Vauxhall COMBO, CORSA User Manual

VAUXHALL Corsa & Combo
Owner’s Manual
Data specific to your vehicle
Please en t er yo u r veh icle ’s dat a he re to ke ep it ea sily acces sib le. This information is available under the section "Technical da ta" as well as on the ide ntification plate .
Tyre inflation pr essure
Ty re si ze wi th up to 3 persons wi th full lo ad
Sum mer tyres Front R ear Front R ear
Winter tyres Front R ear Front
Permissible gross vehicle weight
– EC kerbweight
Level control
Bumper Height
see page 9 2
R ea r
Your Corsa
Develope d to the la test findings of vehicle research, it offers technical s ophistication and exce ptiona l comfort.
Your vehicle represents an ideal synthesis of ad vanced technology, outstanding safety, environmental compatibility and e conomy in operation.
It now lie s with you to drive your vehicle safely and to s ee it pe rforms pe rfectly.
This Owner's Manual provides you with all the necessary information to that end.
Th e Owner's M anual s h ould a lways be ke pt i n the v ehicle: ready to h and i n the g love co m part ment.
Make u se of the Owner's Manual :
z Its “I n brief” section will give you an initial overview. z Its index will help you find what y ou want.
z It will familiarize you with the sophisticated technology. z It will increase your pleasure in y our vehicle.
z It will help you to handle your vehicle ex pertly.
The Owner's Manual is de signed to be clearly laid-out and easily understood.
This symbol:
6 signifies: continue reading on next page. 3 The asterisk signifies equipment options not in all vehicles (model variants, engine options , models specific to one country, optional
equipment, Genuine Vauxhall Parts and Accessories).
Te xt highlighted in yellow in p articular indica tes possible risk of accident and injury. Disregard of these notes can lead to injuries which may be fatal. Vehicle
passengers must b e informed accordingly.
Yellow arrows in the illustrations serve as points of reference or indicate some action to be performed.
Black arrows in the illustrations indicate a reaction or a second action to be pe rform ed.
We wish you many hours of pleasurable driving
Your Va uxhall team
Commitment to customer satisfaction:
Our ai m: to k eep you happy with your
vehicle. All Vauxhall Authorised Repairers offer first class service at competitive
prices. Experienced, factory-train ed technicians work according to factory
instructions.Your Authorised Repairer can supply you with GEN UINE VAUXHAL L-
APPROVED PARTS, which have undergone stringent quality and precision chec ks, and
of course useful and attractive VAUXHALL-APPROVED ACCESSORIES.
Our name i s your guarantee!
For d eta ils of the Vauxhall Au thorised Rep aire r Netw ork
please ring this number; 01582 - 427200
In Brie f . ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ . 4
Instrument s ... ..... .... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... .. 29
K eys, doors , b onnet .. ..... ......... ......... ...... 5 0
S eats, Interior ......... ......... ......... ......... ...... 6 4
S afety s ys tems ... .... ......... ......... ......... ...... 7 8
Ligh ting ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... .. 99
Windows, sun roof,
folding top ......... ......... .... ......... ..... .... 103
C lim ate c ontrol .. ........ ......... ......... ......... 112
Easy tronic . ......... .... ......... .... ......... ..... .... 126
Automatic transmission 3 ..... ......... .... 132
Driving hin ts . ..... .... ......... ......... ......... .... 13 8
Saving fuel,
pro tecting the environ ment ... ......... 140
Fuel consumption,
fuel, refuelling ... .... ......... ..... ......... .... 14 2
C atalytic co n ve r ter, e xh au st gases .... 14 4
Drive Contro l Sy stems ... ......... ......... .... 148
Brake s ... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .... 15 2
Wheels, tyres . ..... ........ ......... ......... ......... 156
Roof racks, c aravan and traile r towing . ....
16 0
S elf-h elp .... .... ......... .... ......... ..... ......... .... 170
If y ou have a pro blem ....... ......... ......... 208
inspe ction S ystem . ......... ......... ......... 210
Vehicle care .. ..... ........ ..... ......... .... ......... 221
Te chnical Data . .... ......... ......... ......... .... 226
Inde x . ......... ......... ........ ......... ......... ......... 254
In Brief
Key numbers, c ode numbers
Remove key number from ke ys.
