Vauxhall Agila 2006 User Manual

Operation, Safety and Maintenance
Owner’s Manual
Owne r’s Manual
Data s p ecific to your v ehicle
Please enter your vehicle’s data here to keep it easily accessible. This information is available under the section "Technical data" as well as on the vehicle identification plate and in the Service Book le t.
Engine oil
Tyre pressure
Tyre size Tyre pressure 3 persons with full load
Summer tyres Front Rear Front Rear
Winter tyres Front Rear Front Rear
Permissible Gross Vehicle Weight
– EC kerbweight
Your Agila
Developed in accordance with the latest f indings of vehicle research, it offers technical sophistication and exceptional comfor t. Your vehicle represents an intelligent s ynthesis of advanced technology, outs tanding safety , environmental compatibility and
economy in operation. It now lies with you to drive your vehicle safely and to see it performs perfectly.
This Owner’s Manual provides you with all the necessary information to that en d. Make sure your passengers are awa re of the possible risk of accident and i njury which may result from improper use of the vehicle.
The Owner’s Manual should always be kept in the ve hicle: ready to hand in the glove compartment.
Make use of the Owner’s Manual:
z Its "In brief" section will give you an initial overview. z The table of contents at the beginning of this owner’ s manual
and within the individual chapters wi ll s how you where everythin g i s.
z Its index will help you find what you want. z It will familiarise you with the sophisticated technology.
z It will increase your pleasure in your vehicle. z It will help you to handle your vehicle expertly.
The Owner’s Manual is designed to be clearly laid-out and easily understood.
This symbol signifies:
6 Cont inue reading o n next page. 3 The asterisk sign i fies : equipment no t fitted to all vehicles
(mo del varian t s, engine options, models specific to one country, opt ional equ ipment, Genuine Vauxh all Parts and Accessori es).
9 Wa r n ing
Text m arked 9 War ning provides informa t ion on risk of accident or injury. Disre gard of the instructions may lead to injuries or endanger life.
Inf orm your passe ngers accordingly.
Yellow arrows in the illustrations serve as points of reference or indicate some action to be performed. Black arrows in the illustration s indicate a reaction or a second action to be performed.
Thank you for choosing a Vauxhall. We wish you many hours of pleasurable driving.
Your Vauxhall Team
Comm itment to c ustomer satisfaction:
Our aim: to keep you happy with your
vehicle. All Vauxhall Aut horised Repairers o ffer first class service at competitive
prices. Experienced, factory-trained technicians work according to factory
instructions.Your Authorised Repairer can supply you with GENUINE VA UXHALL-
A PPROVED PARTS, which have undergone stringent quality and precision checks, and
of course useful and a ttrac tive VAUXHALL-APPROVED ACCESSORIES.
Our name is your guarantee! For details of the
Vauxhall Authorised Repairer Netw ork please ring this number; 01582 - 427200
In Brief ........................................................ 2
Instrum ents ..................... ......... ......... ...... 18
K eys, Doo r s, Bon n et .. ..... .... ..... .... ......... .. 28
Seats, Interior .......................................... 39
Safety systems ........................................ 50
Lighting ..... ...................... ......... ......... ...... 66
Windows, Sun roof ................................. 69
Climate control ....................................... 72
Driving Hints ........................................... 82
Sa ving fu el,
Protecting the environment ............... 84
Fuel consumption,
Fuel, Refuelling ................................... 86
Catalytic converter, Exhaust gases ...... 88
Brakes ...................................................... 92
W hee l s, Tyres ..... .... .... ..... ......... .... ..... .... .. 9 6
Roof ra cks,
Caravan and trailer towing ............ 102
Self-help .... ......... ........ ........................... 106
If you have a problem .......................... 128
Inspection System ............................. 130
V ehi cle ca re .. ..... .... ......... .... ..... .... ..... .... 14 0
Te c hnica l D ata .. .... .... ..... .... ..... ......... .... 14 4
Index ...................................................... 158
2In Brief
In B rief
Key nu mbers, Code n u m be r s
Remove key number from keys. The key nu mber is specified in the veh icle
documents and in the Car Pass 3. A lloy wheels 3: make a note of the key
identifier code. Electr onic immobiliser, infotainment
system 3: The code numbers are specified in the Ca r Pass.
