The PolyView2000™ Spectral Processing application, in
conjunction with the Varian Star Workstation, provides post-run
analysis of data from the 330 and the 9065 Diode Array
Detectors. Unlike other chromatographic UV absorbance
detectors that provide data in two domains, time and
absorbance, the Diode Array Detectors yields data in the
additional domain of wavelength.
Domains of 330 Diode Array Data
While the data from a diode array detector is obviously more
complex than a typical UV absorbance detector, this complexity
can provide the chromatographer with considerably more
information as well, when it is presented in an easily
understandable form.
The PolyView2000 application is designed to handle this more
complex data structure, enabling the user to extract a spectrum
from any point in time within a chromatogram, or to generate an
absorbance chromatogram at any wavelength (or set of
wavelengths) within the wavelength range of the Diode Array
detector. In this way, PolyView2000 can provide the user with
qualitative information regarding an eluting compound. When
PolyView2000 is used to generate an absorbance
chromatogram, the Diode Array detector functions in much the
same way as any other UV absorbance detector, yielding a
concentration profile that changes with time. When
PolyView2000 is used to examine UV absorbance spectra, this
information, in conjunction with the retention time of the eluting
compound, provides qualitative information that can be used to
identify the compound of interest. In addition, the MultiComponent Analysis process (MCA) combines accurate
quantitative analysis and purity evaluation, even in cases of
PolyView2000 Functions
The principal functions of the PolyView2000 Spectral Processing
application are described in the following paragraphs.
Plotting a Chromatogram
The PolyView2000 application can provide plots of absorbance
as a function of time at any of the available wavelengths within
the range of the Diode Array Detector. While the absorbance
chromatogram is the mainstay of chromatographic analysis, and
as such, is often the starting point within the PolyView2000
application, UV absorbance chromatograms are not the only
plots provided within PolyView2000. Additional treatments of the
330 data are also available, including plots of Purity
Parameter™, absorbance ratios, wavelength maxima, and
absorbance maxima. Just as an absorbance chromatogram
provides absorbance as a function of time, these other
parameters are also generated as a function of time. The results
are a series of time dependent profiles that provide qualitative
information on the spectral characteristics of eluting peaks. All
chromatogram plots can be obtained both interactively and under
2000 F
Examining and Analyzing Spectra
As mentioned earlier, through the PolyView2000 application, all
of the spectra that constitute a raw data file are available for
examination and analysis. Spectra can be viewed individually, or
up to seven spectra can be overlaid and viewed at the same
time. This spectral plot can be expanded to visually show
detailed information about spectra. In addition, these spectra can
be operated on arithmetically, enabling you to create a
composite spectrum that is the sum or difference of several
spectra. Most spectral functions are performed interactively, but
reports comparing sample spectra to reference spectra are
produced as part of the library search and MCA automated
Building, Editing, and Searching Spectral
A particularly useful feature of PolyView2000 is the ability to
create and maintain libraries of spectra. Within a spectral library,
you can archive those spectra that are relevant to a particular
chromatographic application. PolyView2000 can then provide
ordered searches of these libraries, comparing a spectrum of
interest within a chromatogram to the spectra stored within one
or more spectral libraries. Library building and editing are
interactive tasks. Library searching can be performed
interactively or under automation.
Determining the Purity of a Chromatographic
Co-elution is often a problem with samples composed of
structurally similar constituents. PolyView2000 provides several
means of determining the purity of a chromatographic peak by
displaying the spectral characteristics across the width of the
peak. As an example, the Purity Parameter of a UV spectrum
uniquely distinguishes it from other similar spectra. By plotting
the Purity Parameter as a function of time, slight differences in
the UV spectra across a peak can be determined, indicating the
presence of impurities. Similarly, absorbance ratio and
wavelength maxima plots can be used to indicate spectral
dissimilarities across the width of a peak.
Purity Evaluation by Multicomponent Analysis
Multicomponent Analysis also provides a powerful tool to assess
the spectral homogeneity of a peak or the presence of
unexpected impurities. All purity features are available both
interactively and under automation.
Preparing Reports of Diode Array Data
An important function of PolyView2000 is the ability to generate
reports that contain the results of the data analyses. These
reports are available in a variety of formats and cover most of the
operations that are possible with PolyView2000. You can
generate reports while working at the Star Workstation itself
(interactive reports) or at the end of a run and some time later in
an automated fashion (non-interactive reports).
