Vauxhall tigra 2007 User Manual

Operation, Safety and Maintenance
Owner’s Manual
VA UXH A LL T igra
Operation, Safety, Maintenance
Data s p ecific to your v ehicle
Please enter your vehicle’s data here to keep it easily accessible. This information is available under the section "Technical data" as well as on the identification plate and in the Service Booklet.
Engine oil
Tyre pressure
Tyre size for load with 1 person and
light luggage
Summer tyres Front Rear Front Rear
Winter tyres Front Rear Front Rear
with full load
Permissible gross vehicle weight
– EC kerb weight
Your Tigra
is an intelligent combination of forward­looking technology, impressive safety,
env ironmental friendliness a nd economy. The Retractable steel roof also gives you
the opportunity to enjoy your Tigra as a coupe or aconvertible .
It no w li es with you to drive your vehicle safely and ensur e that it performs
perfectly. T his Owner’s Manual provides you with all the necessary information to
that end. Make sure yo ur passengers are aware
ofthe possibl e risk of ac ci dent and injury which may result from imprope r use of the
vehicle. You must always comply with the specific
laws of the country that you are travelling th ro ug h. These laws may differ from the
informatio n in this Owner’s Manual.
When this Manual re fers to a workshop visit, we re commend your Vauxhall
Authorised Repairer. A ll Vauxhall Authorised Repairers provide
first class se rvice at reasonable prices. You will receive quick, reliable and
in dividual service. Experienced mechanics, trained by
Vauxhall, work according to specific Vauxhall instructions.
T he Owner’s Man ual should always be kept in t he vehicle: Rea dy to hand in the glove
Make use of the Owner’s Manual:
z The "In Brief" se ctio n will give you an
initial overview.
z The table of contents at the beginning
of the owner’s manual and within the individual chapters will sho w y o u where
everything is.
z Its index will help you find what you
z It will familiarise you with the
sophisticated technology.
z It will in crease yo ur pleasu re in your
z It will help you to handl e your vehicle
T he Owner’s Manual is designed to be clearly laid out and easily un derstood.
This symbol signifies:
6 Continue read ing on next page. 3 Items marked with an asterisk are not
fitted to all vehicles (model vari ants, engine options, models specific to one
country , optional equi pment, Genuine Vauxhall Parts and Accessories).
9 Wa r n ing
Text marked 9 Warnin g provides in formation on risk of accident or in jury.
Disregard of the in structions may lead to injuries or endanger life.
Inf orm your passengers accordingly.
Yellow arrows in the illustrations serve as points of re ference or indicate some ac ti on
to be performed. Black arrows in the illustrations indicate
a reaction or a second action to be per f ormed.
Directional data, e.g. left or right, or front or back, in the descriptions always relate to
the direction of travel. Thank you for choos ing a Vauxhall. We
wish you many hours of pleasurabl e driving.
Your Vauxhall Team
Comm itment to c ustomer satisfaction:
Our aim: to keep you happy with your
vehicle. All Vauxhall Aut horised Repairers offer first-class service at comp etitive
prices. Experienced, factory-trained technicians work according to factory
in structions. Your Author ised Repair er can supply you with GENUINE VA UXHALL-
A PPROVED PARTS, which have undergone stringent quality and precision checks, and
of course useful and a ttractive VAUXHALL-APPROVED ACCESSORIES.
Our name is your guarantee! For details of the
Vauxhall Authorised Repairer Netw ork, please ring this number; 0845 090 2044
In Brief ....................................................... 2
Keys, doors, w indows,
Retractable steel roof ........................ 20
Seats, Interior .......................................... 46
Instruments, Control s ............................ 68
L igh ting ..... .... ..... .... .... ......... ..... .... ..... ...... 88
Infotainment system ............................. 92
Climate control ...................................... 94
Driving and Operation ........................ 102
Self-help, vehicle care .......................... 132
Technical data .................................... 162
Service, Maintenance .......................... 175
Index ...................................................... 190
2In Brief
In B rief
To unlock and open driver’s door: Pres s bu tton q,
pull door ha ndle
6 Door locks, child safety locks – see page 22,
key – see page20, electronic immobilizer – s ee page 21,
ra dio remote control 3 – see page22, central locking 3 – see page 24,
V aux hall alarm sy stem 3 – see page 31.
