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Software Limited Warranty
Emblaze-VCON Ltd. warrants to the original Purchaser, that IGC User Interactive
Group Communication (“Product”) Software will perform according to
accompanying user documentation for a period of 90 (ninety) days from the date of
receipt; replacement Software will be warranted for 90 (ninety) days from the date
of receipt. This Limited Warranty shall not apply to any product that in the opinion
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GRANT OF LICENSE Emblaze-VCON Ltd. grants the Purchaser a non-exclusive
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iiEmblaze-VCON IGC User Guide
COPYRIGHT All trademark(s)), logo(s), name(s), software, documentation and
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LIABILITIES Emblaze-VCON’s entire liability and the Purchaser’s exclusive
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Emblaze-VCON IGC User Guideiii
About this User’s Guide
This User’s Guide explains how to set up, schedule, and participate in the rich
conferencing environment provided by Emblaze-VCON’s Interactive Group
Communications (IGC) system. The following chapter summary briefly describes
this guide’s contents:
Chapter 1Welcome to IGC 2000
Introduction to the IGC’s operational modes and
Chapter 2Getting Started
Procedures for IGC’s most basic tasks - initiating calls to
individual team members and to groups.
Chapter 3Team Ope r ati ons
Instructions for creating and managing teams, and
initiating and managing team-wide calls.
Chapter 4Scheduled Calls
Procedures for scheduling calls.
Chapter 5Call Manager Operations
Description of the Call Manager and procedures for
performing various tasks during an IGC conference, such
as whispering, external consulting, WebEX and
WebSharing presentations.
Chapter 6Personalizing IGC
Instructions for setting up personal profiles, and adding
and editing Personal Users as part of your teams.
Chapter 7Broadcast Calls
Procedures for moderating and participating broadcasttype conferences.
Chapter 8Guest Operations
Procedures for guests joining an IGC conference.
Chapter 9IGC Agent for Microsoft Outlook
Instructions for installing the IGC Agent plug-in to your
Microsoft® Outlook® application and initiating IGC
calls from Outlook.
ivEmblaze-VCON IGC User Guide
Emblaze-VCON Technical Support
This User’s Guide was designed to help you work with the IGC system easily so that
you can enjoy its many features.
If a situation occurs that is not covered by the supplied documentation, contact your
local Emblaze-VCON distributor, and request a ssistance from thei r Emblaz e-VCONtrained technical support department. Please describe the problem, device, and PC
operating system (if applicable), and any other relevant details.
Also, you may access the Technical Support section of the Emblaze-VCON website in order to check its
knowledge base or initiate other customer support processes:
PageType of support
Support NotesTroubleshoot or receive technical information about
specific Emblaze-VCON products.
DownloadsDownload a new software release or a free product
License Key
Test your v ideoconferencing system.
Request a permanent license key for your organization’s
Emblaze-VCON IGC User Guidev
Glossary of Terms and Acronyms
Conference ID5-digit number that identifies a specific team call.
9-digit number that you use to log into IGC.
Types of external calls.
• “Disconnect External Participant” on page 7
• “Team Consultation” on page 7
• “Personal Consultation” on page 7
• “Include External Participant” on page 7
External CallA separate call to a consultant made concurrently with
the team call. You can keep the external consultant
isolated from the group, allow the group to monitor the
external call, allow the consultant to monitor the team
call, or included the consultant in the team call.
Find MeIGC calls telephone numbers in order of priority until it
locates the User or Personal-User.
Team Cal lCall to a predefined team.
IMinControl™Individually Managed Interactive Control
Meet-MeA conference call where Guests dial-in to the conference
at a prearranged time, using a conference ID number
and PIN to enter the call.
MNMember Number
Unique member number between 1 and 99, used to refer
to another user in a team call.
Personal-UserIndividual that you add to IGC in order to add to a team.
PINPersonal Identification Number
IGC uses 4-digit PINs.
