Van Raam Twinny, Kivo, Kivo Plus, Twinny Plus User Manual

User manual
Version 20.01
Van Raam | Guldenweg 23 | 7051 HT Varsseveld | The Netherlands
Kivo Plus
Table of contents
Manufacturer contact details .................................................................................................... 1
Conformity .................................................................................................................................. 2
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 2
Delivery ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Indication .................................................................................................................................... 3
Intended usage........................................................................................................................... 3
Safety measures ........................................................................................................................ 3
Adjustment of the bicycle .......................................................................................................... 6
Before first use........................................................................................................................... 8
Electro system Silent ...............................................................................................................15
Van Raam E-Bike App ..............................................................................................................26
Technical specifications ...........................................................................................................35
Maintenance and adjustments to be done by owner ............................................................35
Repairs and maintena nce to be done by dealer .....................................................................37
Adjustments to be done by dealer ..........................................................................................38
Disposal ....................................................................................................................................40
Handover/sale to a new owner...............................................................................................40
Guarantee .................................................................................................................................41
Frame number..........................................................................................................................42
Service record, maintenance, modifications and warranty claims........................................43
Manufacturer contact details
Van Raam Guldenweg 23 7051 HT Varsseveld The Netherlands
Tel. : +31 (0)315 257370 E-mail : Internet :
User manual | Tandems 20.01
Van Raam declares as manufacturer that the Tandem bicycles, as described in this manual, are produced in accordance with the 93/42/EEG guidelines, risk category 1. All products have been produced in accordance with the 2006/42/EG guidelines. The declaration of conformity can be found on the Van Raam website.
This user manual provides important and necessary information about the use of your bicycle. We ask you to read this manual thoroughly before using the bicycle. Always follow all the instructions given in this manual.
Your delivery should include the following:
- Bicycle with packaging
- User manual(s)
- Possible chargers (depending on options)
- Spare key
Check the delivery immediately after receiving it. In case of damage or incomplete delivery we ask you to contact your dealer immediately. Upon delivery you should fill out the form “Form service, maintenance, modifications an warranty claims” in the back of this manual.
User manual | Tandems 20.01
The Twinny is intended for two adults where one person has difficulties participating independently in traffic, both have no problems with balance and movement and who think that social contact is important. The Twinny Plus is intended for people who have difficulties participating independently in traffic, with one person or two persons have trouble with the balance and movement and think that social contact is important.
The Kivo and Kivo Plus are intended for two people, one adult and one child, where the child has difficulties participating independently in traffic, and want to participate under supervision in traffic.
Intended usage
The tandem bicycle is designed for normal use on a flat, solid surface (do not use the bike off-road). In general, tandem bicycle caution should always be observed when using the tandem bicycle. Moreover, the safety instructions as described in this manual should be explicitly followed. Local traffic laws and regulations should also be observed.
The tandem is meant for two persons. The main driver should be independently mobile and may not have any serious visual or other impairments, which could adversely affect the controlling of the bicycle.
The manufacturer is not responsible for any damage or injury caused as a result of or during the course of any other type of use.
Safety measures
Ensure the bicycle is in good condition each time before using it. Check before
each ride that the brakes are in order. Check the lighting and make sure there is enough tyre pressure.
Regularly check if the wheels, the handlebars and the saddle are properly fixed
and also whether all screw joints are tight.
User manual | Tandems 20.01
Only use the bicycle on a solid and level surface. Make sure that wide trousers or lose hanging clothing don’t get caught in the
chain, spokes or pedals.
Do not use a pressure washer or a steam cleaner for the cleaning of the bicycle. Block (Twinny Plus and Kivo Plus) the tricycle to stop it from moving when you
are getting on or off the tricycle. Do this by using the parking brake and holding the tricycle.
Always lock the bicycle when leaving it unattended. Make sure that you do not reach a dangerous speed when driving downhill and
entering tunnels. Brake in time and bike at a moderate speed.
In case of pregnancy, extra care is required owing to a higher risk of injury. Do not leave the bicycle in direct sunlight: the temperature of some parts could
exceed 41ºC resulting in possible burns to the skin.
