Vauxhall VX220 Owner's Manual

Owner’s Manual
P age 0, L: \Own er 's Manual\Nv\ Spe edste r-VX 220\Mast er\KTA 2399- 5\VML\ SKIPIn tro .fm R HD, Va ux Editio n 9.3.05
Data specific to your vehicle
Pleas e enter you r vehicle ’s data here to keep it easily acces sible. This information is available under the section "Technical data" as well as on the identification plate.
Engine oil
Tyre inflat ion pressure
Ty re size wi th full load
Summer ty res Front Rear
Winter tyres Front Rear
Permissible gross vehicle weight
– EC kerb weight
P age 1, L: \Own er 's Manual\Nv\ Spe edste r-VX 220\Mast er\KTA 2399- 5\VML\ SKIPIn tro .fm R HD, Va ux Editio n 9.3.05
Your VX220
Developed to the la te st findings of vehicle rese arch, it offers technical sophistication and exceptiona l comfort. Your vehicle represents an ideal synthesis of advanced technology, outstanding safety, environm ental compatibility and economy in
opera tion.
It now lie s with you to drive your vehicle safely and to see it performs perfectly. This Owner's Manual provide s you with all the necessary information to tha t end.
Make s ure you r pa ssengers are awa re of the poss ible ris k of a ccident and in jury which may re sult fro m improper use of the vehicle.
The Owner's Manual should always be kept with the vehicle.
Make use of the Owner's Manual :
z Its “In Brief” section will give you a n initial overview. z Its inde x will help you find what y ou want.
z It will familiarize you with the sophisticated technology. z It will increase your pleasure in y our vehicle.
z It will help you to handle your vehicle expertly.
The Owner's Manual is designed to be clearly laid-out and easily understood.
This symbol:
6 signifies: continue reading on next page.
3 The asterisk signifies equipment op tions not in all vehicles
(m od el varia nts, engine options, models specific to one country , optional equipment, Genuine Vauxhall Parts and Accessories).
Yellow arrows in the illustrations se rve as points of reference or ind icate some action to be performe d.
Black arrow s in the illustrations indicate a reaction or a second ac tion to be performed.
We wish you many hours of pleasurable driving
Your Vauxhall team
Text highlighted in yellow indicates possible risk of a ccident or injury. Disreg ard of these ins tructions may lead to i njuries or end anger life. Veh icle
passengers should be informed accordingly.
P age 2, L: \Own er 's Manual\Nv\ Spe edste r-VX 220\Mast er\KTA 2399- 5\VML\ SKIPIn tro .fm R HD, Va ux Editio n 9.3.05
P age 3, L: \Own er 's Manual\Nv\ Spe edste r-VX 220\Mast er\KTA 2399- 5\VML\ R HD, Vaux Edit io n 10 .6.04
Commitment to customer satisfac tion:
Our aim: to keep you happy with your
vehicle. All Vauxhall Dealerships offer first class service at competitive price s.
Experienced, fac tory trained-tec hnicians work according to factory instructions.
Your dealership can supply you with GENUINE VAUXHALL APPROVED PARTS,
whi ch h a ve un derg one s tringe n t qua lity and pre cision check s, and of course use ful
Our nam e is your guarantee!