SidebarPrivate conversation that a Moderator initiates with a
TeamGroup of Users and Person al-Us ers that you can cal l as a
Team Mem b erUser or Personal-User on one of your teams.
TNTeam Number
Unique member number between 1 and 99, used to refer
to another team call team.
viEmblaze-VCON IGC User Guide
TUITelephone User Interface
Refers to actions performed by pressing the keys on the
telephone’s keypad.
UnwhisperExit Whisper mode.
UserYou and others like yourself who have been added to the
IGC system by your network administrator. Users can
WebExWebEx is a third-party application for sharing
applications and documents over the web.
WebShareWebShare is the electronic equivalent of making a
presentation at a meeting. You ca n display an application
on your computer over the web to other members of the
WhisperOnly the individual(s) “whispered to” can hear you. The
IGC equivalent of covering the telephone when you
speak to someone in the room.
Emblaze-VCON IGC User Guidevii
Tabl e Of Con ten ts
Table O f C ontent s
About this User’s Guide ..................................................................iv
Emblaze-VCON Technical Support .................................................v
Glossary of Terms and
1Welcome to IGC 2000 ......................................................1
1.1Business Team Calls.........................................................................1
Types of Team Call Users................................................................ 2
Types of Team Calls ........................................................................ 3
Individually Controlled Business Team Call Features ...................4
9IGC Agent for Microsoft Outlook ....................................113
Index .........................................................................121
Emblaze-VCON IGC User Guidexi
Interactive Group Communications 2000 (IGC User 2000) is an advanced audioconferencing system with features that save time and increase productivity. IGC’s
Individually Managed Interactive Control (IMinControl™) technology simulates
same-room dynamics. It lets you:
• Make an external private call while still listening to others in the background
• Choose if and when to introduce the external caller into a team call
• “Whisper” to one person or more without disengaging
• Control the volume of each participant.
T Business Team Calls
T Broadcast Calls
T Other Features
1.1Business Team Calls
Business team calls enable:
• Scheduled team calls with automatic reminders to all participants
• Find Me dialing
• Same-room dynamics
• Concurrent private calls
• Multiple consultation modes that let you bring in experts when you need them
Emblaze-VCON IGC User Guide1
1 Welcome to IGC 2000
Types of Team Call Users
There are different types of users, each having a different level of access to IGC User
UserUsers can only be created by the network administrator,
and have their own accounts with an individual PIN for
login to IGC User software. Use rs can create and mana ge
teams to be called as a group, and can schedule different
types of calls.
The teams can consist of other Users and PersonalUsers.
Personal-UserPersonal-Users can be created by Users from a limited
pool of non-entity users defined by the IGC
administrator. You can define multiple phone numbers
for your Personal-Users, which enable IGC to look for
and find them when you need them.
Personal-Users do not have their own accounts or PINs.
They cannot create other Personal-Users or log into the
Call Manager. Personal-Users join a call by dialing the
number 1.
However, when you want to provide a Personal-User
with access to Call Manager features, you can “invite”
them as a Guest, even though they are defined as
GuestGuests are not defined in IGC User and must therefore
dial-in to an existing team call, using an ID and PIN
specific to the team call. When a User schedules a team
call, IGC User generates an ID and PIN specific to the
call, which it includes in an email that it sends to the
User. The User can then forward this email to Guests.
Guests in a business team call differ from Listeners in a
broadcast call. Unlike Listeners, Guests can participate
fully in the call.
2Emblaze-VCON IGC User Guide
1 Welcome to IGC 2000
Types o f Te a m C a l l s
IGC User offers the following types of business team calls:
Meet-MeDial-in service where Guests call in to a scheduled team
Once a call is scheduled, you can forward the email
created by IGC to your Guests. At the appointed time, the
Guests dial-in to the IGC telephone number, and use the
Conference Number and PIN to join the call and log into
the Call Manager.
You can also initiate a Meet-Me call without scheduling
it, by entering the conference ID and PIN of an existing
Once a team is created, you can forward the email
created by IGC to your Personal-Users to enable them to
log into scheduled calls as guest, thereby allowing them
to use the Call Manager.