The key number is specified in the vehicle documents and in the Car Pass 3.
Allo y wh eels 3, tow ing equip ment 3 : M a ke a note of the key identifier codes.
Elec tronic imm obiliser, infotainment sy ste m 3: The cod e numb ers are s pe cifie d
in th e Car Pass.
Do not keep the Car Pass in the vehicle. 6 Further information – see pages 50, 51.
To unlock vehicle: Press button q 3, lift door handle
To unlock using the key in the driver’s door lock: Turn key tow ards front of vehicle, lift
door handle.
Locking from the inside: Press lock buttons. 6 Door lock s, child safety locks 3 –
pag e 50, electronic immobiliser – page 5 1,
radio remote control 3 – page 52, central locking system 3 – pag e 54 ,
Vauxhall alarm system 3 – page 6 0.
To unlock luggage compartment: Turn key clockwise as far
as it will go
In order to av oid being locked out, the key cannot be removed.
Position of key slot in lock: – Horizontal Luggage compartme nt
locked and unlocked together
with central locking system.
– Vertica l Luggage compartment
is always locked.
Radio remote control 3 – page 52, central lock ing system 3 – page 54,
Vauxhall alarm system 3 – page 60.
Se at a dj ust men t 3: Pull handle, slide seat,
rel ea se handl e, allow seat to audibly latch into
po si ti on
Nev er adjust the driver’s seat whilst driving. It could move in an uncontrolled manner
when the handle has been pulled. 6 Seat position – see page 6 4.
Im porta nt : Do not sit nearer than 10 in ch es (2 5c m) f ro m t he s t ee ring wh ee l, t o
permit safe airbag dep loyment.
Adjusting seat backrest: Turn h andwh eel
Move seat backrest to suit sea ting position.
Do not lea n on seat back re s t whilst adjusting it.
6 Seat position – se e page 64.
Adjusting seat height 3: Pu ll lever at s ide
Lift lever and remove weight from seat to rais e it or p re s s d ow n on se at with body
weight to low er it.
Never adjust the driver’s seat whilst driving. It could m ove in a n uncontrolled m anner
when the lev er has been pulled. 6 Seat position – see pag e 64 .
Folding down the seat backre sts 3: Raise release l ever
To en t er a nd leav e th e r ear s eat area, til t front seat back forwards.
6 Seat position – see page 6 4.
Adjust ing head r est rai nt heig ht : T ilt f orwa rd s to release ,
hold firmly and adjust height, then release
6 Head restraint position – see pag e 64 , further information, removal – see page 65,
rear head restraints 3 – see page 65.
Adjusting interior mirror: Swivel mirr or hous ing
Swivel lever on unde rside of mirror housing to red uce daz zle a t night.
Adjusting automatic anti-dazzle interior mirror 3:
Swi vel mirro r ho using
Dazzle at night is automa tically reduced.
The mirror does not re duce dazzle when:
z the ignition is switched off, z rev erse gear is engaged or selector lever
set to R,
z interior lighting has been switched on.
Adjusting exterior mirrors: Swiv el i nteri or h and le in appropr ia t e
6 Further informa tion, aspherical exterior mirror 3 – page 97.
Electrically adjustable exterior mirrors 3:
Four-way switch in driver’s door
Togg le switch to left or right: Four-way switch moves appropriate mirror.
6 Furth er information, aspherical exterior mirror 3 – see page 97 ,
heated exterior mirrors 3 – se e pag e 19 .
Fi ttin g sea t belt : Draw seat belt smoothly from inertia
reel, guide o ver shoulder and engage in buckle
The belt must not be twisted at any point. The lap be lt must lie snugly against the
body. The backrest must not be tilted bac k too far (recomm ende d tilting angle
approx. 25°).
To release belt, press re d button on belt buckle.
6 Safety belts – see pages 79 to 83, ai r bag sy st e ms 3 – see page 84,
seat p osition – see page 64.
Disen gagin g st eer ing c olumn lo ck: To re lease the loc k , move t he
steering wheel sligh tly and turn the key to position I
Positions: o =Ignition off
I = Steering released, ignition off II = Ignition o n,
with dies el e ng ine: Pre heatin g
III = Start (transmission in ne utral) 6 Starting – page 23,
electronic immobiliser – pa ge 51 , Remove key and lock steering wheel
– see page 24.