For d etails of the Vauxhall Dealership Network
please ring this number 01582 - 427200
In brie f............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ . 4
Instrum ents .... ............. ......... ......... ......... .. 16
K eys, door s, b onnet ... .................. ......... .. 22
S eats , interior.......... ......... ......... ......... ...... 3 0
S afety system s.... ........ ......... ......... ......... .. 32
Light in g ............... ........ ......... ......... ......... .. 40
Windows, soft top, ha rd top .. ......... ...... 4 2
He ating, ve ntila tion ... .............. ......... ...... 4 6
Driving hints ............ ......... ......... ......... ...... 5 0
S avin g fu el .............. ......... ......... ......... ...... 52
Env ironmen tal protectio n ........ ......... ...... 5 4
Fuel co ns umption, fuel, refu elling........ .. 56
Catalytic converter, exhaust emissions 58
Brakes.... .................. ......... ......... ......... ...... 6 0
Wheels, tyres ........... .... .................. ..... ...... 64
S elf-help ..... ......... ........ ......... ......... ......... .. 68
If Y ou Have a Problem ... ......... ......... ...... 7 6
S ervice plan, m ainte nance .......... ......... .. 78
Vehicle care ........ .... .... .............. .... ........... 86
Te chnical data .. ............. .... .................. .. 90
Index.. ......... ......... ........ ......... ......... ......... 102
P age 4, L: \Own er 's Manual\Nv\ Spe edste r-VX 220\Mast er\KTA 2399- 5\VML\ SKIPOM. fm RHD, Va ux Ed iti on 9.3.05
In brief
Key numbers, Code n umbers
Remove key number from key .
Th e key nu m ber is give n in the v ehicle papers and in the Car Pass.
Immobilizer, radio 3 : the code n umbe rs are given in the Car Pass and Radio Pass 3
respectively. Do not keep the Car Pa ss a nd Radio Pass 3
in th e v ehicle. 6 Further information - pages 22, 23.
Unlocking t he vehicle: Turn key i n do or lock,
remov e key Press l ock button to open door
Remote ce ntral lock ing 3: Direct remote control at v ehicle and press button. Press
lock button to open door.
6 Door locks - page 22, electronic immobilizer - page 23,
central door locking - page 26, remote control - page 24,
anti-theft alarm system - page 24.
Adjusting the s eat: Pull handle, move seat,
release handle, lock seat in position
N eve r adjus t the driver's se at whils t drivin g. It could move in an uncontrolled manner
whe n the handle ha s b een pulled.
The passe nger’s s eat and footrest are not adjustable.
P age 5, L: \Own er 's Manual\Nv\ Spe edste r-VX 220\Mast er\KTA 2399- 5\VML\ SKIPOM. fm RHD, Va ux Ed iti on 9.3.05
Lumbar s upport: Pump on outboard side of seat
Operate pump to increase s upport.
To decrease supp ort, re lease pressure with valve button (arrowed).
Se at b el t: Draw smoothly from inertia reel,
guide over the shoulder a nd engage in buckle
The belt must not be twisted at any p oint. The lap belt must fit snugly across the
To relea se belt, press red button on belt buckle.
6 Seat be lts - page s 32 to 34, airbag - p age 35.
Adju st in te rior and exte rio r mir rors: T he mir ror h ousings c an be swiv e lle d
into position
Move lever on underside of interior mirror housing to reduce dazzle at night.
6 Further information - page 38.
P age 6, L: \Own er 's Manual\Nv\ Spe edste r-VX 220\Mast er\KTA 2399- 5\VML\ SKIPOM. fm RHD, Va ux Ed iti on 9.3.05
P age 7, L: \Own er 's Manual\Nv\ Spe edste r-VX 220\Mast er\KTA 2399- 5\VML\ SKIPOM. fm RHD, Va ux Ed iti on 9.3.05
1 Ventilation je t .. ..... ............. .... ..... ......4 7
2 Star te r button ....... ......... ........ ......... ..1 1
3 Heating and ventilation controls .. ..46
4 Lever for
headlamps flash,
dipped and main beam, ........... ........ 9
turn signal lam ps, .... ..... ............. .... .... 9
5 Instruments....... ..... ................ 16, 18 , 1 9
6 Odometer reset button
(n ot visib le ) ............ .... ..... ............. 19, 41
7 Lever for windscreen wiper
and wa sh s ystem . ......... ........ ......... ..10
Pa ge
8 Switches for
sidelamps, he adlamps, fog tail la mp, front fog la m ps 3 and hazard warning
flashers ............ .... .................. .... ......... 9
9 Stowage pocket
10 Horn ........ .... ..... ............. .... ................ 10
11 Ignition switch (no t visib le) ...... ....... 1 1
Central lock ing switch 3
(not visible ).. ..... ............. ......... ......... .. 26
12 Airba g ......... ..... .... ............. ..... ........... 35
13 Rele ase lever for bonnet .. ......... ....... 2 8
14 Inte rio r light .............. ........ ......... .4 0, 75
15 Radio 3 ............ .... ..... ............. .... ....... 2 0
P age 8, L: \Own er 's Manual\Nv\ Spe edste r-VX 220\Mast er\KTA 2399- 5\VML\ SKIPOM. fm RHD, Va ux Ed iti on 9.3.05
Control indicators
Heating and ventilation
Windscreen wiper
Misce llan eous
Fuel level: 3
see pages 18, 57, 98.