To unlock and open luggage compartment:
Press button q of remote control twice,
press butto n be n e ath t he boot lid
The vehicle is unlocked and the luggage compartme nt opens automatically.
To unlock with but t on on driv er’s door: With veh icle unlocked, ignition on and
hand brake applied, briefly pull button R. 6 Luggag e co mp artm ent – see page 27,
radio remote control – s ee page 22.
3In Brief
To adjust seat: Pull handle,
slide seat, release handle
6 Seats – see page 46, seat position – see page 47 .
Adjusting seat back rest: Turn handwheel
Move s eat backrest to su it seating position. Do not lean on seat backrest whilst
adjusting it. 6 Seats – see page 46,
seat position – see page 47.
9 Wa r n i n g
Important: Do not sit nearer than 10 inches (25 cm ) from the steering wheel, to
permit safe airbag deplo yment.
T o adj u st seat he ig h t : Pull fro nt lev er at side
Lift lever and relieve some weight from sea t to raise it or press down on seat with body
weight to lower it. 6 Seats – see page 46,
seat position – see page 47.
4In Brief
F old in g dow n t he se at backrests: Rai se release lever
To access the stowage compartment behind the seats, fold the front seat
backrests forward. 6 Seats – see page 46,
seat position – see page 47 .
To adj ust head r e s t r ain t height : To rel ease c atch gri p h e ad
restra in t at sides, ti lt forward,
hold and adjust height, engage
6 Head restraints – page48, h ead res traint position – page 48,
h ead res traint removal – page 48.
To fit sea t be lt: Draw seat belt smoothly
frominerti a reel, gui de over should er
a n d e n ga ge in bu ckle
The seat belt mu st not be twisted at an y point. The lap belt mus t lie snu gly against
the body. The backrests must not be tilted back too far (recommended tilting angle
appr ox. 25°). To rel ease belt, press red button on belt
buckle . 6 Three-point safety belts – see page50,
airbag system – see page 56, seat position – see page 47.
5In Brief
To adjust exterior mirrors: Four-wa y swi tch on drive r’s d oor
Press mirro r switch right or left: Four-way switch adjusts corresponding mirror.
6 Mir rors – page 34, aspherical exterior mirror – page 34,
heated exterior mirror – pages 12, 95.
Adjusting interior mirror: Swivel mirror hous ing
Swivel lever on underside of m irro r housing to reduce dazzle at night.
