Copyright VBuzzer™., 2017
Grandstream Gateways & ATA’s
HT-286, 502, 503, 701, 702, 704, GWX-4008 & 4004
Configuration Guide

Copyright VBuzzer™., 2017
Find the IP Address
Quick Steps
1. Lift the handset of the phone connected to your ATA, Dial *** to initiate the IVR
2. Wait to be instructed to enter your command.
3. Dial 02 and the IP address will be played to you.
Quick Steps
1. Find the IP address of the device and open a web browser to the IP address.
2. Login with the device admin password. Default factory password is admin

Copyright VBuzzer™., 2017
3. Click on the “Basic Settings” option at the top.
Your telephones receive their time from the ATA device. Be sure you select the
correct time zone below and enter NTP server value (in Advanced Settings):
Click Apply.