Products manufactured by Seller are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for twelve (12) months from date of
shipment thereof to Customer, and Seller’s liability under valid warranty claims is limited, at the option of Seller, to repair, to replace, or refund of an equitable portion of the purchase price of the Product. Items expendable in normal use are not covered by
this warranty. All warranty replacement or repair of parts shall be limited to equipment malfunctions which, in the sole opinion of
Seller, are due or traceable to defects in original materials or workmanship. All obligations of Seller under this warranty shall
cease in the event of abuse, accident, alteration, misuse, or neglect of the equipment. In-warranty repaired or replaced parts are
warranted only for the remaining unexpired portion of the original warranty period applicable to the repaired or replaced parts.
After expiration of the applicable warranty period, Customer shall be charged at the then current prices for parts, labor, and transportation.
Reasonable care must be used to avoid hazards. Seller expressly disclaims responsibility for loss or damage caused by use of its
Products other than in accordance with proper operating procedures.
Except as stated herein, Seller makes no warranty, express or implied (either in fact or by operation of law), statutory or otherwise; and, except as stated herein, Seller shall have no liability under any warranty, express or implied (either in fact or by operation of law), statutory or otherwise. Statements made by any person, including representatives of Seller, which are inconsistent or
in conflict with the terms of this warranty shall not be bin-ding upon Seller unless reduced to writing and approved by an officer of
Warranty Replacement and Adjustment
All claims under warranty must be made promptly after occurrence of circumstances giving rise thereto, and must be received
within the applicable warranty period by Seller or its authorized representative. Such claims should include the Product serial
number, the date of shipment, and a full description of the circumstances giving rise to the claim. Before any Products are returned for repair and/or adjustment, written authorization from Seller or its authorized representative for the return and instructions
as to how and where these Products should be returned must be obtained. Any Product returned to Seller for examination shall
be prepaid via the means of transportation indicated as acceptable by Seller. Seller reserves the right to reject any warranty claim
not promptly reported and any warranty claim on any item that has been altered or has been returned by non-acceptable means
of transportation. When any Product is returned for examination and inspection, or for any other reason, Customer shall be responsible for all damage resulting from improper packing or handling, and for loss in transit, not withstanding any defect or nonconformity in the Product. In all cases, Seller has the sole responsibility for determining the cause and nature of failure, and
Seller’s determination with regard thereto shall be final.
If it is found that Seller’s Product has been returned without cause and is still serviceable, Customer will be notified and the Product returned at Customer’s expense; in addition, a charge for testing and examination may be made on Products so returned.
Product Identification
FRG-700 Inverted Magnetron Pirani Gauge
In all communications with VARIAN, please specify the information given on the
product nameplate. For convenient reference copy that information into the space
provided below:
VARIAN Lexington MA 02421 USA
Intended Use
Functional Principle
This document applies to products with part numbers:
(DN 25 ISO-KF)
FRG700CF35 (DN 40 CF-F)
The part number (PN) can be taken from the product nameplate.
If not indicated otherwise in the legends, the illustrations in this document correspond to the gauge with vacuum connection DN 25 ISO-KF. They apply to the
gauge with other vacuum connection by analogy.
We reserve the right to make technical changes without prior notice.
All dimensions in mm.
The Inverted Magnetron Pirani Gauge FRG-700 has been designed for vacuum
measurement in the pressure range of 5×10
… 1000 mbar.
The Inverted Magnetron Pirani Gauge must not be used for measuring flammable
or combustible gases which react in air.
The gauge can be operated in connection with a VARIAN FRG Control Unit, a
VARIAN Turbo AG Rack Controller, or with another controller.
Over the whole measuring range, the measuring signal is output as a logarithm of
the pressure.
The gauge consists of two separate measurement systems (Pirani and cold
cathode system) the signals of which are combined in such a way that one
measurement signal is output. The Pirani measurement circuit is always on.
