Vauxhall Combo 2008 User Manual

Operation, Safety and Maintenance
Owner’s Manual
Operation, Safety, Maintenance
Data specific to your v ehicle
Please enter your vehicle’s data here to keep it ea sily accessible. This information is available under the section "Technical data" as well as on the identification plate and in the Service Booklet.
Engi n e oil
Tyre pressure
Tyre size for load of up to 4 perso ns for full load
Summer tyres Front Rear Front Rear
Winter tyres Front Rear Front Rear
Permissible Gross Vehicle Weight
– EC kerbweight
Your Combo
is an intelligent combination of forward­looking technology, impressive safety,
environmental friendliness and economy. It no w li es with yo u to dr ive your vehic le
saf ely and en su re that it performs perfectly. This Owner's Manual provides
you with all the necessary information to that end.
Make sure yo ur passengers are aware of the possibl e risk of ac cide n t an d i n jury
which may result from i mproper use of the vehicle.
You must always comply with the specific laws of the country that you are travelling
th roug h. These laws may differ fr om the informatio n in this Owner’s Manual.
When instructed to consult a workshop, we recommend that you consult a
VauxhallAuthorised Repai r er. All Vauxhall Authorised Repairers offer
first-class s ervice at reasonable prices. You will receive quick, reliable and
individual service. Experie nced mechanics, trained by
Vauxhall, work according to specific Vauxhall instructions.
The O wner's Ma nual should always be kept in the vehicl e: Ready to hand i n the glove
Ma ke use of the Owner's Manual:
z Its "In brief" section will give you an initi al
z The table of contents at the beginni ng of
the Owne r’s Manual and within the individual chapters will show yo u where
everythi ng is.
z Its index will help you find what you
z It will familiarise you with the
sophisticated technology.
z It will in crease yo ur pleasure in your
z It will help you to handle your vehicle
T he Owner’s Manual is designed to be clearly laid-out and easily unde rstoo d.
This symbol signifies:
6 Continue read ing on next page. 3 Th e asterisk signifies equipment no t
fitted to all vehicles (model variants, engine options, models specific to one
country, optional equi pment, Genuine Vauxhall Pa rts and A ccessori es).
9 Wa r n ing
Text marked 9 Warning provides in formation on risk of accident or in jury.
Disregard of the in structions may lead to injuries or endanger life.
Inf orm your passengers accordingly.
Yellow arrows in the illustrations serve as points of re ference or indicate some ac ti on
to be performed. Black arrows in the illustrations indicate a
reactio n or a second action to be per f ormed.
Directional data, e.g. left or right, or front or back, in the descriptions always relates
to the direc t ion of travel. Thank you for choos ing a Vauxhall.
We wish you many hours of pleasurable driving.
Your Vauxhall Team
Comm itment to customer satisf action:
Our aim: to keep you happy with your
vehicle. All Vauxhall Aut horised Repairers offer first-class service at comp etitive
prices. Experienced, factory-trained technicians work according to factory
in structions. Your Author ised Repairer can supply you with GENUINE VAUXHALL-
A PPROVED PARTS, which have undergone stringent quality and precision checks, and
of course useful and a ttrac tive VAUXHALL-APPROVED ACCESSORIES.
Our name is your guarantee! For details of the
Vauxhall Authorised Repairer Network, please ring this number; 0845 090 2044
In Brief ....................................................... 2
Keys, Doors,
Win dow s .... ..... .... .... ..... .... ......... ..... .... .. 18
Seats, Interior .......................................... 38
Instrum ents ................ ......... ......... ......... .. 66
L igh ting ..... .... ..... .... .... ......... ..... .... ..... .... .. 85
Infotainment System ............................. 91
Climate Control ...................................... 93
Dr ivin g and Ope ra tion ....... ..... .... ..... .... 103
S elf -h elp, Ve hicle Ca re ... .... ..... .... ......... 13 2
Service, maintenance ........................... 172
Te c hnica l D ata .. .... .... ..... .... ..... ......... .... 18 4
Index ...................................................... 200
2In Brief
In B rief
To unlock the vehicle and open the doors:
With key in lock turn key towards front of veh i cle or p r ess button
o n the r emote control 3, pull door hand le and open doo r
or sliding door
Unlocking the door from inside: P ull up on lock button.
