C0402 – Updated INOVA CP/MAS parameters for XPOLAR1 and Multipulse
Applicability of manual:
Varian NMR spectrometer systems with
Varian solids modules running VNMR 6.1C software
Technical contributors: Laima Baltusis, Dan Iverson, Dave Rice, Everett Schreiber,
Frits Vosman, Evan Williams
Technical writer: Everett Schreiber
Techni cal editor: Dan Steele
Copyright 2002 by Varian, Inc.
3120 Hansen Wa y, Palo Alto, California 94304
All rights reserved. Printed in the United States.
The information in this document has been carefully checked and is believed to be
entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Statements in
this document are not intended to create any warranty, expressed or implied.
Specifications and performance cha racteristics of the software described in this manual
may be changed at any time without notice. Varian reserves the right to make changes in
any products herein to improve reliability, function, or design. Varian does not assume
any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described
herein; neither does it convey any lice nse u n der it s pate nt rig ht s no r the rig hts of oth e rs.
Inclusion in this doc um e nt do es no t imp l y tha t any particular feature is sta nd ard on the
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trademarks of V arian, Inc. Sun, Solaris, CDE, Suninstall, Ult ra, SPARC, SP ARCstation,
SunCD, and NFS are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. and
SPARC International. Oxford is a registered trademark of Oxford Instruments LTD.
Ethernet is a registered trademark of Xerox Corpora tion. VxWORKS and VxWORKS
POWERED are registered trademarks of WindRiver Inc. Other product names in this
document are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1.
1.1 Line Broadening ......................................................................................................... 14
1.2 Spin-Lattice Relaxation Time ..................................................................................... 15
1.3 Solids Modules, Probes, and Accessories ................................................................... 15
Table 7. Rotor Controller Gain Setting and Typical Ranges ......................................................... 55
Table 8. Multiacquisition Quadrature Corrections for MREV8 .................................................... 99
Table 9. Multiacquisition Quadrature Corrections for BR24 ...................................................... 100
Table 10. Multiacquisition Quadrature Corrections for CORY24 ............................................... 100
C Chemical Shifts ................................................................. 32
VNMR 6.1C User Guide: Solid-State NMR01-999162-0 0 C0402
The following warning and caution notices illustrate the style used in Varian manuals
for safety precaution notices and explain when each type is used:
could result in injury or death to humans or animals, or significant
property damage.
serious damage to equipment or loss of data.
Warning Notices
Observe the following precautions during installation, operation, maintenance, and
repair of the instrument. Failure to comply with these warnings , or with specific
warnings elsewhere in Varian manuals, violates safety standards of design,
manufacture, and intended use of the instrument. Varian assumes no liability for
customer failure to comply with these precautions.
Persons with implanted or attached medical devices such as
pacemakers and prosthetic parts must remain outside the 5-gauss
perimeter of the magnet.
The superconducting magnet system generates stron g mag netic f ields that can
affect operation of some cardiac pacemakers or harm implanted or attached
devices such as prosthetic parts and metal blood vessel clips and clamps.
Pacemaker wearers should consult the user manu al provided by the pac emaker
manufacturer or contact the pacemaker manufacturer to determine the ef fect on
a specific pacemaker. Pacemaker wearers should also always notify their
physician and discuss the health risks of being in proximity to magnetic fields.
Wearers of metal prosthetics and implants should contact their physician to
determine if a danger exists.
Refer to the manuals supplied with the magnet for the size of a typical 5-gauss
stray field. This gauss level should be checked after the magnet is installed.
are used when failure to observe instructions or precautions
are used when failure to observe instructions could result in
01-999162-00 C0402VNMR 6.1C User Guide: Solid-State NMR
Keep metal objects outside the 10-gauss perimeter of the magnet.
The strong magnetic field surrounding the magnet attracts objects containing
steel, iron, or other ferromagnetic materials, which includes most ordinary
tools, electronic equipment, compressed gas cylinders, steel chairs, and steel
carts. Unless restrained, such objects can suddenly fly towards the magnet,
causing possible personal injury and extensi ve damag e to the probe, dewar , and
superconducting solenoid. The greater the mass of the object, the more the
magnet attracts the object.
Only nonferromagnetic materials—plastics, aluminum, wood, nonmagnetic
stainless steel, etc.—should be used in the area around the magnet. If an object
is stuck to the magnet surface and cannot easily be removed by hand, contact
Varian service for assistance.
Warnin g Notic es (
Refer to the manuals supplied with the magnet for the size of a typical 10-gauss
stray field. This gauss level should be checked after the magnet is installed.
Only qualified maintenance personnel shall remove equipment covers
or make internal adjustments.
Dangerous high voltages that can kill or injure exist inside the instrument.
Before working inside a cab inet, turn off the main system po wer switch loca ted
on the back of the console.
Do not substitute parts or modify the instrument.
Any unauthorized modification could injure personnel or damage equipment
and potentially terminate the warranty agreements and/or service contract.
Written authorization approved by a Varian, Inc. product manager is required
to implement any changes to the hardware of a Varian NMR spectrometer.
Maintain safety features by referring system service to a Varian service office.
Do not operate in the presence of flammable gases or fumes.
Operation with flammable gases or fumes present creates the risk of injury or
death from toxic fumes, explosion, or fire.
Leave area immediately in the event of a magnet quench.
If the magnet dewar should quench (sudden app earance of gasses fro m the top
of the dewar) , leave the area immediately . Su dden release of helium or nitr ogen
gases can rapidly displace oxygen in an enclosed space creating a possibility of
asphyxiation. Do not return until the oxygen level returns to normal.
Avoid helium or nitrogen contact with any part of the body.
In contact with the body, helium and nitrogen can cause an injury similar to a
burn. Never place your head over the helium and nitrogen exit tubes on top of
the magnet. If helium or nitrogen contacts the body, seek immediate medical
attention, especially if the skin is blistered or the eyes are affected.
Do not look down the upper barrel.
Unless the probe is removed from the magnet, never look down the upper
barrel. You could be injured by the sample tube as it ejects pneumatically from
the probe.
Do not exceed the boiling or freezing point of a sample during variable
temperature experiments.
A sample tube subjected to a change in temperature can build up excessive
pressure, which can break the sample tube glass and cause injury by flying glass
and toxic materials. To avoid this hazard, establish the freezing and boiling
point of a sample before doing a variable temperature experiment.
VNMR 6.1C User Guide: Solid-State NMR01-999162-0 0 C0402
Warnin g Notic es (
Support the magnet and prevent it from tipping over.
