Owner’s Manual
Mode l Year 2010
Edition: June 2009
TS 1649-A-10
Operation, Safety, Maintenance
Data specific to your vehicle
Please enter your vehicle’s data here to keep it easily accessible. This data can be found under the sections "Technical data" and "S ervice
and m aintenance" as well as on the identification plate.
Engine oil
Vis cosit y
Tyre pressure
Tyre size front
Sum mer tyr es
Winter tyres
Gross v ehicle weight rating
– E C k e r b w e i g h t
=L o a d i n g
Your vehicle is an intelligen t synthesis of
advanced technology, proven safety,
environmental friendliness and economy.
It now lies with you to drive your vehicle
safely and ensure that it pe rform s
perfectly. This Owner’s Manual provides
you with all the necessary information to
that end.
Make s ure y our passengers a re awa re of
the possible risk of accident and injury
which may result from im proper use of the
You m ust always comply with the specific
laws of the c ountry in which y ou are
driving. These laws may differ from the
information in this Owner’s Manual.
When this Manual refers to a workshop
visit, we recommend your Vauxhall
Authorised Repairer.
All Vauxhall Authorised Repairers provide
first-class service at reasonable prices.
Experienced mechanics trained b y
Vauxhall work acc ording to specific
Vauxhall instructions.
The cus tomer literature pack, consisting of
Owner’s Manual, infotainment system
instructions and the Se rvice and Warranty
Booklet should always be kept in the
vehicle: ready to hand in the glove
Make use of the Owner’s Manual
z The "In brief" section will give you an
initial overv iew.
z The ta ble of contents at the beg inning
of the Owner’s M anual and within the
individual chapters will show you where
everything is.
z Its index will help you find what you
z Y ellow arrows in the illustrations serve
as points of re ference or indicate som e
action to be performed.
z Black arrows in the illustrations indicate
a reaction or a second a ction to b e
z This Owner’s Manual refers to right-hand
drive vehicles. Operation in left-hand
drive vehicles is similar.
z The Owner’s M anual makes re ference
to internal engine designations. The
associated sales de sig nations are
found in the section "Technical data".
z Directional da ta, e .g. left or right, or
front or back, in the descriptions always
relate to the direction of travel.
6 Continue reading on next page.
E qu ipmen t m arked with 3 is not found in
all vehicles (model variants, engine range,
national variants, special equipment,
Vauxhall genuine parts and accessories).
Page references are indicated with 3 ,
which me ans "see page".
9 Danger, 9 Warning, Caution
9 Danger
Text marked 9 Danger provides
inform ation on p ossible fatal injury.
Disregard of the instructions may
e nd anger l if e.
9 Warning
Text marked 9 Warning provides
inform ation on risk of a ccident or injury.
Disregard of the instructions may lead to
Text marked Caution provides
inform ation on p ossible d amage to the
ve h icle. D isr e gar d o f the in s truction s
ma y lead to vehicle damage.
Thank you for choosing a Vaux hall.
We wish you many hours of pleasurable
Your Vauxhall Team
Commitment to custom er
Our ai m: to k eep you happy with your
vehicle. All Vauxhall Authorised Repairers
offer first-class serv ice at competitiv e
prices. Experienced, factory-trained
technicians work according to factory
instructions. Y our Authorised Repa irer can
supply you with GENUINE VAU XHALL-
APPRO VED PARTS , which hav e undergone
stringent quality and precision chec ks, and
of course useful and a ttractive
Our name is your guarantee!
For d eta ils of the
Vauxhall Authorised Repaire r Ne tw ork,
please ring this number; 0845 090 2044
In Brie f ........ ......... ........ ......... ......... ......... ..... 2
Keys, doors,
win dows ............. .... ..... ......... .... ......... .. 18
S eats, Interior ..... .... ......... ......... ......... ...... 3 6
Instrum en ts ........ ........ ......... ..... ......... .... .. 6 3
Ligh ting ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... .. 80
Infotainment s ys tem . ..... .... ......... ......... .. 86
C lim ate c ontro l ...... ......... ......... ......... ...... 8 8
Driving and op eration ... ......... ......... ...... 9 6
S elf-help, vehicle care .... .... ......... ......... 121
S ervice and m a intena nce .. ..... ......... .... 156
Te chnical data .. .... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... 171
Inde x . .... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .... 185
2I n B r i e f
In Brief
Unlocking the vehicle: Turn the
key in the lock fo rwards or press
the q button on the radio remote
control 3
Pull on the door handle and open the d oor
or slide open the sliding door 3.