6 Sliding do or 3 – see page 27, door lock s, key – see page 18,
electronic immobiliser – see page 19, ra dio remote control 3 – see page 21,
central locking system 3 – se e p age 24, V aux hall alarm system 3 – see page 31,
child restraint system 3 – see page 27.
To unlock and open ta ilgate 3 : Turn key to hor izontal position
orpress button
q on the radio
remote control 3, pr ess button and open
tailgate u pwards
When using the remote control, the tailgate is only unlocked if the key slot in the button
is in the horizontal position. If the key slot is in the vertical position, the
tailgate is always locked. 6 Radio re mote control 3 – see page 21,
cen tral loc king system 3 – see page 24 , Vauxhall alarm system 3 – see page 31,
tailgate 3 – see page 28.
3In Brief
To un lock and o pen rear doors 3: Turn key to vertical position or press
q o n the remoteco ntrol 3,
pu ll handle and open rear doo r; to open the left rear door, swivel the
handle on the inside
Whe n us i ng the remote control, the rear doors are only unloc ked if the key slot in the
lock is in the vertical position. If the key slot is in the horizontal position,
the rear doors are always locked. 6 Radio re mote control 3 – see page 21,
central lock ing system 3 – see page 24, Vauxhall alarm system 3 – see page 31,
rea r doors 3 – see page 29.
To adjust fr ont seats 3: Pull handle, slide seat,
rel ea s e ha ndle, allo w seat to audibly latch
into position
6 Seats – see page 38, seat position – see page 3 9.
9 Wa r n i n g
Important: Do not sit near er than 10 inches (25 cm ) from the steering wheel, to
permit safe airbag deplo yment.
To adjust front seat backrests: Turn handwheel
Mov e seat b ackre st t o s uit seati ng positi on. Do not lean on seat backr est whilst
adjus ting it. 6 Seats – see page 38,
seat position – see page 39.
4In Brief
To adjust front seat height 3: Pull le ver at side
Lift le v er an d relieve some weight from seat to raise it or press down on seat with body
weight to low er it. Never adjust the driver’s seat whils t driving.
It could move in an uncontroll ed manner when the lever has been pulled.
6 Seats – see page 38, seat position – see page 39.
To fold front seat backrest forward 3: Raise release lever
To enter a nd leave the rear seat area, tilt front seat back forwards.
6 Seats – see page 38, seat position – see page 3 9.
Adjust head restra int he ight 3 of fron t and rear o utboar d seats:
Tilt forward to re le ase , hold in place,
adj us t height and rel ease again
6 Head restrain ts – s ee page 40, head restraint position – see page 40,
rear, cen tre head rest raint 3 – see page 40.
5In Brief
Apply seat bel t: Pull out seat belt smoothly from
ine r tia reel, g uide over sh o ulder and click into belt buckle
The seat be l t must not be twisted at any point along its length. The lap belt must sit
c l os e to the bo dy . The ba c k r e s t mu st n o t be tilte d bac k too fa r ( r ecom men ded
maximum tilting angle approx. 2 5°). To release belt, press red button on belt
buckle . 6 T hree-point seat belt – see page 48,
airbag sy ste m 3 – see page 53, seat position – see page 39.
Manually adjus table out side m irro r: Swivel lever in the required direction
from the inside
6 Mirror – see page 34, aspherical exterior mirror – see page 34,
fold in ou tside mirror – s ee page 34.
Ele c tr ic al ly adj us t a b le ex t erior mirrors 3:
Four-way switch in driver’s door
Toggle switch to left or right: four-way switch moves appropriate mirror.
6 Mirror – see page 34, asph erical exterior mirror – see page 34,
folding in the exterior mirror – see page 34, heated exterior mirrors – see page 34, 95.
6In Brief
To adjust interior mirror: Swivel mirror housing
Swivel lever on undersid e of mirror housing to reduce dazzle a t night.
