Vauxhall Omega Owner's Manual

Owner’s Manual
Data specific to your vehicle
Pleas e en ter your veh icle ’s data here to keep it ea sily acces s ible. This information is available under the section "Technical da ta" as well as on the ide ntification plate .
Engine oil
Tyre inf lation pr essure
Ty re size wi th up to 3 persons wi th full load
Sum mer ty res Front R ear Front R ear
Winter tyres Front R ear Front R ear
Permissible gross vehicle weight
– EC kerb weight
Your Om ega
Develope d to the latest findings of vehic le research, it offers technical sophistication and exceptional comfort.
Your vehicle represents an ide al synthesis of advanced technolog y, outsta nding safety, environmental compatibility and economy in operation.
It now lie s with you to drive your ve hicle safely and to s ee it performs perfectly.
This Owner's Manual provides you with all the necessary information to that end.
Th e Owner 's Man ual sh ould a lways be kept in th e v ehicle: ready to han d in t he g lov e com partmen t.
Make use of the Owner's Manual:
z Its “I n Brief” section will give y ou an initial overview. z Its inde x will help you find what you want.
z It will familiarize you with the sophisticated technology. z It will increase your pleasure in your vehicle.
z It will help you to handle your vehicle expertly.
The Owner's Manual is de signed to be clearly laid-out and easily understood.
This symbol:
6 signifies: continue reading on next page.
3 The asterisk signifies equipment op tions not in all vehicles (model variants, engine options, models specific to one country, op tional
equipment, Genuine Vauxhall Parts and Accessories).
Yellow arrows in the illustrations serve as points of reference or ind icate some action to be performed.
Black arrows in the illustrations indicate a re action or a second action to be pe rformed.
We wish you many hours of pleasurable driving
Your Vauxhall team
Text highlighted in yellow in p articular indica tes possible risk of accident and injury. Disregard of these notes can lead to injuries which may be fatal. Vehicle
passengers must be informed accordingly.
Commitment to customer satisfaction:
Our ai m: to k eep you happy with your
vehicle. All Vauxhall Authoris ed Repaire rs offe r first class service at competitive
prices. Experienced, factory trained­technicians w ork according to factory
instructions. Your Authorised Repairer can supply you with GENUINE VAU XHA LL
APPRO VED PARTS, which have undergone stringent quality and precision chec ks, and
of course useful and attractive VAUXHALL APPROVED ACCESSORIES.
Our name is your guarantee!
For d eta ils of the Vauxhall Authorised Rep airer Network
please ring this number 01582 - 427200
In brie f ....................... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... .... . 4
Instrum ents ........ .... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... .. 26
K eys, doors, b onnet .. ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... .. 5 0
S eats , in terior ..... .... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... .. 63
S afet y system s ........................................ 78
Lighting ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... 11 8
Windows, sun roof . ......... ......... ......... .... 122
Electronic air con ditio ning sys tem ..... 126
Au to mat ic tran sm ission .... ..... .... ..... .... 134
Drivin g h ints . ..... .... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... 140
S aving f uel ........................................... 142
Environmen tal protection ...... ......... .... 14 4
Fuel con sum ption, fuel, re fue lling ...... 146
C atalytic co nver ter, e xhau st gases .... 148
Drive control system s .......................... 152
Brake s .................................................... 159
Whee ls, tyr es . ......... ......... ......... ......... .... 16 4
Roof racks,
Carava n and trailer towin g ... ......... 16 8
S elf-help .... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... 174
If y ou ha ve a problem .... .... ..... .... ..... .... 196
Inspectio n sy ste m ...... .... ..... .... ..... .... 19 8
Vehicle care .......................................... 20 9
Te chnical data . .... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... 213
Index .................................................. .... 234
In Brief
Key numbers, Code numbers
Remove key number from keys.
The key number is specified in the vehicle documents and in the Car Pass 3.
Alloy whe els 3, towing equip ment 3 : make a note of the key identifier cod es.