Recalculating the Peak Sense Events in a Diode
Array Raw Data File
Associated with every UV absorbance chromatogram obtained
with the Diode Array detector is a series of peak sense events.
These events mark important points within a chromatogram, and
include peak start, peak end, peak apex and peak upslope and
downslope. At times, the peak sense events that are calculated
and set at the time of acquisition of a diode array data file may
need to be redetermined. PolyView2000, in conjunction with the
Method Builder application of the Star Workstation, provides the
ability to recalculate these peak sense events.
Quantitative Analysis by Multicomponent
By integrating a group of fused peaks at each wavelength, one
obtains an Area Spectrum. This Area Spectrum is the baselinecorrected spectrum of an elution fraction. If the spectra of all
components are known, the Area Spectrum can be decomposed
by a simple mathematical process known as Multicomponent
Analysis. This process is routinely used in spectrophotometers.
In PolyView2000, this process is used to obtain precise
quantitative results from overlapping peaks.
Creation of Reduced Data Files
PolyView2000 can reduce a data file to a few channels of data
corresponding to time-programmed wavelengths or wavelength
ranges, while preserving full spectra for the events detected by
peak sensing. These channels can also be created while
preserving all spectral data. These files can be created both
interactively and under automation.
PolyView2000 Windows
The PolyView2000 Spectral Processing application is organized
into several distinct child windows within the PolyView2000 main
application window. These include the Plot window, Spectra
Manager window, Library Manager window, Reports window,
Peak Sense window, and the MCA window. The following
illustration shows the organization of the PolyView2000 windows
and the transfer of data between the windows. Multiple copies of
several of the windows are available as indicated.
2000 W
Poly View
Main Application
.LBR Files
.RUN Files
Perm anent
Disk Storage
Organization of the PolyView2000 Windows
The three windows used most in PolyView2000 functions are the
Plot, Spectra Manager, and Library Manager Windows. When
PolyView2000 is first started, the screen is split between these
three windows.
You will find that many of the data analyses performed using
PolyView2000 requires only these three windows and you will
not need to alter the screen configuration or create additional
windows. Of course, if your work requires the use of additional
windows, they are easily created and the screen configuration
can be easily altered. Following is a brief description of the six
PolyView2000 windows. For more detail on the functions
available in each and the operation of On-Line Help, refer to the
operation section.
PolyView2000 Configuration Upon Start-Up
2000 W
Plot Window
The Plot window is used to plot chromatograms from diode array
raw data files (.RUN files). The plots can display the absorbance,
Purity Parameter, absorbance ratio, absorbance maxima or
wavelength maxima, each as a function of run time. Once
displayed, regions of the plot can be enlarged (zoomed) and a
variety of spectral correction methods can be selected. Only one
chromatogram at a time can be displayed in the window.
at the same time for comparison of different .RUN files or to
compare different plot conditions on the same .RUN file.
Additional features in the plot window include the ability to
display peak events (peak start, peak end, apex, etc.) and to
transfer selected spectra from the displayed raw data file to the
Spectra Manager window.
several plot windows can be displayed on the screen
The Plot Window
Spectra Manager Window
The primary function of the Spectra Manager window is the
display and analysis of UV spectra from selected points in a
chromatogram. A single spectrum can be displayed or up to
seven spectra can be overlaid. Information about the spectra,
such as compound name, operator, and method name, can be
added or edited in this window. This information becomes a part
of that particular spectrum record and is transferred with it
between the various PolyView2000 windows.
The Spectra Manager Window
A number of data analysis functions can be performed in the
Spectra Manager window such as the calculation of Purity
Parameters, the determination of their statistics, and the
arithmetic combination of spectra. Also, the wavelength range
over which the Purity Parameter is calculated can be optimized.
Several different reports of the spectra and the spectral analyses
can be prepared and printed directly from the Spectra Manager
window. From this window, spectra can be transferred to the
Library Manager window for use in spectral library functions.
