StealthyPro Instructions
3-point Shooter Mode / Handheld
Mode / Monopod Mode
Place the black piece between the handle and
the silver ring (as pictured).

Stabilizer Mode
In stabilizer mode, thread the handle up (arrow shown in picture). This way, the handle will
clear the base of the StealthyPro. Then place
the black piece below the handle. On earlier
versions of the StealthyPro, the piece must be
inserted with the depression facing upward (as
shown). On newer versions of the StealthyPro,
it must be inserted with the depression facing
downward. In other words, insert the piece how-
ever it ts best.
For further instructions, see the Stealthy instruction manual below.

2013 Triple Award Winner!
Instruction Manual
Thank you for purchasing the VariZoom Stealthy.
The Stealthy is a unique piece of hardware that was engineered over a long period of time and will
last a lifetime with proper use and care. The Stealthy has more handy useful modes than any other
camera accessory. You now have in your possession a device that can hang from your hip with camera, be quickly drawn when needed in single handheld mode, in seconds can be changed to either a
monopod or 3-point shooter or table top tripod or a gimbaled stabilizer.
Although it takes a few minutes, it is VERY important you familiarize yourself with adjustments in
order to change from one mode to another. Once you do understand the adjustments you will be
amazed, as will anyone watching you, when you transform your Stealthy from one useful mode to
The VariZoom Stealthy has won 3 prominent Awards including The 2013 “Black Diamond Award” TV
Technologies 2013 “Superior Technology Award” as well as Videomaker’s “Best Accessory” for 2013.