Vauxhall Meriva 2010 User Manual

Owner’s Manual Mode l Year 2010
Edition: June 2009 TS 1578-A-10
Operation, Safety, Maintenance
Data specific to your vehicle
Please enter your vehicle’s data here to keep it easily accessible. This data can be found under the sections "Technical Data" and “Service and m aintenance” as we ll as on th e identifica tion plate .
Engine oil
Viscosi ty
Tyre pressure
T yre size wit h up t o 3 pe ople wi th fu ll lo ad
Summ er tyr es Front Rear Front Rear
Winter tyres Fro nt Re ar Fr on t Rea r
Permissible Gro ss Ve hicle W eigh t
– EC kerbweight
Your vehicle is an intellige nt combination of forward-looking technolog y, im pressive
saf ety, en vironm en tal fr iend lin e ss and economy.
It now lies with you to drive your vehicle safely and to see it performs p erfectly. This
Owner’s Manual provides you with all the necessary information to th at end.
Make s ure y our passengers a re awa re of the p ossible risk of acc ident and injury
which may result from improper use of the vehicle .
You m ust always comply with the specific laws of the country that you are in. These
laws may differ from the information in this Owner’s Manual.
When this Manual refers to a workshop visit, we recom mend your Vauxhall
Authorised Repairer.
All Vauxhall Authorised Repairer’s provide first-class service at reasonable prices.
Experienced mechanics trained b y Vauxhall work acc ording to specific
Vauxhall instructions .
The Owner’s Manual, infotainment system instructions and the Service and Warranty
Booklet should always be kept ready to hand in the vehicle glove compartment.
Make use of the Owner’s Manual
z The "In Brief" section will give you an
initial overview .
z The table of c ontents at the beginning of
the ow ner’s manual and within the individual chapters will show you where
everything is.
z Its index will help you find what you
z Y ellow arrows in the illustrations serve as
points of reference or indicate some action to be performed.
z Black arrows in the illustrations indicate
a reaction or a second a ction to b e performe d.
z This Owner’s Manual depicts right-hand
drive ve hicles. Left-hand drive vehic le s are operated in the same way.
z T he Ow n er’ s M anu al us es th e inte rn a l
engine codes. The corresponding sales designations are found in the c hapter
"Te chnica l Data".
z Directional da ta, e .g. left or right, or
front or back, in the de scriptions always relate to the direction of travel.
6 Continue reading on next page.
3 signifies equipment not fitted to all vehi-
cles (model variants, engine options, mod­els specific to one country, optional equip-
ment, Vauxhall genuine parts a nd acces­sories).
Page references are indicated with 3 . 3 means "see page".
9 Danger, 9 Warning, Caution
9 Dan g er
Text mark ed 9 Danger provides infor- ma tion on risk of enda ngering life. Fail-
ure to comply with the instructions could e nd anger l if e.
9 Warning
Text mark ed 9 Warning provides infor- mation on risk of accident or injury. Fail-
ure to comply with the instructions could lead to injury .
Text mark ed Caution provides informa- tion on possible damage to the vehicle
Failure to comp ly with the instructions could le ad to vehicle damage .
Thank you for choosing a V auxhall. We wish you many hours of pleasurable
Your Vauxhall Team
Commitment to custom er satisfaction:
Our ai m: to k eep you happy with your
vehicle. All Vauxhall Authorised Repairers offe r first-class service at competitive
prices. Experie nced, factory-trained technicians work according to factory
ins tructions. Your Authorised Repa irer can supply you with GENUINE VAU XHALL-
APPROVED PARTS, which have und ergone stringent quality and precision chec ks, and
of course useful and a ttractive VAUXHALL-APPROVED AC CESSORIES.
Our name i s your guarantee!