Do not keep the Car Pass in the vehic le. 6 F urthe r i nformation – pages 28, 29 ,
vehicle recommissioning – page 139.
Pic tur e no: 14088h.t if
To unlock the v e hicle and open the doors:
With key in l oc k turn key towards front of
vehicle or press bu tto nc on the remote
control 3, pu ll door handle and open door
Rad io remote control3: Press button c once - only driver’s door is unlocked; press
button c twice - all doors are unlocked. To unlock t he doors from inside:
Pull up on lock button. 6 D oor lock s – page 30,
electronic immobilizer – page 2 9, radio remote control 3 – page 31 ,
cen tr al locking sy ste m 3 – page 33, anti-theft locking system 3 – page 33.
3In Brie f
Pict ure no : 13471h.ti f
To unlock and open the lugg age co m partment:
Turn the ke y anti clockwise to horizon t al po s itio n and ba c k
to the vertical position
Alternatively press button c on the re mote cont r ol 3 tw ice, pr ess button and open
tailgate 6 Mechanical unlocking – page 30,
radio remote control 3 – page 31 , central lo ck ing sy stem 3 – page 33,
tailgate – page 30.
Pict ure no: 13457h. tif
Front seat adjustment: Pull handle,
s lid e seat, r elease handle,
a udi bly en gage se at i n posit ion
Never adjust the seat while driving. It could move in an uncontrolled manner when the
h andle is pulled. 6 Seat position – page 39,
storage tray under seat 3 – page 4 6.
9 Wa r n i n g
Do no t sit near er than 10 inches ( 25 cm) from the steering wheel, to permit safe
airbag deploy ment.
Pic tur e no: 13458h.t if
To adjust the f ront seat backrest:
Turn the handw heel
Mov e seat b ackre st t o s uit seati ng position . Do not lean on seat backr est whilst
adjus ting it. 6 Seat position – p age 39,
folding th e fr ont passenger seat – page 42.
4In Brief
Pict ure no : 13459h.ti f
To adjust height 3 of front seat:
Pull lev er on side
Lift le v er an d relieve some weight f rom seat to raise it or press down on seat with body
weight to low er it. Never adjust the seat while driving. It could
move in an uncontrolled manner when the handle is pulled.
6 Seat position – page 39.
9 War n ing
Do n ot sit nearer than 10 inches (25 cm) fro m the steeri ng wheel, to pe rmi t safe
airbag deployment.
Pict ure no: 15137h. tif
To adjust the hei ght of front seat head restraints:
Tilt forward to unlock, hold fir mly and adjust height, release
6 adjusting rear seat head restraints – page40,
h ead res traint position – page 39, h ead res traint removal – page 39.
Pic tur e no: 12246h.t if
Adjusting interior mirror: Swivel mirror h ousing
Swivel lever on underside of mirror housing to reduce dazzle at night.
5In Brie f
Pict ure no : 12247h.ti f
To adjust exterior mirrors: Manuall y - pres s
edge of relevant mirror;
Electrically 3 - using four-way sw itc h in driver’s door
Four-way switch3: Move rocker switch to the left or right - the four-way switch
adjust s the corresponding mirror. The exterior mirrors can be retracted (e.g.
when parking in tight spaces) thro ugh slig ht pressure on the mirror hous ing.
Reposition the mirrors be fore sta rting off. 6 Further information – page 65.
Pict ure no: 13461h. tif
Fitting se a t belt: Draw seat belt s moothly f rom
inertia reel, guide ov er should er and engage in buckle
The belt must not be twiste d at any point. T he lap belt must lie snugly against the
body. The backrest must not be tilted back too far (re comme nded tiltin g an gle
approx. 25 °). T o release belt, press red but ton on belt
buckle. 6 Seat belts – pages 5 0, 52,
airbag systems 3 – page 5 6, seat position – page 39.