Ad Hoc Team
Team Cal l
Dial-out service to Users and P ersonal-Users. Users can
use their individual PINs to access the Call Manager.
Personal-Users can join the team calls, but cannot log
into or use the Call Manager.
Scheduled dial-out service to Users and Personal-Users.
Guests can dial-in to a scheduled call once it starts.
Emblaze-VCON IGC User Guide3
1 Welcome to IGC 2000
Individually Controlled Business Team Call
Main Features
Auto Roll CallLists all of the Team Members with their Member
Numbers, and whether or not each Team Member is
TUI command is 008
Change TeamAllows you to change to another team.
TUI command is:
***1TN1 to call the team.
***1TN2 to join an existing call to the team.
***1171 to call team 17.
***1172 to join an existing team 17 call.
Connect a
Connect AllDials out to all team members that are not currently
End WhisperEveryone can now hear what you say.
External CallsAllows team members to have separate conversations
External Mode
Dials out to a specific team member.
TUI command is <member number>2
For example: to dial team member no. 02, dial 022.
TUI command is 002
TUI command is 000 (same as Mute/Unmute)
without leaving the team call. By default, the external call
is a Private Call.
TUI command is #<telephone number>##
For example: to call (123) 456-7890, you need to dial:
“External Calls” on page 7 for additional
External Call options.
Gets a list of TUI star (**) commands. One option is to
get additional TUI commands.
TUI command is **
4Emblaze-VCON IGC User Guide
1 Welcome to IGC 2000
Find MeIGC calls telephone numbers in order of priority until it
locates the User or Personal-User. Users define this for
themselves under Admin Menu > Update Personal Profile (see
page 83
Menu > User Directory Options > Update User
(see “Editing a User (Personal-User)” on page 91).
No TUI command
Help DeskDials an external call to a number that your system
administrator defined as the help desk number. If this is
not available, it may not have been defined by your
system administrator.
TUI command is **0
Initiate a Team
Call From Your
Tele pho ne
TUI command is <IGC telephone number>
#<account number> <PIN> 1TN1
Example you need to dial:
#18001234567#12312312344441171 if your:
“Updating your Personal Profile” on
), and for their Personal-Users under Admin
• IGC telephone number is: 1-800-123-4567
• Account number is: 123123123
• PIN is: 4444.
For details see “To Initiate a Team Call Using TUI
with the Conference ID and PIN” on page 79
Program the entire number sequence into your phone’s
memory, using a long (2 second) pause in place of each
space character above.
Mute/UnmuteToggles Mute mode and ends Whisper mode.
• Lets you speak privately by preventing members of
the team call from hearing what you say. Equivalent
of covering the mouthpiece when you speak.
• Ends whisper mode.
TUI command is 000
Emblaze-VCON IGC User Guide5
1 Welcome to IGC 2000
Member and
Team Num bers
Renumbers Team Numbers (TNs) and Member
Numbers (MNs) to make it easier for you to use the
Telephone User Interface (TUI).
TNs and MNs are both changed under Admin Menu > Update My Teams > Personalize My Team (see
“Personalizing TNs and MNs” on page 97).
No TUI command
Secured crossmedia Instant
Volume Con trol Increases the volume for the Member selected until level
WebShareEnables you to display an application on your computer
WebExOpens a WebEx meeting directly from the Call Manager,
Whisper to
Whisper to One Only the person you “whisper” to can hear you.
Sends an Instant Message to the member selected. If the
team member is logged into the Call Manager, the
message is sent as text, otherwise IGC uses voice to
transmit the message to the member selected.
No TUI command
5 is reached. From level 5 it returns the volume to level 0.
TUI command is <member number>4
to all members of the group via their browsers.
No TUI command
thus allowing members of a team call to share a
document or application with full WebEx functionality.
This option is requires a WebEx license.
No TUI command.
This is the same as whispering to one, only you select
more than one person to whisper to.