Turn signal lamps:
see pages 9, 16.
Seat belt:
see page 16.
Brake system:
see pages 16, 61.
Oil p ressure:
see page 16.
Driver’s airbag system, bel t tensioners:
see page 17.
Z Engine electronics:
see page 17.
u Anti-lock bra k e system:
see page 61.
p Alternator:
see page 17.
H Coolant level low:
see page 17.
P Headlamp m ain beam:
see page s 9, 40.
8 Si de lamps:
see page 9, 40 .
0 Headlamps/side lamps:
see page s 9, 40.
r Fog tail lamp:
see page 9, 40 .
> Front fog lamps: 3
see page s 9, 40.
¨ Hazard warning flashers:
see page 40.
P Main beam:
see page s 17, 40.
O Turn signal l amps:
see page s 9, 16.
Blower switch:
see page 47.
Air distr ibution: see page 46,
to foot a rea
to head area a nd to foot a re a
to demister
$ %
Le ve r p osit ions:
see page 10,
Timed interval wipe
Fas t
Windscreen wash
j Horn:
see page 10.
) Cigarette lighter:
see page 30.
W Coolant temperature :
see pages 19, 80.
P age 9, L: \Own er 's Manual\Nv\ Spe edste r-VX 220\Mast er\KTA 2399- 5\VML\ SKIPOM. fm RHD, Va ux Ed iti on 9.3.05
Ligh t swi tches:
¨ = Hazard warning lamps > =Front fog lamps 3
r = Fog tail lamp
0 = Headlamps and side lamps
8 = Side lamp s
Press button to switch on and press ag ain to switch off.
The headlamps must be switched on before the fog tail lamp or front fog la mps
3 can be switched on.
6 Headla mp warning de vice - page 14,
further information - p age 40.
Dipped and main beam: Push lever forwards = Main beam
Pull lever towards steering wheel = Dipped beam
Pullin g the lever towards the steering w heel to the first stop ope rates the headlamp
fl as h .
He adl amp flash: Pull lever towards steering wheel
Headlamp flash can also be op erated when turn signal lamps are on.
Turn signal lamps: Le ver in res t position
Upwards = Right turn Downwards = Left turn
W h en t he s t ee ring wh ee l i s tu rn ed bac k, t he lever a utoma tica lly returns to its original
position. This will not happen when making a minor steering manoeuvre such as lane
When lane cha nging, move lever part way to first stop. When released, lever will
spring back.
P age 10, L:\Owne r's Manu al\ Nv\ Speeds ter-VX220 \Maste r\KTA2 399-5\VML\SK RH D, Vaux Edit ion 9.3.05
Horn: Press
Windscre en wiper: Move lever upwards
7 =Off $ = T im ed in te rva l w i p e
% =Slow & =Fast
Windscreen wash sys tem: P ull l ever towards steering wheel
Wash fluid is sprayed onto the windscreen at the same tim e the wiper is operated for
several cy cles.
6 Further information - page 83.
P age 11, L:\Owne r's Manu al\ Nv\ Speeds ter-VX220 \Maste r\KTA2 399-5\VML\SK RH D, Vaux Edit ion 9.3.05
Starter switch:
B = Ignitio n off I = Steering released, ignition off
II = Ignition on II I = Key returns to position II
Press the starter button to sta rt the engine. 6 Electronic immobilizer - p age 23.