For d eta ils of the Vauxhall Authorised Repaire r Ne tw ork,
please ring this number; 0845 090 2044
In Brie f ...... ......... ........ ......... .............. .... .... . 2
Keys, doors, w indows,
slide and tilt s unroo f ...... ..... ......... ...... 2 4
S eats, Interior ..... .... ......... ......... ......... ...... 4 2
Instrum en ts, Co ntrols ..... ......... ......... ...... 8 0
Ligh tin g ......... ......... .... ..... .... ......... ..... .... 10 0
Infotainment s ys tem ..... .... ......... ......... 109
C lim ate c ontro l ...... ......... ......... ......... .... 11 2
Driving and op eration ... ......... ......... .... 12 7
S elf-help, vehicle care .... .... ......... ......... 163
S ervice and ma intenance . ..... ......... .... 197
Te chn ical Data . .... ......... ......... ......... .... 21 3
Inde x . .... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .... 229
2In Brief
In Brief
To unlock the vehicle: Press button q
Open the door by pulling on the door ha ndle. To open the tailgate, pull on the
bu tto n in t h e ha nd le re ces s an d pu ll th e tailgate upward s.
Door locks 3 24, key 3 24, rem ote control 3 26, central locking syste m 3 28, anti-
theft locking system 3 3 29, tailga te 3 30, Vauxhall a la rm system 3 3 32.
To adjust fron t seat leg roo m: Pull handle, slide seat, release handle
Seats 3 42, Sea t po si tio n 3 43.
9 Wa r ning
Important: Do not sit nearer than 10 in ches (2 5 cm) fr o m t h e s tee rin g
wheel, to permit safe airbag deployment.
3In Brief
To adjust front seat backrests: Turn handwheel
Do not lean o n sea t backrest whils t adjusting it.
Seats 3 42, Seat position 3 43 .
To adjust front seat height 3: Pull leve r
Lift lever and relieve some weight from seat to raise it or press down on seat with body
weight to lowe r it.
Sea ts 3 42 , Seat position 3 43.
Head restraint height of front and rear outer seats: Tip head
restraint forward to release, hold and ad just he ight, engage
Head restraints 3 44, Centre rear head restraint 3 4 5, Head restraint p osition 3 45 ,
Head restraint removal 3 46.
4In Brief
Extend the seat belt and clip it into the buckle
The se at belt must not be twisted and m ust lie snugly a gainst the body. The back rest
must not be tilted back too far (maximum approx. 25°).
To release belt, press re d button on belt buckle.
Three-point seat belt 3 57, Airbag system 3 3 65, seat position 3 43 .
To adjust interior mirror by swive lling
Swivel lever 3 on unde rside of mirror housing to reduce dazz le.
Interior mirror 3 36, Automatic a nti-daz zle interior mirror 3 3 37.
Use the lever to move the exterior mirrors in the appropriate
Mirror 3 34, Asphe ric al exterior mirrors 3 3 3 5, Swinging in exterior m irror 3 35.
5In Brief
Adjust exterior mirrors electrically 3
Select the mirror to be adjusted using the rocker switch a nd adjust using th e four-
way sw itc h. Mirror 3 34, Aspherical exterior mirrors 3
3 3 5, Swinging in exterior mirror 3 35, Heated exterior mirrors 3 3 11 , 3 39.
Steering wheel adjustment 3: Sw ive l le ve r dow n, ad ju s t h ei ght,
swivel lever up, engage
Ad jus t stee rin g wheel only when ve h icle is stationary and steering column lock is
re l ea s e d. Airba g s yste m 3 6 5 , s t ee rin g co lu mn lo ck
3 13 .