Steering whee l adjustmen t 3: Swivel lever down,
adju st he ight , swivel leve r up,
Adjust steering wheel only when vehicle is stationary and steering colum n lock is
released. 6 Airbag systems – see pag e 84 .
1 Side air v en ts ........ .... ..... ........ ........ 11 5
2 Front pa ssenger airbag 3 ......... ..... 84
3 Infotainment system 3 ..... ......... .... . 4 8
4 Haza rd warning ligh ts .. .... ......... ..... 17
LED for Vauxhall alarm system 3 .. 60
5 Display 3 for time, date,
outside temperature,
infotainmen t system 3 ..... .... ..... .... . 3 7
6 Centre air v en ts .... .... ......... ......... .... 11 5
7 Turn signal, headlight flash,
dippe d an d main be am ... .... ..... ..... 15
light function 3 ... .... ......... .... ......... . 16
Cruise control 3 .... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... 15 0
8 Horn .... ......... .... ......... ..... ........ ..... .... .. 1 7
9 Infotainment system remote
control 3 . ..... ......... .... ......... .... ......... . 26
10 Instrume n ts ...... ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... . 29
Pa ge
11 Lever for w indscreen wiper
and wash system as we ll as headlight wash system 3 and
rear window wash system 3 .... ..... .. 1 7
12 Light switch ..... ......... ........ ......... .1 5, 9 9
13 Headlig ht range adjustment 3 ..... 10 0
Fog tail lig ht .... ......... ........ ......... ..... 101
Fog lights 3 ..... .... ......... ......... ......... 1 0 1
Instrument illumination ........ ......... 1 0 1
14 Bonne t rele ase lev er . ........ ......... ...... 63
15 starte r swit c h
wit h ste ering whe el lock .. ......... ........ 9
16 Stee ring whee l ad justm ent 3 ... ........ 9
17 Ac celerator pedal .... .... ......... 138, 1 3 9
18 Brake peda l ..... .... ......... ......... 13 8 , 1 5 3
19 Clu tch ped al 3 .... ..... ........ ..... ........ 1 3 9
20 Heated seats 3 .. ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... 115
21 Accessory socket or
cigarette lighte r . ..... .... ......... ......... .. 75
22 Ashtray 3 ........ ......... ......... ......... ...... 7 6
23 Air conditioning system 3 ... ..... .... 114
Heated rear window 3 ... ........ 1 9, 11 4
Air recirculation system 3 ......... .... 114
24 Heating and v entilation system .. 112
Clim ate control system 3 .... ......... . 11 9
25 Glove compartment ... ......... ......... .. 77
Control indicators
X Seat belt 3:
see page 29.
q Hea dlight range adjustm ent 3:
se e p age 10 0.
> Fog lights 3:
see pages 29, 101.
A Engine electronics,
immob iliser 3, automat ic transm ission 3,
Eas yt ronic 3, fault:
see pages 29, 51, 146.
Z Exhaust emission 3:
see pages 30, 51, 146.
v Airbag systems 3,
belt tensioners:
see pages 80, 89.
I O il press ure:
see page 3 0.
O Turn signal lights:
see page s 16, 31.
C Main beam:
see page s 15, 31.
! Preheating 3 for diesel engines
see page 3 1.
1 Electronical ly cont rolled driv ing
prog ramm es for autom atic trans mission 3,
sporty driv ing pr og ramm e:
see page 1 34.
T Automatic transmission 3,
Easytronic 3, winter program me :
see page s 128, 134.
r Fo g tai l light:
see page s 31, 101.
p Alternator:
see page 3 1.
R Brake system,
clutch system:
see page 32.
u Anti-lock brake system 3:
see page 154.
S Engine oil lev el 3:
see pages 3 2, 212.
EPS Electr onic powe r ste ering 3:
see page 32.
v Traction Control System (TC
Electr oni c Stability Program
see page 148.
g Trailer turn signa l 3:
see page 32.
Y Fue l le vel:
see pages 3 2, 36, 170.
y Seat occup ancy recog nition 3:
see pages 8 9, 90.
) 3:
Lig ht s witch , st alk p osi tio ns :
see pages 15, 99,
7 Lig h t s o ff, 8 Park ing lights, 9 Dipped and main beam. 0 Courtesy light:
se e p age 10 1.