Re leasing t he steering column lock: To re lease the lock , mo ve steering
wheel sligh tly and turn key to po si ti on I
6 Remove key and lock steering whe el ­page 14.
Star te r butto n:
Depress button w ith the ignition on to start the engine - (transmission in neutral).
Starter button is d eactivated once the e ng ine is ru nn in g.
6 Starting - page 13 .
P age 12, L:\Owne r's Manu al\ Nv\ Speeds ter-VX220 \Maste r\KTA2 399-5\VML\SK RH D, Vaux Edit ion 9.3.05
Manual transmission:
o =Neutral
1 to 5 = 1st to 5th gear R = Reverse gear
When shifting up from 4th to 5th gear, pressure must be exerted towards the right
at the beginning of the shift operation.
When shifting from 5th to 4th gea r, do not exert any forc e towards the left.
Reverse gea r: with vehicle stationary, mov e shift lever to the right three seconds after
declutching and engage gear.
If the gear does not engage: w ith lever in neutral, releas e clutc h pedal and depress
again, then repeat gear selection.
Bef ore dr ivin g c hec k:
z Tyre pressures and condition.
z E ngine oil level and fluid levels in e ngine
compa rtm ent (see page s 79 to 8 0).
z All windows, mirrors, exterior lighting
and number plate s fre e from dirt, snow and ice and a re operational.
z N o ob je ct s ar e on t h e instr ume nt p a nel.
z Seats, seat belts and mirrors are
correctly adjusted.
z Brake operation.
Exhaust gases are poisonous
Exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide, which is extremely poisonous but has no
odour or colour.
Therefore, ne ver inhale exhaust gases, and never run the engine in a garage with th e
garag e doors close d.
6 Exhaust gas - pa ge 58.
P age 13, L:\Owne r's Manu al\ Nv\ Speeds ter-VX220 \Maste r\KTA2 399-5\VML\SK RH D, Vaux Edit ion 9.3.05
Starting: Transmission in neutral
Depress clutch D o n o t acc eler ate
Turn key to II Press st arter button
When the engine starts, use the accelerator pedal to maintain an increased e ng ine
speed until normal combustion conditions are obtained, then release the accelerator
6 Electronic immobilizer - p age 23, further information - p ages 50, 52, 54 .
Releasing the hand brake
Slightly raise lever. Depress lock button. Lower lever fully.
The mechanic al hand brake acts on the rear wheels. It engages automa tica lly
when applied. 6 Brakes - page 60.
And now, h ave a go od jour ney – Drive carefully,
economically and with the environment in m ind
Whilst driving, do not do anything that could dis tract you.
Take heed of the traffic re ports given out on the ra dio 3.
6 Driving hints - pa ge 50, saving fuel - page 52,
environmental protection - pa ge 54.
P age 14, L:\Owne r's Manu al\ Nv\ Speeds ter-VX220 \Maste r\KTA2 399-5\VML\SK RH D, Vaux Edit ion 9.3.05
Par king the vehicle: Apply hand brake firmly
Switch off engine Remove key
Engage steering wheel lock Close windows
Lock doors
Further information - pag es 23, 51, central door locking 3 - page 26,
anti-theft alarm - page 24.
When parking:
z Alwa ys app ly hand brake firm ly . Engage
first ge ar or reverse gear.
On s lopes apply the hand brake as firmly as possible.
z Turn steering wheel until lock is fe lt to
engage (anti-theft protection).
z Switch off exterior lights, otherw ise the
headlamp warning device w ill sound whe n the d riv er’s doo r is o pened .
z Cooling fans may run on after the engine
has been switched off.
z Do not p ark the vehicle on a flammable
surface. The high temperature of the exhaust sy stem could ignite the surface.
Warnin g buz zers
While driving:
z O perating the ind icators .
When the vehicle is parked and driver’s door is opened:
z Headlamps switched on.
Service work, Maintenance
We recommend that you entrust all work to your Vauxhall Approved Repairer, who can
provide you with reliable service and correctly perform all work according to
factory instructions .