The magnet dewar has a high center of gravity and could tip over in an
earthquake or after being struck by a large object, injuring personnel and
causing sudden, dangerous release of nitrogen and helium gasses from the
dewar . Therefore, the magnet must be supported by at least on e of two methods:
with ropes suspended from the ceiling or with the antivibration legs bolted to
the floor. Refer to the Installation Planning Manual for details.
Do not remove the relief valves on the vent tubes.
The relief valves prevent air from entering the nitrogen and helium vent tubes.
Air that enters the magnet contains moisture that can freeze, caus ing block age
of the vent tubes and possibly extensive damage to the magnet. It could also
cause a sudden dangerous release of nitrogen and helium gases from the de war.
Except when transferring nitrogen or h elium, be certain that the relief valv es are
secured on the vent tubes.
On magnets with removable quench tubes, keep the tubes in place
except during helium servicing.
On Varian 200- and 300-MHz 54-mm magnets only, the dewar includes
removable helium vent tubes. If the magnet dewar should quench (sudden
appearance of gases from the top of the dewar) and the vent tubes are not in
place, the helium gas would be partially v ented side ways, po ssibly injuring the
skin and eyes of personnel beside the magnet. During helium servicing, when
the tubes must be removed, follow carefully the instructions and safety
precautions given in the magnet manual.
Caution Notices
Observe the following precautions during installation, operation, maintenance, and
repair of the instrument. Failure to comply with these ca utions, or with specific
cautions elsewhere in Varian manuals, violates safety standards of design,
manufacture, and intended use of the instrument. Varian assumes no liability for
customer failure to comply with these precautions.
Keep magnetic media, ATM and credit cards, and watches outside the
5-gauss perimeter of the magnet.
The strong magnetic field surrounding a superconducting magnet can erase
magnetic media such as floppy disks and tapes. The field can also damage the
strip of magnetic media found on credit cards, automatic teller machine (ATM)
cards, and similar plastic cards. Many wrist and pocket watches are also
susceptible to damage from intense magnetism.
Refer to the manuals supplied with the magnet for the size of a typical 5-gauss
stray field. This gauss level should be checked after the magnet is installed.
01-999162-00 C0402VNMR 6.1C User Guide: Solid-State NMR
Caution Notices (
Check helium and nitrogen gas flowmeters daily.
Record the readings to establish the operating level. The readings will vary
somewhat because of changes in barometric pressure from weather fronts. If
the readings for either gas should change abruptly, contact qualified
maintenance personnel. Failure to correct the cause of abnormal readings could
result in extensive equipment damage.
Never operate solids high-power amplifiers with liquids probes.
On systems with solids high-power amplifiers, never operate the amplifiers
with a liquids probe. The high power available from these amplifiers will
destroy liquids probes. Use the appropriate high-power probe with the highpower amplifier.
Take electrostatic discharge (ESD) precautions to avoid damage to
sensitive electronic components.
Wear grounded antistatic wristband or equivalent before touching any parts
inside the doors and covers of the spectrometer system. Also, take ESD
precautions when working near the exposed cable conn ectors on the back of the
Radio-Frequency Emis sion Regulations
The covers on the instrument form a barrier to r adi o-f r eque nc y (rf) energy. Removing
any of the covers or modifying the instrument may lead to increased susceptibility to
rf interference within the instrument and may increase the rf ener gy tr ansmitted by the
instrument in violation of regulations covering rf emissions. It is the operator’s
responsibility to maintain the instrument in a condition that does not violate rf emission
VNMR 6.1C User Guide: Solid-State NMR01-999162-0 0 C0402
This manual is designed to help you perform solid-state NMR experiments using a Varian
solid-state NMR module on a Varian NMR spectrometer system running VNMR version
6.1C software. The manual contains the following chapters:
• Chapter 1, “Overview of Solid-State NMR,” provides an short overview of solid-state
NMR, including the types of solids modules, probes, and accessories available.
• Chapter 2, “CP/MAS Solids Operation,” cover s usin g th e CP/M AS so lids modu le and
related pulse sequences.
• Ch apter 3, “Wideline Solids Module Operation,” covers using the wideline solids
• Chapter 4, “CRAMPS/Multipulse Module Operation,” covers using the CPAMPS/
multipulse module and related pulse sequences.
• Chapter 5, “Solid-State NMR Accessories,” covers using the rotor synchronization,
rotor speed controller accessory, and solids variable temperature accessories.
• Ch apter 6, “Solid-State NMR Experiments,” is a guide to pulse sequences useful for
performin g solid-state NMR experiments.
Notational Conventions
The following notational conventions are used throughout all VNMR manuals:
• Typewriter-like characters identify VNMR and UNIX commands, parameters,
directories, and file names in the text of the manual. For example:
The shutdown command is in the /etc directory.
• The same type of characters show text displayed on the screen, including the text
echoed on the screen as you enter commands during a procedure. For example:
Self test completed successfully.
• Text shown between angled brack ets in a syntax entry is optional. For example, if the
syntax is seqgens2pul<.c>, entering the “.c” suffix is optional, and typing
seqgens2pul.c or seqgens2pul is functionally the same.
• Lines of text containing command syntax, examples of statements, source code, and
similar material are often too long to fit the width of the page. To show that a line of
text had to be broken to fit into the manual, the line is cut at a convenient point (such
as at a comma near the right edge of the column) , a backslash (\) is inse rted at the cut,
and the line is continued as the next line of text. This notation will be familiar to C
programmers. Note that the backslash is not part of the line and, except for C source
code, should not be typed when entering the line.
• Because pressing the Return key is required at the end of almost every command or
line of text you type on the keyboard, use of the Return key will be mentioned only in
cases where it is not used. This convention avoids repeating the instruction “press the
Return key” throughout most of this manual.
• Text with a change bar (like this paragraph) identifies material new to VNMR 6.1C that
was not in the previous version of VNMR. Refer to the document Release Notes for a
description of new features to the software.
01-999162-00 C0402VNMR 6.1C User Guide: Solid-State NMR
Other Manuals
This manual should be your basic source for information about using the spectrometer
hardware and software on a day-to-day basis for solid-state NMR. Other VNMR manuals
you should have include:
All of these manuals are shipped with the VNMR software. These manuals, other Varian
hardware and installation manuals, and most Varian accessory manuals are also provided
online so that you can view the pages on your workstation and print copies.