If your bicycle is equipped with the Silent electric motor system, make sure that
you get used to riding with the electric support engaged. Be careful when you
turn on the electric support system and make sure you don’t get startled by
unexpected behaviour because you turned on the electric support. There is a reversing feature present on the Twinny Plus and Kivo Plus. Practice the reverse function! Please be careful not to switch on the reverse function of the electric motor inadvertently.
Extra attention is essential if a child is using the bicycle!
Never leave a child alone with the bicycle without supervision! Always have the child wear a bicycle helmet! Make sure the helmet fits correctly!
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The maximum load should not be exceeded. See information in the index of technical details on page 35. By permitted load we mean the total load, including the load on the luggage rack.
Make sure that the permitted load on the luggage rack is not exceeded. (maximum 20 kg). People may not be transported on the luggage rack.
Damaged or worn out parts
The replacement and repair of parts (frame, forks, light, brakes, drive mechanism and the handlebars) should always be performed by an authorised dealer. If not, the guarantee ceases to be valid and you will be personally responsible in the event of possible damage.
Specific safety parts should always be replaced by new parts!
User manual | Tandems 20.01
Adjustment of the bicycle
Before using the bicycle, adjust it to the measurements of the two cyclists. This is of great importance, especially the saddle and the handlebars.
If an optimal adjustment of the bicycle, as defined in the instructions, is not possible, you can contact your dealer for a fitting solution.
The brakes are correctly adjusted and should only be adjusted by the dealer during periodic maintenance.
Take care that fingers and limbs do not get trapped while adjusting the bicycle.
Saddle height
When the cyclist is sitting on the bicycle and can put a foot on the pedal in the lowest position, the saddle height is correct. Adjust the saddle height in such a way that the leg is stretched but relaxed in that position.
To adjust the saddle:
1. Open the quick-clamp [A].
2. Slide the saddle to the correct height.
3. Close the quick-clamp.
Make sure clothing cannot get caught in the clamp!
If the clamp closes too easily, the clamping force is too low. In this case, open the clamp and tighten the nut [B] a bit more. If a lot of force is necessary to close the clamp, the nut should be loosened slightly.
User manual | Tandems 20.01
Do not pull out the saddle pin further than the marking. The tube will not go into the shank deep enough and will risk coming off. This can lead to serious injuries.
Handlebars height
The height of the handle bars affects the comfort of the ride. It determines the pressure on the hands and the position of the back. You decide the most comfortable position yourself with some practice.
To adjust the handlebars:
1. Slightly loosen the screw by using an Allen key.
2. Slide the handlebars to the correct height and tighten the screw very firmly again.
Do not pull out the handle bars further than the mark. Otherwise the tube will not be deep enough in the shaft and will risk coming off, which can lead to serious injuries.
Position handle bars
You can tilt the handlebars. This influences the distance from the handlebar to the upper body. Determine your own most comfortable position by using the bike.
To tilt the handlebar:
1. Slightly loosen the screws [A] and [B] with an Allen key.
2. Put the handlebar in the desired position and then tighten the screws considerably.
3. Slightly loosen screw [C] with an Allen key, put the handlebar in the correct (horizontal) position and then tighten the screw again.
User manual | Tandems 20.01
Before first use
Parking brake (Twinny Plus, Kivo Plus)
Always use the parking brake if you park the tricycle and leave it behind.
Block the tricycle with the hydro brake when passengers are getting on and off.
To operate the parking brake, squeeze the left brake [A] and secure the brake with the lever [B].
Always try to park the tricycle on a level surface. The tricycle may never be parked on a slope bigger than 6 degrees.
Normally, the lighting on your bike can be operated manually and set to different modes. However, if your bike is equipped with the Silent Elektro system, your lighting will automatically turn off when the electric system is activated. The controls of both the manually operated and centrally operated lighting is explained below.
Manually operated headlight The headlight has a switch (sliding switch) with three positions: Off-Auto-On.