Vauxhall Service - page 76.
P age 15, L:\Owne r's Manu al\ Nv\ Speeds ter-VX220 \Maste r\KTA2 399-5\VML\SK RH D, Vaux Edit ion 9.3.05
Genuine Vauxha ll Part s and Accessories
We recommend the use of “Genuine Vauxhall Parts and Accessories” and
conversion parts release d expressly for your vehicle type. These parts have
undergone special tests to establish their reliability, safety and specific suitability for
your vehicle. Despite continuous market monit orin g, we ca nnot a ssess or guaran tee
these attributes for other products, e ven if they have been granted approval by the
relevant authorities or in some other form.
"Genuine Vauxhall Parts and Accessories" and conversion parts approved by
Vauxhall can be obtained from your Vauxhall Approved Repairer. You will be
given advice about permitted technical changes and correct installation will take
That was a brief overview.
Please read on!
Your vehicle has still more instrumen ts and contro ls,
po ssibly also o ptional equ ipment:
You will also find further important information on
operation, safety and mainte nance and a complete index.
For your safety
Carry out regularly the checks recom mended in this Owne r's Manual.
Ensure that your v ehicle is serviced at the service intervals spec ifie d in the Serv ic e
Booklet. We recommend that y ou entrust this work to your Vauxhall Approved
Have faults remedied without delay! Consult a workshop. We recommend
your Vauxhall Approved Repairer. If necessary, interrupt your journey.
6 Maintenance - pages 78 to 84.
P age 16, L:\Owne r's Manu al\ Nv\ Speeds ter-VX220 \Maste r\KTA2 399-5\VML\SK RH D, Vaux Edit ion 9.3.05
Control indicators
Fuel level 3
Illuminates when fuel le vel falls below 5 litres. Fill up - never let the tank become
empty .
Further inform ation - see page 18
Turn s ig n al
Flashes when turn signal lamps are on. Flashes rapidly: a turn sig nal bulb has
fa il e d.
Seat be lt
Illuminates when the ignition is switche d on then flashes 8 times to indicate that seat
belts should be engaged.
R Brake system
Illuminates when ignition is switched on if hand brake is ap plied and/or fluid level for
brak e hyd ra ulics is too low.
Furthe r information - see page 60.
I Oil pressure
Illuminates when ignition is switched on.
If it illuminates when the hand brake is not a pplied: stop vehicle; interrupt your
journey immediately. Consult a workshop. We recommend your
Vauxhall Ap proved Repairer.
P age 17, L:\Owne r's Manu al\ Nv\ Speeds ter-VX220 \Maste r\KTA2 399-5\VML\SK RH D, Vaux Edit ion 9.3.05
Goes out after engine is s tarted. Can light up intermittently when idling w ith hot
engine; must go out when e ngine speed is increased .
If it illum ina te s when the engine is running: engine lubrication may b e interrupted,
resulting in damage to the engine and /or locking of the driving wheels:
z Depress clutch. z Move gear shift lever to neutral.
z Switch off ignition. Consid erably greater
force will be req uired for braking.
Airbag system, belt tensioners
see page 35.
Engine electronics
Illum inates when the ignition is switche d on. Goes out shortly after the engine starts
to run.
If it illuminates whe n the engine is running: the re is a fault in the engin e co ntro l s ystem.
The permissible emission limits may be exc eed ed. Consult a wor kshop. We
recommend your Vauxhall Approved Repairer.
If it flashes when the engine is running a fa ult has occurred which may damage the
catalytic conve rter. You may continue driving, provided you lift your foot off the
accelerator pedal until the indicator stops flashing and is s teadily lit. Should the
indicator continue to flash, consult a workshop immediately. We recommend
your Vauxhall Ap proved Repairer.
Anti-lock brake system
see page 61.
p Alternator
Illuminates when ignition is switched on. Goe s out after engine is started.
If it illuminates when the engine is running: stop vehicle and switch off engine. The
battery is not being charg ed and the engine cooling may be inte rrupted.