Types of Varian NMR Spectrometer Systems
• Getting Started
• Walkup NMR Using GLIDE
• User Guide: Liquids NMR
• VNMR Command and Parameter Reference
• VNMR User Programming
• VNMR and Solaris Software Installation
In parts of this manual, the type of spectrometer system (
ERCURY, GEMINI 2000, UNITYplus, UNITY, or VXR-S) must be considered in order to
use the software properly.
INOV A and MERCURY-VX are the current systems sold by Varian.
• UNITYplus, UNITY, and VXR-S are spectrometer lines that preceded the
• M
ERCURY and GEMINI 2000 are spectrometer lines that preceded the MERCURY-VX.
Help Us to Meet Your Needs!
We want to provide the equipment, publications, and help that you want and need. To do
this, your feedback is most important. If you have ideas for improvements or discover a
problem in the software or manuals, we encourage you to contact us. You can reach us at
the nearest Varian Applications Laboratory or at the following address:
Palo Alto Applications Laboratory
Varian, Inc., NMR Systems
3120 Hansen Way, MS D-298
Palo Alto, California 94304 USA
VNMR 6.1C User Guide: Solid-State NMR01-999162-0 0 C0402
Chapter 1.
Overview of Solid-State NMR
Sections in this chapter:
• 1.1 “Line B roadening,” this page
• 1.2 “Spin-Latti ce Relaxation Time,” page 15
• 1.3 “Solids Modules, Probes, and Accessories,” page 15
Before techniques were developed to obtain high-resolution NMR spectra of compounds in
the solid state, the spectra of these samples were generally characterized by broad,
featureless envelopes caused by additional nuclear interactions present in solid state. In
liquid state, these interactions average to zero due to rapid molecular tumbling.
1.1 Line Broadening
One cause of line broadening is heteronuclear and homonuclear dipolar coupling. Th is
coupling arises from the interaction of the nuclear magnetic dipole under observation with
those of the surrounding nuclei, and is directly proportional to the magnetogyric ratios of
the nuclei and inversely proportional to the distance between them. In strongly coupled
organic solids, the heteronuclear dipolar coupling between a
proton can be 40 kHz. In or der to remove the heteronucle ar dipolar co upling, a strong rf
field equal to or greater than the interaction energy mu st be applied at the proton r esonance
C nucleus and a bonded
A second cause of line broadening in polycrystalline compounds is chemical shift anisotropy (CSA) . This is the result of nuclei with different orientations in the applied
magnetic field resonating at different Larmor frequencies. The observed spread of the
chemical shifts is called the chemical shift anisot ropy and can be as large as a fe w hundred
ppm. This interaction can be removed by rapidly rotating the sample about an axis oriented
at an angle of 54 degrees 44 minutes (54.73
or MAS to the applied magnetic field. The spinning speed of the sample must be greater
than the CSA in order to reduce the resonance to a single, narrow (approximately 1 ppm)
line at the isotropic frequency. If the spinning speed is less than the CSA, a pattern of
sidebands occurs about the isotro pic peak at integral v alues of the spinning frequenc y. The
CSA scales linearly with B
A third source of line broadening in solids occurs when observing nuclei that possess an
electric quadrupole. The quadrupolar int eraction can be as large as several MHz. For
nonintegral spin quadrupolar nuclei, the central transition is much narrower (about 10 kHz)
and therefore can be narrowed to a single, narrow line by magic angle spinning. The
residual (second order) linewidth of the central transition is inversely proportional to the
applied magnetic field.
01-999162-00 C0402VNMR 6.1C User Guide: Solid-State NMR
°, the “magic angle” in magic angle spinning,
Chapter 1. Overview of Solid-State NMR
1.2 Spin-Lattice Relaxation Time
An additional characteristic of some nuclei in the solid state, for example 13C, is a long
spin-lattice relaxation time (T
). To overcome this problem, the abundant nuclei (usually
protons) in the system are used. These are polarized with a spin locking pulse (CP). The
polarization is then transferred to the rare spins by applying an rf field at the Larmor
frequency of the rare spins that is of such a magnitude as to make the energy levels of the
abundant and rare spins the same in the rotating frame (Hartmann-Hahn match condition).
Following a transfer of ener gy fr om the polarized ab undant spins to the rare spins, the rare
spin field is turned off and the resulting signal observed under conditions of high-power
proton decoupling. The recycle time is then set accor ding to the proton T
much shorter than the rare spin T
The polarization transfer can give an increase in sensitivity. The rare spin response is
enhanced by a factor of up to the ratio of the magnetogyric ratios of the two spin systems.
For the
C-{1H} system, this is a factor of 4. However, as the enhancement is distance
related, caution should be exercised in using the cross-polarization experiment for
quantitative analysis.
1.3 Solids Modules, Probes, and Accessories
, which is usually
Varian supplies a complete line of solid-state NMR modules, probes, and accessories.
Solids modules include CP/MAS, wideline, CRAMPS/m ult ipulse, and complete solids.
CP/MAS, wideline, and CRAMPS/Multipulse hardware and operation are covered in
Chapters 2, 3, and 4, respectively, of this manual.
The Varian complete solids module is capable of performing all experiments possible with
the Varian CP/MAS, wideline, and CRAMPS/multipulse modules. The major components
of complete solids module are the following:
INOVAo r UN ITYplus SystemWideband ADC with Sum to Memory
100 Watt High-band and 300 Low-band
amplifiers for CP/MAS experiments
Pneumatics/tachometer box
UNITY or VXR-S SystemWideband ADC
Solids cabinet
High-band & low-band 1-kW amplifier
Pneumatics/tachometer box
Wideband receiver
Sync module
Two fine att enuators
For operation of the complete solids module, refer to the operations sections in the chapters
2 to 4 for the CP/MAS, wideline, and CRAMPS/multipulse mo dules.
A wide variety of solids probes and probe accessories are available, including wideline,
multipulse, and magic-angle probes.
Optional solids accessories include rotor synchronization, rotor speed controller, and the
solids variable temperature accessory. Chapter 5 covers using these accessories.
VNMR 6.1C User Guide: Solid-State NMR01-999162-0 0 C0402
Chapter 2.
Sections in this chapter:
• 2.1 “CP/MAS Solids Modules,” this page.
• 2.2 “Rotor Characteristics and Composition,” page 20.
• 2.3 “Preparing Samples,” page 21
• 2.4 “Spinning the Sample,” page 22.
• 2.5 “Adjusting Homogeneity,” page 29.
• 2.6 “Adjusting the Magic Angle,” page 32.
• 2.7 “Calibrating the CP/MAS Probe,” page 35.