6In Brief
7In Brief
1 Side Air vent s ... ..... ......... ........ ..... 3 11 3
2 Front pa ssenger’s airbag 3 ...... . 3 65
3 Infotainment system 3 . ............ 3 10 9
4 Haza rd warn in g lamps . ... 3 10, 3 10 2
LED for
Vauxhall alarm system 3 . ......... ...3 32
Heated seats 3 ........ ..... .... ......... . 3 44
5 Central information display
for time, date, outside temperature,
infotainmen t system 3 ..... ......... . 3 88
6 Centre air v ents ........ ......... ......... 3 11 3
7 Turn signal lam ps, headlam p flas her
Dippe d beam, main bea m.... ..... .....3 9
Door-to-door lighting 3. .... .... ..... 3 10 5
Cruise control 3..... ......... ........ ..... 3 14 6
8 Horn ... ..... .... ......... ............. ..... .... ....3 10
9 Instruments . ......... ......... ......... ....... 3 80
10 Windscreen wipers and
wind screen washer system , headlamp washer system 3
and rear window
wa sh e r sy ste m 3 . ......... ....... 3 10, 3 98
11 Pa rk ing lamps, dipp ed b eam ....3 100
Cou rte sy lamp . ......... ........ ......... ..3 106
Instrument illumination ........ ......3 106
Fog tail lamp ... .... ............. ..... .... ..3 102
Fro nt fo g lam ps 3 .... .... .... ......... ..3 101
Headlamp ran ge adjustment 3 .3 102
12 Bonne t rele ase lever .... .... .......... 3 163
13 Stee r ing whee l rem ote
control 3.. .... ..... ......... ........ ......... ..3 109
14 Ignitio n switch
wit h stee ring co lum n loc k ........... 3 13
15 Steering wheel adjustment 3 .. ..... 3 5
16 Acce lerator pe dal ....... ... 3 133, 3 13 5
17 Brake pedal .... .... ......... ... 3 133, 3 14 9
18 Clutch pedal 3 ... .............. .... ..... . 3 13 3
19 As htray .. ............. ..... .... .............. ... 3 77
Accessory socket and
cigarette ligh ter ...... ......... ......... ... 3 76
20 Air conditioning system 3 ........ . 3 11 2
He ated rear w indow ........ ... 3 11 , 3 39
Recircula tion system 3..... .... ...... 3 11 7
21 Climate c ontrol .. ......... ......... ...... 3 11 2
22 Glove compart me nt ... ......... ........ 3 78
23 Fuse bo x ..... ........ ......... ......... ...... 3 18 0
8In Brief
Control indicators
Seat belt 3 ,
3 80.
A dapti ve Forw ard Light ing (AFL) 3 , fault,
3 80, 3 104.
Fro nt fog lamp s 3,
3 81, 3 101.
Engine elec tronics , im mobil iser, Easytronic 3, F ault ,
3 81, 3 25, 3 141.
Exhaust gases 3 ,
3 81, 3 141.
Airbag systems 3, Belt tensioners,
3 59, 3 70.
Engine oil pressure,
3 82.
Turn signal l amps,
3 9, 3 82.
Main beam,
3 9, 3 82.
Preheating system 3, Diesel par ticle filt er 3,
3 84.
Easytronic 3, start ing the engine 3,
3 128.
Easytronic 3, Winte r prog ramm e,
3 130.
Crui se control 3,
3 146.
Fog tail lamp,
3 83, 3 102.
Alternat or,
3 83.
Brake system, clutch system 3,
3 83 .
Anti-lock Brake System 3,
3 150.
Engine oil level 3,
3 83 .
Electric power steering 3,
3 84 .
Electronic Stability Program
Pl us
(E SP ® 3 144.
Fuel leve l,
3 84 , 3 138.
Seat occup ancy r ecog ni tion 3,
3 70 , 3 71.
) 3,
9In Brief
Exterior lights
7 =Off 8 =Parking lamps
9 = Dipped or main be am
> =Fog lamps 3 r = Fog tail lamp
Lighting 3 10 0, h eadlamp warning device 3 15.
Headlamp flash, main beam and dipp ed beam
Headlamp flash = Pull stalk towards
stee ring whee l
Main beam = Push stalk forwards
Dip ped beam = Push stalk forwards
ag ain
Main bea m, headlamp flash 3 101.
Turn sign als
Right = Stalk upward s Left = Stalk downwards
Turn signal la mps 3 101.