Elec tronic immobilizer, Radio 3: The code numb ers are specified in the Car Pas s and
Radio Pass 3 respec tively.
Do not keep the Car Pass and Ra dio Pass in the vehicle.
6 Further information – pages 5 0, 51, vehicle recomm issioning – page 2 08.
Unlockin g t he vehicle: Direct remote control unit towards
vehicle, press button
q ,
raise door handle
To unlock with ve hic le ke y: turn key in lo ck and lift door handle.
Locking from the inside: Press lock buttons. 6 Door lock s, child restraint system –
pag e 5 0, electronic immobilizer – page 51,
radio remote control – page 52, central loc king system – page 54,
anti-theft locking system – pag e 55, Vauxhall alarm system 3 – page 59.
Seat adjustment: Pu ll ha n dle,
slide seat, re lea se handle,
allow seat to audibly latch into position
Never adjust the driver's seat whilst driving. It could m ov e in a n uncontrolled m anner
when the handle has been pulled.
6 Seat position – page 63, electrically a djustable seats – pa ge 66.
Se at b ac kres t adj ust men t: Turn han dw hee l
Move seat backrest to suit seating position.
Do not lean on s eat backrest whilst adjusting it.
6 Seat position – page 63, electrically adjus ta ble seats – page 6 6.
Seat inclination adjustment 3: Raise han dle,
adju st in clin ati on , release handle,
lock seat audibly in position
Never adjust the inclination of the driver's seat w hilst driving. The seat could move in
an uncontrolled manner when the handle has be en ra is ed.
6 Seat position – page 63, electrically adjustable s eats – p age 66.
Seat he ight 3 adjustment: Rocker switch
on outboard side of seats
Raise seat: Press roc ker switch up Lower seat: Press rocker switch down
6 Seat position – page 63, electrically a djustable seats – pa ge 66.
Front seat lumbar su pport 3 adj ust me nt:
Turn han dw hee l
Ad jus t lumbar support to suit personal re q u ir em e n ts.
6 Seat position – page 63, electrically adjus ta ble seats – page 6 6.
Thigh support 3 adjustment: Lift and slide the front thigh support
Do not adjust the thigh sup port whilst driving.
6 Seat position – page 63, electrically adjustable s eats – p age 66.
Adjusting head restraint angle: Tilt f orwards or backwards
Adjusting head restraint height: Unlock by tilting forward
beyond the resistance point, hold firmly and adjust h eig h t,
then release
It is not necessary to unlock the rear head restraints in order to adjust the height.
6 H ead restra int p osition – pag e 64, further information, removal –
pages 64, 65, rear head restraints – page 64.
Steering wheel adjustme nt 3: Pull lever,
adjust height, rel ea se lever
Ad jus t s tee ring whe el only when vehi cle is stationary and ste ering column lock is
re l ea s e d.
The steering wheel can be set to five different positions.
6 Airbag systems 3 – page 86.
Fitting the seat belt: Draw seat belt smoothly
over shoulder and engage in belt buckle
The belt m ust not be twisted at any point. The lap belt must fit snugly across the
body . The seat back rest must not be inclined too far back.
To re lease belt, p ress red button on belt buckle.
6 Safety belts – pages 78 to 84, airbag systems 3 – page 86,
seat position – pa ge 63.
Adjusting interior mirror: Swivel mi rr or ho us ing
Pivot lever on underside of mirror housing to red uce daz zle a t nig ht.
Automatic anti-dazzle interior mirror 3 , adjustm ent:
Swi vel mir ro r housi ng
Dazzle at night is automa tic ally reduced.
The mirror does not reduce dazzle whe n:
z the ig nition is sw itched off, z rev erse gear is engaged or selector lever
set to R,
z interior lighting has been switched on,
z a d oor is open.
Exterior m irror adjustment: Fo ur-w ay s wit ch i n driver’s door
Toggle switch to left or right: four-way switch moves appropriate m irror.