• 2.8 “Referencing a Solids Spectrum,” page 37
• 2.9 “XPOLAR1—Cross-Polarization,” page 38
• 2.10 “Optimizing Parameters and Special Experiments,” page 41.
• 2.11 “Useful Conversions,” page 44.
CP/MAS Solids Operati on
2.1 CP/MAS Solids Modules
CP/MAS hardware differs between systems. This section provides an overview of the
hardware (excluding probes) for:
INOV A, UNITYplus, and UNITY systems with 100/300 Watt CP/MAS accessory
INOV A, UNITYplus, and UNITY systems with a full solids bay co ntaining one or
more 1 kW amplifiers
• MERCURYplus and MERCURY-Vx systems with the 100/300 CP/MAS option
CP/MAS Hardware for 100/300 Watt Systems
The CP/MAS option is available for most narrow bore UNITY and all
UNITYplus,MERCURYplus and MERCURY-Vx systems. A class A/B AMT 3900A-15
linear amplifier, with a maximum output of 100 W for up to 2 50 ms, replaces the standard
F liquids linear amplifier for all systems.
systems use the standard lowband amplifier which has an output of 300 W. The
MERCURYplus and MERCURY-Vx system lowband amplifier is replaced by the 300 W
lowband amplifier used in the
INOV A, UNITYplus, and UNITY system CP/MAS accessory amplifier chassis is
distinguished from standard amplifier chassis by the presence of three amplifier bricks as
compared to two amplifier bricks in the standard chassis. The MERCURYplus and MERCURY-Vx system CP/MAS amplifier chassis is housed in an accessories console
attached to the standard console.
INOVA system.
01-999162-00 C0402VNMR 6.1C User Guide: Solid-State NMR
Chapter 2. CP/MAS Solids Operation
Full-Solids 1H/19F 1 kW Amplifiers
INOV A, UNITYplus, and UNITY wide bore systems can be equipped with the full bay
solids option that includes a 1 kW
amplifier, tunable to either
produces 1 kW at 400 MHz and below. Power output at 500 to 900 MHz is lower and
specifications are available for individual amplifiers.
Cavity tuned amplifiers used in older systems are distinguished from the current amplifiers
by the external control box used to tune the cavity . These older amplif iers are often referred
to as CPI amplifiers in recognition of the manufacturer of the tube.
Current and newer systems incorporate the CMA amplifier manufactured in Fort Collins,
Colorado, USA by Varian Inc. These amplifiers offer the option of either class AB or class
C operation. CMA amplifiers are tuned manually using calibrated tuning knobs. The
amplifier is enabled or disabled using the switches on the fro nt pan el of the fu ll solids bay.
• Enable hi gh power amplifier operation
Place the
illuminate) and enable high power with the silver button (a green LED will illuminate).
• Disable high power amplifier operation
Place the
button. The 50 W amplifier remains enabled.
HI BAND amplifier switch in the HI POWER position (an orange LED will
HI BAND amplifier switch in the LO POWER position and press the red
H or 19F , dri v en by the stan dard 50 W high band amplifier , and
F amplifier. The amplifier is a class AB tube
CPI and CMA amplifiers operate in both pulsed and continuous (CW) modes. The
parameter ampmode is used to select the operation mode for CPI amplifiers. When the
parameter ampmode is not present the amplifier is set in the default CW mode (
CLASS C, CLASS AB (CW), or GATE ACTIVE (pulsed), are selected using the three
position switch on the front panel of the amplifier. Set the switch to
CP/MAS experiments,
) which is correct for CP/MAS experiments. CMA amplifier modes;
CLASS AB mode for
GATE ACTIVE mode for
H or 19F observe, or CLASS C for special
multipulse exper iments. The ampmode parameter must be either set to the correct value or
in the default mode as it determines the operation of the 50 W
F amplifier that drives
the CMA amplifier.
Full-Solids Lowband 1 kW Amplifiers
The high power lowband amplifier in the full solids bay is a class A linear amplifier and is
either an AMT 3201 (older systems) or AMT 3200 series amplifier. These amplifiers
produce 1 kW at full power o ver a range of 6 to 220 MHz (up to
500 MHz or
C for systems with 1H at 900 MHz).
The 3201 amplifier on older systems does not hav e a po wer meter on the front panel. Input
to the older amplifier is from the standard 300 W lowband amplifier in the console. The
high power amplifier is enabled or disabled using the switches on the front panel of the full
solids bay.
• Enable hi gh power amplifier operation
Place the
LO BAND amplifier switch in the HI POWER position (an orange LED will
illuminate) and enable high power with the silver button.
• Disab le the high power amplifier and return to the standard amplifier
LO BAND amplifier switch in the LO POWER position and press the red button.
The 300 W amplifier remains enabled.
The 3200 amplifier on newer systems has a power meter on the front panel. Input drive is
provided by the milliwatt transmitter board in the console. The high power amplifier is
enabled or disable using the switches on the front panel of the full solids bay.
P for systems with 1H at
VNMR 6.1C User Guide: Solid-State NMR01-999162-0 0 C0402
2.1 CP/MAS Solids Modules
• Enable hi gh power amplifier operation
Place the LO BAND amplifier switch in the HI POWER position (an orange LED will
illuminate) and enable high power with the silver button.
• Disab le the high power amplifier operation
LO BAND amplifier switch in the LO POWER position and press the red button.
If a 300 W lowband amplifier is present in the console it will now be enabled.
Low-band amplifiers operate in either pulsed or CW mode. The operation mode is
controlled by the ampmode parameter. When the parameter ampmode is not present the
amplifier is set in the default (CW) mode (ampmode = ‘c’ or ‘d’) which is correct for
CP/MAS experiments.
Fine Attenuators
INOVA and UNITYplus Systems
The standard
and UNITYplus system
transmitter board
provides fine power
control over a range of 0
to 60 dB in 4095 steps.
Output in voltage or f ield
strength is linear and
quadratic in power. The
attenuator control in dB
is shown in Figure 1. A
rough rule is; for a 2 fold
change in fine power
there is a 6 db change in
the coarse power (tpwr or dpwr). Power is controlled using the parameters: tpwrf, dpwrf, dpwrf2, and dpwrf3. Aliases of these parameters ending in m rather than f are
used in some pulse sequences, including XPOLAR1. The parameters crossp and
dipolr in XPOLAR1 are two different values that set dpwrf during the cross
polarization and decoupling periods respectively.