10 In Brief
Hazard warning lamps
Operated with the ¨ button. Hazard warning lamps 3 102.
Horn: Pre ss j
Airba g s yste m 3 3 65 , St ee ring wh ee l re mo te c o nt r o l 3 3 109.
Windscreen wipers
& =Fast % =Slow
$ = Timed interval wipe
§ =Off
Windscreen wip ers 3 98 adjus table wipe interval 3 3 98, further information 3 196,
3 210.
11In Brief
Operating windscreen and headlamp washer systems 3 :
Pull stalk towards steering wheel
The wip ers will swipe for a few strokes. The headlamp washer system 3 can be
operated when the lights are on.
Wind screen washer system and headlamp washer system 3 3 99, Furthe r information
3 196, 3 210.
Rear wind ow w iper a nd washer system
Wiper on = Push stalk forwa rd s
Wiper off = Pull stalk towards
stee rin g wh ee l
Washing = Push stalk forward
and hold
Rear window wash and wipe system 3 99, Wiper blades 3 210, Ca r care 3 196.
Heated rear window, heated exterior mirrors 3
Operated with the Ü button.
Climate control 3 112, H eated re ar windo w 3 39.
12 In Brief
To clear fogged or icy windows
Turn rotary switch for temperature and air volume , for air flow also press V ,for air
conditioning system 3: button n, climate control 3: button V.
Clim ate co ntrol 3 112, Air conditioning system 3 3 117, Climate control system 3
3 120.
To set automatic mode of climate control system 3
Pre ss AUTO button, select temperature with rotary knob, open air vents.
Climate con trol system 3 3 120.
Man ual tra nsmis sion
Reverse gear: With vehicle stationary, wait 3 s econ ds a fte r depressing the clutch, then
pull up the b utton on the selector lever and engage gear.
If the gear does not engage, set the lever in neutral, release the clutch pedal and
depress again; then repeat gear selection. Manual transmission 3 132.
Before starting off, check
z Tyre pressure and tyre condition 3 153,
3 223.
z E ngine oil level and fluid leve ls 3 204 to
3 211.
z All windows , mirrors, exterior lighting
and nu mber plates are free from dirt, snow and ice and opera tional.
z Seats, seat belts and mirrors are
correctly adjusted. 3 42, 3 57, 3 34 .
z C heck br a ke fu n cti on at lo w s pee d,
particularly if the brakes are wet.
13In Brief
Easytronic 3
N = Idle/start position
o =Driving position
+ = Higher gear
- = L ower gear
A/M = Switch b etween Automatic and
Manual mode
R = Rev ers e g ear
(with selector lever lock)
To move the selector le ver from N to R press the button on the lever.
Only start in N with foot brake applied. Ea sy troni c 3 3 127.
Steering column lock and ignition
Turn key to position 1. M ove the steering wheel slightly to release the steering
column lock.
0 = Ignition off 1 = Ste erin g fr ee , i gn itio n o ff
2 = Ign ition on, with dies el en gi ne: pre-
3 =Starting
14 In Brief
Starting the engine
Depre ss c lutch and brake, Ea sytronic 3 in N, do not pr es s t he acc elera tor, in diesel
engine vehicles turn the key to position 2 until the control indicator ! goes out, turn
key to position 3; let go of the ke y when the engine is running.
Before restarting or switching off the engine, turn key back to 0.
To switch on the ignition, only turn the key to 2.
Releasing the hand brake: Raise lever slightly, Press release
button, Lower lever fully
Hand brake 3 151.
Parking the vehicle
z Alw ays apply the hand brak e without
pressing the release button. On an incline, apply as tight as possible. To
reduce activation force, depress foot brake at the same time.
z Switch off engine and ignition. Turn the
ignition key to position 0 and pull it out. Turn the steering whe el until it is clear
tha t the steering lock has enga ged (anti­theft protection).