C Main beam:
see page 15.
O Turn signal lights:
see page 16.
> Fog l ights 3:
se e p age 10 1.
r Fog t ail lig ht:
se e p age 10 1.
k Instrume nt illum ination :
se e p age 10 1.
? Hea dlight range adjustment 3:
se e p age 10 0.
Clim at e contro l
x Air flow:
see page s 113, 122.
Air distribut ion:
see page s 113, 122,
V To windscreen and
front door window s,
J To windscreen, front
door windows and footwell,
K To footwell, L To hea d area and footwell,
M To head area .
Ü Heated rear window 3:
see pages 114, 121 .
n Air conditioning system 3:
see page 114.
4 Air recirculation system 3:
see page 114.
AUTO Automatic mode 3:
see page 120.
ECO AC compressor
activ ation/ de act ivation 3:
see page 122.
ß Heated seats 3:
see page 115.
¨ Haza rd wa rning lig hts:
see page 17.
Sun roof 3
l Sun roof
op ening/lowering: se e p age 10 6.
\ Sun roof
closing/raising: se e p age 10 6.
Fo ldin g su n roof 3
\ Folding sun roof
op en in g: see pages 107, 109.
l Foldi ng sun roof
closing: see pages 107, 109.
Windscreen wiper
Stalk positions:
see page 17,
§ Off, $ Interval operation or
automat ic wi per with ra in sensor 3;
% Slow, & Fast.
Date, ti m e, in fo rma t io n di splay, Infotainment system
Inform ation d isp lay 3:
see page 3 7.
Ö O n button for date and time, ; Setting buttons for date and time
Infotainment system remote contr ol 3:
see page 2 6.
Cruise control 3
Buttons on tu rn sig na l stalk:
see page 1 50.
I Activate, store , accelerate R Resume
stored speed, decelerate
§ Deactivate.
Mi scellaneous
p Central l ocking sy stem 3:
loc king – see pag e 54 .
q Central l ocking sy stem 3:
unlocking – see page 5 4.
j Horn:
see page 17.
T Wi n ter pro gram ,
automa tic transm ission 3, Eas y tronic 3 :
see pages 128, 134 .
+ Fir st- aid kit (cus hion) 3:
see page 174.
¨ Warnin g tri angle 3:
see page 174.
Light switches:
7 =Off 8 = Parking lights
9 = Dipped or main beam
Press 0 =Courtesy light Press > = Fog lights 3
Press r = Fog tail ligh t 6 Furthe r informa tion – page 99,
headlig ht warning device – page 24, headlig ht ra nge adjustment 3 – pa ge 10 0,
daytime running lights – page 99.
Dipped and main beam switch: Main beam = Push lever forward
Dipped beam = Push lever forward
Blue control indicator C is lit when main beam is activated .
Headlight flash: Pull stalk to wards steering wh eel
To activate door-to-door light funct io n:
Key to o an d r em o ve , open driver’s door,
pull tu rn sign al stalk tow ard steering wheel
The dip ped beam remains on for a furthe r 3 0 se cond s a fte r cl o si n g t h e dr ive r’s do or.
If the driv er’s door is left open , the ligh ts will go out after tw o minutes.
Door-to-door lighting can be deactivated by inserting the key in the starter switch or
by pulling the turn signal stalk toward the steering wheel again.
Operating turn signal lights: Lever in rest position
righ t = up lef t = dow n
When the steering wheel is turned back, the lever automatically retu rns to its original
position. This will not happen whe n mak ing a minor steering manoeuvre such as
changing lane.
When lane changing, m ove lever to resistance point. When released, the lever
will spring back.
To operate cruise c o ntrol 3 : Press buttons on stalk
Switch on: tap button I. Switch off: tap button §.
Resume at stored speed: tap button R. 6 Cruise control 3 – see p age 150.
Hazard warning lights: On = Pre ss ¨
Off = Press ¨ again
To aid location of the pushbutton, the red surface is illumina te d when the ignition
switched on. When the button is pressed, its control indic ator flashes in time with the
hazard warning lights.
Ho rn o pera tio n: Press j
6 Airbag systems 3 – pa ge 84, remote control for radio
and Infota inm ent system 3 – see pag e 26 .