6 Mir ror – see page 35.
Steering column lock and ignition: Tu rn key t o positi on 1,
move steering wheel slightly to rel e a se loc k
Positions: 0 = Ignit ion off
1 = Steering free, ignition off 2 = Ignit ion on,
with di esel engine: pr eheat ing
3=Starting 6 Starting – see page 14,
electronic immobiliser – see page 19, parking the vehicle – see page 15.
St eeri ng whee l ad just men t 3: Sw ivel lever d own, adju st height ,
swivel l ever up, engage
Adjust st eering w heel on ly w hen vehicle is station ary and steering column lock is
released. 6 Airbag systems 3 – see page 53.
7In Brief
Turn light sw itch:
7 =Off 8
= Pa r k ing lig h ts
9 = Di pped or ma in beam
Press li ght swi tch:
0 =Courtesy light
Push button:
> =Fog lights 3 r
= Fog tail light
6 Lighting – see page85, headligh t control indicator – see page 15.
Headlight flash, ma in beam and dipped be am :
Headlight flash
Pull s talk t o ward
steering wheel
Main beam = Push stalk
Dipped beam = P ush stalk
forward again
6 Main beam, headlight flash – see page 86.
Switch turn signal on: Right = Move stal k upward
Left = Move stalk down ward
6 Turn signal – s ee page 86.
8In Brief
9In Brief
1 Side air v ents ................................... 94
2 Front passenger airbag 3 .... ......... . 5 3
3 Infotainment system 3 ......... ......... . 91
4 Hazard warning lights .................... 11
LED for Vauxhall alar m syst em 3 ..32
5 Display 3 for time , date ,
outside temperature,
infotainment system 3 .............. ..... 77
6 Centre air vents ................................94
7 Turn signals, headlight flash,
dipped beam, main beam ......... 7, 85
8 Horn ............. ......... ......... ................... 11
9 Steering wheel remote control 3 .. ..91
10 In stru me n ts .. .... ..... .... ..... ........ ..... .... . 66
Pa ge
11 Windscreen wiper,
windscree n wash system,
rear wind ow wash system 3 .... ....... 8 3
12 Light switch .................................. 7, 85
13 Headligh t range adjustment 3 ...... 88
Fog tail light .................................... 87
Fog lights 3 ..................................... 87
Instrument illumination .. ................ 88
14 Bonnet release lever ...................... 132
15 Starter switch with steering
co lum n lock ..... .... ..... ........ ..... .... ..... ... 6
16 Steering wheel adjustm ent 3 ........ ... 6
17 Accelerator pedal ................. 109, 110
18 Brake peda l ........................... 110, 120
19 Clutch pedal 3 .... ......... ......... ........ 11 0
20 Seat heating 3 ... ..... .... ..... ......... .... .. 95
21 Accessory socket or
cigarette lighter .............................. 62
22 Ashtray 3 ......................................... 63
23 Air conditioning system 3 ... ..... .... .. 99
Heated rear wi ndow 3 .............. 12, 95
Air recircul a ti on system 3............... 99
24 Heating and ventilation system .... 93
25 Glove compartment ....................... 64
10 In Brief
Control indic ato rs
Fog lights 3,
see pages 66, 87.
Engine elec tronics, immobiliser 3,
Easytronic 3, fault,
see pages 19, 66, 108.
Exhaust gases 3 ,
see pages 67, 116.
A irbag systems 3, belt tensioners,
see pages 67, 50, 57.
Eng ine oil pressure,
see page 67.
Turn signal lights,
see pages 68, 86.
Main bea m,
see pages 68, 86.
Preheating 3, die sel particle filter 3
see pages 68, 118.
Easytronic 3, Winter progr amme,
see page 106.
Fog tail lig ht,
see pages 69, 87.
see page 69.
Brake system, clutch system 3,
see pages 69, 180.
Anti-lock Brake System 3,
see page 122.
Engine oil level 3,
see pages 70, 176.
Electric power steering 3,
see page 70.
Fue l level,
see pages 70, 114.
