User manual ALFA 55 RTDF and ALFANET 55 RTDF
Cool/Defrost thermostat with fan-control and realtime defrost.
VDH doc. 030087 Version: v2.1 Date: 10-03-2008
SW: 992649_ALFA(NET) 55/65/75 RTDF File: Do030087.wpd Range: -50,0/+50,0C pro 1C
* Description.
The ALFA(NET) 55 RTDF is a cool/defrost thermostat for rail-mounting, with various defrost-, and fan- control settings. The thermostat has 6 Real-Time DeFrost time settings a day available. The ALFANET 55 RTDF has a RS 485 network connection so it can be read out and adjusted on the Alfanet.
* Installation.
On the connection diagram of the ALFA(NET) 55 RT DF is shown how the sensor, power supply and relays has to be connected. After connecting the ALFA(NET) 55 RTDF to the power supply, a self test function is started. As this test is finished, the measured temperature of the control-sensor appears in the display.
* Control.
The ALFA(NET) 55 RTDF thermostat can be controlled by four push buttons on the front. These keys are:
SET - view / change the setpoint. UP - increase value. DOWN - decrease value. MODE - relay status key.
* View setpoint.
By pushing the SET key the setpoint appears in the display. The decimal point of the last display starts blinking to indicate this. After a few seconds after releasing the SET key the setpoint disappears and the measured temperature is shown again.
* Changing setpoint.
Push the SET key and the setpoint appears in the display. Release the SET key. Now push the SET key again together with the UP or DOWN keys to change the setpoint. After a few seconds after releasing the SET key the setpoint disappears and the measured temperature is shown again.
* Status of the Relays.
By pushing the MODE key, the display shows the status of the relays. Each display segment shows the status of the relay output, showing =off, =on and on the last segment=natural defrost active. The code means relay 1(compr.) and 2(fan) are on and relay 3(defr.) is off.
* Manual starting/stopping of defrost.
The defrost cycle is automatic started and stopped. These defrost settings thru internal parameters. Stop defrost: If there is a defrost cycle , the defrost can be manually stopped by pushing the UP and
the DOWN key simultaneously.
Start defrost: If there is no defrost cycle , the defrost can be manually started by pushing the UP and
the DOWN key simultaneously.
* Sensor adjustment.
The temperature-sensor can be adjusted by using the Offset control sensor (parameter 05). The defrost-sensor can be adjusted by using the Offset defrost sensor (parameter 07). For read out of the
defrost sensor on the display use parameter 06 (Only if parameter 08 = 1). Indicates a sensor e.g. 2C too much, the according Sensor-offset parameter has to be decreased with 2C.
* Error messages.
In the display of the ALFA(NET) 55 RTDF the following error messages can appear:
LO - Minimum alarm Solution E1/E2: HI - Maximum alarm - Check if sensor is connected correctly. E1 - Control sensor failure - Check sensor (1000/25C). E2 - Defrost sensor failure - Replace sensor. EEE - Settings are lost. Solution EEE:
- Reprogram the settings.
-L- - In case of sensor short-circuit the display alternates between error-code E.. and -L-, as indication for a short-circuit sensor.
-H- - In case of open-circuit sensor the display alternates between error-code E.. and -H-, as indication for a open circuit sensor.
Reset Alarm.When a error-messages appears it can be reset by pushing the SET key. The function
of this key depends on parameter P37.
* Alarm operation.
As a failure or alarm occurs an error message is shown in the display. The ALFA(NET) 55 RTDF remembers it’s error message, although it is already solved. The error message is resettable with the SET key. As if after pressing the SET key (=reset alarm) the alarm still is not solved than the ALFA(NET) 55 RTDF displays the temperature and the error message alternated, is the alarm solved, then the error message disappears and the temperature is displayed normally.
* Setting internal parameters.
Next to the adjustment of the setpoint, some internal settings are possible like differentials, sensor­adjustments, setpoint-range, compressor-, fan-, defrost- and alarm-settings. By pushing the DOWN key for more than 10 seconds, you enter the 'internal programming menu'. In the left display the upper and the lower segments are blinking. Over the UP and DOWN keys the required parameter can be selected (see table for the parameters). If the required parameter is selected, the value can be read-out by pushing the SET key. Pushing the UP and DOWN keys allows you to change the value of this parameter. If after 20 seconds no key is pushed, the ALFA(NET) 55 RTDF changes to it’s normal operation mode.
* Parameters ALFA(NET) 55 RTDF.
Description Parameter Range Default
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Switching differential Minimum setpoint Maximum setpoint Read out above -10C per 1C Offset Control-sensor Read out Defrost-sensor Offset Defrost-sensor Defrost sensor present
-50..+50C 0=No, 1=Yes
-15..+15C 0=No, 1=Yes
10 11 12 13 14
Start-up delay Cooling Switch-off delay Cooling Parameter 10/11 in Seconds or Minutes Minimum on-time Cooling Minimum off-time Cooling
0..99 0=Sec. 1=Min.
0..99 Minutes
0..99 Minutes
0 0 0 0 0
20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27
Switching differential Fan active Switching differential Fan Fan off as Compressor is off Switch-off delay Fan Defrost mode 0=only fan-relay, 1=only defrost-relay Switch-on delay-temp. fan after defrost Switch-on delay-time fan after defrost Dripoff-time
0=No, 1=Yes
0..+50C 0=No, 1=Yes
0..99 Minutes 0 = Natural 1 = Hotgas / Elec.
0..99 Minutes
0..99 Minutes
0 0 0
0 0
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
Defrost-interval-time Maximum defrost-time End of defrost temperature Compressor on while defrosting Defrosting on compressor-time Temperature display locked during defrost cycle Start with defrost after power-up Defrost on-delay after power-up
1..99 Hours
0..99 Minutes
-50..+50C 0=No, 1=Yes 0=No, 1=Yes 0=No, 1=Yes 0=No, 1=Yes
0..99 Minutes
12 15
0 0 0 0 0
41 42 43 44 45 46 47
Alarm mode 0 = No alarm
1 = Absolute alarm
2 = Relative alarm Minimum alarm setpoint Maximum alarm setpoint Time-delay maximum alarm Time-delay minimum alarm Control-delay after power failure Compressor on at control-sensor failure Compressor off at minimum alarm
0..99 Minutes
0..99 Minutes
0..99 Minutes 0=No, 1=Yes 0=No, 1=Yes
0 0 0 0 1
50 51 52
Actual realtime (hours) Actual realtime (minutes) Time correction (at realtime clock)
0..23 Hours
0..59 Minutes
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