Sliding door 3 3 25. Key 3 18,
Elec tronic immobiliser 3 19 ,
Remote control 3 3 21 ,
Ce ntral lo ck in g sy ste m 3 3 22,
Vauxhall a larm system 3 3 29,
Child locks 3 3 25.
Unlocking the tailgate 3 : Turn the
key to the horizontal positio n or
press the q button on the remote
control 3
Press the button to open the tailgate.
Wh en us ing the remote control, th e tailgate
is only unlocked if the key slot in the button
is in the horizontal position.
If the key slot is in the vertical position, the
tailgate is always locked.
Remote control 3 3 21,
Central locking system 3 3 22 ,
Vauxhall alarm system 3 3 29,
Tailgate 3 3 26.
3 In Brief
Unloc king the re ar doors 3 : T u r n
the key to th e vertical p osition or
press the q button on the remote
control 3
To open the right rear door, pull on the
handle and pull open the door. To open the
left rear door, turn the handle on the inside.
When using the remote control, the rear
doors are only unlocked if the key slot in the
lock is in the vertical position.
If the key slot is in the horizontal position,
the rear doors are always locked.
Remote control 3 3 21,
Central locking system 3 3 22 ,
Vauxhall alarm system 3 3 29,
Rear doors 3 3 27 .
To adjust front seat leg room 3 :
Pull h and le, s l ide s eat, re le ase
Afte r adjusting, move the s eat until you
can fee l it engag e.
Sea ts 3 36, Se at pos ition 3 37.
9 Warning
Important: Do not sit nearer than
10 i nch es ( 2 5 c m) f rom the stee rin g
wheel, to pe rmit sa fe airbag
To adjust fron t seat bac krests:
Turn handwheel
Do not lea n on seat back rest whilst
adjusting it.
Seats 3 36, S eat position 3 37 .
4I n B r i e f
Front seat height 3 : Pull le v er at
Lift lever a nd relieve som e weight from seat
to raise it or pr e ss down on se at with body
weight to low er it.
Never adjust the driver’s seat whilst driving.
It could m ov e in a n uncontrolled m ann er
wh en the lev er h as be en pu lled .
Seats 3 36 , S eat p osit ion 3 37.
To fold front seat backrest
forwa rd 3 : Raise release lever
Sea ts 3 36, Se at pos ition 3 37.
Adjust head restraint height 3 of
front and rear outbo ard seats: Tilt
forward to release, hold in place,
adjust height and release ag ain
Head restraint 3 38, Hea d restraint
position 3 39, R ear , centre head res train t 3
3 39.
5 In Brief
Pull out the s eat belt and eng age
it in the belt buckle
The seat belt must not be twiste d and m ust
lie snugly against the body. The backrest
must not be tilted back too far (maximum
approx. 25°).
To release belt, press re d button on belt
Three-point seat belts 3 46,
Airbag system 3 3 5 4, Seat position 3 37.
Adjust the exterior mirror
manually using the handle
Mirrors 3 32, Aspherical ex terior mirrors
3 3 2, Folding the exterior mirrors 3 32.
Electrical exterior mirror
adjustment 3
Select the corresponding exterior mirror
with the rocker switch and ad just with the
four-way switch.
Mirrors 3 3 2, Aspherical exterior mirrors
3 3 2, Folding the exterior mirrors 3 32,
Heated exterior mirrors 3 33.
6I n B r i e f
To adjust interior mirror by
Swivel lever on underside of mirror housing
to red uce daz zle a t nig ht.
Mirrors 3 33.
Steering wheel adjustment 3 :
Sw iv el le v e r down, ad ju s t heig ht,
swivel lever up, engage
Ad jus t stee ri ng wheel only when veh icle i s
stationary and ste ering column lock is
re l ea s e d.
Airbag systems 3 3 54.
Exterior lights
Turn light switch
7 =Off
8 = Parking lights
9 = Dipp ed b eam or main be am
Press light switch
0 = Courtesy light
Push button
> = F r o nt fo g l i ghts 3
r = Fog tail light
Lighting 3 8 0, Headlight warning de vice
3 78.