6 Further information, aspherical exterior mirror 3 – page 11 7,
heated exterior m irrors – page 18, position m emory – page 67.
Fo ldin g exterior m irror s:
Manually: Press lightly. Electrically 3: Press the button until the
mirrors reach their end positions. Not possible with manual adjustment.
St a rt er swi tch:
o =Ignition off
I = Steering released, ignition off II =Ignition on,
with diesel e ngine: p reh eatin g
III = Start (transmission in neutral) 6 Starting – page 21,
electronic immobilizer – page 51.
Disengaging steering column lock: To release the lock,
mo ve t h e steer ing whe el slightly and turn the key to position I
6 Removing key and e nga ging steering column lock – page 23.
1 Side air v ents ................. .... .... ..... .... 128
2 Front pa ssenger airbag 3 .... ..... .... . 86
3 Centre air v ent s ............................. 128
4 Electronic air condition ing
system . .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... ... 126
5 Display for time, date,
radio 3, check control 3,
trip computer 3,
infotainment system 3 ..... .... ..... .... . 32
6 Horn ................................................ .. 16
7 Turn signals, headlamp flash,
dippe d an d main be am ... ........ 14 , 15
Cruise control 3 .... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... 157
8 Radio/infotainment system
rem ote co ntrol.. ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... . 4 8
9 Instruments ...... ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... . 26
10 Wind screen wipers and wash
system, headlamp wash system 3 and
rear window wash system 3 . ..... 1 6, 17
Trip computer 3 ... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... . 42
Pa ge
11 Light switch ..... ......... ........ ....... 14 , 118
12 Instrument illumination ........ ........ 1 20
Fog tail lamp ................ .... ..... .... .... 119
Fog lam ps 3 .... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... .... 119
Headlamp range adjustment 3 .. 118
13 Bonnet rele ase lev er ........................ 62
14 Stowage compartment
15 Accelera tor pedal ................. 140 , 141
16 Starter switch
with steering column lock
(not vis ible) . ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... ..... ... 9
17 Brake peda l ..... .... ..... .... .... . 159 to 163
18 Clutch ped al ..................... ..... .... .... 141
19 Fu se box ..... ........ ......... ......... ......... 185
20 Seat he ating (right) 3 ..... .... ..... .... 132
Vauxhall alarm system 3 ............... 59
Tra ct ion Cont rol sy ste m 3 ........... 153
or E lectronic Stability Program 3 15 4
Boot lid/tailgate 3 .. .... ..... .... ..... .... .. 57
21 Ashtray
wit h cigarette ligh te r ....... ......... 75, 7 6
22 Radio 3
or infotainment system 3 ........ ...... 4 7
23 Seat he ating (left) 3 ........ ......... .... 132
Haz ard warnin g lights .... .... ..... .... .. 15
Rear window blind 3 .. ......... ......... 125
24 Glove compartment
with telematics unit 3 .................... 47
Control indicators
O Turn signal lamps,
see pages 15, 26.
! Glow plug s 3,
see page 26.
W Coolant t emperature 3,
see page 26.
g Trailer turn signal 3,
see page 26.
X Seat belt 3,
see page 26.
u A n ti-lock bra k e sy stem 3,
se e p ag e 16 2.
Z Exhaust emissi on 3,
see pages 26, 150.
1 Automat ic transmi ssion 3 ,
sporty d riving program me,
se e p ag e 13 6.
P Main beam,
see pages 14, 26.
I Oil p ressure ,
see page 27.
A Engine electronics,
tr a nsm issi on e lect r oni cs 3, im mobilizer 3,
see page s 28, 51, 150.
v Airbag systems 3,
belt tensioners ,
see page s 81, 89.
= Traction Control System 3,
see page 152.
v Electronic St ability Program 3 ,
see page 154.
R Brake system,
clut ch system,
see page 28, 204.
p Alternator,
see page 29.
> Fog lamps 3,
see page s 29, 119.
r Fog tail lamp,
see page s 29, 119.
Y Fuel level,
see page s 29, 174.