Interrupt your journey and check drive belt before consulting a work shop. We
recommend your Vauxhall Approv ed Repairer.
Coolant level
Is illuminated wh en coola nt level is low and require s topping up.
Che cking and topp ing up fluids - page 79.
Main beam
Illuminates when main beam is on and headlamp flash is operated.
Do not remove key until vehicle has com e to a sta nds till, otherwise the
steering column lock could e ngage un expe cted ly.
Check oil level before consulting a workshop, we recommend your Vauxhall
Ap proved Repairer.
P age 18, L:\Owne r's Manu al\ Nv\ Speeds ter-VX220 \Maste r\KTA2 399-5\VML\SK RH D, Vaux Edit ion 9.3.05
Making use of the tachometer helps to save fuel; it indicates the engine speed in
revolutions per minute.
Warning zone on right: maximum pe rmissible engine speed exc ee ded,
danger to engine.
If possib le, d rive in each gear in the low e ngin e sp eed ran ge (betwe en a pp ro x .
2000 and 3000 rpm) and maintain an even vehic le speed.
Gear chang e-up warning LED 3
The w arning LED illuminate s to ind ic ate that the recommended maximum engine
speed in th e current gear is being exceeded and the next higher gear should
be s elec ted.
Spee dometer
Indicates the vehicle speed .
Display panel
Displays fuel level, odometer, trip odometer and coolant temperature.
The top right ha nd corne r of the LCD displays the approx. fue l level.
The fuel level warning indicator Y 3 will illuminate if the fuel level falls below 5 litres .
Never let the tank become empty!
The instrume nts in your vehicle may differ from tho se i llu str ate d.
P age 19, L:\Owne r's Manu al\ Nv\ Speeds ter-VX220 \Maste r\KTA2 399-5\VML\SK RH D, Vaux Edit ion 9.3.05
Records the total distance driven.
Trip odometer
P r es sing the res et b utto n - loc a ted o n the right hand side of the steering column
shroud - for less than one second, will zero the setting. This button also controls the
brightness of the instrume nt illumination. Further information, see page 41.
Coolant temperature gauge
The coolant temperature is displayed in the bottom right hand corner of the display as
soon as the coolant te mperature reaches 70 °C.
For physical rea sons, the gauge shows the coolant temperature only if the coola nt
level is adeq uate.
During operation the system is pressurized. The temperature may therefore rise to over
10 0 °C.
The display will flas h a t tempe ratures of over 110 °C, howe ver, it is only if the
temperature exceeds 123 °C that the temperature is too high. Stop vehicle,
switch off engine. Danger to engine. Check coolant level immediately. See
page 81.
P age 20, L:\Owne r's Manu al\ Nv\ Speeds ter-VX220 \Maste r\KTA2 399-5\VML\SK RH D, Vaux Edit ion 9.3.05
Radio 3
The rad io is ope rated as describe d in the opera ting instruc tions supplied.
Vehicle radio rec eption will differ from that obtained with domestic radios.
As the vehicle antenna is relativ ely near the ground , the broadcasting companies
cannot guarantee the same quality of reception as is obtaine d with a domestic
radio using an overhead antenna.
z C hange s in distance from the
z multi-path reception due to reflection
z shadowing may cause hissing , noise, distortion or loss
of reception altogether.
CD mu ltichange r 3
The CD multichanger is located in the load compartment.
Mobile telephones and radio equ ipment (CB)
The Vauxhall installation instruc tions and the op erating guidelines prov ided by the
telephone manufacturer must be observed whe n fitting and op erating a m obile
te lepho ne. Fa ilu re to do so could invalidat e the vehicle’s operating permit (EU Directive
Requirements to ensure trouble-free operation:
z Professionally installed exterior ae rial to
obtain the maximum range pos sible
z Maximum tra nsmission power 10 W
z Installation of the telephone in a suita ble
spot (see n ote on pa ge 35 ).
