The world was a very different place in 1903 when
Vauxhall made its first car. We steered with tillers, not
wheels. Six horsepower was considered pretty nippy.
And King Edward’s face was still on the stamps. But for
us, one important thing hasn’t changed: we started out
with a philosophy of Forward
Thinking and, 110 years
later, it still motivates everything we do. Who knows
what innovations the next 110 years will bring?
The Vauxhall Lifetime Warranty.
There’s one thing
every owner
of a new Vauxhall can rely on. We’re so
in Vauxhall quality and reliability that we are
now able to
offer a lifetime warranty. It’s available to
the first owner
of all our new Vauxhall passenger cars
and valid for the lifetime of the vehicle up to a maximum
of 100,000 miles.
So you’ve got year after year of
carefree driving to look forward to...
Scan this QR code with
your smartphone for more
information on the last 110
years of Vauxhall innovation.
Don’t forget to download a
QR reader from your app
store fi rst.
Please see back cover
for full details of the
Vauxhall Lifetime
100,000 mile warranty.
2012 – The ‘RAK e’. A radical looking
electric concept car for the future.
Our forward thinking continues.
1999 – The Zafi ra introduced
the revolutionary Flex7
seating system inventing the
seven-seat compact MPV.
1990 – The Calibra was the
world’s most aerodynamic
production car.
1989 – The Lotus Carlton was
the world’s fastest production
four-door saloon.
2012 – Ampera. The fi rst ever Extended-Range Electric
Vehicle (E-REV) that redefi ned electric vehicle innovation
leading to it being voted European Car Of The Year 2012.