On vehicles with Easy tronic 3, control ind ic ator R flashes for a few seconds
after the ignition is s witched off if the ha nd brake has no t b ee n a p p lied .
z If th e v ehicle is pa rked on a flat /le vel
surface or on an incline, engage first gear before switching off the ignition. On
an uphill slope, also turn the front wheels out from the kerb.
If the vehicle is facing downhill, e ngage reverse gear before switching off the
ignition. Also turn the front whe els into the kerb.
z Lock vehicle and activate the Vaux hall
alarm system 3 b y pressing button p on the remote key fob.
To activate the anti-theft locking sy ste m 3 , press button p tw ic e.
15In Brief
Advice when parking
z Do not p ark the vehicle on flam mable
ground as com bustion could occur due to the h ig h ex ha us t t e m p er a t u re s.
z Close window, sliding roof 3 and tilting
roof 3.
z The engine cooling fans ma y run after
the engine has been switched off, 3 204.
z After running at high engine speeds or
with high e ngine loads, ope rate the engine briefly at a low load or run in
ne utra l for approx. 30 seconds before switching off in order to protect the
turbocharger 3.
Remote control 3 26, central locking system 3 28, Vauxhall alarm system 3
3 32, laying the vehicle up for a long period of time 3 212.
Interesting functions
16 In Brief
Flex ible Seat Sy stem (FlexSp ace)
The back seat of your vehicle has three seats or, with the centre seat lowered, two
seats with max imum seating space . The outer se ats can be lowered to obtain a lev el
loading s urface.
Sliding outboard rear sea ts front-rear
z Pull handle under seat. z Slide seat.
z Re lease handle and a llow seat to
engage in p osition.
When pushing the seats back, to prevent damage make sure the backrests are not in
their furthest back position.
Adjust or fold backrest of rear outboard seats
z Pull handle on outboard side of seat. z Guide b ackrest into the relevant pos ition .
z Release han dle an d allow s eat to audibly
engage in position.
The b ackrest can engage in several positions. In addition, the backrest can be
folded all the wa y down to the seat whe n extending the lug gage compartme nt.
9 War ni ng
To prevent injuries, always hold back seat b ackrest firmly and guide
downward w hen folding .
17In Brief
Low er c entr e se a t
z House centre seat belt in th e holder in
the roof.
z Insert seat belts into recesses in seat
z Slide centre seat he ad re straint all the
way down.
z Pull release h andle at rear of centre
backrest. Tilt back rest forwa rd and engage.
Configuration 1 with three rear seats
z Adjust backrest to centre position. z Pull handle beneath seat. Slide seat all
the way forward, then outward tow ard the door and then further forward to the
desired position.
z Release handle and allow s eat to
engage in position.
z Raise centre seat.
18 In Brief
Configuration 2 with two rear seats, with ma ximum sea ting spa ce
z Lower centre seat. z Adjust backrest to centre position.
z Pull handle beneath seat. Slide se at all
the way back, then toward the centre of the vehicle and then further rearward to
the de sired position.
z Release handle and allow seat to
engage in position.
Low er outboard seats
z P ull seat belt from be lt guide at backre st. z F o ld d o w n o u t b oa rd r e a r s e a t b a c k r e s t s .
z To achie ve a level loading s urface, pull
release handle on back of backre st and push seat down until it latches into
Airbag system
The airbag system consists of several internal systems.
Front airb ag system
The fron t airbag s ystem will be triggered in the event of a serious accident involving a
fronta l impact a nd forms safety cushions fo r the d riv er an d fro n t passenger. T h e
forward movement of the drive r and front passenger is checked and the risk of
injuries to the uppe r body and head thereby substantially reduce d.
19In Brief
Sid e a irbag sy stem 3
Th e sid e airb ag is trigg ered in the ev ent of a side-on collision to form a safety cushion
for the driver or front passeng er in the respective door area. This substantially
reduces the risk of injury to the upper body and pelvis.