User manual | Tandems 20.01
The headlight can be manually switched on or off
with the “On/Off” position. In the “Auto” position, the headlight turns on or
off automatically with the help of light- and movement sensors. When the bicycle stands still for a while, the light will automatically turn off.
Set the angle of the headlight such that the centre of the light beam falls approximately ten meters ahead of the bike.
The headlight works on batteries. When the batteries are almost empty, a red LED light flashes on the headlight. Follow the next steps to replace the batteries.
1. Remove the two screws at the back of the front light.
User manual | Tandems 20.01
1x = ON
2x = AUTO 3x = OFF
2. Dismantle the rear cover by pressing with
the thumb and index finger at the cavity on both sides of the front cover and pulling the rear cover back.
3. Replace the alkaline batteries (1.5 V - 1500 mA) and assemble the rear cover.
Only operate the lighting when stationary to avoid dangerous situations and the risk of personal injury. Advice: use the lighting in automatic mode.
Manually operated rear light
The rear light has three options which you can choose by pressing the button repeatedly: On-
The setting is as follows:
: light is on
: lighting is automatic
: light is off
With the “On” or “Off“ mode, the rear light can be manually
switched on and off.
With the “Automatic” mode the rear light automatically
turns on and off with the help of light and movement sensors. When the bicycle stands still for a while, the light will automatically turn off.
User manual | Tandems 20.01
The rear light works on batteries. When the
batteries are almost empty, a red LED light on the top starts flashing. To replace the batteries, follow the next steps.
1. Dismantle the cover of the holder by pressing in the lip at the bottom of the light.
2. Replace the alkaline batteries (1,5 V - 1500 mA) and assemble the cover.
Batteries cause environmental pollution. Follow the local regulations during disposal.
User manual | Tandems 20.01
Centrally Operated Lighting
On/off button
The bike has been equipped with centrally operated lighting, with the lighting being connected to the electric system. The lighting will turn on automatically when the electric system is activated.
Adjust the angle of the headlight, so that the centre of the light beam is aimed about ten metres in front of the bike.
You can manually turn the lighting on and off by briefly pushing the on/off button on the display. When the electric system is turned off, the lighting will turn of automatically.
Make sure there is always a battery on the bike when you are cycling after dark!
Once the battery is nearly empty, the motor will no longer provide pedal support power assistance while cycling. The lighting will still be powered by leftover power.
The USB port in the headlight has no function.
The bicycle has eight gears. The gears are used by turning the grip. Do not use the pedals when turning the grip.
User manual | Tandems 20.01
Check before every ride:
The brakes (including the parking brakes) The tyre pressure The lights That all parts are fitted properly That the battery is adequately charged (depends on options)
Contact your dealer and stop using your bicycle as soon as you observe irregularities during the check!
As with all mechanical parts, the bicycle is subject to wear tear and high loading. If a component fails, it can lead to very dangerous situations. This can lead to damage or injuries to the user of the bicycle. Any form of cracks, scratching or change in colour in heavily loaded parts or a component indicates that the component must be replaced.
Points of interest during cycling
After you have adjusted the bicycle to the measurements of the cyclist, you can start using the bike.
The tricycle gives a very different ride experience than a bicycle!
If there is an electric motor on a bike: you must train with the acceleration function and reverse functions. Be careful that the acceleration mode or reverse mode are not unintentionally started while using the bike. For example, at traffic lights the reverse function can accidentally be activated and the bicycle reverses.
High speeds in the bends, driving on rough ground, and sharp bends can lead to the bicycle falling over!
User manual | Tandems 20.01
Important safety points for the cyclist
Be very careful during the first ride. When riding the bicycle hold both hands firmly on the handlebars and feet on the
Test the riding style of the bicycle on rough ground at moderate speed. This way
the cyclist learns how to react to unexpected movements of the bicycle and the handlebars during use.
Small obstacles should be cycled over with appropriate speed. Obstacles higher than five centimetre should be avoided. Ensure that no dangerous speed develops while driving downhill and entering
tunnels. Brake on time and cycle at a moderate speed.
User manual | Tandems 20.01
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