No TUI command
TUI command is <member number>0
IGC can automatically dial-back to a cell phone when the
connection is lost, as is often the case when entering a
tunnel. This option can be added or removed in Admin Menu > Update Personal Profile (see
your Personal Profile” on page 83
Admin Menu > User Directory Options > Update
User (see “Editing a User (Personal-User)” on
page 91
No TUI command
Disconnect command is ****
) for Personal-Users.
) for Users , and in
6Emblaze-VCON IGC User Guide
1 Welcome to IGC 2000
External Calls
The following syntax is used to dial external calls:
#<telephone number>##
For example: dial #1234567890## to call (123) 456-7890.
Private CallTeam call members are unaware of the external call and
External Mode
Adds the consultant to the team call. The consultant can
participate in the conversation, but does not have Call
Manager functionality. This ties up the member’s
external call capabilities and the member who initiated
the external call can disconnect the consultant at any
Members of the team call can hear the external call, but
the “consultant” can only hear the member who initiated
the call.
The consultant can hear what is said in the team call and
speak with the member who initiated the call, but cannot
participate in the team call. Other members of the team
call are unaware of the consultation.
TUI command is **3
the “consultant” is unaware of the team call. The person
who makes the external call continues to hear the team
call in the background.
TUI command is **4
TUI command is ##
First menu lists TUI star (**) commands. Includes option
to get other TUI commands.
TUI command is **
Emblaze-VCON IGC User Guide7
1 Welcome to IGC 2000
1.2Broadcast Calls
Broadcast calls are moderator controlled and can only be scheduled by the
Broadcast Administrator. The Moderator is always the first pers on to join a
broadcast call; IGC will not allow Speakers and Listeners to join until th e Modera tor
is on the line.
T See “Broadcast Calls” on page 103.
Types of Broadcast Call Users
There are four types of users, all of which ca n only be defined by the System
ModeratorModera tors maintai n full contro l over the bro adcast call,
and must be present for a broadcast call to take place.
Only one person can be defined as the moderator for a
broadcast team, and no one else can dial-in to the
broadcast call before the moderator has joined using the
proper PIN.
Once logged into the Call Manager, the moderator
controls what a Listener can and cannot do. The options
T Listen Only - This is the default. The Silence User
command returns the Listener to this state after
being allowed to speak.
T Cancel Request - Cancels a Listener’s request to
T Speak - The listener is allowed to speak to the
SpeakerSpeakers join calls and log into the Call Manager using
their individual PINs. Once logged in, they have access to
all Call Manager facilities available to Users in business
team calls.
8Emblaze-VCON IGC User Guide
1 Welcome to IGC 2000
ListenerListeners dial-in directly to the broadcast call, but can
neither speak nor log into the Call Manager. Listeners
can request permission to speak by pressing the star (*)
key on the telephone, to .
The Moderator can permit the Listener to speak. The
Moderator can also place the Listener on hold, thus
preventing the Listener from hearing the broadcast call.
During this time, the moderator can hold a “sidebar”
conversation with the Listener to determine how to
handle the Listener’s request. The Moderator can also
place the Listener on hold at any time.
Listeners-On-Hold are similar to Listeners, but do not
dial-in directly to the broadcast call. Instead, they are
placed on hold until the Moderator decides to connect
them to the broadcast call as Listeners. In many cases,
the Moderator may want to sidebar to a Listener-OnHold before deciding whether to connect the Listener to
the broadcast call.
Individually Controlled Broadcast Call Features
Volume Con trol Increases the volume for the Member selected until level
5 is reached. From level 5 it returns the volume to level 0.
TUI command is <member number>4
SidebarPrivate conversation that a Moderator initiates with a
No TUI command
Emblaze-VCON IGC User Guide9
1 Welcome to IGC 2000
1.3Other Features
Pronunciation Control and the Listen Button
IGC uses a standard phonetic system to pronounce names. The Listen button allows
you to hear that pronunciation and add a “N ickname” that is pronounced but not
displayed. For Team names, which do not contain a Nickname field, it is
recommended that you enter a phonetic spelling, such as “co-laa-bo-rey-shyn”
rather than “collaborati on”.