Attenuator Value
Figure 1. Attenuator Control Graph for INOVA Systems
MERCURYplus and MERCURY-Vx Systems
The transmitter board
provides fine power
control over a range of
0 up to 40 db in 255
amplitude steps using
the parameters tpwrf
and dpwrf. Output in
voltage or field strength
is linear and quadratic in
power. The attenuator
control in dB is shown in
Figure 2.
01-999162-00 C0402VNMR 6.1C User Guide: Solid-State NMR
Attenuator Value
Figure 2. Attenuator Control Graph for Mercury Systems
Chapter 2. CP/MAS Solids Operation
UNITY Systems
Fine attenuator control is provided over a 6 db range in steps from 0 of 4095 on on e or both
transmitter boards. It is necessary to use both the fine and course attenuators on UNITY
systems to set the power levels for CP/MAS experiments. UNITY systems use the same
XPOLAR1 aliases described above. In add itio n a new coarse power setting, cppwr (alias
for dpwr) used during cross polarization, is crated by setting dblvl2=’y’. The
parameter dpwr then applies only to the decoupling power. UNITY systems with a fine
attenuator only on the highband channel must first set the observe power using the course
attenuator and then high band channel using both t he course and fine attenu ators. CP/MAS
is very difficult if the fine attenuators are absent on both channels.
The XPOLAR sequence (described in older versions of this manual) can be used with
UNITY systems.
Pneumatics and Tachometer Box and Rotor Speed Control
A pneumatics/tachometer box is used for controlling air flo w and spinning speeds of MAS
rotors for all systems. A manu al box allows adjustment of bearing and drive pressure with
knobs and is independent of the console. Alternatively a rotor s peed co ntro ller is available
obtained by modulation of the drive flow and is under computer control. Th e Rotor Sp eed
Controller tachometer box is distinguished from the manual tachometer box by a 9 pin
connector on the lower righ t. The connector is used to connect the optional cable from the
tachometer box to the back of the acquisition computer on
board in the magnet leg on MERCURY systems. Rotor speed control software is located in
the MSR board of INOVA and the Spinner board of MERCURY s ystems. A
system equipped with both the Rotor Synchronization and Rotor Speed Control options and
appropriate cables for the acquisition computer can trigger pulses on the tachometer signal
using the pulse sequence commands xgate, rorotsync, and rotorperiod.
The operation of the Pneumatics and T achometer Box is described in section 2.4 “Spinning
the Sample,” page 22.
INOVA and all MERCURY systems with the solid option. Rotor speed control is
INOVA or the to Spinner
An older standalone PC may be present to provide rotor speed control for UNITYplus and
UNITY. Instructions for this co ntroller are provided in older manuals.
VNMR 6.1C User Guide: Solid-State NMR01-999162-0 0 C0402
2.2 Rotor Characteristics and Composition
2.2 Rotor Characteristics and Composition
Varian high-speed rotors (with and without vent holes) are composed of zirconia or of
silicon nitride (Si
rotor body and is held with two O-rings. Always check the maximum spin rate specification
for Varian rotors and end caps as listed Table 1.
Table 1. Characteristics of Varian Rotors and End Caps
) with pMMA, Kel-f, or Torlon end caps. The cap twist-fits into the
7 mm
7 mm
5 mm
5 mm
7 mm
7 mm
5 mm
5 mm
7 mm
5 mm
7 mm
5 mm
5 mm
Zirconiawhite or
Torlongreen–125° to +125°9500900000-991646-01
Torlongreen–125° to +125°15000900000-992519-00
gray–125° to +125°9500900000-990874-00
gray–125° to +125°150001300000-992521-00
green–125° to +125°5000—00-991647-00
Range (C)
–125° to +125°150001300000-993263-00
–125° to
–125° to
+ 80°
–125° to
+ 80°
–125° to
+ 80°
–125° to
+ 80°
Max Spin Rate
Max Spin
Rate VT
Varian Part No.
Current Si
rotors are of two-piece construction. If the roto r plu g br eaks loos e fro m the
rotor body, reinsert the plug and secure it with cyanoacrylate.
T achometer sensing on high-speed rotors is on the rotor bot tom. Zirconia rotors are marked
with a permanent black marking pen or black enamel paint so that 50% of the bottom of
surface area is shaded black; silicon nitride (Si
) rotors are marked with white enamel
paint in the same fashion. Centrifugal force and rotor crashes cause the black and white
markings to flake off around the edges resulting in inaccurate tachometer readings. Reapply
the black or white half circle. Make the diameter marking straight.
Below -100
exists. Kel-F end caps (colorless-opaque) have a VT upper limit of about +70
°C, a potential for slipping due to differential contraction with the ceramic rotor
°C and should
not be spun faster than 65 00 Hz at an y tem perature. Use pMMA ( colorless -clear) end caps
only at room temperature and below. Visually distinguishing between Kel-F and pMMA
end caps can be difficult, so you may want to mark them appropriately.
01-999162-00 C0402VNMR 6.1C User Guide: Solid-State NMR
Chapter 2. CP/MAS Solids Operation
Rotor and end cap compositions are given in Table 2.
Table 2. Background Nuclei of Rotor Material
Kel-F end capC (not cross-polarizable from H), F (cross-polarizable)
Vespel, Torlon, pMMA end capC (cross-polarizable), H
zirconia rotor*Zr, O, traces of Mg, Y, Al
rotor**Si, N, some Al
*Not recommended for CP/MAS experiments.
**Use Si
rotors only for high power CP/MAS applications.
2.3 Preparing Samples
Solid samples are normally packed into hollow rotors and sealed with fluted caps. The
method of filling the rotors depends somewhat on the form and nature of the sample. The
most critical factor in spinning reliability is the dynamic balance of the filled rotor. Some
specific recommendations on filling the rotors and achieving a reasonable balance for
different kinds of samples are given below.
Homogeneous Machinable Solids
Although some hard machinable polymers can be made directly into solid rotors, it is much
easier to make a plug for the standard hollo w rotor . The signal-to-noise difference is not that
significant. The fit must be tight enough to prevent the plug from rattling around or slipping
out during spinning. The sample material must be homogeneous and free of voids for the
spinning rotor to remain balanced.
One way to remove a sample plug is to drill and tap a center hole about halfway through
the plug for a 2-56 screw. This is best done on a lathe to facilitate centering and ensure
balance. A small screw is then used to extract the plug.
Machine samples of solid materials to 0.440
diameter of 0.1960
± 0.0005 in. (4.979 mm) for Varian 7-mm rotors or 0.137 in. (3.48 mm)
± 0.005 in. (11.176 mm) in length with a
for Varian 5-mm rotors and placed inside a rotor.