Pic tur e no: 15678t.t if
Di s e n gagi n g ste e r ing c olum n lock:
To release the lock, move the st eering wheel sl ightly
and turn the key to position 1
Positions: 0 = Igni t ion off
1 = Steering released, ignition off 2 = Ignition on,
Starting – page 15, electronic immobiliser – page 29 .
Remove key and lock steering wheel – page 16.
6In Brief
7In Brie f
1 Door window defroster vents ...........73
2 Side air vents .....................................73
3 Front passenger airbag 3 ................57
4 Heating and venti lation system,
air conditioning system 3 ...............72
5 Centre air vents .................................73
6 Hazard warning lights......................11
7 Display for time, date,
outside temperatures,
infotainment system 3 ......... ......... ..24
8 Turn signal, he adlight flash,
dipped beam, main beam ........ 10, 11
9 Horn ...................................................11
10 Instruments........................................18
11 Windscreen wiper,
windscreen washer system,
rear window washer system 3.........12
12 Fog lights3 .......................................67
13 L ight swi tch .. .... ......... ..... .... .... ..... 10, 6 6
14 Fog tail light ......................................67
15 Head light ra nge ad justment 3........67
16 Bonnet rel ease lever .........................37
17 Ignition switch
with steering column lock (h idden) ..5
18 Accelerator pedal .............................82
19 Brake pedal ......................................92
20 Clutch pedal .....................................83
21 Ashtray 3 ... ...................... ......... ....... 4 9
or storage compartme nt
22 Cigarette lighter 3............................ 49
23 In fot a in m e nt sy st em 3 ............. ....... 2 6
or storage compartme nt
24 Glove compartment with cover3 .47
8In Brief
Control indicators
S Engin e oil level 3:
see pages 18, 132.
E PS Electronic power steering 3:
see page 18.
A Engine electronics,
immob ilizer, fault
see pages 19, 29, 9 0.
Z Exhaust emission:
see pages 19, 89.
O Turn signal lights:
see page 19.
C Main beam:
see pages 10, 19, 6 6.
u Anti-lock brake system 3:
see page 94.
R Brake system:
see pages 20, 136.
p Alternator:
see page 20.
I Engine oil pressure:
see page 21.
Y Fuel level:
see pages 21, 23, 87.
v Airbag systems3,
be lt tens ione rs :
see pages 51, 60.
Light switc h, st alk positions:
see page 66,
7 Lights off, 8 Parking lights,
9 D ipped beam, main be am,
0 Courtesy light:
see page 68.
> Fog ligh ts 3:
see page 67.
r Fog tail l ight:
see page 67.
C Main beam:
see pages 10, 19, 66 .
O Turn signal lights:
see page 19.
? Headlight range adjustment 3:
see page 67.
¨ Hazard warning lights:
see page 11.
9In Brie f
Climate control
x Air flow:
see page 75.
Air distribution:
see page 75,
K to foot well, J to wind screen , front
d o or w in dow s an d foot well,
V to w i n dsc r e e n a n d
front door wi nd ows,
M to h ead area above
adjustable air vents,
L to h ead area abo ve
adjustable air vents an d to foot well.
Ü Heated rear window:
see page 74.
4 Air recirculation system:
see page 74.
5 Outside air intake:
see page 74.
n Air conditioning system 3:
see page 78.
Win d sc reen wip ers
Stalk positions:
see page 12,
§ Off, $ Timed inte rval w ipe,
% Slow, & Fast
Date, time, information dis play, in f ot a in men t syst em
Tripl e infor matio n display 3:
see page 24,
Ö On butt on for date
and time
; Settin g buttons for date and time
e Central locking system
with remote control 3
lo cking – see page 33.
c Central locking system
with remote control 3
u nlocking – see page 33.
m Central locking switch 3:
see page 34.
j Horn,
see page 11.
