VDH MC 785-DF KLIMA Operating Manual

ALFANET implementation
Operating Manual
(Wall and panel mounting)
Description : MC 785-DF KLIMA ALFANET (RS485) Thermo/hygrostat Doc.nr.: 010346
Type: MANUAL Number of pages: 20 Version: V1.4
File: Do010346 MC785-DF KLIMA Alfanet v14 EN.wpd Software: 010187 MC 785 DF Kli Alfanet
Version: V1.03
By: BJB Date: 15-02-2018
VDH Products BV - Roden - Holland Signed: File: Doc'01
Operating manual Document nr. : 010346 Version : V1.4
MC 785-DF KLIMA ALFANET Client : General Page : 2 of 20
Table of contents
1. Technical specifications. ........................................................... 3
1.1 Controller General .......................................................... 3
1.2 LMS Relay module .......................................................... 4
1.3 LMS 4x Pt100 module ....................................................... 4
1.4 LMS Analog-out module ...................................................... 4
1.5 LMS Supply module ......................................................... 4
2. Functional specifications. .......................................................... 5
3. Control. ........................................................................ 6
3.1 Readout (lowest) defrost temperature and seperate sensors. .......................... 6
3.2 Changing the temperature setpoint. ............................................. 6
3.3 Changing of the RH setpoint. .................................................. 6
3.4 Resetting the alarm. ......................................................... 6
3.5 Day/night input. ............................................................ 6
3.6 Manual start of defrost. ....................................................... 7
3.7 Operation of fan control. ...................................................... 7
3.8 Readout output percentages of the analog outputs CH-1 untill CH-4. .................... 7
4. Programming internal settings. ...................................................... 8
4.1 Parameter table ............................................................ 8
5. Operation of the relay outputs. ......................................................13
5.1 Operation of the cooling and heating. ............................................13
5.2 Operation of the humidification and dehumidification ................................13
5.3 Operation of defrost. ........................................................13
6. Sensor calibration. ...............................................................14
7. Alarms. ........................................................................14
8. Front view. .....................................................................15
9. Connection diagram. ..............................................................16
10. Dimensions. ....................................................................19
The information in this document is assumed to be accurate. However VDH Products B.V. accepts no liability for eventual m istakes or errors and has the right to change this docum ent without notice.
Operating manual Document nr. : 010346 Version : V1.4
MC 785-DF KLIMA ALFANET Client : General Page : 3 of 20
1. Technical specifications.
1.1 Controller General Type : MC 785-DF KLIMA ALFANET Wall mounting:
Housing : Grey plastic Material : Polystyrol 454h KG 2 natur BASF Dimensions : 213 x 180 x 85mm (whd) Front : Polycarbonat
Panel mounting:
Housing : Steel plate panel Material : Steel in silver grey Dimensions : 217 x 155 x 85mm (whd) Panel cutout : min. 208 x 146mm (wh) Front : Polycarbonat
Temperature range : -40/+50EC per 0,1EC Humidity range : 0/+100% RH per 0,1% RH Supply : 230 Vac; 50/60 Hz (-10/+5%). Used power : 9 VA Operation temperature : Max. 40EC
Controller Front Display : 4-digit digital display for measured temperature
4-digit digital display for temperature setpoint 4-digit digital display for measured RH 4-digit digital display for RH setpoint
LED's : COOL = LED Relay cooling active
HEAT = LED Relay heating active DEHUM = LeD Relay dehumidification active HUM = LED Relay humidification active
= LED Alarm active (flashing)
= LED Day mode active
= LED Night mode active
= LED Fan active
= LED Defrost active
= LED Fan in auto mode
= LED Fan in manual mode (hand)
Keys : ON/OFF = On/Off key controller
SET = Setpoint push button
> = Up key ? = Down key
PRG = Program key RESET ALARM = Alarm reset key FAN = Fan auto/manual key DEFR START = Start defrost key DEFR SENS = Read-out defrost sensor key
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MC 785-DF KLIMA ALFANET Client : General Page : 4 of 20
Controller in- and outputs Sensors : Temperature sensor (Pt-100, 3-wire to DIN/IEC 751)
Defrost sensor (Pt-100, 3-wire to DIN/IEC 751)
RH sensor (0/+1 Vdc = 0/+100% RH) Digital input : Day/night input (potential free input contact) Analog output : Out-1=CH-1; 0/+10Vdc, (Rbmin 10Kohm, programmable) Relay outputs : RY1 Extra relay (C/NO/NC, 250Vac/10A not inductive)
Following relays have a central common; RY2 Dehumidify (NO, 250Vac/10A not inductive) RY3 Humidify (NO, 250Vac/10A not inductive) RY4 Heating (NO, 250Vac/10A not inductive) RY5 Cooling (NO/NC, 250Vac/10A not inductive)
Please note ! Relay functions are programmable. These are the default settings.