Granular and Powdered Materials
The best method for filling the rotors with granular or powder materials is to pour the
material into the rotor and leave just enough room for the cap. Granular and powdered
materials work best as uniform particles of 100 mesh or finer. If the material can be ground,
do so before attempting to pack the rotor (a mortar and pestle is usually sufficient). Fluffy
or flaky materials can be packed with a rod machin ed to a slightly smaller diameter than the
internal diameter (ID) of the rotor. Hand pressure is sufficient. Hard packing with a press
or hammer is not necessary and can damage the rotors. The ca p works best if it is in contact
with the top of the sample material and fits snug and flush with the top of the rotor.
Miscellaneous Materials
Sample material types and forms exist that are not machinable solids, granular, or
powdered. Some of these materials can be prepared in rotors so that dynamic balance is
VNMR 6.1C User Guide: Solid-State NMR01-999162-0 0 C0402
2.4 Spinning the Sample
preserved. Chances are good that the sample will spin adequately if the material can be
made to fill the rotor homogeneously.
Thick sheet or film materials are best handled by cutting or punching many disks, each
having the inside diameter of the rotor, and stacking them in the rotor until full.
Coarse and irregular granular materials as well as pellets, beads, flak es, bits, or pieces often
cannot be packed homogeneousl y en oug h to p ro vide the balance n ecessa ry for high speed
spinning. Sometimes such materials can be made to spin smoothly by filling the voids with
a fine powder that does not give NMR signals, such as KBr, talc, or sulfur flowers and
spinning at a lower speed.
Liquid Samples
Use an end cap that has a concentric hole drilled through it (a #73 drill is recommended)
for liquid samples. Be sure the end cap will not dissolve (organic solvents can dissolve
pMMA end caps). Liquid samples can be spun at 200 to 300 Hz, but the liquid may spin
out of the rotor and be lost. This fact must be considered when dealin g with toxic or noxious
Organic solvents can dissolve pMMA end caps.
Semi-Solid Samples
Semi solid samples such as phospholipid suspens ions can spin faster then liquid samples.
Care must be used in filling the rotor to avoid lubricating the end cap with the sample. If
the end cap is lubricated with the sample the cap could pop off during the experiment. A
very small dot of cyanoacryl ic glue can be u sed to s ecure the end cap. Do not use to much
glue or you will not be able to remove the end cap later.
2.4 Spinning the Sample
A projectile hazard exists if a spinning rotor explodes. To prevent
possible eye injury from an exploding rotor, avoid spinning rotors
outside the magnet. If it is necessary to spin a rotor outside the
magnet, use a certified safety shield and full face shield at all times.
Never use rotors that have been dropped onto a hard surface, since
microscopic cracks in the rotor material can cause r otor explosions at
much lower spinning speeds than indicated in Table 3 and Table 4.
Never spin zirconia (white) rotors at spinning speeds above 7.2 kHz.
Never spin silicon nitride (gra y) r otors at speeds a bove 9.5 kHz. Never
apply air drive pressure above 72.5 psig (5.0 bar).
01-999162-00 C0402VNMR 6.1C User Guide: Solid-State NMR
Excessive spinning speeds can cause the rotors to shatter and
explode. Never spin zirconia (PSZ) rotors (white or off-white In
color) above 7.2 kHz or silicon nitride rotors (gra y) above 9.5 kHz.
For samples that have densities above 3.0 g/cc, decrease the
maximum spin rate by 35%.
When removing caps or digging out packed samples, take care not to
gouge the rotor. Even small scratches can imbalance the rotor.
Chapter 2. CP/MAS Solids Operation
The following applies to spinning the sample regardless of the type of pneumatics/
tachometer box in use. After reviewing these general instructions, see the following
sections for operating instructions that apply to the specific p neumatics/tachometer box that
is installed on your system.
• Pneumatics/tachometer box with rotor spin speed control from within VNMR, see
“Using the Rotor Speed Controller,” page 25.
• Pne umatics/tachometer box with manual spin control, see “Using the Manual
Pneumatics/Tachometer Box,” page 28.
Centrifugal force can cause the b lack and white markings to flake of f around the edges. This
can cause inaccurate tachometer readings. The black or white half circle can be reapplied
on the rotors with a black marking pen and white enamel paint provided in the startup kit.
The diameter marking should be straight.
VNMR 6.1C User Guide: Solid-State NMR01-999162-0 0 C0402
2.4 Spinning the Sample
Spinning Rates and Adjusting Bearing and Drive Pressures
Spin rates and the bearing and drive pressures for the Varian CP/MAS probe at ambient
temperature are listed in Table 3 for the 7-mm probe and Table 4 for the 5-mm probe.
Table 3. Typical 7-mm CP/MAS Probe Spin Rates With Bearing and Drive Values
* Rates are approximate values for the Varian 5-mm CP/MAS probe at ambient temperature.
The actual spin rate will vary depending on the properties of the sample and sample holder
psig (bar)
(LPM ±2 LPM)
psig (bar)
(LPM ±2 LPM)
For 5-mm CP/MAS probes, spinning a sample with a small amount of drive gas before
applying the initial 28 psig (2.0 bar) of bearing pressure is sometimes useful. The rotor will
begin spinning and will therefore become less likely to flutter (slight motion in and out of
the stator) during initial spin up.
To avoid rotor explosions, never spin 7-mm zirconia rotors faster than 7200 Hz and never
spin 5-mm zirconia rotors in Varian probes. Also, never spin 7-mm silicon nitride rotors
faster than 9500 Hz or 5-mm silicon nitride rotors faster than 15000 Hz.
Overcoming Imbalance
Most of the spinning problems encountered with filled rotors result from imbalance caused
by the sample material. A damaged rotor might be at fault, but that can be eliminated by
01-999162-00 C0402VNMR 6.1C User Guide: Solid-State NMR
Chapter 2. CP/MAS Solids Operation
always checking the spinning quality of the empty rotor before packing it with the sample
material. Discard damaged rotors . Worn rotor caps can cause imbalance. Changing caps or
rotating them between rotors sometimes cures these problems.
If a packed rotor does not spin properly at first, inspect the sample to see if it has been
disturbed. If part of the sample broke loose and was thrown out of the rotor, repacking the
sample in the rotor might be the solution. Sometimes loos e material balances itself if it is
kept in the rotor and spun belo w its vibration speed for a f e w minutes. If the sample seems
intact on the surface and the rotor is not balanced, it is likely that the sample is not
homogeneous or not evenly packed. The only solution is to remove all the sample and
repack the rotor. W ith inhomogeneous materials, this repacking may have to be tried more
than once. In the case of a machined plug, the plug could have a void in it or it fits too
loosely in the rotor cavity.