FRG-700 Inverted Magnetron Pirani Gauge
Warranty 3
Warranty Replacement and Adjustment 3
Product Identification 4
Validity 4
Intended Use 4
Functional Principle 4
Safety 6
1.1 Symbols Used 6
1.2 Personnel Qualifications 6
1.3 General Safety Instructions 6
2 Technical Data 7
3 Installation 10
3.1 Vacuum Connection 10
3.1.1 Removing the Magnet Unit (Only for Gauges With CF Flanges) 12
3.2 Electrical Connection 13
3.2.1 Use With an VARIAN Controller 13
3.2.2 Use With Another Control Device 13
4 Operation 14
4.1 Measurement Principle, Measuring Behavior 14
5 Deinstallation 16
6 Maintenance 17
6.1 Adjusting the Gauge 17
6.2 Cleaning and Replacing Parts 19
6.2.1 Disassembling 19
6.2.2 Cleaning 20
6.2.3 Reassembling 21
6.3 Troubleshooting 23
7 Spare Parts 24
8 Returning the Product 25
9 Disposal 25
Appendix 26
A: Measuring Signal vs. Pressure 26
B: Gas Type Dependence 27
For cross-references within this document, the symbol (→ XY) is used.
1 Safety
1.1 Symbols Used
FRG-700 Inverted Magnetron Pirani Gauge
Information on preventing any kind of physical injury.
Information on preventing extensive equipment and environmental damage.
1.2 Personnel Qualifications
1.3 General Safety
Information on correct handling or use. Disregard can lead to malfunctions or
minor equipment damage.
Skilled personnel
All work described in this document may only be carried out by persons who
have suitable technical training and the necessary experience or who have been
instructed by the end-user of the product.
• Adhere to the applicable regulations and take the necessary precautions for the
process media used.
Consider possible reactions between the materials (→ 7) and the process
Consider possible reactions (e.g. explosion) of the process media due to the
heat generated by the product.
• Adhere to the applicable regulations and take the necessary precautions for all
work you are going to do and consider the safety instructions in this document.
• Before beginning to work, find out whether any vacuum components are contaminated. Adhere to the relevant regulations and take the necessary precautions when handling contaminated parts.
DANGER: magnetic fields
Strong magnetic fields can disturb electronic devices like heart
pacemakers or impair their function.
Maintain a safety distance of ≥10 cm between the magnet and the
heart pacemaker or prevent the influence of strong magnetic fields by
Communicate the safety instructions to all other users.
antimagnetic shielding.
2 Technical Data
FRG-700 Inverted Magnetron Pirani Gauge
Measuring range (air, N2) 5×10-9 … 1000 mbar
Accuracy (N2)
Gas type dependence
in the range 1×10
in the range 1×10
→ Appendix B
… 100 mbar
… 100 mbar
Output signal (measuring signal)
Voltage range 0 … +10.5 V
Measuring range 1.82 … 8.6 V
Voltage vs. pressure logarithmic, 0.6 V / decade
(→ Appendix )
Error signal <0.5 V no supply
>9.5 V Pirani measurement element
defective (filament rupture)
Output impedance
Minimum loaded impedance
2×10 Ω
10 kΩ, short-circuit proof
Response time (pressure dependent)
p > 10
p = 10
<10 ms
≈1000 ms
Gauge identification
85 kΩ referenced to supply common
Status Pin 6
p > 10
Pirani-only mode
p < 10
Cold cathode not ignited
Low = 0 V
Low = 0 V
Pirani-only mode
p < 10
Cold cathode ignited
High = 15 … 30 VDC
Combined Pirani / cold cathode
Lamp High voltage on (LED on)
The gauge may only be connected to power supplies, instruments or
control devices that conform to the requirements of a grounded extralow voltage (SELV-E according to EN 61010). The connection to the
gauge has to be fused
Supply voltage at the gauge
Power consumption
The minimum voltage of the power supply must be increased proportionally to the
length of the sensor cable.
Voltage at the supply unit with
maximum line length
VARIAN controller fulfill these requirements.
15.0 … 30.0 VDC (ripple ≤ 1 Vpp)
≤2 W
≤1 AT
16.0 … 30.0 VDC (ripple ≤ 1 V
FRG-700 Inverted Magnetron Pirani Gauge
<HV> potentiometer at <10
<ATM> potentiometer at atmospheric pressure
Electrical connection FCC68 female, 8 poles
Sensor cable 8 conductors plus shielding
Line length
≤50 m (8×0.14 mm²)
Operating voltage
Operating current
≤3.3 kV
≤500 µA
Grounding concept
Vacuum connection-signal common
→ ("Electrical Connection")
connected via 10 kΩ
(max. voltage differential
with respect to safety ±50 V
with respect to accuracy ±10 V)