Communcation : I²C network
(2-wire shielded; 0V,SDA,SCL)
RS485 network
according to NORM: ANSI/TIA/EIA-485-A-98
(2x Twisted-pair shielded, min. 0,5mm2; GND,A,B)
1.2 LMS Relay module Supply : 12Vdc / 1,2VA (from separate supply) Communication : I2C network
(2-wire shielded 0V,SDA,SCL)
Relay outputs : RY1 Defrost (C/NO/NC, 250Vac/10A not inductive)
RY2 Fan (C/NO, 250Vac/10A not inductive) RY3 Spare (C/NO, 250Vac/10A not inductive) RY4 Spare (C/NO, 250Vac/10A not inductive)
Please note ! Relay functions are programmable. These are the default settings.
1.3 LMS 4x Pt100 module Supply : 12Vdc / 1,2VA Communication : I2C network
(2-wire shielded 0V,SDA,SCL)
Sensors : Pt100-1 (3-wire according to DIN/IEC 751, programmable)
Pt100-2 (3-wire according to DIN/IEC 751, programmable) Pt100-3 (3-wire according to DIN/IEC 751, programmable) Pt100-4 (3-wire according to DIN/IEC 751, programmable)
1.4 LMS Analog-out module Supply : 12Vdc / 1,1VA (from separate supply) Communication : I2C network
(2-wire shielded 0V,SDA,SCL)
Analog outputs : Out-1=CH-2; 0/+10Vdc (Rbmin 10Kohm, programmable)
Out-2=CH-3; 0/+10Vdc (Rbmin 10Kohm, programmable) Out-3=CH-4; 0/+10Vdc (Rbmin 10Kohm, programmable) Out-4=CH-5; 0/+10Vdc (Rbmin 10Kohm, highest output percentage
Please note ! Analog functions are programmable. of CH-1 and CH-2)
1.5 LMS Supply module Supply : 230Vac 50/60Hz, 7VA Outputs : 3x 12Vdc
C cable: 2-wire shielded cable connect SDA and SCL as wires and connect shield to Gnd (0V).
Maximum length I2C cable is 5 meter.
RS485 cable: 2xTwisted-pair with in pair-1 line A and B, in pair-2 2xGnd (or 1 wire with Gnd) and shield only
at one side to earth (PE). Make no side branches. Maximum total length of RS485 cable is 1 KM. Terminate the cable at both ends by connecting a resistor of 250 Ohm between line A and B.
Operating manual Document nr. : 010346 Version : V1.4
MC 785-DF KLIMA ALFANET Client : General Page : 5 of 20
2. Functional specifications.
The MC785-DF KLIMA has the following control functions:
• cooling
• heating
• dehumidfying
• humidifying Further more the controller has an alarm relay, which is activeted when the alarm levels are exceeded or a sensor is broken.
Four addition temperature sensors can be connected to the Controller thru the LMS 4x Pt100 Module. These sensors can assigned as control-, defrost- or productsensor.
• In case that extra sensors are assigned as control sensor to the controller, it regulates the temperature
with the average temperature of these sensors.
