Professional Modular
Camera Crane
Instruction Manuall
For a video tutorial “SnapCrane Build, Design and Assembly”, go to YouTube:
Please read the instruction manual thoroughly before operating your Crane system for the first time to
avoid injury or damage to the unit.
The durable construction of the SnapCrane makes it an excellent long-term investment, but its
precision design also means that you must exercise care in the storage, transport, and operation of
the unit to ensure optimal long-term performance.
Always exercise caution when operating the SnapCrane to avoid collisions with people,
objects, and power lines.
Do not operate in windy conditions.
Dolly is for setup, not for freely rolling the loaded crane around.

Parts List
Crane Arm Sections
1) Tail Section (short) w/ sliding micro-adjust counterweight
2) Pivot Section w/ half-moon shaped brake plate
3) Front Section (short) w/ “VariZoom” Logo
Support Sections
4) Camera Platform
5) Pan/Tilt Mounting Base for Crane Arm (“fulcrum”)
6) Tripod
7) Dolly
Cables (individually labeled)
10) Cable 3 (black)
11) Cable 4 (black)
Other Parts
12) Weight Bar (24” long stainless rod)
13) Plate Adapter (round, domed)
14) Braided Sleeving (for video/power cables)
Compact Mode (front pivot hole, use black cable 4)
Arm Sections used: Front and Pivot sections only
Camera capacity: up to 50lbs.
Unit weight: 36 lbs.
Folded length: 55”
Overall length: 7’3”
Distance from tripod to camera: 5’8”
Vertical movement / Max Height: 8’ / 9’9”
Mid-Size Mode (rear pivot hole, use black cable 3)
Arm Sections used: Front, Pivot, and tail sections only
Camera capacity: up to 50lbs
Unit weight: 46 lbs.
Folded length: 55”
Overall length: 9’3”
Distance from tripod to camera: 6’6”
Vertical movement / Max Height: 9’ / 10’9”
***One hardware set supplied for all 5 black cable lengths. To switch hardware: pull the Quick Release pins
and remove the hardware from the cable, then attach to the appropriate-length cable.
Note: Vertical Movement is measured to camera platform, while “Max Height” is measured to overslung MC100 platform