Curtain airbag system 3
In the event of a side-on collision, the curtain a irbag s ystem trigge rs and
provides a safety barrier in the head area of the vehicle. This considerably reduces
the risk of injury to the head in the event of a side-on collision.
Airba g s yste m 3 3 65 .
Active head restraints 3 on front seats
In the event of a rear-end impact, the active head restra ints tilt forwards slightly.
Th e he ad is mo re effe ctiv ely supp ort e d by the head restraint and the risk of whiplash
injury is reduced.
Active head restraints can b e recognised by the word ACTIVE.
Head restraints 3 44 .
20 In Brief
Travel Assistant 3
The Trav el Assistant contains
z Arm re st. z Tr ay .
z Drink holders.
The Travel Assistant is mounted on the lowered ce ntre seat.
Dismantling the Travel Assistant
z Press lower button on the
Travel Assistant.
z Pull Travel Assistant upwards out of
z There is a carry ing handle on the back to
facilitate tra nsport.
Operating menus via the information display 3
Menu op tions are selected using menus and using the buttons/four-way button or
the multifunction knob of the Infotainment system 3 or the buttons 3 on the steering
wheel. The respective menu options are s h ow n on t he di sp l a y .
Selec tion using four-way button: press four-way button at top, bottom, left or
Ü Board Computer 19,5° 19:36
BC 1 All values
BC 2
257.0 miles
Ø40mp h
7.0 gal s
Ø 31 . 0 mpg
21In Brief
Selection using multifunction knob 3: rotate and press multifunction knob.
To exit a m enu, turn the multifunction knob left or right to Return or Main and select.
To select with steering wheel buttons 3 Select menu options via the menus and the
Information display 3 88 .
Trip computer 3
z Range z Instantaneous consumption
z Distance travelled z Avera ge s pee d
z Effective consumption z Average consum ption
z Stop watch
Trip comp uter 3 95.
22 In Brief
Steering wheel remote control 3
The functions of the infotainment system and the information display can be
operated with the remote control on the steering wheel.
Steering wheel remote control 3 3 109, Infotainment system 3 109.
Rear seat au dio system 3
Tw in Audio allows rear seat occupa nts the choice be tween th e au dio so urce p layed o n
the Infotainment system or an alternative audio source.
Rear seat audio s ystem 3 3 110.
Ultrasonic parking sensors 3
W hen rev ers e ge ar is selecte d, th e parking sensor switches itself on automatically .
An acoustic warning sounds when the vehicle approaches an obstacle behind.
Ultrasonic parking sensors 3 3 148.
Adaptive Forward Lighting (AFL) 3
The system provides b etter illumination of the road on corne rs and curves.
Curv e lighting
The light b eam pivots based on steering wheel position and s peed
(from approx. 6 mph / 1 0 km/h).
The he adlamps shine at a n angle of up to 15° to the right or left of the direction of
Cornering light
An additional lamp comes on at c ertain steering wheel se ttings (after rotation
of approx. 90°), turn signal settings and speeds (up to approx. 25 mp h / 40 km/h).
The lamp beam projects at a 90° angle to the left or right of the vehicle up to a
distance of approx. 30 m etres.
Reversing function
Turning the lights on, selecting reverse gear and activating the turn signal
activates the cornering light for the relevant side. When the turn signal is
switched off, the corne ring light c ontinu es to illuminate for 15 seconds.
Ad aptive Forward Lighting 3 3 104.
Di esel p artic le fil t er 3
The diesel particle filter system filters ha rm ful soot particles out of the exhaust
gases. The system includes a self-cleaning function that run automatically during
driving. The filter is cle aned by burning off the soot particles at high temperature.
This process takes place autom atic ally under set driving con ditions and may take
up to 25 m i nu t es . Fu el cons u mption m ay be higher during this period . The emission
of smells and smoke during this process is normal.