11In Brief
Hazard warnin g ligh t s: On = Press ¨
Off = Press
6 Hazard warning lights – see page 87.
¨ again
Operate horn: press j right or left
6 Airb ag system 3 – see page 53, remote con trol on steerin g
wheel 3 – see page 91.
Windscreen wiper: move stalk upward
§ =Off $ = Adjustable interval s witching
% =Slow & =Fast
6 Windscreen wiper – see page 83,
adjustable wiper intervals 3 – see page 83, additional notes – see pages 168, 180.
12 In Brief
Oper a ting wind scre en wa sh syst em: Pull stalk tow ard steering wheel
6 Winds creen wash system – see page 83, additional n o tes – see pages 181, 197.
R ear window wiper 3 and rear wind ow wa sh syst em 3
operation: Wi p er on = Move s ta lk
Wi p er off = P ul l s talk to w a rd
steering wheel
Wash = Push stalk
forward and h old
6 Rear window wiper and rear window wash system – see page 83,
additiona l n otes – see pages 180, 181.
Heate d re ar window 3, h ea ted ext e ri or mi rr or s 3:
On = Press Ü Off = Press
6 Air conditioning – see page 93, Heated rear window – see page 95.
Ü again
13In Brief
C learing misted or icy window s: Turn rotary switches for temperature
a nd ai rf low c loc k w i s e, set air distribution to
air conditioning system
also press switch n
6 A ir conditioning 3 – see page 93.
Manual transmission:
Reverse g ear: With vehicle stationary, three seconds after d e-clut ching pullthe ring up
and engage gear. If the gear do es not engage, set the lever in
ne utra l, release the clutc h pedal and depress again; then repeat gear selection.
Easytronic 3: N = Idle speed/start pos ition
=Drive position
(centre pos ition)
+ = Higher ge ar
- = Lowe r ge ar A/M = Switch between Automatic
and Manual mode
R = Reverse gear (with selector
lever lock)
To move the selector lever from N to R press the button on the lever.
Only sta rt in N with footbrake applied. 6 Easytronic 3 – see page 103.
14 In Brief
Be fore s t arting off, check:
z Tyre pres sure and tyre condition -
see pages 123, 193.
z Engine oil level and fluid levels in engine
co mpartment – see pages 176 to 181.
z All windows, mirrors, exterior lighting
and number plates are free from dirt, snow and ice and operational.
z Do not place any objects in front of the
rear window, on the instrument p anel or in the area in which the airbags inflate.
z Seats, seat bel ts an d mirrors are
co rrectly adj usted.
z Check brakes.
T o start the engine: D epres s clutch and brak e ped als ,
Eas ytronic
3 in N,
do not acce lerate, petrol engine : key to 3 ;
diesel engine: key t o 2 , whe n control indicator
! goes out
key to 3; rele as e k ey once engine is running
T o repeat the start procedure or switch off th e engine, turn the key back to 0.
To switch on the ignition, turn the key to 2. 6 Electronic immobiliser – see page 19,
diesel fu e l sy stem – see page 132 .
To release the handbrake: Raise le ver slightly,
pr ess lock but ton, lower lever fully
6 Handbrake – see pages 69, 121.
Preheating system switches on only if ou tside temperature is lo w.
15In Brief
Par k ing th e vehic le
z A pply handbr ake fi rmly without press ing
the release button. On slopes apply the h andbrake as firmly as pos sible.
z Switch engine off by turning ignition key
to 0. Remove ignition key and turn steering wheel until lock is felt to engage
(anti-theft protection).
z f the vehicle is parked on a level surface
o r an u phill slope, with a manual gearbox s elect first gear or with
Easytronic 3 move the selector lever to the centre position before switching off
the ignition. Also turn front whe els away from kerb if vehicle is on an uphill slope.
If th e vehicle is on a downhill slope, with manual gearbox o r Easytron ic 3 se l ec t
reverse gear before switching off the ignition. Also turn front wheels toward
z Lock doors and load compartment and
activate V aux hall alarm system 3, by turnin g the key in lock or pre ssing
button p on remote control. To also activate the anti-theft locking system 3
press bu tton p twice.