2000 W
Library Manager Window
A variety of spectral library functions are performed within the
Library Manager window. These include building and editing
libraries, conducting library searches, and preparing reports of
the search results. Any spectrum transferred into the Library
Manager window from the Spectra Manager is held in a
spectrum register. The Library Manager window has the ability to
hold only one spectrum. Information about the spectrum (name,
operator, etc.) can be added to this spectrum in the same
manner as it was in the Spectra Manager window. In addition,
the Library Manager provides for the management of disk
libraries of up to 120 spectra each. Library management
functions include adding, editing, and deleting spectra in
libraries. Additionally, key word searches of the contents of a
library can be made to quickly locate a selected spectrum. In
addition to the library management functions, library searches
are performed in the Library Manager window. To conduct a
search, a spectrum is transferred from the Spectra Manager
window into the Library Manager window. One or several disk
libraries are specified and the search is conducted based on a
number of
retention time, and wavelength. The search results are ordered
according to the similarity between the target spectrum and the
match spectrum from the library. Reports can then be printed to
document the results of the library search.
selectable criteria including Purity Parameter,
The Library Manager Window
Reports Window
A wide variety of printed reports can be prepared in
PolyView2000. Most operations within PolyView2000 windows
can be documented through an “interactive” report obtained
either by selecting Print... from the File menu or by selecting the
Print pushbutton appearing in many of the dialog boxes. This is
just one way to obtain a printed report. Reports can also be
prepared in an automated, unattended fashion. In PolyView2000,
a separate window, the Reports window, is used to prepare and
manage these reports. The Reports window is not activated at
the time of start-up and must be created using the New Reports Window command item under the Window menu. A variety of
different reports can be prepared in this window including
chromatograms, library searches, peak purity surveys, and
tables of data characterizing the peak events in a data file. The
contents of a report are first specified in the Method Builder
application and then prepared in the Reports window. Once
prepared, the report is saved as a disk file. It can then be loaded
in the Report Window, viewed on the screen, edited, printed, or
exported in a variety of formats to other windows applications.
The Reports Window
2000 W
Peak Sense Window
A number of functions within PolyView2000 require peak
detection to determine the various peak events (peak start, peak
end, inflection points, and apices). For instance, to provide
efficient spectral correction to account for mobile phase
absorbance, the peak start and ending points must be accurately
determined. This ensures that the spectra obtained for an eluting
peak accurately reflect the compound of interest, free from
background interference. At the time of data collection,
PolyView2000 peak sensing is automatically performed on diode
array files, provided a PolyView2000 section is included in the
Workstation method file (.MTH) under which the data is
collected. However, if no PolyView2000 section was included or
if the peak detection was not accurate (as indicated by
misplaced peak events or baseline), then peak sensing may
need to be repeated.
The Peak Sense window is used to perform a peak sense
recalculation on a raw data file. Like the Reports window, the
Peak Sense window must be created using the New Peak Sense Window menu item under the Windows menu. In the
Peak Sense window, the absorbance chromatogram is displayed
at the wavelength used for peak sensing. To perform peak
sensing, the method to be used (wavelength, peak width, etc.) is
specified in the Method Builder application and then
used in the
Peak Sense window. Additional features include the ability to
view and edit the noise data acquired by the Workstation during
the diode array monitor period. The noise data is used in
conjunction with the S/N ratio parameter to detect peaks, and
editing of this data may be required in cases where there was
excessive detector noise during the monitor period.
The Peak Sense Window
2000 W
MCA Window
The Multicomponent Analysis window contains all the functions
required to perform MCA Quantitative Analysis and Purity
Evaluation. The MCA window is composed of 3 areas. The
bottom half displays a Chromatogram at a user selectable
wavelength, which is used to select the integration limits. The
upper right quarter contains 6 push buttons that implement the
main commands, and the upper left quarter shows the spectrum
of the integrated chromatogram region.
The MCA Window
PolyView2000 and Other Star Workstation Applications
The PolyView2000 application software is integrated into the
Star Workstation to enable the Star Workstation to conduct
automated tasks that include PolyView2000 functions. For
instance, at the end of a chromatographic run, the Star
Workstation can automatically conduct PolyView2000 peak
sensing on the .RUN data file and prepare selected
PolyView2000 reports, all without your actually having to start
the PolyView2000 application.
Upon installation, a PolyView2000 Icon is added to the Star
Workstation’s Star Tool Bar. PolyView2000 interacts with two
other Star Workstation applications, Method Builder and System
Control/Automation. The .MTH file is used to specify the peak
sensing conditions (wavelength, peak width, etc.) or the type of
reports needed. Method Builder is used to build and manage the
.MTH files that are used to perform these functions. In
PolyView2000, the Method Builder application can be accessed
directly, without going through the Star Tool Bar. When accessed
in this manner, after the method editing session is completed
and the Method Builder application is closed, control is returned
to PolyView2000, right where you left off.