6 M irrors – page 3 4.
6In Brief
7In Brief
1 Side air vents ................................... 94
2 Fr ont passenger airbag .................. 56
3 In fotainment sy stem 3 ..... ........ 76, 93
4 Hazard warning lights .............. 10, 90
LED for anti-theft alarm s ystem 3...32
5 Informat ion display
for time, date, outside temperature,
Infotainment System 3 . ........ ..... .... . 76
Trip computer 3 ... .... ..... ........ ..... .... . 8 3
6 Centre air vents ................................94
7 Horn ............. ......... ......... ........ ...........11
Dr ive r’ s Airb ag ..... .... ..... .... .... ......... . 5 6
8 Tu rn sign al l igh ts ,.. .... ......... .... ..... 10, 8 9
hea d lig ht flas h, .... .... ..... .... .... ..... 10, 8 9
Dipped beam, high beam ........... 9, 89
Door-to-door l ight funct ion 3......... 90
Cruise control3 ........ ..... .... .... ..... .... 120
9 Remote c ontrol on
stee ring wheel 3 .. ...................... ..... 92
10 Instruments................................. 68, 74
Pa ge
11 Windscreen wiper ..................... 11, 87
Windscreen wash system ..........11, 87
12 Park ing lights, dipped beam ... ... 9, 88
13 Headlight range adjustment .......... 90
Fog tail light ..................................... 89
Fog lights 3 ...................................... 89
Instrument illumination .. ................. 91
14 Bonne t rele a se lev er . ........ ..... .... .... 1 3 2
15 S ta rter switch with steering
wh ee l loc k ... ..... .... ......... .... ..... .... ..... ... 9
16 Steering wheel adjustm ent 3 ... ..... ... 9
17 Ac cel era t or pedal .... .... .... ..... 108 , 1 10
18 Brake pedal ..................... 72, 108, 123
19 Clut ch p ed al 3 ... ..... .... ......... ..... .... 108
20 Heated seats 3 .. ..... .... ..... .... ......... .. 95
21 Accessory socket or
cigarette lighter .............................. 65
22 Ashtray 3 ......................................... 66
23 Air conditioning s ystem 3 ... ..... .... .. 98
Heated rear window .................. 12, 95
Air recircul a ti on system 3............... 99
24 Climate control ............................... 94
25 Glove compartment ........................ 67
8In Brief
Control indicators
Seat belt3,
see pages 68 , 50.
Fog lights 3,
see pages 68 , 89.
Engine elec tronics, Immobilizer,3,
Easyt ronic3, Fault,
see pages 21, 69, 1 02,114.
Exhaust emission 3,
see pages 69 , 114.
A irbag systems, Be lt tensio ne rs,
see pages 52 , 60.
Engine oil pressure,
see page 70.
Turn signal lights,
see pages 10, 71, 89.
Main bea m,
see pages 9, 71,89.
Glow plugs 3,
see page 70.
Easytronic3, Start engine 3,
see pages 71, 103.
Easytronic 3, Winter progr amme,
see page 105.
Fog tail light,
see pages 71, 89.
see page 71.
Brake system, Clutch system,
see pages 72, 18 3.
Anti-lock Brake System3 ,
see page 125.
Engin e oil level 3,
see pages 72, 17 9.
Electric power steering3,
see page 72.
Electronic Stability Program
see pages 73, 11 8.
Fue l level,
see pages 73, 11 3.
Seat occupancy recognition 3,
see pages 73, 61 .
) 3,
9In Brief
St eering wheel lock and ignit ion: Turn key to position 1
M ove stee r ing wheel s om e wh at to release lock
Positions: 0=Ignitionoff
1 = Steering free, ignition off 2=Ignition on,
for diesel engine: preheat
3=Starting To lock the steering wheel, switch ignition
off, remo ve ke y and engage steering wheel. 6 Starting – page 13,
ele ctro nic immobilizer – pag e 2 1, parking the veh icle – page 14.
Steering wheel ad ju stment 3: Swivel lever d o wn,
adjust heig ht, s wiv el lever up,
Adjust steering wheel only when vehicle is stationary and steering column lock is
relea sed. 6 Airbag systems – page 56.
Light switch
7 =Off 8 = Par king li ght s
9 = Di ppe d be am
or main beam
Press button:
> =Fog lights3 r = Fog tail light
0 = Cou rtesy light 6 Lighting – page 88,
headlight control indicator – pages 14, 86.
10 In Brief
Headlight flash, main beam and dippe d be am :
Headlight flash
= pu ll stalk
towards s t eering wheel
M ai n beam = st a lk for war ds Di ppe d be am = stalk for w ar ds
Main beam, h eadlight flash – page 89.
S w itch on t u r n signal light s: right = stalk up
left = stalk down
6 Turn s ignal lights – page 89.
Hazard warning li ghts: on = press ¨
off = press ¨ agai n
6 Hazard warning lig hts – page 90.
11In Brief
O per at e h orn:
j press right or left 6 A irbag sys tem – page 56,
remote control on steering wheel 3 – page 92.