7 In Brief
Headli ght fl ash, m ain beam and
dip ped beam
Headlight flash = Pull stalk toward s
steering wheel
Main be am = Push stalk forwards
Dipped beam = Push stalk forwards
Main be am, headlight flash 3 81 .
Switch turn signal on
Right = Stalk upwards
Left = Stalk downwards
Turn signals 3 81.
Hazard warning lights
Operated with the ¨ button.
Hazard warning flashers 3 82.
8I n B r i e f
9 In Brief
1 Side air v ents ... ..... .... ......... ......... .. 3 89
2 Front passenger airbag 3 .... ..... .. 3 54
3 Infotainment system 3 . .... .... ..... .. 3 86
4 Haza rd warn in g lights .. .... .... ......... 3 7
LED for Vauxhall
alarm system 3 ........ ..... .... .... ..... ... 3 30
5 Display 3 for time, date,
outside temperature,
infotainmen t system 3 ..... .... ..... .. 3 73
6 Centre air v ents ........ ......... ......... ... 3 89
7 Turn signals, headlight fla sh,
dipped be am, main beam .. 3 6, 3 80
8 Horn .... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... ... 3 11
9 Steering wheel remote control 3 .3 86
10 Instrume n ts ...... ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... .. 3 63
Pa ge
11 Windscreen wiper,
windscreen wash system,
rear w in dow w ash sys tem 3 ........ 3 78
12 Light s witch ..... ......... ........ ..... 3 6, 3 80
13 Headlight range adjustment 3 ... 3 83
Fog tail lig ht .... .... ......... ......... ....... 3 82
Front fog ligh ts 3 ..... ........ ......... ... 3 82
Instrument illumination ........ ....... 3 83
14 Bonne t rele ase lever ..... .... ..... .... . 3 121
15 Starter switch with
Stee ring co lum n lock ... ......... ....... 3 14
16 Stee ring whee l adju stm ent 3 ........ 3 6
17 Accele ra tor pedal .... .... .. 3 102, 3 104
18 Brake peda l ......... ..... .... .. 3 102, 3 111
19 Clutch ped al 3 .... ..... .... .... ..... .... . 3 102
20 Seat heating 3 ... ..... .... ..... .... ..... ... 3 38
21 Accessory socket or
cigarette ligh ter ...... ......... ......... ... 3 59
22 Ashtray 3 ............ ..... .... ......... ........ 3 60
23 Air conditioning system 3 ... ..... ... 3 92
Heated rear window 3 .... ... 3 12, 3 35
Air recirculation system 3 ......... ... 3 93
24 Heating and v entilation system . 3 88
25 Glove compart me nt ... ......... ........ 3 61
10 In Brief
Control indicators
Front fog lights 3,
3 63, 3 82 .
Engine electronics,
Immob iliser 3 , E as ytr oni c3 ,
3 19, 3 63 , 3 109.
Exhaust gases 3,
3 64, 3 109.
Airbag systems 3,
Belt tensio ne rs ,
3 64, 3 48 , 3 57.
Engine oil pressure,
3 64 .
Turn signal lights,
3 65 , 3 81.
Main bea m,
3 65 , 3 81.
Preheating 3, diesel p article
filt er 3,
3 65 , 3 110.
Winter programme of
Easytronic 3 ,
3 99 .
Fog tail light,
3 66 , 3 82.
3 66.
Brake system,
clutch system 3,
3 66, 3 168.
Anti-lock brake system (ABS) 3,
3 112.
Engine oil level 3,
3 67, 3 164.
Electric power steering (EPS) 3,
3 67.
Fuel leve l,
3 67, 3 107.
11 In Brief
Op era te h or n : Pr es s j right or left
Airbag system 3 3 54, Remote control on
steering wheel 3 3 86.
Windscreen wiper: Move stalk
& =F a s t
% =S l o w
$ = Ad justable interval s witching
§ =O f f
Windscreen wiper 3 78, Adjustable wiper
interval 3 3 79, Further information 3 154,
3 168.
Operating windscreen wash
system: Stalk toward steering
W in dscr e en w ash s ystem 3 78, Further
inform ation 3 169, 3 182.
12 In Brief
Rea r win dow wiper 3 and
Rear window wash system 3
Wiper on = Push stalk forwards
Wiper off = Stalk toward steering whe el
Washing = Push sta lk forward and hold
Rear window wiper and rear window wash
system 3 78, Further information 3 168,
3 169.
Heated rear wind ow 3 , heated
exterior mirrors 3
Operated with the Ü button.