NOTE: See the Data Acquisition with LC Control Operation Manual for more
details on the functions and operation of the Method Builder application.
The other Star Workstation application that interacts with
PolyView2000 is System Control/Automation. However, the
interaction is not readily apparent to the user, as it involves
internal processing within the Star Workstation via the AutoLink
protocol. When a diode array detector is operating under the
control of the System Control/Automation application, post-run
PolyView2000 processing and reporting is performed on any
diode array file based on the PolyView2000 section in the active
method. If no PolyView2000 section exists in the method, default
peak sensing conditions are used, and no reports are created.
The results of the peak sensing and/or reporting performed
under System Control/ Automation are exactly the same as if
these functions had been performed interactively in
PolyView2000. System Control/Automation is also used if a
series of .RUN files need to have peak sensing or reporting
repeated on them. In this case, the recalculation capability of
System Control/Automation is used to conduct
peak sensing or reporting on a series of .RUN files.
NOTE: See the Data Acquisition with LC Control Operation Manual for more
details on the operation of the System Control/Automation application.
The functions and operation of PolyView2000 are described in
this section. PolyView2000 is a very powerful software program
and often there are several different ways to accomplish the
same task. It is not the purpose of this section to fully describe
every operation available within PolyView2000. Rather, the
primary functions will be described along with a series of short
Examples to assist you in getting started using PolyView2000; in
particular, learn to use the On-Line Help which contains both
Reference and Procedural information. This may help you to
accomplish a particular function in a different way than that
described in the Tutorials. Use the commands that are best
suited to your particular needs or application. The primary
PolyView2000 functions covered in this section are:
• Configuring PolyView2000 Windows
• Plotting A Chromatogram
• Examining Spectra from a Chromatogram
• Performing Library Functions
• Reporting Data
• Determining Peak Purity
• Purity Parameter
• Performing Peak Sensing
• Automating PolyView2000 Operations
• Using On-Line Help
• Quantitative Analysis by MCA
• Purity Evaluation by MCA
• Creating Workstation Channels
Following the description of each of these functions, one or more
Tutorials are presented to help you get started. Read the
functional description section, work through the Tutorials, and
then refer to the section or On-Line Help if further information is
needed on a particular window or menu item.
Configuring PolyView2000 Windows
PolyView2000 operates under Microsoft Windows Multiple
Document Interface (MDI). The MDI tracks and reflects changes
in the menus associated with each child window within a main
application window. The menu at the top of the main application
window changes as the nature of the active child window
changes. For example, within the PolyView2000 main application
window, if you move from a child window that is used to manage
spectra, to a child window used to manage libraries, spectrumspecific menus will be replaced with library-specific menus.
When a number of child windows are present in the main
application window, a child window is made the active window
by moving the mouse cursor to that window and clicking on its
title bar. The title bar changes color (or contrast) to indicate that
it is now the active window. The menu names and items
reflecting the functions and operation of the active child window
are then displayed within the menu bar of the main application
window at the top of the screen. Organization of the child
windows within the main application window can easily be
accomplished using the commands under the Window menu.
Individual windows can be created, hidden from view, recalled,
and arranged in a variety of different configurations. In addition,
all of the window sizing controls are available as they are in most
Windows applications.
NOTE: If you require further explanation of the operation of the MDI within
Windows, or additional detail on Microsoft Windows itself, refer to the
Star Workstation Operation Manual, or the Microsoft Windows User's
: C
Tutorial: Configuring PolyView2000 Windows
On the Star Tool Bar, double-click on the PolyView2000 icon.
The application opens with the screen split between the Spectra
Manager, Library Manager and Plot windows with the focus on
the Plot Window.
2000 W
PolyView2000 Configuration Upon Start-Up
All of the windows can be sized using the border controls and the
sizing control in the upper right corner of each child. In addition,
the main application window can be sized using its borders and
controls when it is not maximized. The one restriction is that all
the child windows must always remain within the confines of the
main application window. Practice some of these window sizing
functions and make the screen appear as shown below.
PolyView2000 Window Configured to Increase
Spectra Manager Area
The number and type of windows displayed within the
PolyView2000 main application window are controlled using the
Window menu. This menu is visible and available at all times.
• Create a Reports window by selecting New Reports
Window under the Window menu.
• Repeat this process, but this time select a Peak Sense
window. These windows, like all the others, can be moved
and sized to any configuration desired using standard
Windows methods. But, don't do that now. There is a much
easier way as you will see in a minute.