Ad v i ce w hen p a r k i ng :
z Do not park vehicle on e asil y ignit able
surfaces as the hot exhau st system temperatures could c ause the surfa ce to
z On vehicles with Ea sytronic 3 the contro l
indicator R flashes for a few seconds after the ignition is switched off if the
handbra ke has not been a ppl ied.
z Close windows. z The engine cooling fans m ay ru n after
the engine has been switched off – see page 175.
6 Additional notes – see page 109 , door locking – see page 20,
ra dio remote control 3 – see page 21, central locking system 3 – se e p age 24,
V aux hall alarm system 3 – see page 31, vehicle deco mmissioning – see page 183.
That was a brief o verview of the most imp ortant information for your first
trip in your vehicle.
The oth er pages of t his chapter contain a description of some
interes tin g funct ions in your vehicle.
Th e remaining c hapters of the Owner’s Manual contain important
i nfo rm at io n on o pe ra t io n, s afety and mai nte nance as
well as a complete index.
16 In Brief
Vauxhall Full Siz e ai rbag system
The Vauxhall Full Size airbag system consists of se veral inte rna l systems .
Front airbag system 3
The front airbag system will be triggered in the event of a serious accident involving a
frontal impact and f orms safety cushions for the driver and front passenger. The
forward movement of the driver and front passenger is checked and the risk of
injuries to the uppe r body and head thereby substantially reduced.
Side airbag system 3
The side airbag sy stem t rigg er s when a side-on collision occurs and provides
a safety barrier for the d river and/or passenger in the respective front door
area. Th i s reduces the risk of injury to the u pper body considerably in case of a
side-impact. 6 Airbag system – see page 53.
Operating via the i nfo rmation di spl ay m en us
The menu options a re selected via the men us and with the button/four-wa y
button or the multi-function button of the infot ainment system 3 or via the buttons 3
on the steering w heel. The menu options appear on the displa y.
To sel ect with four-way button: Press four-way button up , down, right or
To sel ect with the multi-fun cti on button (rotary knob abo ve the four-way button -
see page 78): Press and turn multi-fun ction button.
To exit a menu, turn the multi-fun ction button left or right to Re turn or Main and
select. To se lect with s teering wheel buttons 3:
Select menu options via t he menus using the buttons.
6 Information Display – see page 77.
Diesel particle filter 3
The diesel p artic le filter sys tem remo ves poll uting soot particles out of the engin e
exhaust gases. The system includes a self­cleaning function that opera te s
automatically while driving. The filter is cleaned by burning the trapped soot
particles at a high temperature. There may be an increase in fuel consumption,
exhaust sm ell, and engine cooling fan op eration 3 during the self-cleaning
op eration. T he self-cleaning fu nction can not operate
automatically during certain driving sit uations wh ere the engine does not r each
its normal operating temperature. An example of this would be driving only short
di st an c e s in col d wea th e r .
17In Brief
If the fi lter needs clean ing and recent driving situations did not allow the function
to operate automatica ll y, then the control indicator ! will flash. If this occurs, then
you may cont inue to d r iv e the vehicle normally. The vehicle will not be damaged
and does not require service. The self-cleaning function will operate
automat ically while driving after the engine has reached its normal operating
temperature. The c ontrol indicator ! will continue to flash until the self-cleaning
operation is complete. This may t ake up to 20 minutes of driving. T he tim e w ill be
shorter at higher vehicle speeds . 6 Diesel particle filter – see page 118.
18 Keys, Doors, Windows
Keys, Doors, Windows
Replacement keys ............................... 18
Ca r Pass ... .... .... ..... ......... .... ..... .... .... ...... 1 8
Key with re tractable key blade 3 ...... 18
Electronic immobiliser.......................... 19
Me chanical unlocking or lo ck ing of
individual doors................................. 20
Radio remote control 3....................... 21
Central locking syst em 3.................... 24
Sliding doors 3..................................... 27
Tailgate 3 ............................................ 28
Rear doors 3........................................ 29
Vauxhall alarm system 3.................... 31
Exterior mirrors..................................... 34
Interior mirror....................................... 35
Manual window opera tion, front
doors .................................................. 35
Windo w in th e sliding doors 3............ 35
Electric windows 3 ............................... 36
Replacement keys
The key number is specified in the vehicle documents and in the Car Pass 3.