23In Brief
Unde r certain driving conditions, e.g. short jo ur ne ys , t h e sy ste m may not cl ea n its elf
If the filter requires cleaning and previous driving c onditions did not enable
automatic cleaning, control ind icator ! flashes.
Further instructions 3 142.
24 Keys, doors, windows, slide and tilt sunroof
Keys, doors, windows, slide and tilt sunroof
Re placem ent ke ys ... ......... ......... ......... . 2 4
Key with retractable key blade 3 ..... . 24
Ca r Pass... .... ............. ..... .... ............. ..... . 2 4
Electronic immobiliser....... ..... ........ ..... . 2 5
Radio re mote control ... .... ......... ......... . 2 6
Central locking s ys tem . .... ..... ........ ...... 2 8
Malfu n ction in r e mo te control ...... ...... 30
Malfunction in central
locking sy ste m .... ... ... ....... ... ... ... ....... 30
Tailgate ....... .... ..... ............. ..... .... .......... 30
Vauxhall alarm system 3. ......... .......... 32
Child s afety locks ..... ..... .... ......... ......... . 34
Exterior mirrors ..... .... ......... ......... ......... . 3 4
Interior mirror ....... .... ..... ......... ........ ...... 36
Manu al window operation .... .... ......... . 3 7
Ele ctric w ind ows 3 ............ ..... .... .......... 37
Sun roof and tilting roof 3 ........ .... ...... 40
Replacement keys
The ke y number is specified in the Car P ass 3.
The key is part of the electronic immobiliser.
Locks 3 196.
Lock cylinders
Des igne d t o fre e-wh e el if th ey are forcefully rotated without the corre ct k ey or
if the correct key is not fully inserted.
To re set, turn cylinder with the correct key until its slot is vertica l, remove key and the n
re-insert it. If the cylinde r still free-wheels. turn the key through 180° and repeat
op er at io n .
Key with retractable key blade 3
Press button to extend. To re trac t, press button and audibly engage key b lade.
Car Pass
The Car Pass contains safety-related ve h icle d ata an d should ther efore be k ept
in a safe place.
When the car is taken to a workshop, the C ar P ass da ta is ne ed ed in o rde r to
perform certain ope rations.
25Keys, doors, windows, slide and tilt sunroof
If control indica tor A illuminates after the engine has started, there is a fault in the
engine electronic s or transmission electronics 3 3 81 , 3 131, 3 141 or there is
wate r in the d ie s el fu el filte r 3 3 207.
Not e
The immobiliser does not lock the doors. Therefore, always lock the vehicle before
leaving it unattended and en able the anti-theft alarm system 3 3 32 .
Electronic immobiliser
Th e sys tem chec k s wheth er th e veh icle is allowed to sta rt with the key used. Once
the transponder in the key is recognised, th e v ehicle ca n be starte d.
The electronic immobiliser activates automatically when the key is removed
from the ig nition switch.
Control i nd icato r for imm obilizer A
Con tro l indica tor A illuminates briefly wh en the ig nition is sw itch e d on.
If the control indicator flashes when the ignition is on, the re is a fault in the system;
the engine cannot be started. Switch off the ignition and then rep eat the start
attempt. If the control indicator A continues to
flash, pleas e try to start the engine using the second key and contact a workshop.
26 Keys, doors, windows, slide and tilt sunroof
Radio remote control
Dep ending on equipment level, the vehicle comes equipped with one of the remote
controls depicted on this pag e.
The remote control is integra te d in the key.
Us ed to op er ate :
z Central locking sys tem, z Mechanical anti-theft locking system 3,
z Vauxhall ala rm system 3.
In vehicles with e lectric windows in all doors 3, the radio remote control can be
used to closed the windows.
The remote control has a range of approx. 5 metres. This range can be
af fected by out s ide infl uence s. Aim the remote control at the vehicle to operate.
The hazard warning lamps flash to confirm remote control ope ration.
Handle the remote control with care, protec t it from moisture and high
temperatures and avoid unnecessary operation.
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