? Autom atic head lamp range
ad justment 3, fault,
see page 119.
F Brake pa d wear indicator 3,
see pages 29, 159.
y Seat occup ancy recognition 3,
see page 90.
Li ght swit c h, stalk positions,
see pages 14, 118,
7 Lights off, 8 Pa rking lamp s,
9 Dipped and main b ea m 0 Courtesy la mp,
see page 119.
> Fog lamp s 3 ,
see page 119.
r Fog tail lamp,
see page 119.
k Instrument il luminati on,
see page 119.
? Hea dlamp range adjustment,
see page 118.
¨ Haz ard w arning la mps,
see page 15.
Heating, ventilation el ec tr on ic air conditio ning syst em ,
seat heating
V Demisting and d e-icing,
Air distribution to windscreen and front door windows.
x Air flow,
se e p ag e 13 1.
t Air circ ul ation system,
se e p ag e 12 9.
Air distri bution,
se e p ag e 13 1,
s to w i nd scre en
M to head area ab ov e
adjustable air ve nts front and rear 3
K to foot area Ü Heated rear window,
se e p ag e 13 0.
AUTO Automatic mode,
se e p ag e 12 7.
ECO Ope rati on without c ooling,
se e p ag e 13 0.
OFF Switching off electronic air
se e p ag e 13 2.
ß Heated seats 3,
se e p ag e 13 2.
Su n ro of
l Sun roof 3
closing – see page 124.
ü Sun roof 3
opening – see page 124.
q Sun roof 3
raising – see page 124.
Windscreen wipers
St alk p ositions ,
see page 16,
§ Off, $ Timed interval wipe or
autom atic wipi ng 3,
% Slow, & Fast.
Date, time, ra dio
Inform ation d isplay 3,
see page 32,
Ö On button for date
and time ,
; Setting buttons for date and time.
St eering w hee l w it h re mot e control 3,
see page 48.
Mi scellan eous
p Central l ocking system 3,
loc king – see page 52.
q Central l ocking system 3,
unlocking – see page 52.
r Boot lid/tailgat e 3,
unlocking – see page 56.
x Lug gage comp artm ent 3,
unlocking – see page 56.
) Cigarette lighter,
see page 75.
j Horn,
see page 16.
Ä Vauxhall alarm system,
see page 59.
/ Bonnet,
see page 62.
T Wi nter pro gram ,
automa tic tr ansmis sion 3,
see page 136.
+ Fir st Aid kit 3,
see pages 178.
¨ Wa rning tri angle 3,
see pages 178.
N Rear wind ow blind ,
see page 125.
Light swi tch:
7 =Off 8 =Parking lamps
9 = Dipped or main beam
Pull 0 =Courtesy lamp Push r = Fog tail lamp
Push > = Fog lamps 3 6 Further informa tion – page 118,
headla mp warning de vice – p age 23, headlamp range adjustment 3 – page 118,
daytime running lights – page 1 18.
Main and dipped beam switch: Main beam = Push lever
forw ards
Dipped beam = Pull lever towards
steer ing wh eel
Headlamp flash: P ull l ev er to ward s steeri ng wheel
past the resistance point
Operating turn signal lamps: Lev e r in res t position
Right turn = Upwards Left turn = Downwards
W hen the st ee ring wh ee l is turned back, th e lever automatically returns to its original
position. This will not happen when making a minor steering manoeuvre such as
changing lane.
When lane changing, move lever to res ista nce poi nt. W hen re leas ed , the le ve r
will sprin g back.
Operating parking lamps: St a rt er swi tch to o,
Light s witch to 0, Re m ove ig n it ion key,
Move turn signal lever up or down from r est position
Hazard warning lights: On = Press ¨
Off = Press ¨ again
To aid loc ation of the pushbutton, the red surface is illuminated w hen the ignition
switched on. Whe n the button is pressed, its control indicator flashes in time with the
hazard warning lamps.