Windscreen wiper: Stalk up
§ = Off $ = A dj us tab le inte rv a l
% = Slow & = Fast
Setting wiper interval to a va lue between 2 and 15 seconds:
Stalk to inte rval switching $, Stalk to §,
Wait for d esired interval, Stalk back to interv al switc hing $.
The interval re mains stored until the ne xt change or until the ig nition is switched off.
Switc hing the ignition off and m oving the stalk to $ sets the interval to 7 seconds.
Automatic wiper with rain sensor 3: Move lever up
§ = Off $ = Automatic wiper
with rain sensor
% = Slow (constant) & = Fast (constant)
Automatic wiping $ : T h e rain se n sor detects the amount of water on the
windscreen and automatically regulates th e w inds cre en w ipe r.
Pu sh l e ver do wn t o sw itch o f f . If necessary, the positions % or & can be
selected manually.
Operating windscreen and headli ght wash systems 3:
Pull stalk towards steering whee l
The wipe r will s wipe for a few strokes. The headlight wash system 3 ca n be
op erated when the lights are on. On vehicles fitted with ra in sensor 3, kee p
the sensor area clean. 6 Further information –
see pages 218, 224.
Operating rear window wiper and wash sys tem s 3:
Wiper on = Push lever forward Wiper off = P ull l ever to wards
stee ring wheel
wa sh = P ush le ver forward
and hold
The rear window w iper swipes in time d interval mode.
The wip er will swipe for a few strok es wh en washing.
6 Further inform ation – see page s 218, 224.
Heated rear window 3, hea ted ext eri or mi rrors 3:
On = Pre ss
Off = Press Ü again
Rear window and exterior mirror heating with ignition sw itched on. Control indicator
in switch. 6 Further inform ation –
see page s 114, 121.
Clear ing misted or icy windows: Tu rn rota ry s witch es f or te mpera t ur e
and air fl ow cl oc k wis e, set air distribution to
press air conditioning switch n 3
Close centre air vents; p ush sliders inw ards. Direct s ide air vents towards d oor windows.
6 Climate control – se e pa ge 112, air conditioning system 3 – se e page 114,
electronic air conditioning syste m 3 – see page 119.
To set automatic mode of au tom a tic climat e c o ntro l syste m 3:
Press AUTO button, se t tem pe rat ur e
using rotary knob
Open all air vents. 6 Electronic air c onditio ning s ystem 3 – see
pag e 119.
Information display 3: Disp la y of in fo rma t io n
–Time, – Outside temperature,
–Radio 3 or date, – Navigation 3,
– Telephone 3, –Trip computer 3 .
6 Information Dis play – see page 37.
Manual trans mission:
Reverse gear: With vehicle s tationary, pull the ring up three seconds after
de-clutching an d engage gear.
If the gear does not engage: With le ver in ne utra l, briefly release clutch pe dal and
depress again, then repeat ge ar selection.
Easytronic 3: N = Neutral/Start position
o = Centre position
(Drive position)
+ = Higher gear
- = Low er ge ar
A/M = Change between
Automatic and Manual mode
Only start in N with foot brake applie d.
6 Further information – page 126.
Easytronic 3: R =Reverse
(wit h s ele ct or lever lock)
To move the selector lever from N to R press the button on the lever.
6 Further information – page 126.
Automatic transmission 3: P = Park
(with selector lever lock)
R = Reverse N = Neutral
Only start in P or N , to leave P swi t ch ignition on, app ly foot brake and pull
ha ndle be neath selector lever.
To engage P or R pull release under selector lever.
P: Only w ith vehicle stationary,
first apply han d brake
R: Only with vehicle stationary 6 Automatic transmission – see page 132.
Automatic transmission 3: D = 1st to 4th gear
3 = 1st to 3rd gear 2 = 1st and 2nd gear
1 = 1st gear also
S = sporty driving programm e
Select 3, 2 or 1 if c ertain gears are not desired, e.g. 4-3-4 . . . on winding roads, or
in order to utilize the engine braking e ffect whe n driving downh ill.
To select 3 or 1 pu ll ha nd l e be n ea t h selector lever.
6 Automatic transmission – see page 13 2.
Automatic transmission 3: Protection against unintentional
engagement of P, R, 3 or 1
Pull release under selector lever 1, P: U p to final stop.
