Varian ProStar 701 Driver Manual

Varian, Inc. 2700 Mitchell Drive Walnut Creek, CA 94598-1675/USA
ProStar 701 Fraction
Collector Control
©Varian, Inc. 2005 03-914947-27:Rev.2
Table of Contents
Introduction.............................................................................................. 2
Installation and Configuration................................................................ 3
Installing the Driver Software...............................................................................................3
Configuring the Communication Server...............................................................................3
Configuring the Driver..........................................................................................................4
Configuring the Varian ProStar 701 Fraction Collector.................................................4
Configuring the Synopsis..............................................................................................5
Building a Method ................................................................................... 7
Creating a New Method.......................................................................................................7
Control Method Section for the Varian ProStar 701 Fraction Collector.............................10
Collector Parameters Control......................................................................................12
Fraction Collector Mode Control.................................................................................14
Rack Control ...............................................................................................................17
Collection Chain Control .............................................................................................19
Starting and Viewing an Acquisition.................................................... 21
Quick Start and Sequence.................................................................................................21
Quick Start (Single Acquisition) ..................................................................................21
Running Acquisition Status................................................................................................24
Viewing a Running Acquisition....................................................................................24
Status of the Varian ProStar 701 Fraction Collector...................................................24
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This document describes the configuration of the Varian ProStar 701 Fraction Collector driver. It also explains how to build a control method for this driver, how to start and view a running acquisition and what actions are available during an analysis.
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Installation and Configuration

Installing the Driver Software

To install the Galaxie Drivers software refer to the Galaxie Data System Installation Guide.

Configuring the Communication Server

To communicate with the ProStar 701 module an RS232_Interface or an RS232_PC communication bus must be configured on the acquisition server.
The parameters of the bus to must be the following:
Stops 1 Stop
Baud 19200 Parity EVEN Bits 8 Bits Flow Control NONE Buffer Tx 4096 Buffer Rx 4096
NOTE: For more details about the configuration of an RS232_Interface or an RS232_PC
bus, refer to the Galaxie Chromatography Data System Installation’s Guide.
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Configuring the Driver

The driver software configuration is done in the Galaxie Configuration Manager when a new chromatographic system is created.

Configuring the Varian ProStar 701 Fraction Collector

Click on the button corresponding to the Varian ProStar 701 Fraction Collector driver and the configuration screen appears.
Communication Window
Select from the Hardware Interface list the name of the RS232 Bus where the system has been connected.
NOTE: For more details about the RS232 Bus configuration, refer to the
Configuring the Communication Server section in this manual.
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Define the number of ProStar 701 Fraction Collector installed in the Number of instrument spin edit. Up to four ProStar 701 Fraction Collectors can be defined.
For each fraction collector, define the address in the Fraction Collector X ID field. Then press the
button, to connect to the instrument.

Configuring the Synopsis

In the Overview part of the system configuration, a synopsis can be defined for the system. This synopsis depends on the configured devices.
1. To save the configuration of these devices, click on the OK button.
2. Right click on the system name in the bottom part of the Galaxie Configuration Manager screen. A pop-up menu appears: click on Stop. Then right click on the system name again, and click on Start.
3. Go back to the System Configuration screen (Properties wizard). A graphic of the devices that comprise the system is displayed in the synopsis screen. To configure the synopsis as the real instrument configuration, move each module, and then connect it appropriately. To do this, select one anchor for each of the two modules (the selected
anchors become red) and click on the connection tube will appear between the two anchors.
Click on the button to delete all the tubes.
Click on make the background transparent.
Click on the
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to delete a selected tube, click on the
to define a background color, or on to
icon to change the grid color.
button; a
4. Once the synopsis configuration is complete, it will be displayed in the Galaxie Chromatography Data System, in the Systems tab. In this tab, the Overview part will show the synopsis of the system with some parameters displayed (temperature, flow, signal, etc.) depending on the installed devices.
For example, the following pictures represent the synopsis of the Varian ProStar 701 Fraction Collector:
Galaxie Configuration Manager Screen
Galaxie Chromatography Data System Screen
NOTE: Once the system has been created and correctly configured, it must be
associated with one or more projects in order to start some acquisitions. Fo r more details about the creation and configuration of a system, refer to the Galaxie Configuration Manager User’s Guide.
Click on the
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button to print the current configuration.

Building a Method

Creating a New Method

The method contains parameters for instrument control, data acquisition, chromatogram processing, and editing of final results. To initially set up a method, it is not necessary to define all of the sub-method sections; however, you must fill in the instrument control section prior to starting an acquisition.
1. To create a new method, select the FILE / NEW METHOD option from the Galaxie Chromatography Data System main menu.
A wizard guide will appear and provide assistance during the first steps of method creation:
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2. Choose the system (chromatograph) associated with the method. A method is created for a particular system. When starting an acquisition, the name of the system that performs the acquisition must be correct, since method access is limited only to those methods associated with this system.
3. Once this field is completed, click on the Next button to move to the second step of the method creation:
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