Probe Adjust ments for Improved Spinning
Increased bearing pressure often stabilizes samples that do not spin w ell. This adjustment
must be made at low speed and then ramped up once the rotor spinning is st able.
Using the Rotor Speed Controller
The rotor speed controller for Varian MAS probes can be operated with spinning speed
regulation or with a specific airflow setting to control the spinning speed of a sample in a
magic angle spinning (MAS) probe. Alternatively, the air flow can be set to a maximum
(65535) and the dri ve-pressur e regulator on the pneumatics/tachometer box can be used for
manual control the spinning speed.
If the rotor speed controller has not been calibrated, follow the calibration procedures in the
Pneumatics and Tachometer Box Installation manual before continuing.
Chemmagnetics CP/MAS probes use a different speed controller and are not compatible
with this accessory.
Starting the Spinner Speed Controller
1.Enter spinner in the VNMR
input window to open the Spinner
Control window (see Figure 3).
2.Click on the High speed spinner (solids style) control button.
3.Click on Turn spinner off.
4.If Set spinner airflow instead of speed is engage d (button press ed
in and red), click on the button to
disengage and set the spinner in
regulation or closed-loop mode.
5.Make sure the drive is set to 0.
6.Set the bearing pressure to 0.
7.Using your fingers, insert an end-cap into the rotor to be spun. Rotate the end cap
while pushing it into the rotor. Make sure the end cap is fully seated into the rotor.
Figure 3. Spinner Speed Control Window
8.Carefully place the rotor with the end cap into the stator.
VNMR 6.1C User Guide: Solid-State NMR01-999162-0 0 C0402
2.4 Spinning the Sample
9.Install the probe into the magnet.
10. Set the bearing pressure to a v alue ap propriate for the rotor speed you will be using,
see Table 3 and Tab le 4 for 7 mm and 5 mm rotor bearing pressures.
11. Open the drive value completely.
The rotor may initially spin when using older controllers but will stop when the
electro-pneumatic valve engages.
Regulating Spinni ng Spee d
Direct input of the spinner speed (using the s lider bars in the Spinner Control Windo w, see
Figure 3) uses the closed-loop mode of the spinner s peed re gulation op tion. The s peed can
be increased or decreased by any value and the speed is safely ramped to the new value.
Making small changes in speed (1000 to 2000 Hz) is good practice, until you are
comfortable with the operation and reliability of a particular rotor and endcap combination.
Never exceed the rated speed for any of the rotor parts or probe.
1.Set the slider bar to 2500.
The spinner should regulate to ±2 Hz or better within about 30 seconds to 1 minute.
2.Experiment with a number of set points within the rated speeds of the sample rotor
and probe.
3.Set the desired spin speed using the slider bar.
Regulating Spinning Speed within VNMR
This procedure describes how to regulate spinning speed by entering commands in the
VNMR input window.
1.Start the rotor speed controller as described in the procedure “Starting the Spinner
Speed Controller” on page 25.
2.Click on the but t on next to Allow spin control in an experiment with go.
This button disables the speed in the Spinner Control window and transfers spin rate
control to the spin parameter in VNMR.
3.Set up a typical solids experiment:
a.Set spin to the desired speed.
b.Enter in=’ny’ go.
The spinner regulates at the value of spin. Include a pre-acquisition delay pad to
give the spinner time to stabilize. The parameter spin can be included in an array
to obtain multiple spin rates in a single experiment. In an array of spin, the
pre-acquisition delay is applied before each FID.
4.Click next to Allow spin control in an experiment with go to return control to the
Spinner Control window after the experiment is complete.
01-999162-00 C0402VNMR 6.1C User Guide: Solid-State NMR
Chapter 2. CP/MAS Solids Operation
Using Air Flow to Set the Spin Speed
This procedure describes how to set the
air flow to spin the rotor. This mode of
operation is applicable when operating at
the extremes of the temperature ra nge of
the probe.
1.Enter spinner in the VNMR
input window to open the Spinner
Control window (see Figure 4).
2.Click on the High speed spinner (solids style) control button.
3.Adjust the two slider bars to zero.
4.Click the Set spinner airflow instead of speed.
5.Click the Turn spinner off button.
6.Adjust the bearing gas pressure to 30 psig for CP/MAS probes.
7.Open the drive pressure regulator fully.
The rotor may initially spin when using older controllers but will stop when the
electro-pneumatic valve engages. The spinner is now in an unregulated mode in
which the airflow is set directly using the slider bar. The slider bar sets the DAC
value that controls the electro-pneumatic value. The DAC has a range of 0 (no air
flow) to 65536 (full open). Only the air flow is set there is no spin speed regulation.
8.Set the slider bar at 2500.
9.If the rotor fails to spin or no DAC reading appears on the tachometer , s top the rotor
and remove it from th e probe, check the paint on the rotor and the tachometer cables.
Repeat this procedure beginning at step 1.
10. Adjust the slider bar until the rotor is spinning at the desired speed.
Move the slider bar slowly. If the rotor is spinning, changing the air flow in small
steps is good practice.
The fine slider bar (b ottom) can be increased by one unit when the mouse pointer is
clicked in the bar. The speed displayed in the Acquisition Status window is correct.
The speed displayed pneumatics/tachometer box tends to be slower.
Do not let a sample rotor exceed the maximum rating for any of the rotor parts
during this process. Speed ratings may vary as a function of temper ature an d sample
Figure 4. Spinner Speed Control Window
Using Drive and Bearing Pressure to Control Spin Speed
1.Follow the setup instructions in “Using Air Flow to Set the Spin Speed,” page 27.
2.Reduce the drive pressure until the rotor spinning as a result of the bearing air.
3.Set the slider bars to their maximum position (electro-pneumatic valve is now fully
4.Adjust the drive pressure to achieve the desired rotor spin speed.
VNMR 6.1C User Guide: Solid-State NMR01-999162-0 0 C0402
2.4 Spinning the Sample
Changing Rotors
This procedure describes how to change rotors with MAS probes.
1.Set either the airflow or the rotor speed to zero and click Turn spinner off. Do not
lower the drive-pressure regulator on the pneumatics/tachometer box.
The sample continues to spin at about 200 Hz with the drive air of f. Turn the bearing pressure regulator on the pneumatics/tachometer box to zero, and the rotor will stop
2.Lower the probe into its stand. The sample rotor can be removed with a small loop
of tape around the index finger.