Wiper: Move stalk up
= adjustable tim ed interval
6 wiper – page 87, adjustable timed interval wipe 3 –
page 87, further notes – pages 1 60, 185.
Operating windscreen system: Move stalk towa r d steering w heel
The wiper will swipe for a few str okes. 6 Screen wash system – page 87,
further notes – page s 160, 185.
12 In Brief
Heated rear window, heat ed exterior mirrors:
on = press Ü off = pre ss Ü again
6 A ir conditioning – page94, heated rear window – page 95.
To c lea r misted or ic y wind ow s: Turn rot ar y switch for
tempera t ure and air flo w clockwise,
set air distributi on to V; Air conditi oning system 3:
A l so pr e s s butt o nn
6 Climate control system 3 – page 94.
Man ual transmission:
Reverse gear: with vehicle stationary, three seconds after de-clutching pull the ring up
and engage gear. If the gear does not engage, s et the leve r
in neutral, r elease the clutch pedal and depress again; then repeat gear selection.
Easytronic 3: N = Idle/start position
=Drive position
(centre position)
+ = Higher gear
-=Lower gear A/ M = Swi t ch between
Auto m at i c an d Manua l mode.
R = Rever se gear
(withselector lever lock)
To move the selector lever from N to R press the button on the lever.
Only star t in N with foot brake applied. 6 Easytronic 3 – page 102.
Before starting off, check:
z Tyre pressure and tyre condition, see
pages 126, 170.
z Engine oil level and fluid levels in engine
compartment, see pages 1 79 to 185.
z All windows, mirrors , exterior lighting
and number plates ar e free from dirt, snow and ice and operational.
z Do not place any objects in fr ont of the
rear wi ndow, on t he instr ument panel or in the area in which the airbags inflate.
z Seats, seat belts and mirrors are
correctly adjusted.
z Check brakes.
13In Brief
To start e ng ine: Operate clutch and brake,
Easytronic 3 in N, do not accelerate,
petrol engine: key to 3 ; diesel engine: key to 2, when
con t rol indicator ! goe s o ut1), key to 3;
relea se key once engine is running
Before restarting or switching off the engine, turn key ba ck to 0.
To switch on the ignition, only turn the key to 2.
6 Electronic immobilizer – Page 21, Diesel fuel system – Pa ge 132.
Preheating system switches on o nly if outside temperature is low.
14 In Brief
Advice when parking:
z Do not park the vehicle on flammable
ground as combustion could occur due to th e high exhaus t temperatures.
z Always apply th e hand brake firmly.
Apply the hand brake as firmly as possible on uphill or downhill slopes.
To reduce operating forces, depress foot brake at the same time.
z Close w indo ws and Retrac table steel
Releasing the hand brake: Rai se lever slig h tly,
press lock button, l o wer lever fu lly
6 Hand brake – page 124.
Parking the vehicle: Apply hand br ake firmly,
engine off, remove key,
lock steering wheel, lo ck v eh icle
T o lock and activate the Vauxhall alarm system 3, pres s bu tton p. To activate the
anti-theft lock ing system 3 and Vauxh all alarm system 3, press button p twice.
6 F urther informatio n – see p ages 2 1, 1 08, radio remote control – see page 22,
central locking system – see page 24, V aux hall alarm sy stem 3 – see page 31,
vehicle deco mmissioning – see page 187.
15In Brief
z With man u al transmissi on, select f irs t
gear or reverse gear , with Easytronic 3 move s elector lever to centre position
before switching ignition off.
z On vehicles with Easytronic 3 control
indica to r R flashes for a few sec onds after the ign ition is switched off if the
hand brake has no t been applied– see page 106.
z Turn steeri ng wheel until lock is felt to
engage (anti-the ft protection) after first withdraw ing the ignition key.
z The engine cooling fans may run after
the engine has been switc hed off, see page 178.