Any of the currently active windows within PolyView2000 can be
instantly accessed and displayed full screen.
• Drop down the Window menu and note that the five
PolyView2000 windows are listed at the bottom of the menu.
: C
2000 W
Windows Menu Listing the Currently Active Windows
• Click on Spectra Manager in the Window menu and note that
this window is brought forward.
• You may maximize any window to the full size of the
PolyView2000 window simply by double-clicking on the title
bar of the window you wish to maximize. Try this now, to
maximize the Spectra Manager window.
• Any of the open windows can be accessed instantly in this
manner. Multiple copies of the Plot, Peak Sense, and
Reports windows can be active simultaneously and all of
these multiple copies will be listed under the Window menu.
This allows you to rapidly select from a number of
chromatograms that may be currently active within
A rapid method is provided that allows you to view all the
currently active windows.
• Drop down the Window menu and select “Arrange All”. The
screen is split between all the windows under the Window
Screen Split Among Five PolyView2000 Windows
• Individual windows can be hidden from view also. Click on
the title bar of the Library Manager window to make it the
active window, drop down the Window menu and select
Hide. Notice that the Library Manager is hidden from view,
but it is not removed from the list of active windows (i.e., it
still appears in the list under the Window menu).
: C
PolyView2000 with Library Manager Hidden from View
2000 W
• Now, the remaining windows can be organized. Select
“Arrange Visible” under the Window menu and note that the
screen is partitioned between the four remaining visible
PolyView2000 Screen Split Between the Four Visible Windows
• In this way the screen can be rapidly configured to meet the
needs of the PolyView2000 function you are performing.
• Also try “Arrange Plots”.
Except for the Spectra Manager and Library Manager windows,
the individual child windows within PolyView2000 can be closed.
• Drop down the Window menu and select Arrange All.
• Close the Reports, Plot, and Peak Sense windows by
double-clicking in their Control Menu boxes. Note that the
Control Menu box does not appear in a window's title bar
until that window has been selected as the active window by
clicking within it. You may go ahead and double-click where
the Control Menu box would be and the window will be both
selected and closed at the same time.
• Drop down the Window menu and note that these three
windows are no longer listed. It is important to remember the
difference between a window that is merely hidden and one
that is closed. All data in a window is lost when it is closed,
but simply hiding the window does not destroy the data.
• Close PolyView2000 by double-clicking on the Control Menu
box in the main application window.
Plotting a Chromatogram
With the PolyView2000 application, raw data files transmitted
from the Diode Array detector and collected at the Star
Workstation can be plotted, examined on the display screen of
the Star Workstation, and then printed out. The Plot Window,
within the PolyView2000 main application window, is used to
perform these functions. There are a variety of different plot
types available in PolyView2000, each expressing the raw data
in a different format. See On-Line Help (Help:Plot Manager) for
an explanation of the different types of plots available and their
uses. In the following Tutorial, the basics of chromatogram
plotting are covered. In subsequent Tutorials, some of the more
functional aspects of the chromatogram plots, such as their use
in the determination of peak purity, will be addressed.
NOTE: It is not the purpose of this Tutorial to cover every possible function in the
Plot window. However, the basic functions are covered. For information
on those functions not covered, such as those under the Peak Events
menu, refer to On-Line Help.
In the following Tutorial, some of the files in the EXAMPLES directory will
be modified and/or created. Prior to performing this Tutorial, you should
ensure that you are working with original copies of the data files called
for. If you are not sure whether these files have been modified by
previous use of the Tutorial, reinstall the PolyView2000 software from the
CD using your serial number.
Tutorial: Plotting a Chromatogram
On the Star Tool Bar, double-click on the PolyView2000 Spectral
Processing icon. The application starts with the screen split
between the Spectra Manager, Library Manager and Plot
windows with the focus on the latter. To plot a chromatogram:
• Drop down the File menu and select Open File... . A dialog
box is displayed that lists directories and files with the
extension .RUN. Press the “Help” button for more
information on the operation of file selection dialog boxes.
File Selection Dialog Box
• Select the EXAMPLES directory from the list and note that
the Path field should display: C:\Star\Examples.
• Click once on a .RUN file. Try BASECORR.RUN. Notice that
the fields at the bottom of the screen fill with information
about this file. The Status field indicates that a valid file has
been selected. If you had selected a non-diode array file, an
error message in red would have been displayed instead.
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