10 In Brief
Pict ure no : 13462h.ti f
Lig ht switch:
7 =Off 8 = Parki ng lights
9 = Di ppe d be am or
main bea m
Pull0 =Courtesy light Pres s > = Fog lights 3
Pres s r = Fog tail light 6Fur ther information – page 66,
head light warning device – page 15, head lig ht range adju stment 3 – page67,
daytime running lig hts 3 – page66.
Pict ure no: 14052h. tif
Main and dipped beam swi tc h:
Main be am = Push stalk
D i pp e d beam = Pul l s t alk
toward steering wheel
The blue control indicator C is illuminated when main beam is on.
Pic tur e no: 14053h.t if
He adlight fla sh: Pull stalk toward s steerin g wheel
11In Brief
Pict ure no : 14054h.ti f
Operat ing t u r n s i gn al ligh t s : Lev er in rest positio n
Ri ght tu r n = Upwar ds Left turn = Downw ards
When the steering wheel is turned back, the lever automatically returns to i ts original
position. This will not happen when making a minor steering manoeuvre such as
changing lane. When lane changing, move lever to
resistance point. When released, the lever will spring back.
Picture no: 11130H. tif
Haza rd warning lights: On = Press ¨
Off = Press ¨ ag ai n
When the button is pr esse d, its control indicator flashes in time with the hazard
warnin g lig hts.
Pic tur e no: 15140h.t if
Ho r n o pe r ati on: Press j
6 Airb ag systems 3 – page 56 .
12 In Brief
Pict ure no : 14055h.ti f
Wind screen wipers: Move stalk up
§ = Off $ = T i m e d int e r val wi pe
% = Slow & = Fast
Pict ure no: 14056h. tif
Operating windscreen washer system:
Pull stalk t owards steering whee l
The w iper s will swipe for a few s troke s . 6 Further information – page 137.
Pic tur e no: 14057h.t if
T o o per a t e re a r w i nd ow wiperand washer systems:
Wiper on = Push stalk
Wiper o ff = Pu ll sta lk
towards steering wheel
Washe r = Push stalk
fo r w ar d and hold
6 Further info rm atio n – page 1 37.
13In Brief
Pic tur e no: 11461H.tif
T o c lear misted or i c y windo ws: Turn the rotary s witc hes fo r
temperature and quantity of a ir clockw ise,
set air distribution to V To switch onthe
air conditioning 3, pul l t emper atu re switch n
Open side air vents as necessary and direct them tow ards the doo r windows .
6 Climate contr ol – page 72, air conditioning system 3 – page 78.
Picture no: 11125H. tif
Heated rear window: On = Pull fan switch Ü
Off = Press fan switchÜ
Switch off as soon as rear vision is clear. 6 Further information – page 74.
14 In Brief
Pict ure no : 15141h.ti f
Man ual transmis sion
Engaging reverse gear on vehicles with release ring on gear lever: with vehicle
stationary, 3 seconds after de press in g the clutch pedal lift ring, move gear lever to the
left an d engage gear. Engaging reverse gear on vehicles without
release ring on gear lever: with vehicle stationary, 3 seconds after de press in g the
clutch pedal move gear lever to the righ t and engage gear.
If the gear does n ot engage, set the lever in ne utral, release th e clutch peda l and
depress again; then repeat gear selectio n.
Pict ure no: 16178h. tif
Exhaust gase s are poisonous
E xhaust ga ses contain carbo n monoxid e, which is extremely poisonous but is
od ourless and colourles s. Therefor e neve r inhale ex haust gases, and
n ever run the engine in an enclosed space. A lso avoid driving with the luggage
com partment open. Otherwise exhaust fumes could penetrate the vehi c le interior.
Befor e starting off, check:
z Tyre pressu re and con dition - se e
pages 98, 152.
z Engine oil level and fluid levels in engine
compartment – see pages 131 to 137.
z All windows, mirrors, exterior lig htin g
and number plates are free from dirt, snow and ice and operational.
z Do not place any objects in front of the
rear window, on the in strument panel or in the area in which the airbags inflate.
z Seats, seat belts and mirrors are
correctly adjusted.
z Check brakes.