6 Further information – see pages186, 187.
9 Wa r n i n g
Carry out regularly the checks recommended in the individual sections
of this Owne r’s Man ua l. Ensure that your vehicle is serviced at the
service intervals specif ied in the Service Booklet. We recommend that you entrust
this wor k to your Vauxhall Authorised Repairer.
Have faults remedied without delay! Consult a workshop. We recom mend your
Vauxhall Authorised Repairer. If ne cess ary, i nterrupt your jo urney.
6 Maintenance – see page 162.
That was the most i mportant information for your first drive
inyour Tigra in brief.
Th e ot h e r p age s of th i s ch ap t e r contain a des cription of some
interesting fun ction s in your vehicle.
T h e remain ing ch apters of the Owner’s Ma nual
co ntain im p or t ant info rm a t ion on op era tion, sa fety and
ma intenance as well as a com plete index.
16 In Brief
Airbag System
The airbag system co nsist s of several separate systems.
Front airbag system
The front airbag system will be triggered in the event of a serious accident involving
a frontal impact an d forms safety cu shions for the driver and front passenger. The
forward movement of the driver and front passenger is checked and the risk of
injuries to the uppe r body a nd head thereby substantially reduced.
Side airbag system
T he side airbag is triggered in the even t of a side-on collision to form a safety cushio n
for the driver or front passenger in the respective door area. This substantially
reduces the risk of i njury to the upper body and pelvis.
6 Airbag systems – page 56.
Oper at in g menusin t h e info rma t ion d ispla y 3
Menu options are sel ected using menus and using the buttons /four-way button or the
multi-functio n button o f the In fotainment system 3 or the button s 3 on the steering
wheel. The respective menu options are sh own on the displ ay.
Selection using four-way button: pres s four-way button at top, bottom, left
or rig ht .
Ü Board Computer 19,5° 19:36
BC 1 All values
BC 2 Timer
257.0 miles
6.0 ga l s
Ø 7.0 miles/gal
17In Brief
Selection using mu lti-f unctio n button 3: rotate and press multi-function button.
To exit a menu, turn the multi-fun c tion button left or rightto Return or Main
and select.
To select wi th steering wheel buttons 3 Select menu options vi a the menus a nd
the buttons. 6 Information Display – page 76.
Trip computer 3
The trip compu ters provide information on driving data, which is continually recorded
and evaluated electronically. Functions:
z Range z Instantaneous cons umpt ion
z Distance travelled z Average speed
z Effective consumption z Average consumption
z Stop watch 6 Board computer – see page 83.
18 In Brief
Opening Retractab le steel roof
Only with vehicle stationary.
z Engage hand brake. z Engage the luggage compartment
partit ion in the rear position.
z Place no obj ect s in front of the rear
wind ow or in front of the lugg age compartment partition.
z Clo se t h e boot lid .
z Release the locking levers on upper right
and left of th e window frames, pulling both levers all the way down. The
retai ni ng hook must unhook.
z Switch on ignition. z Pull S until the roof is completely open
and the boot lid is closed. An acousti c si gna l soun ds at the
beginning and end of the pro cedure. If the hand brake is not engaged, the
roof lock is not released or the luggage compartme nt part ition is not folded back
when button S is actuated, a warning buzzer sounds and the roof does not
6 Retractable steel roof – see page 37.
19In Brief
Closing Retractable steel roof
Only with stationary vehicle and closed boot l id.
The luggage compartment partition must be engaged in its rear position. Do not
place any objects in front of the luggage compartment partition.
z Engage hand brake. z Switch on ignition.
z Press S until the roof and boot l id are
co mpletely closed. An acousti c si gna l soun ds at the
beginning and end of the procedure. If button S is actua ted when the h and
brake is not engaged, a warning buzzer sounds and the roof r emains open.
z Move the locking levers on right and left
of the window frames al l the way up. Each retaining hook must engage and
the roof must lock securely .