3.Place the new sample rotor.
4.Raise the probe into the magnet.
Return the bearing pressure to 30 psig (or the desired setting).
5.Set the desired spin speed or air flow.
Using the Manual Pneumatics/Tachometer Box
Table 3 and Table 4 lists spin rates and the appropriate bearing and drive pressures for the
Varian 7-mm and 5 mm CP/MAS probes at ambient temperature. The spin rates shown are
approximate values. The actual spin rate varies depending on the properties of the sample
and sample holder. Use the following procedure for spinning all samples in high-speed
1.Using your fingers, insert an end-cap into the rotor to be spun. Rotate the end cap
while pushing it into the rotor. Make sure the end cap is fully seated into the rotor.
2.Make sure the bearing and drive air pressure are off.
3.Carefully place the rotor with the end cap into the s tator and install the probe into the
magnet. Turn the air bearing pressure to 28 psig (2.0 bar); the rotor should start
spinning slowly at 500 –90 0 Hz.
4.Slowly turn on the air drive pressure to 3.6 psig (0.25 bar) and wait for 15 seconds
to allow the rotor to stabilize.
5.Gradually increase the air drive pressure to 7 psig (0.5 bar) and again wait 15
seconds. The spinning speed should gradually increase to about 2500 Hz.
6.Slowly increase the air dri ve pressure to 14 psig (1.0 bar). The spinning speed should
reach about 3700 Hz.
7.If rotor speeds faster than 3700 Hz are required, slowly increase the air bearing
pressure to 36 psig (2.5 bar). Then increas e the air drive pressure up to 34 psig (2.4
bar); the rotor speed should reach about 7200 Hz. Never apply air drive pressure
above 72.5 psig (5.0 bar).
To avoid rotor explosions, never spin zirconia rotors faster than 7200 Hz or spin silicon
nitride rotors faster than 9 500 Hz. For samples th at ha v e d ensities abo ve 3.0 g/cc, decrease
the maximum spin rate by 35%.
It may be necessary to increase the bearing p ressure for ill-behaved s amples or for very high
spinning speeds. Provided that the two flowmeter valves are fully open, they require no
adjustment at any time. Never adjust the spin rate with the flowmeter.
01-999162-00 C0402VNMR 6.1C User Guide: Solid-State NMR
Chapter 2. CP/MAS Solids Operation
Changing Rotors
To prevent damage to the rotor or bearing, always smoothly shut off
the rotation gas using the rotation pressure regulator before turning
off the bearing gas using the bearing pressure regulator.
1.Decrease the rotor speed smoothly by reducing the drive air pressure.
2.Maintain the bearing air at least 28 psig (1.9 bar).
3.When the rotation air is completely off and the rotor speed has slowed to a few
hundred revolution per second, slowly decrease the bearing air pressure to zero.
4.Lower the probe into its stand. The sample rotor can be removed with a small loop
of tape around the index finger.
5.Place the new sample rotor.
6.Raise the probe into the magnet.
Rotor Synchronization
If the spectrometer is equipped with a rotor synchronization option
(Part No. 00-990385-00), the spinning speed can be read by the acquisition system.
Entering hsrotor='y' su shows the current spinning speed in the acquisition status
window. The parameter srate is updated after each experiment to show the spinning
speed. Furthermore, if in='y', an acquisition is halted if the spinning speed differs by
more than 100 Hz from spinning speed at the start of the acquisition.
For further details on rotor synchronization, refer to the manual System Operation.
2.5 Adjusting Homogeneity
For the balance of this manual, MERCURYcpmas will refer to MERCURY-Vx and
MERCURYplus systems equipped with the CP/MAS option and INOVAcpmas to
INOV A and UNITYplus systems with a CP/MAS option. UNITY systems are
described in the previous versions of this manual
Homogeneity should be adjusted as follows on a sample of D
rotor, and tightly capped using a cap with a concentric drilled hole.
1.Insert and seat the sample in the stator.
2.Install the probe into the magnet.
3.Spin the sample slowly (several hundred Hz or less) with 2.0 bar
pressure. A very low drive (rotation) pressure can be used if necessary. Generally,
this slow spinning speed barely registers on the tachometer.
With time, D
4.Enter rt(‘/vnmr/stdpar/H2’) dm=’n’ su.
5.Tune the probe to observe
probe tuning controls. See the Getting Started manual for inst ructions on ho w to tune
a probe.
O spins out of the rotor.
H by inserting the proper tuning stick and adjusting the
O, prepared in a standard
±0.5 bar bearing
VNMR 6.1C User Guide: Solid-State NMR01-999162-0 0 C0402
2.5 Adjusting Homogeneity
6.Attach the lock cable from lock preamp to the observe (OBS) connector on the
MERCURYcpmasLOCK PREAMP (J5202) or LOCK PRO B E (J 60 02 )
7.Lock the spectrometer and shim on the lock signal. The principle shims inv olv ed in
adjusting homogeneity when a magic angle spinning (MAS) probe is used are: Z1,
Z2, X, Y, XZ, YZ, XY, and X2Y2.
A typical procedure is:
a.adjust Z1, X, Y, and Z2
b.adjust XZ, YZ, XY, and X2Y2
c.readjust Z1 and Z2
d.adjust any other off-axis shims as necessary
8.To see how well the field homogeneity has been adjusted, do the following:
9.Turn the lock transmitter off by entering lockpower=0 lockgain=0 alock=’u’ su.
10. Disconnect the lock cable from the probe.
11. Connect the cables so that the observe (OBS) port of the probe is connected to the
observe connector on the magnet leg.
MERCURYcpmasLO BAND Preamp (J5302) or FROM BB Probe (J6001)
a.Acquire a deuterium spectrum using the deuterium parameter set. The
deuterium linewidth should be typically bet ween 1 and 5 Hz.
b.Finer adjustment and evaluation of the homogeneity is possible using a
sample of solid adamantane (not available from Varian). A linewidth between
2 and 10 Hz is typically attainable, see the sample spectrum in Figure 5.
A solids probe is not lock ed during normal oper ation and Z0 must be adjusted
manually to put the lock on resonance when shimming. When the lock is on
resonance the spectrometer will correctly set the transmitter and decoupler
frequencies. It will be necessary to periodically reset z0 to compensate for
magnet drift whenever you shim. Between shimming sessions it is sufficient
to adjust reffrq, tof and dof.
12. Continue with sect ion “Positioning the Probe and Shimming the D
O FID or
Spectrum,” page 30.
Positioning the Probe and Shimming the D2O FID or Spectrum