Horn: Press j
6 Airba g sy st e ms 3 – page 86, Steering wheel with remote control 3 –
page 4 8.
Windscreen wipers: Move lever up
§ =Off $ = Tim ed in terval wip e
% =Slow & =Fast
Automatic wiping with rain sensor
Move lever up
§ =Off $ =Automatic wiping
% =Slow (constant) & = Fast (constant)
The ra in sensor detects the a mount of water on the win dsc re en and automatically
regula tes the wipers.
Push le ver down to s witch off. If necessary, the positions % or & can be
selected manually. 6 Further information – pages 204, 210.
Operating windscreen and headlamp wash systems 3:
Pull stalk towards steering wheel
The w ip ers will swipe for a few strokes. The headlamp wash system 3 can be
operated when the lights are on. On vehicles fitted with rain sensors 3,
operate the wind screen wash system at regular inte rvals, to keep the sensor a rea
clean. 6 Further inform ation – page 206.
Operating rear window wiper and wash systems 3:
Wiper on = Push lever forward Wiper off = Pull lever towa rds
steer ing wh eel
Wash = Push lever forward
and hold
The rear window wiper wipes in timed interval mode. Continuous wiping takes
place during washing. 6 Further information – see pages 206,
211, 212.
Heated rear window, hea ted exterior mirro rs :
On = Press
Off = Press Ü again
The rear window and exterior mirror heating is switched off automatically after
approx. 15 minute s.
6 Further inform ation – page 130.
To c lear misted or icy windows: Press V
Open front air vents, direct side air v ents tow ards the door windows. Close centre air
vents 3.
6 Electronic air conditioning system – page 126.
Manual tran smission:
o =Neutral
1 to 5 = 1st to 5th gear
When shifting up from 4th to 5th gear: push the lever towards the right at the
beginning of the shift opera tion.
When shifting from 5th to 4th g ear: do not e xert a ny force towards the left.
Manual transmission: R = Reverse gear
Only en gag e reve rse g ear w hen the vehicle is stationary . This is done by p ulling up the
ring below the shift knob.
Automatic transmission 3: P = Park
(with s ele ctor lever lock)
R = Reverse N = Neutral
Only start the engine in P or N. To shift out of P switch the ignition on, apply the foot
brake and pull the handle beneath the selector lever.
To e ngage P or R pull release under selector lever.
P: Only with vehicle stationary,
first apply the hand brake
R: O nly with vehicle stationary 6 Automatic transmission – page 134.
Automatic transmission 3: D = 1s t to 4th ge ar
3 = 1st to 3rd gear 2 = 1st and 2nd gear
1 = 1st gear al so
S = sporty driving programme
Select 3 , 2 or 1 if certain ge ars are not desired, e.g. 4-3-4 . . . on winding roads, or
in orde r to utilize the engine braking effect when driving downhill.
To s el ect 3 or 1 pull the handle beneath the selector lever.
6 Autom atic transm ission – page 134.
Automatic transmissi on 3: Lock to prevent
unintentional selection of po sitions P, R, 3 a nd 1 :
Pull release under selector lever:
1, P : up t o fina l stop.
When selecting any position from 1 to N or from R to D do not pull hand le beneath
selector lever.
6 Automatic transmission – page 134.
Starti ng , p etrol en gin e: Manual tran smission: in neutral with
clutch depressed, Apply foot brake,
Automatic transmission: in P or N, D o n ot ac celer ate ,
Turn key to p o sition III
The initially increased e ngine speed automatically falls as the engine
tem perat ure ris e s.
Before repeating the starting proced ure, turn the key back to o in the starter switch,
remove it and the n reinsert it. Then repea t the starting procedure.
6 Electronic immobilizer – page 51, further information –
pages 140, 142, 144, 174.
Starting, diesel engine: Manua l t rans miss ion: in ne utral with
cl ut ch d epresse d, Apply foot brake,
Automatic transmission: in P or N, Do not accelerate,
Turn key t o position II, When control indicator
go es o ut1), turn key to position III
Before repea ting the starting proc edure, turn the key back to o in the starte r switch,
remove it and then reinse rt it. Then repeat the starting procedure.