When selecting any p osition from 1 to N or from R to D d o no t p ul l ha n dl e b e ne a t h
selector lever. 6 Automatic transmission – see page 13 2.
Exhaust gases are poisonous
Exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide, which is extrem ely poisonous but is
od ourl e ss a n d co l o ur les s.
Therefore nev er inhale exhaust gases, and ne ver run the engine in an enclosed space.
Also avoid driving with the lugga ge compartment op en. Otherwise exhaust
fumes could penetrate the vehicle interior.
Befo re st a rt ing of f, check:
z Tyre pressure and condition –
see pages 157, 243 .
z Engine oil level and fluid le vels in e ngine
compartme nt – see page s 211 to 218.
z All windows, mirrors, exterior lig hting
and nu mber plates are free from dirt, snow and ice a nd operational.
z Do not place any objects in front of the
rear window, on the instrument panel or in the area in which the a irbags inflate.
z Seats, seat belts and mirrors are
correctly a djusted .
z Check brakes.
Sta r ting , petr ol en gin e: Ma nu al tran smi ssion in ne utra l
with clutch depressed, pre ss foot brake, Easytronic
automatic transmission
3 in N ,
3 in P or N,
do not accelerate, turn key to III
The initially increased engine speed automatically falls as the engine
tem perature r ise s.
Before repeating the starting proced ure, turn the k ey back to o in the starter switch,
remove it and then reinsert it. Then re peat the starting procedure.
6 Electronic imm obiliser – page 51, further information – page s 138, 139, 170.
Starting, di esel en gine: Manual trans mission in neutral
with clutch depressed, pr e ss fo ot b r ake ,
automatic transmission
3 in P or N,
do n ot ac ce ler a te, tu rn key t o II;
af te r pr ehe ati ng c on tr ol i ndic ato r go e s o ut
turn key to III
Before repea ting the starting proc edure, turn the key back to o in the starter switch,
remove it and then reinsert it. Then repeat the starting procedure.
6 Electronic immobilis er – page 51, further information – pages 138, 139, 170.
Preheating system switches on only if ou tside temperature is low.
Releasing the hand brake: Raise leve r s ligh tly,
press lock button, lower lever fully
And now "Have a good journey!"
Drive carefully, economically and with the environment in mind. While driving, do not
do a nything that c ould distract y ou.
Warning buzzers
While driving:
z If seat be lt is not fastene d 3, z If a specified max imum speed is
exce ed ed 3.
When the vehicle is parked and the driver’s door is opened:
z When the ignition key is in the starter
swi tch ,
z If parking lights or dipped beam are on, z If the turn signal stalk is e ngage d.
Parking t he vehicle: Apply handbrake firmly,
engine off, rem ove ke y,
lock s te ering wh eel, lock door s
To lock , press button p or turn key in lock tow ards rear of vehicle. To activate anti-
the ft lock ing system 3 and Vauxhall alarm sy ste m 3, pres s bu tto n p twice.
6 Further information – pages 51, 138, ra di o rem o te co n tro l 3 – page 52,
central locking s ystem 3 – page 54, Vauxhall alarm system 3 – page 60.
Advice when parking:
z Alw ays apply hand brake firmly. On
slopes apply the hand brake a s firmly as possible.
z With m anual transmis sion, engage firs t
gear or re verse ge ar. With Easytronic 3, place selector lever in mid pos ition
before switching off ignition. With autom atic transmission 3 , place selector
lever in P.
z Close window, sun roof 3 and folding
top 3.
z On vehicles with Easytronic 3 the control
ind icator R flashes for a few seconds after the ignition is switched off if the
ha nd brake has no t b ee n a p p l i ed .
z In vehicles with autom atic
tra nsmission 3 th e k e y ca n on l y b e removed when the selector lever is in P.
z Turn steering wheel until lock is fe lt to
engage (an ti-theft protection).
z Engine cooling fan may run on after the
engine has been s witch ed off.
z Do not park vehicle on easily ignitable
surfaces as the hot exhaust system tempe rat u res co uld cau s e the s urface t o
ignite .
Servi ce wo rk , Ma in tena nc e
We recommend tha t you entrust all w ork to your Vauxhall Authorised Repairer, who
can provide y ou w ith reliable service and correctly perform all work accordin g to
factory instructions. 6 Vauxhall S ervice – page 208,
service interval display – page 210.