The key is a constituent of the electronic immobiliser. Orderi ng keys from a Vauxhall
A uthorised Repairer guarantees problem­free operation of the electronic
immobiliser. Keep the spare key in a safe place.
Locks, see pages 20, 170.
C ar Pass
The Car Pass c o nt ains all of th e vehicl e’s data and should therefore not be kept in
th e vehicle. Have yo ur Car Pass at hand when
consulting a Vauxhall Authorised Repairer.
Pic tur e no: 15760t.t if
Key with retractable key blade 3
Press button to ex tend. To retract, press button and audibly engage key blade.
19Keys, Doors, Windows
If control i ndicator A illuminates after the engine has s ta rted, ther e is a fault in the
engine electronics or the Easytronic transmission, see page 108.
The immobiliser does not lock the doors. Therefore, after leaving the vehicle always
lock it and swit ch on th e Vauxhall alarm system 3, see pages 20, 24, 31.
Pict ure no : 15761t.t if
Electronic immo biliser
The s yst em c hec ks whet h er t he vehic l e may be started using the key that has been
inserted. If the k ey is "authorised", the vehicle can be started. This check is carried
out via a transponder h oused in the key. The electronic immobiliser activate s
automatically whe n the key is removed from the starter switch.
The c ode number of the electronic immobiliser is given in the Car Pass .
Control indicator for immo biliser A
Pic tur e no: 11718s.tif
Con trol ind ica tor A illuminates briefly after the ignition is switched on.
If the control indicator flashes when the ign ition is on, there is a fault in the system;
the en gine cannot be started. Switch off th e ignition an d then repeat the s tart
attempt. If the control indicator A continues to
flash, please try to start the engine using the second key and contact a workshop.
20 Keys, Doors, Windows
Pict ure no: 18115s.tif
Me chanical unlocking or lo cking of individual doors
(versions without remote control 3 and central lock ing system 3)
Front doors and sliding doors 3
To unlock Turn key in lock towards front of vehicle as
far as it will go. Return key to the vertical position and remove. Pull door handle .
To lock With door or sliding door clo sed, turn key
towards rear o f vehicle as far as it will go. Tur n key back to vertical position and
remove. Operating from the inside
Pull or press the interior lock b utton.
Tailgate 3
Pic tur e no: 18093s.tif
To un l o c k T urn key in lock to horizontal position and
remove. Press button. To l oc k
With tailg a te closed, turn key in lock to vertical position and remove.
Rear door 3
Picture no: 18095 s.tif
To unlock Turn key in lock to vertical position and
re move. Pull door ha ndle. To lock
Close first left and then right rear door. Turn key in lock to horizontal position and
21Keys, Doors, Windows
Central locking system,
see page 24.
Mechanical anti-theft locking s ystem 3,
see page 24.
Vauxhall alarm system 3,
see page 31.
Electric windows 3,
see page 36.
Pict ure no : 15330t.t if
Ra di o remo te con tr ol 3
Depending on the equip ment of the v ehicle, one of the remote controls
depicted on this page will be used. The radio remote control is integrated in
the key. Us ed to op er at e :
z central locking system 3, z mechanical anti-theft locking system 3,
z Va uxhall alar m system 3, z and closing of the front door window s on
vehicles with electric windows 3.
The remote control has a range of approx. 5 m etres. Thi s range can be affected by
outside influences. Aim the remote control at the vehicl e to op erate.
Handle the radio remote control with care,
Pict ure no: 15331t.tif
protect it from mo isture and high temperatures and avoid unnecessary
op eration. The hazard warning lights come on to
indicate that the remote control is operational.
