % RH not condensing Accuracy : ± 0,5 % of the range
Front Display : 4-digit digital display for measured temperature
4-digit digital display for temperature set point 4-digit digital display for measured RH 4-digit digital display for RH set point
LED's : COOL = LED Relay cooling active
HEAT = LED Relay heating active DEHUM = LED Relay dehumidifying active HUM = LED Relay humidifying active
= LED Alarm active (flashing) = LED Day mode active
= LED Night mode active
Keys : ON/OFF = On/Off key controller
SET = Set point push button = Up key = Down key PRG = Program key RESET ALARM = Alarm reset key
User manual Document Nr. : 080631 Version : V1.0
MC 785 KLIMA 0-100C Client : General Page : 4 of 16
In- and Outputs Sensors : Temperature sensor (Pt-100, 3-wire to DIN/IEC 751)
RH sensor (0/+1 Vdc = 0/+100% RH)
Digital inputs : Day/night input (potential free input contact)
External alarm input (potential free input contact)
Spare input (potential free input contact) Analog outputs : 2x 0/+10Vdc, Rbmin 10Kohm, programmable. Relay outputs : RY1 Extra relay (C/NO/NC, 250Vac/10A not inductive)
Options extra relay (adjustable with parameter 20);
P20=0 Fail safe alarm (normal C-NO is closed and
during alarm C-NC is closed)
P20=1 Control alarm (normal C-NC is closed and
during alarm C-NO is closed) P20=2 Function Cooling P20=3 Function Heating P20=4 Function Dehumidifying P20=5 Function Humidifying The following relays have a central common; RY2 Dehumidifying(NO, 250Vac/10A not inductive) RY3 Humidifying (NO, 250Vac/10A not inductive) RY4 Heating (NO, 250Vac/10A not inductive) RY5 Cooling (NO/NC, 250Vac/10A not inductive)
User manual Document Nr. : 080631 Version : V1.0
MC 785 KLIMA 0-100C Client : General Page : 5 of 16
2. Functional specifications
The MC 785 KLIMA has the following control functions: cooling, heating, dehumidifying and humidifying. Further more the controller has an alarm relay, which is activated when the alarm levels are exceeded or a sensor is broken.
The MC 785 KLIMA has two analog outputs with a range of 0/+10Vdc, these are controlled by three controllers. With Out-1 is controlled by Control-1 and Out-2 is controlled by the highest value of Control-2 and Control-3. The functions of these controllers are programmable as measuring signal, set point signal or a P(I) control for the cooling, heating, humidifying or dehumidifying.
The controller has two digital input contacts. The first contact is used as day/night input and the second contact is used as external alarm.
The selection of the above mentioned settings is done via the Internal Parameters.
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