Varian, Inc.
2700 Mitchell Drive
Walnut Creek, CA 94598-1675/USA
Varian ProStar 510
Column Oven Control
Galaxie Driver Manual
©Varian, Inc. 2005 03-914947-46:Rev 2

Table of Contents
Introduction.............................................................................................. 2
Installation and Configuration................................................................ 3
Installing the Driver Software...............................................................................................3
Configuring the Driver..........................................................................................................3
Configuring the Varian ProStar 510..............................................................................3
Configuring the Synopsis..............................................................................................6
Building a Method ................................................................................... 8
Creating a New Method.......................................................................................................8
Control Method Section for the Varian ProStar 510..........................................................10
Starting and Viewing an Acquisition.................................................... 13
Quick Start and Sequence.................................................................................................13
Quick Start (Single Acquisition) ..................................................................................13
Running Acquisition Status................................................................................................16
Viewing a Running Acquisition....................................................................................16
Status of the ProStar 510 Column Oven.....................................................................16
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This document describes the configuration of the Varian
ProStar 510 driver. It also explains how to build a control
method for this driver, how to start and view a running
acquisition and what actions are available during an analysis.
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Installation and Configuration
Installing the Driver Software
To install the Galaxie Drivers software refer to the Galaxie
installation Guide.
Configuring the Driver
The driver software configuration is done in the Galaxie
Configuration Manager when a new chromatographic system is
Configuring the Varian ProStar 510
Click on the button corresponding to the Varian ProStar
510 driver and the configuration screen appears.
The toolbar allows you to easily scroll through the configuration
to select the first configuration window.
to select the previous configuration window.
to select the next configuration window.
to select the final configuration window.
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Communication Window
COM Port Type Parameter Group:
Select whether the instrument is connected to a PC Port or to
an 800 MIB serial port.
Configuration Parameter Group:
Select the corresponding Communication port number of the
computer or the 800 MIB interface.
Select the 800 MIB name where the instrument is connected.
The 800 MIB must have been previously configured
Column Oven ID Parameter Group:
Enter the RS-232C unit ID in the corresponding field according
to the instrument configuration.
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Hardware Window
Option and Temperature Limits Parameter Group:
Check or uncheck the Peltier option box if the instrument has
this option or not.
Enter in the Max temp field the maximum temperature of the
Select in the list the Vapor alarm sensitivity. Three choices are
available Low, Standard and High.
Check or uncheck the Alarm buzzer box to activate or
deactivate this option. If this option is checked the buzzer will
be turned on if a leak happens.
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