Ge nuine Vauxhall Parts and Accessories
We recom mend that you use "Genuine Vauxhall Parts and Accessories" and
co nv er s ion p arts r e leas ed ex pres sly f or your vehicle type. These parts ha ve
unde rgone specia l tests to establish their reliability, safety a nd specific suitability for
Vauxhall vehicles. Despite continuous market monitoring, we cannot assess or
guarantee these attributes for other products, even if they have been granted
approval by the relevant authorities or in some other form.
"Genuine Vauxhall Parts and Accessories" and conversion parts approved by
Vauxhall can be obtained from your Vauxhall Authorised Repairer, of course.
Here you will also be giv en compre hensive advice about permitte d technical ch anges
and correct installation w ill take place.
For your s afety
Carry out regularly the checks recom mende d in the individual sections
of this Owner’s Manual.
Ensu re th at y our v ehicle is se rv iced as specified in the Service Booklet. W e
recommend that you consult your Vauxhall Authorised Repairer.
Have faults remedied without delay! Consult a workshop. We recommend
your Vauxhall Authorised Repairer. If necessary, interrupt your journey.
6 Maintenance – see page 210.
That was a brief look at the most important
info rm at io n fo r you r firs t dr iv e in your Corsa/Combo.
The other pages of this chapter
contain a description of some interesting functions
in your vehicle.
The remaining chapters of the Owner’s Manual
con ta i n imp o rtan t info rmat io n on operation, safety
and maintenance as well as a full
Infotainment system operation
Functions are selected and executed in the menu on the display using the four-way
button, the multifunction b utton 3 on the Infotainm ent system or the buttons 3 on
the steering wheel. Corresp onding menu options are shown on the display.
Selecting with four-way button: Press four-way button up, down, right or
Selecting with multifunction button: Pre ss and turn multifunction button.
To exit a menu, turn multifunction button left or right to Return or Mai n and select.
Selec ting with steering wheel buttons: Select menu options via the menus using
the buttons.
For further information, see Infotainm ent system instructions.
Trip comp ut er 3
The trip computer shows vehicle data that is continually recorded and evaluated
z Rang e z Instantaneous consumption
z Dis ta n ce z Average s p ee d
z Trip consumption z Average consumption
z Stop watch
Vauxhall Full Size airbag system
The V auxhall Full Size airbag system co m p r ise s seve ra l ind ividu al s yste m s .
Fro n t a irbag sy ste m
The front airb ag system is triggered in the event of a s erious accident involving a
frontal impa ct and forms safety cus hions for the driver and front passenger. The
forward movement of the driver a nd fron t passenger is checked and the risk of
injuries to the upper body and head thereby substantially re duced.
Side airba g system 3
The side airbag system trigge rs when a side-on collision occurs and provide s a
saf ety barrier fo r the dri ver a nd/or passenger in the respective front door
area. This reduces the risk of injury to the upper body considera bly in cas e of a side
impa ct.
Curtain ai rbag system 3
The curtain a irbag system triggers in case of a side-on collision and provid es a safety
barrier in the hea d area on the respective side of the vehicle. This reduces the risk of
injury to the head considerab ly in case of a side-on collision.
6 Further information – page 84.
Active head restraints 3
In the event of a re ar-end impa ct, the active head restraints automatically tilt
forward a little . The head is more effectively supported by the head restraint
an d th e dan ger of inj u ries cau s ed by whiplash in the a re a of the neck is reduced.
Active head restraints can be identified by the lettering ACTIVE on the head restraint
guide bushes.
Parking distance sensor 3
The parking distance sensor automatically switches itself on whe n reversing.
If the vehicle a ppro aches an o bstacle w hen reversing, a series of signals can be heard
in the vehicle interior. The interval be tween the sig na ls b ecome s sho r t er a s the
distance is reduced. If the distanc e is less than 30 cm, the signal will be continuous.
6 Further information – page 151.
The oil change and service intervals are flexible, based on a number of different
param eters and the conditions un der which the vehicle is used. Various engine-
spec ific data is continuously recorded and used to calculate the remaining distance
until the next service is due.
To display remaining dis tance:
z Ignition off. z Press reset button below speedometer.
z Ins P and the remaining dis tance are
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