Climate con trol system 3 88, H eat e d rea r
wind ow 3 35 .
To clear fogged or icy windo ws
Turn th e rotary k no bs for te mperature an d
air flow clockwise. Set air distribution to V.
Air conditioning system 3 : Also press
button n .
Climate control 3 3 88.
13 In Brief
Before starting off, check
z Tyre pressure and tyre condition 3 114,
3 179,
z Engine oil le vel and fluid levels in engine
compartment 3 163 to 3 169,
z All windows, mirrors, exterior lig hting
and nu mber plates are free from dirt,
snow and ice and operational,
z Seats, seat be lts and mirrors are
correctly a djusted 3 36, 3 46, 3 32,
z Check brake function at low spe ed,
particularly if the bra kes are wet.
Manual transmission
Reverse gear: With the vehicle stationary,
lift the ring under the gear-lever knob
3 seconds afte r de pres sing the clutch, a nd
then engage the gear.
If the gear does not engage, put the lever
into neutral, release the clutch ped al and
depress again; then repeat gear selection.
Manual transmission 3 101.
Easy tronic 3
= Idle spe ed/sta rt position
= Driv e position (centre position)
= Higher gear
=L o w e r g e a r
= Switch between Automatic and
Manual mode
= Reverse gear (w ith selector lever
lo c k )
To move the selector lever from N to R
pr es s th e b u t t o n o n th e l ev er .
Only start in N with foot brak e a pplied.
Eas yt ron ic 3 3 96.
14 In Brief
St e er ing c olum n lo ck and ignition
Turn key to position 1. Move the steering
wheel s lightly to release the steering
column lock.
= Ignition off
= Stee ring free, ignition off
= Ignition on,
with dies el engine: pr ehea ting
=S t a r t i n g
Starting the engine
Depress the clutch and brake pedals,
Eas yt ron ic 3 in N , do not acc elerate; fo r
diesel e ngi n e, tu r n ke y to p ositio n 2; w hen
control indicator ! goes out turn the key
to position 3 and re lease it w hen the engine
is running.
To re peat the start proce dure or switch off
the e ngine, turn the key back to 0.
To switch on the ignition, turn the key to 2.
To release the handbrake: Raise
le ver s lig ht ly , p res s r ele ase
button, lower lever fully
Hand brake 3 66, 3 113.
15 In Brief
Parking the vehicle
z Always apply ha ndbrake firmly without
op erating the release button, and apply
as firmly as possible on a downhill or
uphill slope.
z Switch off the eng ine and ignition by
turning the ignition key to 0 and
removing it. Turn the steering wheel until
you can feel its loc k engage (anti-theft
On vehicles with Easytronic 3 , control
in d i ca to r R flashes for a few seconds
after the ig nition is switched off if the
handbra ke has not been applied.
z If the vehicle is parked on a level surface
or an up hil l s lo p e, wit h a m anual
gearbox select first ge ar or with
Eas yt ronic 3 move the selector le ver to
the ce ntre position before switching off
the ignition. Also turn the front wheels
away from the kerb if the vehicle is on an
uphill slope.
If the ve hicle is on a d ownhill slope, with
manual gearbox or Easytronic 3 se lect
reve rse ge ar before switching off the
ig nition. Also turn the front wheels
to w a rd s th e ke rb .
z Lock the vehicle with the key in the lock
or the p button on the remote c ontrol.
Activate the anti-theft locking system 3
and V auxhall alarm system 3 by
pressing the p button twice.
Advice when parkin g
z Do not park vehicle on easily ignitable
surfaces as the hot exhaust system
temperatures could cause the surface to
z C lose windows.
z The engine cooling fans may run after
th e e ng in e ha s been sw itched o ff, 3 163.
Locking doors 3 20, Re mote control 3 3 21,
Central lock ing sy stem 3 3 22, Vauxhall
alarm system 3 3 29, Vehic le
decommissioning 3 170.
Interesting functions
See following p ages.
16 In Brief
Airbag system
The a irbag system consists of several
internal systems.
Front airb ag system 3
The front airbag system will be triggered in
the eve nt of a serious ac cident involving a
frontal impact and forms safety cushions
for the driver and front passenger. The
forward moveme nt of the drive r and front
passenger is checked and the risk of
injuries to the uppe r body a nd head
thereby substantially reduce d.
