* Setting internal parameters.
By pushing the DOWN key for more then 10 seconds, you enter the ‘internal programming menu’.
In the left display the upper and lower segments are blinking. W ith the UP and DOWN keys the
required parameter can be selected (see parameter table).
If the required parameter is selected, the value can by read-out by pushing the SET key. By pus hing
simultaneously the SET key and the UP or DOWN key the parameter value can be changed.
If no key is pushed for 20 seconds, the ALFA(NET) 802 will return to it’s normal operation and the
changes are saved.
* Parameters ALFA 802.
Description Parameter Range Default
01 Unit of time
0 = minutes
1 = seconds
2 = hours
0...2 0
02 Contact-input mode
0 = Not active
1 = Start only at closing the input (puls contact)
2 = Stop only at closing the input (puls contact)
3 = Start/Wait at closing the input (puls contact)
4 = Stop/Stop at closing the input (puls contact)
5 = Wait as long as input conct is closed
0...5 0
03 Waiting mode
0 = Relay de-actives during waiting
1 =Relay stays active during waiting
0...1 0
04 Display mode
0 = Display shows set off-delay time as the time is not
1 = Display extinguishes as the timer is not active
2 = Display stays on ‘000' as the off-timer has run out.
Restart only possible as the power supply has been taken
0...2 0
05 Down-key mode:
0 = Pushing the Down-key during running the timer the
timer is set in the waiting mode (Pushing the Down-key for the
second time the timer will reset)
1 = Pushing the Down-key the timer unit will reset directly
0...1 0
06 Up-key mode:
0 = Start timer with Up-key possible
1 = Start timer with Up-key not possible
0...1 0
10 Auto reset relay after end off time
0 = No auto reset
0..99 sec 0
Network number (only at ALFANET 802)
Software version
Production year
Production week
Serial number (x 1000)
Serial number (units)
Remark: In case that the timer-unit is set on minutes (P01= 0), the display shows the last minute
of the current rest time in seconds. To indicate this, the lower segment of the first digit is
lit and the other digits show the time in seconds.