22 Keys, Doors, Windows
If the central locking system cannot be operated wit h the radio remote control,
it may be due to the follo wing: z The range of the radio remote control
has been exceed ed.
z Radio remote control battery voltage is
too low. Battery replac ement – see Fig. 15332 T.
z F req u ent , r epe a ted op er at io n of the
radio remote control outside the reception range of the vehicle (e.g . too
far from v ehicle, remote control is then no long er recogni sed). R emo te cont r o l
synch ronis ation - see next page.
z If the central locking system is
ove rloa ded as a r esult of repeated operation at short intervals. The power
supply is cut off for a brief period.
z Interference from higher-power radio
waves f rom other sour ces.
W e reco mmend t hat you contact a workshop in order to have the cause of the
fa ult re medied. Manua l unlocking o r lock ing with the
v ehicle k ey - see pa ge 26.
Re mot e cont rol bat ter y repla cement
Pic tur e no: 15332t.t if
Replace the battery as soon as the range of the radio remote contr ol begins to
shrink. Make sure that you dispose of old ba t te r ie s
in accordance with environmental protect ion regulations.
Key with retractable key blade See Fig. 15330 T o n previous page.
Extending key blade - see page 18. Open remote control. Replace battery.
Battery type - see page 196. Note installation position. Close remote control.
23Keys, Doors, Windows
Key with fixed key section See Fig. 15331 T - see page 21.
Hav e th e battery changed in a wor kshop.
Synchronise the remote control in the e ve nt of func tiona lit y problems or batter y
rep lacement
A fter changing the battery, unlock door with key in lock, see page 26. Inserting th e
key in the ignition synchronises the radio re m o t e c o nt r ol .
24 Keys, Doors, Windows
Pict ure no : 15335t.t if
Cen tra l locking s ystem 3
for doors, sliding doors 3, l oad compartment and tank flap 3.
To lock
Press button p on th e radio remote control – or from the in side –
push the lock button on the driver’s door when the doors are closed.
Mechanical anti-th eft locking system 3
Pict ure no: 15333t.tif
9 Wa r n i n g
Do not use the system if there are people in the vehicle! The doors cannot be
unl oc ked fro m inside .
All doors must be closed. No m ore than 10 seconds after unlocking, press button p
o n the radio remote control again L ock buttons on all doors are posi t ioned
such that doors cannot be opened. If t he igniti on w as on, the dr iver’ s d oor
must be opene d and closed once so that the vehicle can be secu red.
To unlock
Pic tur e no: 15334t.t if
Pre ss bu tton q on the radio remote cont rol – or from the inside –
pull lock button on driver’s door. Wh en the mechan ical anti-theft lock ing
system 3 is enab led, the doors cannot be unlocked by pulling up the lock buttons.
Country-specific version 3: Pressing the button once will unlock the driver ’s door.
Pressing the button twice will un lock the entire vehicl e.
25Keys, Doors, Windows
Closing windows 3 from outside
Pict ure no: 17899s.tif
9 War n ing
Exer cise care when operatin g electric wind ows. Risk of injury, especially for
children. Vehi cl e passengers should be infor med
according ly. Keep a close watch on the windows when
closing them. Ensure that nothin g becomes trapped in them as they move.
On vehicles with electric windows , the front door windows can be closed from out side
the vehicle: Hold bu tton p on the remote control
depressed until the window s are comple tely closed.
z To prevent the driver from being
inadvertently lock ed out, the button on the driver’s door cannot be depressed
when t he door is open.
z If the dr iver’s doo r is not closed properl y,
the central locking system will unlock again immediat ely after locking.
z 30 seconds after unlocking using the
radio remote control the doors lock again automatically if no door is
z To lock the doors from inside (e.g . to
prevent unwanted entry from outside), push down lock button on driver’s door.
z Locked doors unlock automatically if an
accident of a certain severity occurs (to permit outside assistance). –
Prerequisite: Ignition must not be switche d off.
z If a sliding do or 3 is op en when the
vehicle is being locked, it is locked a few seco n ds a fter it has b een closed.
If the central locking sy stem cannot be operated, the problem may be as follows:
z If the central locking system is
overloaded as a result of repeated operation at short intervals. The power
supply is cut off for a brief period.
z Defective fuse i n fusebox – see
page 153.
Please contact a workshop to have the ca use of the fault remedied.
Opera te dr iver d oor w ith key, see next page.
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