6 Electronic immobilizer – page 51, further information –
pages 140, 142, 144, 174.
Exhaust gases are poisonous
Exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide, which is extremely poisonous but is
odourless and colourless.
Therefore never inhale exhaust gases, and never run the engine in an enclosed space.
You should als o avoid driving w ith the tailgate open, as exhaust gases could
enter the passenger compartment.
6 Exhaust gases – page 151.
Preheating system switches on only if ou tside temperature is low.
Before starting off, check:
z For tyre pressure and c ondition – see
pages 165, 227.
z Engine oil level and fluid levels in engine
com partment – see pages 199 to 206 .
z All windows, mirrors, e xterior lighting
and num ber p la tes are free from dirt, snow and ice and operational.
z Do not place any objects in front of the
rear window, on the instrument panel or in the area in which the airbag s inflate.
z Seats, seat belts and mirrors are
corre ctly adjusted.
z Check brakes.
To re lease th e hand bra ke: Lif t l ev er slight ly,
Push release butto n, Lower lever fully
6 Brakes – pag e 159.
And now, hav e a good jour ney! Drive carefully,
economically and with the environment in mind
While driving, do not do anything that could dis tract you.
Take heed of the traffic reports given out on the radio.
6 Driving hints – p age 140, saving fuel – page 142,
environme ntal protection – page 144.
Par king the vehicle : Apply hand brake firmly,
Switch off engine, Remove key,
Lock steering w heel, Lock doors
6 Further informa tion – pages 51, 141, 161,
radio remote control – page 52, central lock ing system – page 54,
Vauxhall alarm system 3 – page 59, vehic le decommis sioning – page 208.
When parkin g:
z Always ap ply hand brak e firmly . On
slopes apply the hand brake as firmly as possible.
z W ith manual transmission, engage first
gear or reverse gear and with automatic transmission 3, place selector lever in
position P.
z C lose windows a nd sun roof 3.
z Remove the ignition key, otherwise in
vehicles with automatic transmission 3 a warning signal w ill sound wh en the
driver's door is opened.
z In vehicles with automatic
transmission 3 th e ke y c a n on ly be removed in selector lever position P.
z Turn steering wheel until lock is fe lt to
engage (anti-theft protection).
z Switch off exterior lights, othe rwise the
headlamp warning device will sound wh en th e dr iver's d oor is opened .
z Engine cooling fan may run on after the
engin e has been s witched off.
Service wo rk, Ma in te nance
We recomm end tha t you entrust all work to your Vauxhall Authorised Repairer, who
can provide you w ith reliable service and correctly perform all work according to
factory instructions.
6 Vauxhall Service – page 19 6.
Ge nu ine Va u xha l l P arts and Accessories
We recommend that you use "Genuine Vauxhall Parts and Accessories" and
co nv ers ion p arts re leas ed exp res sly for your vehicle type. These parts ha ve
undergone spec ial tests to establish their reliability, safety a nd specific suitability for
Vauxhall vehicles. Despite continuous market monitoring, we cannot assess or
guarantee these attributes for other products, even if they have been granted
approval by the releva nt authorities or in some other form.
"Genuine Vauxhall Parts and Accessories" and approved conversion parts are
available from your Vauxhall Authoris ed Repairer, who can p rovid e expert advice,
such as adv ice on pe rmissible technical modifications, and ins tall products
For your safety Carry out the checks recommend ed in the individual sections of this Owner’s
Manual regularly.
Ens ure th at you r veh icle is serviced as specified in the Service Booklet. We
recommend that you consult your Vauxhall Authorised Repairer.
Have faults remedied without delay! Consult a workshop. We recommend
your Vauxhall Authorised Repairer. If necessary, interrupt your journey.
6 Maintenance – pages 198 to 207
That was a brief overview.
Please read on!