15In Brief
Warning buzzers
When the vehicle is park ed and the driver’s door is op ened the warning buzzer will
sound if:
z the ignition key is in the ignition switch 3 z parking lights or dipped beam o n 3.
Picture no: 15582a. tif
To start the engine: D e press c l u tch and bra ke pe dals,
do not accelerate, petrol eng ine: key to 3;
release key once en gine i s running
Before restarting or swit c hing off the engine, turn key back to 0.
To switch on the ignition, only turn the key to 2.
6 Electronic i mmobilizer – page 29, furt her informatio n – page 106.
Pict ure no: 13463h. tif
R e leasin g th e ha nd brak e : Raise lever slig htly ,
Pres s unlock button, Lowe r lever fully
And now "Have a good journe y!" Dr ive carefully, economically and with the
environment in mind. While driving, do not do anythin g that could distract you.
16 In Brief
Pict ure no : 15143h.ti f
Parki ng the vehicle : Apply handbrake fi rmly,
eng in e off, remove key,
lock steering wheel, lock vehi cle
To lock, turn the key in th e lock toward the rear of the vehic le or press button e on the
remote control. To activate the an ti -t heft locking system 3, turn the key toward the
rear of the vehicle twice or press button e on the remote control twice.
6 Further information – pages 29, 82, radio remote control 3 – page 31,
central lo ck ing sy stem 3 – page 33 , vehicle decommissioning – page 1 39.
Whe n park i n g:
z Always apply hand brake firmly. On
slopes apply the hand brake as firmly as pos sible.
z Engage first gear or revers e. z Closing w indows a nd sun roof 3.
z Turn steering wheel until lock is felt to
eng age (anti-theft prote ction).
z Engine cooling fan may run on after the
engine has been switched off.
z Do not park ve hicle on e asil y ignitable
surfaces as the hot exha ust sys tem temperature s could ca use the surface to
Picture no: 15218H.Tif
Ser vic e w o rk, Maintenance
We recommend that you entrust a ll work to your Vauxhall Authorised Repairer, who
can provide you with reliable s ervice and correctl y perform all work according to
factory instructions. 6 If you have a problem– page 128,
service interval display – page 130.
17In Brief
Genuine Vauxhall Pa rts and Accessories
We r eco mmend that you use "Ge nuine Vauxhall Part s and Accessor ies" and
conversion parts released expressly for your vehicle type. Th ese parts ha ve
undergone special tests to esta b l ish their reliability, safety and specific suitability for
Vauxhall vehicles. Despite continuous market monit orin g, we cannot assess or
guaran tee t hese attribu tes for other products, even if they have been granted
approval by the relevant authorities or in some other form.
"G enuine Vauxhall Parts and Accessori es" and con versio n parts approved by
V auxhall can be obtai ned fr om your V auxhall Authorised Repairer, who can
also provide expert Vauxhall advice on permitted technical changes and ensure
correct installation.
9 Wa r n i n g
Carry out regularly the checks recommended in the individual sections
of this Owner’s Manua l. Ensure that your vehicle is serviced at the
service intervals specif ied in the Service Booklet. We recommend that you entrust
this wor k to your Vauxhall Authorised Repairer.
Have faults remedied without delay! Consult a workshop. We recommend your
Vauxhall Authorised Repairer. If ne cessary, interrupt your journey.
6 Main te n ance – page 130.
That was a brief lo ok at the most important
information for your firs t d rive in your Agila.
T h e remain ing ch apt er s of the Owner’s M a nual
co ntain im p or t ant info rm a t ion on opera tio n,
safety and maintenanc e
as well as a com plete index.
18 In struments
Control indicators ................................ 18
Instrument display............................... 22
Informat ion display 3 ......................... 24
Radio reception 3................................ 26
In fotainme n t system 3........................ 26
Mobile telephones and radio
equipment 3...................................... 26
Pict ure no: 15216h. tif
Control indicators
T he control indicato rs described here are n ot present in all vehicles. The description
applies to all instrument versions.