6 Retr actable steel roof – see page 37.
Parkin g distance sensor 3
Whe n reverse gear is selected, the Parkin g distance sensor switches itself on
automatically. If the vehicle approaches an obstacle when
reversing, a series of signals can be heard in the vehicle interior. The interval between
the signals becomes shorter as the distance is reduced. If the distance is less than 30 cm,
the signal will be con tinuous. 6 P ar king distance s ens or3 – page 122.
20 Keys, doors, windows, Retractable steel roof
Keys, doors, windows, Retractable
steel roof
Replacement keys ............................... 20
Ca r Pass ... .... .... ..... ......... .... ..... .... .... ...... 2 0
Key with re tractable key blade 3 ...... 20
Electronic immobilizer ......................... 21
Radio remote control .......................... 22
Central locking system ........................ 24
Operating central lo cking system with
key in driver’s door lock.................... 27
Lug gage compartment ....................... 27
Vauxhall alarm system 3.................... 31
Exterior mirrors..................................... 34
Interior mirror....................................... 34
Electric windows................................... 35
Retractable steel roof.......................... 37
Wind deflector3.................................. 45
Replacement keys
The key numb er is spec ified in the vehicle documents and in the Car Pass 3.
The key is a constituent of the elec tronic immobilizer. Ordering keys from a Vauxhall
A uthorised Repairer guarantees problem­free operation of the electronic
immobilizer. Keep the spare k ey in a safe spot.
Locks, see p age160.
C ar Pass
The Car Pass contains all of the vehicle’s data and should therefore not be kept in
th e vehicle. Have your Car Pass on hand w hen
consulting a Vauxhall Authoris ed Repairer.
Key with retractable key blade 3
Press button to extend. Press button to retract; key section engages audibly.
21Keys, do ors, windo ws,R etractab le steel roof
If co ntrol indicator A illumin ates a fter the engine is started, there is a fault in
the engine elec tronics or transmission electronics 3 (see pages69, 107, 115)
orthere is w ater in the diesel f uel filter 3, see page 181.
The immobilizer does not lock the doors. Therefore, always lock vehicle befo re
leaving unattended and enable Vauxhall alarm system 3 see p age 24.
Electronic immo bilizer
Using a tra nspon d er housed in the key, the system checks whether the vehicl e may be
started us ing the key that has be en inserted. If the key is recognised as
"authorised" the e ngine ca n be s tarted. The electronic immobilizer activates
automatically whe n the k ey is re moved from the starter switch.
The c ode number of the electronic immobilizer is given in the Car Pas s.
Control indicator for immobilizer A
Con trol ind ica tor A illuminates briefly when the ignition is switched on.
If the control indicator flashes when the ign ition is on, there is a fault in the s ystem;
the engi ne c annot be st arted . Switch off th e ignition an d then repeat the s ta rt
attempt. If the control indicator A cont inues to
flash, try to s ta rt the engine using the second key and contact a workshop f or
22 Keys, doors, windows, Retractable steel roof
Ra di o remo te con tr ol
Depending on eq ui pment l evel, the veh icl e comes equipped with one of the remote
controls depicted on this page. The radio remote control is integrated in
the key. Us ed to op er at e :
z central locking system, z mechanical anti-theft locking system 3,
z Va uxhall a lar m system 3 .
The w indows can also be closed using the radio remote control.
The radio remote control has a range o f approx. 5 metres. This range can be
affected by outside influences. Aim the remote con trol at the vehicle to operate.
Handle the radio remote control with care , protect it from moisture and high
temperatures and avoid unnecessary op eration.
The hazard warning lights come on to indicate that the rem ote control is
Central locking system,
see page 24.
Mechanical anti-theft locking system 3 ,
see page 25.
Vauxhall alarm system 3,
see page 31.
Electric windows,
see page 35.