Side airb ag system 3
The side airbag s ystem trigge rs when a
side-on collision occurs and provides a
safety barrier for the driver and/or
passe nger in the respective front door
area. This reduces the risk of injury to the
up per body considerably in case of a side
Airba g Sy ste m 3 54.
Operating via the information
display menus
Th e menu opti ons a re sele cted via t h e
menus and with the button/four-way
button or the multi-func tion b utton of the
info ta inm ent system 3 or via the buttons 3
on the steering wheel. The menu options
app ear o n the displ a y.
To select with four-way button:
P r es s four-way bu t t o n up , d o wn , righ t o r
Selecting with the multi-function button
(adjuster wheel via the four-way rocker
switch 3 74):
Press and turn multi-function button.
To exit a menu, turn the multi-function
button left or right to Return or Main and
To select with steering wheel buttons 3:
Select menu options via the menus using
the buttons.
Information display 3 73.
17 In Brief
Di es e l p artic le fi l ter 3
The diesel particle filter system filters
ha rm ful soot particles out of the exhaust
gases. The system includes a self-cleaning
function that run automatically during
driving. The filter is cle aned by burning off
the soot pa rticles at high temperature. This
process ta kes place automatically unde r
set driving conditions and may ta ke up to
25 minutes. Fuel consumption may be
higher during this period. The emission of
smells and smoke during this process is
Under certain driving conditions, e.g. short
distances, the system cannot clean itself
automatically. If the filter requires cleaning and previous
driving c onditions did not enable
automatic cleaning, control ind icator !
Further instructions 3 110.
18 Keys, doors, windows
Keys, doors,
Re placem ent ke ys ... ..... .... ......... ......... . 1 8
Key with retractable key blade 3 ..... . 1 8
Ca r Pass... .... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... . 18
Electronic immobiliser....... ..... .... .... ..... . 19
Mechanical unlocking or lock ing of
ind ividu al door s. .... ......... ......... ......... . 20
Remote control 3 . .... ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... . 21
Central locking system 3 ...... .... .... ..... . 2 2
Fault in th e rem ote co ntrol ... .... .... ..... . 2 4
Malfunction in central locking system 24
Sliding d oors 3 ......... ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... . 2 5
Child safety locks 3 . ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... . 2 5
Tailgate 3 ....... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... . 26
Rear doors 3 ........ .... ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... . 2 7
Vauxhall alarm system 3 . ..... .... .... ..... . 29
Exterior mirrors ..... .... ......... ......... ......... . 3 2
Interior mirror ....... .... ..... ......... ........ ...... 3 3
Manual window operation,
front do ors .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... . 33
Window in the sliding doors 3 .. .... ..... . 3 4
Ele ctric w ind ows 3 ... ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... . 34
Heated rear window 3 ..... ..... .... .... ..... . 35
Replacement keys
The key numbe r is specified in the
Car P ass 3 .
The key is part of the electronic
Locks 3 20, 3 155.
Key with retractable key b lade 3
Press button to extend. To retrac t, press
button and audibly engage key b lade.
Car Pass
The Car Pass contains safety-related
ve h icle d ata an d should ther efore be k ept
in a safe place.
When the vehicle is taken to a workshop,
the Car Pass data is needed in order to
perform certain operations.
19 Keys, do ors, windows
If control indica tor A illuminates afte r the
engine has started, there is a fault in the
engine electronics or Easytronic
transmission 3 100.
Not e
The immobiliser does not lock the doors.
You should always lock the vehicle after
leaving it and switch on the Vauxhall alarm
system 3 , 3 20, 3 22 , 3 29.
Electronic immobiliser
Th e sys tem chec k s wheth er th e veh icle is
allowed to sta rt with the key used. Once
the transponder in the key is recognised,
th e v ehicle ca n be starte d.
The electronic immobiliser activates
automatically when the key is removed
from the starter switch.
Control i nd icator for imm obilise r A
Con trol indica tor A illuminates briefly
afte r the ig nition is switc hed on.
If the control indicator flashes when the
ignition is on, there is a fault in the system;
the engine cannot be started. Switch off
the ignition and then repeat the start
If the control indicator A continues to
flash, please try to start the engine using
the second key and contact a workshop.
20 Keys, doors, windows
Mechanical unlocking or lo cking
of individual doors
(versions without remote control 3 and
central lock ing system 3)
Front doors and sliding doors 3
To unlock
Turn key in lock towards front of vehicle as
far as it will go. Return key to the vertical
position and remove. Pull door handle.