P age 21, L:\Owne r's Manu al\ Nv\ Speeds ter-VX220 \Maste r\KTA2 399-5\VML\SK RH D, Vaux Edit ion 9.3.05
O btain advice on pred etermined installation locations for the external
antenna and equipment holde r and w ays of using devices with transmission power of
more than 10 Watts. We recommend that you consult your Vauxhall Approved
Repairer, who will ha ve consoles and various ins tallation kits and install them in
accordance with reg ulations.
Use a hands-free attachment if you must use your phone while driving. Even with a
handsfree attachm ent, the telephone could dis tract y ou from the traffic situatio n.
Follow the nationa l regulations of the country in which you are driving.
When used in the vehicle interior, mobile telephones and ra dio equipment (CB)
with inte grated antenna may cause malfunctions in the vehicle electronics.
Mobile telephone s and rad io equipment (C B) should only be used with an
antenna fitte d on the vehicle exterior.
P age 22, L:\Owne r's Manu al\ Nv\ Speeds ter-VX220 \Maste r\KTA2 399-5\VML\SK RH D, Vaux Edit ion 9.3.05
Keys, doors, bonnet
Re pl acement ke ys
The key is a c onstituent of the electronic immobiliser. Ordering key s froma Vaux hall
Ap proved Dealer guarantees fault-free op eration of the e lectronic immobiliser.
This will avoid unnecessary costs and difficulties when claiming from insurance
companies and problems when a sserting warranty claims.
Door locking and unlocking
From outside
Mechanically - page 4, radio remote control - pa ge 24.
Push the lock button and pull the outside handle, or pull the in side lever to open the
front door.
Cen tral door locking 3 - see page 26.
P age 23, L:\Owne r's Manu al\ Nv\ Speeds ter-VX220 \Maste r\KTA2 399-5\VML\SK RH D, Vaux Edit ion 9.3.05
Electronic immobilizer
Protects the vehicle ag ainst b eing stolen by means of an electronic system which
prevents the engine being sta rted.
To activate:
Switch the ignition off and remove key.
To deacti vate:
Insert key and turn the ignition on; the engine can then b e started.
The immobilizer does not lock the doors. After leaving the vehicle, therefore, always
lock it.
The Car Pa ss contains all the vehicle’s data and therefore must not be kept in the
Have your Car Pass ready to hand when consulting your Vauxhall Approv ed
Deactivation is not possible in any other way, so keep the s pare key to hand in a
safe place.
P age 24, L:\Owne r's Manu al\ Nv\ Speeds ter-VX220 \Maste r\KTA2 399-5\VML\SK RH D, Vaux Edit ion 9.3.05
Radio frequen cy re mote co ntrol
The radio frequency remote control is used to switch the
z central locking s ystem 3 z anti-theft alarm system
on and off
The remote control has a range of approx. 3 me tre s. The range may be reduced
owing to the shadowing and reflection of th e r ad io waves. To operat e th e r emote
control direct it a t the vehicle.
For your convenience, we recommend that the ce ntral lock ing sy stem 3 always be
op erated using the remote control unit.
Treat the remote control unit with care; it should be protected against moisture and
should not be operated unnecessarily.
The hazard warning lamps flash briefly to show that the remote control is
op erational.
C entra l lock ing syste m 3
see page 26
Anti -theft alarm system
see page 24
P age 25, L:\Owne r's Manu al\ Nv\ Speeds ter-VX220 \Maste r\KTA2 399-5\VML\SK RH D, Vaux Edit ion 9.3.05
Changing the batteries in remote control unit
Replace the batteries in accordance with th e S ervi ce Bo oklet or wh en t he rang e of
the remote control starts to become reduced.
Open the battery compartment by unclipping the two halves.
Ensure the new batteries are installed correctly, "+" side uppermos t.
Close the battery com partment by clipping together the two halves.
Make sure that y ou dispose of old b atteries in accordance with environmental
protection regulations.
If the central locking syste m 3 or anti-theft alarm system cannot be operated with the
re m o te contro l , this ma y be du e to the following reasons:
z The remote control is out of range. z The battery voltage of the remote
control is too low. Change the batteries in the remote control unit.
z T he remote contr ol has been operated
many times in succession outside the vehicle’s reception range (e.g. at too
great a distance from the vehicle). The remote control must be reprogrammed
by a workshop. We recommend your Vauxhall Approved Repairer.