Engin e oil level 3
T he en gine oil level is checked automat ically.
Illuminated: Engine oil level too low. Check o il level and top up as necessary. See
page 132.
Electric power steering 3
The control indicator illuminates for a few seconds when the ignition is swit ched on.
Illumination while driving indicates a fault. Driving may be contin ued. More force is
required for steering. Consult a wor kshop. We rec o mmend your Vauxhall Author ised
EPS = Electronic Power Steering.
Picture no:
Pict ure no : 15217h.ti f
E ng ine electr o ni cs, imm obiliz er
The control indicator illuminates for a few seconds when the ignition is swit ched on.
Illuminates when the engine is running Fault in the engine electronics system. The
electronics system switc hes to limp-ho me mod e. Fuel consumpti o n may increa se and
the dr iveability of the vehicle may be impaired – see page 90. Consult a
workshop. We recom mend your Vauxha ll Authorised Repairer.
If it flashes when the ignition is on: Fault in the electronic immobilizer sys tem;
the engine cannot be started – see page 29.
Picture no:
Exhaust emission
Illuminates when the ign ition is switched on. Goes off shortly after the engin e starts.
Illuminates when the eng ine is running Fault in emission control system. The
permitted emission limits may be exceeded. Consult a workshop. We
recommend your Vauxhall Authorised Repairer.
If it flashes wh en the engine is runn ing: Fault that can lead to destruction of the
catalytic converter is indicated – see page 89. C onsult a workshop immediately.
W e recommend that you consult your Vauxhall Authorise Repair er.
Turn signal lights
When the turn signal is activated, the corresponding con trol indica tor flashes.
Rapid flash: A turn signal bulb is faulty. Bulb replacement – see page 122.
Both control indicators flash when the hazard warn ing lights are activated.
Main beam
The control indicator is illuminated when ma in beam is on a nd during headlight
flash – see page 10.
Anti-lock brake system (ABS) 3
see page 94.
20 In struments
Illuminates when the ignition is switched on. Goes off shortly after the engine starts.
Illuminates when the engin e is run ning Stop the veh icle and swi tch of f the eng ine.
The battery is not being charged. Engine cooling may be interrupted. Contact a
workshop. We recommend your Vauxhall Authorised Repa irer.
Pict ure no : 15216h.ti f
B ra k e sy s tem
The control indicator illuminates when the ignition is switched on if the hand brake is
applied or if the brake fluid level is too low. Further information – see page 136.
9 War n ing
Illuminated w hen the hand brake is not applied: Stop the vehicle; interrupt your
journe y immediately. Consult a workshop. We recomme nd your Vauxha ll
Authorised Repairer.
Picture no:
9 Wa r n i n g
Illuminated together with th e control indicator for the Anti-lock Brake
System u: The braking force on the rear wheels is not being regulated. The vehicle
may swerve during braking. Consult a workshop. We recommend your Va ux ha ll
Authorised Repairer.
Pict ure no : 15217h.ti f
Engine oil pressure
Illuminates when the ignition is switched on. Goes off sho rtl y after the engine starts.
Illuminates when the eng ine is running
Picture no:
Engine lubricatio n may be interrupted. This may result in damage to the engine and/or
lo cking of the drive wheels:
1.Move out of t he flow of traffic as quickly as possible without impeding other
2. De press clutch.
3.Put the tra nsmission in neutral
4.Switch off ignition.
9 Wa r n ing
When the engine is o ff, consid erab ly more force is needed to brake and steer.
Do not r emov e ke y until ve hicl e has c ome to a standstill, otherwise the steering
column lock could engage unexpectedly.
Contact a workshop. We recommend that you consult your Vauxhall Authorise d
Fuel level3
Illuminated: Low fuel level. Fuel gauge in reserve area.
If it f lashes: Fuel reserve used up, fill up immediately.
Never let the tank run dry! Erratic fuel supply can cause catalytic
converter to overheat – see page 88.