To lock
With door or sliding door closed, turn key
towards rear of vehicle as far as it will go.
Turn key back to vertical position and
Operating from the inside
Pull or press the interior lock button.
Ta ilgat e 3
To un l o c k
Turn key in lock to horizontal position and
remove. Press button.
To l oc k
With tailgate closed, turn key in lock to
vertical position and remove.
Rear door 3
To unlock
Turn key in lock to v ertical pos ition and
re m o v e. Pul l d o or ha nd l e .
To lock
Close first left and then right rear door.
Tu rn key in lo ck to horizo n tal positio n an d
Remote control 3
Depending on the equipment of the
vehicle, one of the remote controls
depicted on this page will be u sed.
The remote control is integrated in the key.
Us ed to op er ate :
z Central locking system 3,
z mechanical anti-theft locking system 3,
z Vauxhall alarm system 3 .
O n veh icles wi th e lectro n ic win dows 3 , t he
windows can be closed from the outside
using the remote control 3 35.
The remote control has a ra nge of approx.
5 metres. This range can be affected by
outside influences. Aim the remote control
at th e v ehicle to op erate . T h e h aza rd
warning lights flash to confirm remote
control operation.
Handle the remote control with care,
protect it from moisture and high
temperatures and avoid unnecessary
op er at io n .
21 Keys, do ors, windows
If the central locking system can not be
operated with the remote control, it m ay be
due to the following:
z Ran ge exce ed ed.
z Battery voltage of the radio re mote
control too low, change batte ry.
z Frequent, repeated operation of the
remote control outside the reception
rang e of the vehicle (e.g. too far from
vehicle, remote control is then no longe r
recognised). Synchronise the remote
z If the central locking system is
overloaded as a result of re peated
operation at s hort inte rvals. The power
supply is cut off for a brief period.
z Interference from higher-power radio
wa ve s from ot h e r source s.
Manual unlocking or locking with the
vehicle k ey 3 24.
22 Keys, doors, windows
Re mote contr ol batt ery r e pla c em en t
Replace the battery as soon as the range
of the remote control begins to shrink.
Batteries do not belong in household
was te. They must be disposed of at an
appropriate recycling collection point.
Key with foldaw ay key section
Extend the key 3 18. Open the remote
control. Replace the battery (battery type
CR 20 32), noting installation position.
Close the remote control and synchronise.
Key with f ixe d key sec tion
Have the battery changed in a work shop.
Radio remote control synchronisation
Afte r changing the battery, unlock the
door with the key in the lock 3 24. Inserting
the key in the ignition synchronises the
re mo t e c o nt r o l .
Central locking system 3
Used to unlock and lock doors, sliding
door 3 , load compartment and tank flap
3 .
To unlock
Press button q on the remote control
– or from the inside –
Pull lock button on driver’s door.
When the mechanical anti-theft locking
system 3 is enabled, the doors cannot be
unlocked by pulling up the lock buttons.
Country-specific version 3 : Pressing the
button once will unlock the driver’s door.
Pressing the button twice will unlock the
entire vehicle.
To lock
Close doors, sliding door 3, load
compartme nt and tank flap .
Press button p on the remote control
– or from the inside –
Push the lock button on the driver’s door
wh en the do o rs ar e clo s ed.
Mechanica l anti-t heft locking sys tem 3
9 War ni ng
Do not us e the sy ste m if the re are pe op le
in the v eh icle! T he d oors can n o t be
unlocked from the inside.
All doors must be closed.
If the ignition was on, the d river’s door
must be opened and closed once so that
the vehicle can be secured.
All doors are secured against op ening.
Within 10 seconds of locking,
press the p button on the remote
control again
The mechanic al anti-theft locking system
switches off when the vehicle is unlocked.
23 Keys, do ors, windows
Not e
z T o pr eve nt th e driv er from be ing
ina dvertently locked out, the button on
the driver’s door cannot be depressed
wh en the d oor is ope n.
z If the driver’s door is not closed properly,
the central locking system will unlock
again immediately after lock ing.
z A short time after unlocking with the
remote control, the doors lock again
automatically if no door is opened.
z To lock the d oors from inside (e.g. to
prevent unwanted entry from outside),
push down lock button on driv er’s door.
z Locked doors unlock automatically in
the event of an a ccident of a certain
severity (to permit outside assistance).