Name Tags
IGC identifies each participant in a team call. The Call Manager lets you know who is
in the team call and who is speaking even if you don’t recognize the voice. If you
don’t know all of the participants, these “name tags” help you identify them.
Microsoft Outlook Plug In
You can download a plug in from for Microsoft Outlook that enables you to make
Meet-Me calls directly from Outlook. Once installed, you can initiate a Meet-Me call
to any of your Outlook Contacts just by clicking the IGC call icon in Outlook.
T See “IGC Agent for Microsoft Outlook” on page 113.
10Emblaze-VCON IGC User Guide
Before you can use IGC, you need to make sure that ActiveX controls are enabled in
your browser. After this you can log in and initiate team calls.
T Enabling ActiveX Controls
T Logging In
T Initiating a Call
T Initiating a Call to a Team
2.1Enabling ActiveX Controls
The Call Manager uses ActiveX controls for some of its functionality.
³ To enable ActiveX controls
1Open Internet Explorer and select Tools > Internet Options ... >
2Scroll down to ActiveX controls and plug-ins > Script Active X
controls marked safe for scripting and select Enable.
Enable ActiveX Controls
3Click OK.
Emblaze-VCON IGC User Guide11
2 Getting Started
2.2Logging In
³ To log in
1Open your browser to the URL given to you by the IGC administrator in
your company, such as
2Click the orange Customer Login square.
3Type your account number and PIN. You should have received these from
your network administrator.
4The Administration menu opens.
Administration Menu
IGC User automatically logs out after 20 minutes of inactivity.
12Emblaze-VCON IGC User Guide
2.3Initiating a Call
The simplest task in IGC is to initiate a dial-out call.
³ To initiate a call to yourself
1Click Initiate a Call.
Initiate a Call
2Select a team.
2 Getting Started
Select Team to Call
Emblaze-VCON IGC User Guide13
2 Getting Started
This opens the Call Manager with members of the team listed. All names
are in grey because they are not yet connected to the call.
Call Manager
If ActiveX controls are not enabled in your browser, you will receive an error
14Emblaze-VCON IGC User Guide
2 Getting Started
3Select Myself.
Select “Myself”
4Click the black telephone icon. This initiates a call to the phone number(s)
that your network administrator defined for you.
You can change these later in the Update Personal Profile page. The
check box flashes when the call is being placed. Once the connection is
made and you join the team call, the check box is filled and your name
turns from gray to black. The check box turns red when you speak.
Select Team Members to Call
5When you answer the phone, follow the instructions you receive over the
phone. To join the call, you may be asked to dial your account number and
later your PIN, or you may be asked to dial your PIN directly.
Pay attention and watch how Myself changes color from grey to black.
6Speak into the phone. Watch as the box to the left of Myself turns red to
indicate that you are speaking.
7Don’t hang up or disconnect the call yet; while still on the line, let’s dial an
external call.
Emblaze-VCON IGC User Guide15
2 Getting Started
Use the Dial Pad
The dial pad allows you to make an external call that takes place at the same time.
This is useful when you want to consult with someone while a team call is taking
place. Obviously it is not intended for conversations with yourself, but it is worth
trying just to familiarize yourself with this feature.
³ To use t h e dial pad
1From within an existing call, click Dial Pad.
Click “Dial Pad”
2Dial someone else from your computer keyboard.
16Emblaze-VCON IGC User Guide
2 Getting Started
3Click the telephone icon to initiate the external call.
Initiate External Call
4The external call is clearly labeled at the bottom of the Call Manager.
External Call is Labeled
Emblaze-VCON IGC User Guide17
2 Getting Started
5Disconnect the external call by selecting it and clicking the red telephone
Disconnect External Call
6Click Yes to confirm.
Confirm Disconnect
18Emblaze-VCON IGC User Guide
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