• In case that extra sensor are assigned as defrost sensor to the controller, it uses the lowest
temperature of these defrost sensors to defrost the controller.
• In case that extra sensors are assigned as product sensor to the controller, it uses them only for
A selection between four different modes of defrosts can be made:
• no defrost,
• natural defrost
• el ectric defrost
• hotgas defrost
The controller has five analog outputs available with a range of 0/+10Vdc (CH-1 to CH-5). Whereby CH-1 is connected direct to the controller and CH-2 untill CH-5 is connected at the LMS analog out module (out-1 untill out-4). From which four outputs (CH-1 to CH-4) are programmable as:
• measuring signal
• setpoint signal
• P(I) control for cooling
• P(I) control for heating
• P(I) control for humifying
• P(I) control for dehumifying And one output CH-5 has the function of the highest output percentage of CH-1 (Out-1 at the MC785-DF KLIMA) and CH-2 (Out-1 at the LMS Anaolg-out module).
The controller has a digital input contact which is used as day/night input.
The selection of the above-mentioned settings is done thru the Internal Parameters.
The controller can also be connected to the ALFANET, thru the RS485-network connection, to view or set the controller.
Operating manual Document nr. : 010346 Version : V1.4
MC 785-DF KLIMA ALFANET Client : General Page : 6 of 20
3. Control.
During normal operation the upper displays show the (average) control temperature and measured rel. humidity and the lower displays show the temperature setpoint and the RH setpoint.
3.1 Readout (lowest) defrost temperature and seperate sensors.
Press the DEFR.SENS key to readout the lowest defrost temperature sensor on the temperature display. The setpoint display shows now ‘dEfr’ to indicate that the lowest defrost temperature is being shown.
By pressing the DEFR.SENS key repeatedly the separate sensors will be shown in the temperature display according to the sensor configuration. The setpoint display shows which sensor is being shown:
dEfr : lowest defrost sensor temperature rEG0 : control sensor connected to the controller itself dEf0 : defrost sensor connected to the controller itself. LmS1 : LMS sensor-1 connected at the LMS Pt100 module. LmS2 : LMS sensor-2 connected at the LMS Pt100 module. LmS3 : LMS sensor-3 connected at the LMS Pt100 module. LmS4 : LMS sensor-4 connected at the LMS Pt100 module.
If for 10 seconds no key is pressed, than the control will return to it’s normal operation and shows the (average) control temperature and it’s setpoint again.
3.2 Changing the temperature setpoint.
Push the SET key next to the temperature setpoint display. The setpoint starts flashing. The setpoint can be changed with the UP and DOWN key. By pushing the SET key once again, the setpoint shows contineously in the display.
Is the MC 785-DF KLIMA in the day mode (DAY LED on) and should the night setpoint be watched or changed, push the UP or DOWN key and next on the SET key. The LED of the other mode flashes, the setpoint appears flashing in the display. Changing of the setpoint again wuth the UP or DOWN keys and acknoledge with the SET key. In the same way the day setpoint can be watched or changed if the MC 785-DF KLIMA is in the night mode.
3.3 Changing of the RH setpoint.
Push the SET key next to the RH setpoint display. The setpoint starts flashing and can be changed with the UP or DOWN keys. By pressing the SET key again the setpoint appears contineously in the display.
If the instrument is in the day mode (DAG LED on) and the night setpoint needs to watched or changed, push the UP or DOWN key and next push the SET key. The LED of the other mode flashes, the setpoint appears flashing in the display. Changing of this setpoint again with the UP or DOWN keys and acknoledge with the SET key. In the same way the day setpoint can be watched or changed if the MC 785 KLIMA is in the night mode.
3.4 Resetting the alarm.
As soon as an alarm situation occurs and a failre message appears in the temperature display can, by pushing the RESET ALARM key, the alarm be reset. The error meaasage remains in the display, till the cause of the failure is solved.
3.5 Day/night input.
If the day/night input is closed, the MC 785-DF KLIMA switches from day to night mode. The night LED light. If the input is opened, the controller switches back to the day mode.
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