For this reason, the ignition must not be
switched off.
z If a sliding door 3 is o pe n wh en th e
vehicle is being locked, it is locked a few
se con ds afte r it has be en cl o s ed.
24 Keys, doors, windows
If the central locking system can not be
operated, the problem may be as follows:
z If the central loc king sy stem is
ov erloaded as a re sult of re peated
op eration at short interv als. The power
supply is cut off for a b rief period.
z Defective fuse in the fuse box 3 140.
Please contact a workshop to have the
cause of the fault remedied.
O perate the driv er’s door with th e k ey.
Fault in the remote control
To un l oc k
Turn key in d riv er’s door lock towards front
of vehicle, turn back to vertical position
and remove. The entire vehicle is unlocked.
Switch on ignition to d eactivate V auxhall
alarm system 3.
To lock
With th e driver’s doo r cl os ed, tu rn key in
lock towards rear of vehicle, turn back to
vertical position and remove. The entire
vehicle is lock ed.
Malfunction in central locking
To unlock
Turn the key in the driver’s door lock
towards the front of vehic le, turn it b ack to
the vertical position and remove. The
drive r’s door is unlocked. The other doors
can b e ope ned b y pulling the lock button
(unless the anti-theft locking system 3 is
active). The load compartm ent and tan k
flap remain locked. Switch on the ignition
to deactiv ate the Vauxhall alarm system 3 .
To lock
With the driver’s door open, press the lock
bu t t o n of on e of th e ot h er door s . C los e the
driver’s door and turn the key in the driver’s
do or l ock towa rd t he rear of th e v ehicle,
turn it back to the vertical position and
remove. The unlocked fuel tank flap
cannot be locked.
Not e
z The me chan ical anti-theft locking
sy ste m 3 and the Vauxhall alarm system
3 cannot be activated with the key.
z To deactivate the Va uxhall alarm
sy ste m 3 alarm, switch on the ignition
after opening a door.
25 Keys, do ors, windows
Sliding doors 3
9 War ni ng
If the vehicle is parked facing down a
slope, open sliding doors m ay move
accidentally on account of their weight.
Close the sliding doors before driving
Opening from outside
Unlock the door with the key b y turning it
forwards in the lock or p ressing the q
bu t t o n o n th e r em o te c o n t r o l .
To open the sliding doors, pull the handle
and slide the door towards the rear of the
Open ing from inside
To op en the unlocked sliding door, pivot
the handle and slide the door towards the
re ar of th e v eh ic l e .
To pre vent dam age, the right-hand sliding
do or can n o t be fully op en ed if th e tan k fla p
is open.
To clo s e
Slide the sliding door until it engages. To
lock the door, turn the key in the lock
tow ards the rear of the vehicle, press
button p on the remote control or press
the interior lock button.
Child safety locks 3
9 Warning
Us e the ch ild saf ety loc k w hene ver
children a re occupy ing the rea r seats.
With the sliding door open, use the key to
turn the rotary knob at the door lock from
the vertical position: the door c annot be
opened from the inside.
26 Keys, doors, windows
Tailgate 3
To open
Turn the key in the lock to the vertical
position or press the q b utton on the
remote control.
Press the button to open the tailgate.
To close
Close the tailgate and turn the key in the
lock to a horizontal position or press the p
bu t t o n o n th e r em o te c o n t r o l .
Cen tral l oc king 3 and the ta ilgat e
The central locking system and a nti-theft
lock ing system 3 for the doors cannot be
op erated via the tailgate lock.
Key slot horizontal in lock
When the central locking system is
op erated, the tailgate is locked or unlocked
tog ether with the doors.
If the key is turned to the vertical position
after unloc king via the central locking
system, the tailgate re mains locked.
Ke y s l o t v er t i c a l in lo c k
The tailgate remains locked when the
doors are locked or unlocked via the
central locking system. Choose this position
if the tailgate is to always remain locked.
Unlock ing the ta ilgate with the key with
centra lly locked do ors 3
Turn the key clock wise as far as possible
beyond the resistance point from the
vertical or horizontal position. To
safeguard against being locke d out, the
ke y c annot be removed when in th is
Relo ck the tailgate by clos ing it a nd t urning
the key to the horizontal or vertical
In the horizontal position, the tailgate will
be unlocked the next time the vehicle is
unlocked via the central locking system .