Airbag systems3 , be lt tension ers
see pages 51, 57.
22 In struments
Pict ure no : 12941h.ti f
Instrument display
Tachometer 3
Indicate s en gine s peed. Warn in g zone: m aximum permissible
engine sp eed exceeded ; danger to engine.
Indicates the vehicle speed.
Odomet er
Switchable between overall odometer and two tr ip odometers A or B.
Overall odometer
With ignition on, display of total miles driven – "ODO"1) appears on the display.
ODO = Odometer.
Trip odometer
Picture no: 11141H.tif
Switchable from overall odom eter (ODO) to trip odometer A (TRIP A) or trip
odomete rB (TRIP B). Press the reset knob briefly to switch between the three optio ns.
Res et trip odometer A or B by press ing and holding down the reset knob for
approx. 2 secon ds. Service interval display, see page 130.
For physical reasons, the engine temperature gauge shows the coolant
temperature only if the coolant level is adequate.
During operation the system is pressurised. The temp erature may therefore rise briefly
to over 100 °C.
Coolant temperature display
Pict ure no : 13465h.ti f
Pointer in low zone = Engi ne operat ing
temperature not ye t reache d
Pointer between the zo nes = Normal operating
Pointer in upper (warning ) zone = Temperature too
high: Stop vehicle and
s w i t ch off engine. Danger to engine,
check coolant level immediately – s ee
page 134.
Fuel gauge
Pic tur e no: 13466h.t if
Pointer in red zone or Y
illuminated = Reserve area Pointer in red
warning zone or Y flashing = Fill up immediately –
see page87.
Never let the tank run dry!
Because of the fuel remaining in the tank, the amount of fue l required to fill the tank
may be less than the spe cified tank capacity.
24 In struments
12:01 17,0°C
FM 3 90,6MHz
Setting date and time
Date and time can eithe r be set manually or corrected automatically with an RDS
time signal1)3. Some RDS tran smitters do n ot send correct
time signals. If the incorrect time is displayed often, deactiva te auto matic
time synchronisation3 and set the time manually.
The automatic setting is indicated by Ö in th e display.
8:56 5,5°C
Pict ure no: 17913s.t if
Information display 3
Tripl e information display
Display of time, outside tempe rat ure and date/infotainment system i f it is swi tched
on. When the ignition is off, the time, date and
outside temperature can be made to appear for approx. 15 seconds by briefly
pressing one of the two buttons on the right-ha nd side of the display.
RDS = Radio Data S ys tem.
Manual sett ing
Picture no: 17914 s.tif
Infotainment system off. Pre ss Ö an d ; next to the di splay as follows:
Pres s Ö for approx. 2 seconds:
Day flashes
;:Set day Ö:Month flashes
;:Set month Ö:Year flashes
;:Set year Ö:Hours flash
;: Set ho urs Ö: Minutes flash
;: Set minutes Ö: Clock is started.
Deactivating and activating automatic setting functi on 3
Infotainment system off. Press Ö and ; next to the display as f ollows:
hold down Ö for approx. 2 sec., clock display is now in setting mode,
Pres s Ö twice ( until year flashes). Pres s Ö and hold down for approx.
3seconds until} flashes in d isplay and text "RDS TIME" appears (years flash
during this time), Pres s ;; display of:
RDS TIME 0 = Off.
Pres s ;; display of:
Pres s Ö three times.
Fault display
An F in the display indicates a fault. Have th e cause remedi ed. We recommend that
you consult your Vauxhall Authorise d Repairer.
8:56 -5,5°C
Pic tur e no: 17913s.tif
Outside temperature
A fall in temperature is indicated immediately and a rise in temperature
aft er a time delay. If ou tside temperature drops below 3 °C,
th e symbol : appears in the inf ormation display as a warning for icy road
conditions. When tem perature increases to at least 5 °C, the : symbol go es out.
9 Wa r n i n g
Caution: The road surface may already be icy even though the display indicates
a few degrees above 0 °C.
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