Varian ProStar 220, ProStar 230, ProStar 240 Driver Manual

Varian, Inc. 2700 Mitchell Drive Walnut Creek, CA 94598-1675/USA
ProStar 220/230/240
Solvent Delivery Module Control
©Varian, Inc. 2005 03-914947-21: Rev. 4
Table of Contents
Introduction.............................................................................................. 3
General ...........................................................................................................................3
Installation and Configuration................................................................ 4
Installing the Driver Software.......................................................................................... 4
Configuring the Communication Server.......................................................................... 4
Configuring the Driver..................................................................................................... 5
Configuring the ProStar Pump .................................................................................... 5
Configuring the Synopsis ............................................................................................8
Building a Method ................................................................................. 11
Creating a New Method................................................................................................ 11
Control Method for the ProStar Pump........................................................................... 13
Elution Control........................................................................................................... 15
Relays Control........................................................................................................... 18
Starting and Viewing an Acquisition.................................................... 19
Quick Start and Sequence............................................................................................ 19
Quick Start (Single Acquisition).................................................................................19
Sequence .................................................................................................................. 20
Running Acquisition Status........................................................................................... 21
Viewing a Running Acquisition.................................................................................. 21
Status of the ProStar Pump....................................................................................... 21
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This document describes the configuration procedure of the Varian ProStar 220, 230, and 240 pump driver. It also explains how to build a control method for this driver, how to start and view a running acquisition and what actions are available during an analysis.
The ProStar 220, 230 and 240 Solvent Delivery modules are single piston pumps which deliver flow in a linear dynamic range.
The 220 is designed for isocratic (single solvent) applications only.
Proportioned delivery of multiple solvents can be achieved by the 230 and 240 pumps. Up to 3 solvents may be run isocratically or in gradients with the ProStar 230 SDM. The 240 SDM is a quaternary HPLC system which allows the user to run any of four solvents isocratically or to proportion, and run a gradient with three solvents.
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Installation and Configuration

Installing the Driver Software

To install the Galaxie Drivers software refer to the Galaxie installation Guide.

Configuring the Communication Server

To communicate with the ProStar 220/230/240 modules a GPIB_Interface or a NI488 communication bus must be created.
The buffer parameters of the GPIB_Interface bus to communicate with the module must be the following:
RX Buffer =1024 TX Buffer =1024
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NOTE: The GPIB address of the pump is displayed on the rear panel of the instrument,
on a round button.
NOTE: For more details about the configuration of a GPIB_Interface or a NI488 bus,
refer to the Galaxie Chromatography Data System Installation’s Guide.

Configuring the Driver

The driver software configuration is done in the Galaxie Configuration Manager when a new chromatographic system is created.

Configuring the ProStar Pump

Click on the button corresponding to the ProStar pump driver and the pump configuration screen appears. The toolbar enables to easily scroll through the configuration windows:
to select the first configuration window.
to select the previous configuration window.
to select the next configuration window.
to select the final configuration window.
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Communication Window
Selection will not appear until the IEEE488 BUS is configured.
Select from the list the name of the IEEE488 Bus previously configured, which allows the communication between the pump and the driver.
Give the pump module a unique GPIB address (field IEEE488 Address) corresponding to the physical one on the rear panel of the module.
NOTE: For more details about the IEEE488 Bus configuration, refer to the section
Configuring the Communication Server in this manual.
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Hardware Window
Select from the list the Model of the Solvent Delivery module. Three choices are available: ProStar 220 Isocratic, ProStar 230 Ternary and ProStar 240 Quaternary.
The 220 is designed for isocratic (single solvent) applications only.
Proportioned delivery of multiple solvents can be achieved by the 230 and 240 pumps. Up to 3 solvents may be run isocratically, or in gradients with the ProStar 230 SDM. The 240 SDM is a quaternary HPLC system which allows the user to run any of 4 solvents isocratically, or to proportion and run a gradient with 3 solvents.
Select the option Synchronize with other modules to start the pump when the module will receive an output signal (from another module for example).
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Pressures Window
Select from the list the Pressure units. Three choices are available: Bar, PSI and kPa.

Configuring the Synopsis

In the Overview part of the system configuration, a synopsis can be defined for the system. This synopsis depends on the configured devices.
1. To save the configuration of these devices, click on the OK button.
2. Right click on the system name in the bottom part of the Galaxie Configuration Manager screen. A pop-up menu appears: click on Stop. Then right click on the system name again, and click on Start.
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