P age 26, L:\Owne r's Manu al\ Nv\ Speeds ter-VX220 \Maste r\KTA2 399-5\VML\SK RH D, Vaux Edit ion 9.3.05
Centr al l ock ing syst em 3
To lock and unlock both doors using the remote control unit.
Locking and unlocking from the inside:
Depress the O switch 3 on the steering column. Lock buttons raise or lower to
indica te lock status.
Operating the centr al lock ing system i n the event of v eh icle b attery failu re
In the ev ent of the vehicle battery failing the c entral locking system will not function.
To gain access to the vehicle therefore the overrid e system must be activated:
z Press override button located in the
up per rear number plate recess.
z Whilst keeping the button depressed,
activate the radio fre quency remote control.
z Doors will unlock.
P age 27, L:\Owne r's Manu al\ Nv\ Speeds ter-VX220 \Maste r\KTA2 399-5\VML\SK RH D, Vaux Edit ion 9.3.05
Anti-theft alarm system 3
The system monitors:
z doors, engine cover, bon net. z passenger compartment.
Only the remote c ontrol can be used to opera te the anti-theft alarm system.
The remote control has a range of approxim ately 3 metre s. The ra ng e m ay be
reduced owing to shadowing and reflection of the radio waves. To operate
the remote control, d irect the remote control unit at the vehic le .
Treat the remote control unit with c are; it should b e protected against moisture and
should not be operated unnecessarily.
To activate
All doors must be closed; p ress the button on the remote control unit.
Upon activation the indicators (including side repeaters) will flas h twice. Once
activated the alarm system will b e armed af ter 3 0 seco nd s.
The light emitting diod e (LED) mounted in the instrument panel flashes continuously
to indic ate that the alarm is armed.
If any of the doors are not fully closed w hen the anti-theft alarm system is activated a
warning will sound.
Passenger compartment monitoring
When the anti-theft alarm is a ctivated, the system autom atic ally monitors the inside
of the vehicle for any moveme nt.
To disable the pa ss enger compartment monitoring, (for example if an animal is left
in the vehicle): z Press and hold the button on the remote
control for 4 s econds,
z the indicators (including side repeaters)
will flash three time s to confirm that the passenger comp artm ent monitoring
function is disa bled.
The disable monitoring function will remain until the alarm is deactivated or the doors
P age 28, L:\Owne r's Manu al\ Nv\ Speeds ter-VX220 \Maste r\KTA2 399-5\VML\SK RH D, Vaux Edit ion 9.3.05
To deacti vate
Press the button on the remote control.
The indicators (including side repeate rs) will flash once. The alarm system is
immediately disarmed .
Under norma l circumstances the light emitting diode (LED) w ill not flash when the
alarm is deactivated, however if it does, it indicates that the alarm has been
triggered. Consult a w ork shop. We recommend your Vauxhall Approved
Alarm back-up system 3
The alarm system has a battery bac k-up siren unit which in the event of its pow er
supply being d isconnected or disconnection of the vehicle battery, it will
sound for approx. 4.5 minutes on its internal batteries.
If the vehicle b attery has to be disconnected it will be ne cessa ry to:
z Sw itch on the ignition, z Open bonnet to gain access to vehicle
z Turn off ig nition, z Disconnect battery leads within 15
If battery is disconnected after 15 seconds the siren will s ound on its internal power. To
stop the siren, reconnect the vehicle battery and press the button on the remote
control unit.
Bonnet release
The bonnet release lever is located centrally under the instrument pane l. To
open the bonnet, pull the lever to the left. The bonnet will then be unlocked and will
partially open - return release lever to its original position.
Lift bonnet upwards to fully open.
Check that the bonnet is locked in position by pulling at its edge. If it is not locked in
position, press the bonnet firmly down in the area of its latch to ensure it is fully
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