Your vehicle has still more instruments
and controls, po ssibly also optional
equ ipmen t. 6
You will also find further important information on
operation, saf ety and
maintenance and a complete
Control indicators
The c ontrol indicators described here are not present in all vehicles. The description
applies to all instrume nt v ersions.
Turn signal l amps
The control indicator flashe s when the turn signal is activated. Rapid flashes: A turn
signal bulb has failed. Changing bulb s, see page 1 88.
Preheating 3 for diesel engines
Control indicator lights up during prehea ting.
Preheating system switches on only if outs ide temperature is low.
Coolant tem perature
If it lights up when the engine is running: Stop the v ehicle a nd switch off th e e ng ine .
Coolant temperature is too high: Switch off the engine. Danger to engine. Coolant
temperature gauge ; see pag e 31. Check coolant level immediately ; see page 203.
Tr ailer turn signal 3
Control indicator flashes in time with turn signal lamps w hen towing. Does not flash if
a turn signal lamp on the towing vehicle or tra iler fails.
Seat belt 3
Control indicator lights up (accompanied by an a coustic warning) when ignition is
switched on: Fasten your seat belt, see page 82.
Anti-lock brake system 3
see page 162.
Exhaust emission 3
Control indicator lights up when ignition is switch ed on. Goes out shor tly af te r engin e
If it lights up when the engine is running: Fault in emission control system. The
permitted emission limits may be exceeded. Consult a workshop. We
recommend your Vauxhall Authorised Repairer.
If it flashes when the engine is running: For fault that can lead to destruction of the
catalytic converter, see page 150. Consult a workshop imm ediately. We recom mend
that you consult your Vauxhall Authorised Repairer.
Autom atic transmis sio n electronically contr olled driv e program mes 3
Control indicator lights up when sporty driving p rogramme operative.
Further information – see page 136.
Main beam
Control indicator lights up when main beam is on and w hen headlam p flash is
Oil pressure
Control indicator lights up when ignition is switched on. Goes out shortly after engine
starts. Can light up intermittently when idling with hot engine ; must go out when
engine sp eed is increased.
If it lights up when the engine is running: Engine lub ric ation may be interrupted . This
may result in dam age to the engine and/ or lock ing of the drive whe els:
1. De press clutch.
2. Move gearshift lev er to ne utral, or with
automatic transmission 3 place selector lever in N .
3. Steer as quickly as possible out of the stream of traffic, without impeding other
4. Switching the ignition off (Position I).
Contact a workshop. W e recomme nd your Vauxhall Authorised Repairer.
When the ignition is off, considerab ly mo re f orce is neede d t o bra k e and ste er.
Do not remove key until vehicle has come to a standstill, otherwise the
steering column lock c ould engage un expe ctedly .
Engine electronics, transmission electronics, immobil izer
Control indicator lights up for a few seconds when ignition is switched on.
If it lights up when the engine is running: Fault in the engine electronics or
transm is s ion el ec tro n ics sy st e m . Th e electronic sy stem switches to limp-home
mode. Fuel consumption may increase and the d riveability of the vehicle m ay be
impaired; se e page 15 0. If the re is a fault in the transmission electronics system, switch
to manu al gears; see page 138. We recommend tha t you consult your Vauxhall
Authorised Repairer.
If it flashes when the ignition is on: Fault in the electronic im mobilizer system ;
the en gine cannot be s tarted. S ee p age 51.
Airbag systems 3, Belt tensioners 3
see pages 81, 89.
Traction Control system 3
see page 152.
Electronic Stability P rogram 3
see page 154.
Brake system, clut ch system
Control indicator lights up when ignition is switch ed o n if han d brake is a pplied an d/or
the fluid lev el for brake/clutch hydraulics is too low. For further information, see
pag e 2 04.
If it lig hts up when the hand brak e is not applied: stop the vehicle; interrupt your
journey immediately. Consult a workshop. We recommend your
Vauxhall Authorised Repairer.
+ 214 hidden pages