23Keys, do ors, windo ws,R etractab le steel roof
If the central locking system cannot be operated with the radi o remote control,
it may be due to the follo wing: z The range of the radio remote control
has been exceed ed.
z Radio remote control battery voltage is
too low.
z F requent, repeated operation of
the radio remote control out side the reception range of the ve hicle (e.g. too
far from ve hicl e, remote control is th en n o longer recognised). See remote
control synchr onisat ion.
z If the central locking system is
o verloaded as a result of repeated o peration at short intervals. The power
s upply is cut off for a brief peri od .
z Interference from higher-power radio
waves fr om other sources.
To eliminate the cause of a fault, we recommend contacting a workshop
for assistance. Open driver’s door with key – see page 27.
K ey with fix ed blade, see Fi g. 15331 T o n previous page.
Have the workshop change the battery.
In t he event of a functional i ty p roblem or battery replacement, sy nchronize the
radio remote co ntrol.
After changing the battery, unlock the door using the key in the lock, see overleaf.
The radio remote control i s synchr o nized by inserting th e key in the ignit ion lock.
Remote control battery replacement
Replace the battery as soon as the range of the radio remote control begins to shrin k.
Ke y with re trac ta ble k ey blade, seeFig. 15330 T on previous page.
Extend key, see page 20. Open radio remote control. Replace battery (batte ry
type, see page 172) not ing installation position. Close radio remote contr ol.
Mak e sure that you dispose of old batteries in accordan ce with environmental
protection regulations.
24 Keys, doors, windows, Retractable steel roof
Cen tra l locking system
For doors, boot lid/tailgate and tank flap.
To unlock
Unlock driver’s door only Press button q on remote control once .
Unlock entire car Press button q on remote control twice.
The veh icle can also be unlocked by pulling the door handles if the anti-theft locking
sy stem is disabled.
To lo c k
Close doors, luggage compartment and tank flap.
Press button p on radio remote con trol. – or from the inside –
Press button m in the door. The vehicle can be locked even if the driver’s
door is open. Risk of being locked out.
25Keys, do ors, windo ws,R etractab le steel roof
Mechanical anti-theft locking system 3,
9 War n ing
Do not use the system if t here are people in the vehicl e! The doors cannot be
u nlocked from inside.
All d oors must be closed. No more than 10 seconds after locking, pres s button p
on the r adio r emot e cont rol again. Lo ck but t ons on all door s are pos itioned
such that doors cannot be opened. If the ignition was on, the driver’s door
must be opened and closed once so that the vehicle can be s ecured.
z 30 seconds af ter unlocking using the
radio remote control the doors lock again automatically if no door is
z To lock the doors from inside (e.g. to
prevent unwanted entry from outside), pre ss central lock ing switch m in the
door tr im.
z The vehicle can be locked without the
n eed for the key. With the driver’ s door open, press central locking switch m in
the d oor t rim and then close the driv er’s door . Note that un i ntentional actuation
could cause one to be locked out.
z Locked doors and luggage compartment
u nlock a utomatical ly in the event of an accident of a certai n severity (to permit
outside assistance). Prerequisite: Ignition must not be switched off.
26 Keys, doors, windows, Retractable steel roof
Closing windows from outside
9 War n ing
Exer cise care when operati ng electric wind ows. Risk of injury, especially for
children. Vehicle passengers shoul d be informed
according ly. Keep a close wat ch on the wi ndows
whenclosing them. Ensure tha t nothing becomes trapped in them as they move.
If the central locking cannot be operated, this can be for one of the following reasons:
z If the central locking system is
overloaded as a result of repeated operation at short intervals. The power
supply is cut off for a brief period.
z Defective fuse in fuse box, see page 148. To eliminate the cause of a fault, we
recommend contacting a workshop for assistance.
Operate driver’s door with key, see overleaf.
The windows c an be closed from outside: hold button p on the remote control
depressed until the w indo ws ar e completely closed.
Further information on electric windows, see page 35.
+ 168 hidden pages