Thank you for choosing the Vandersteen Model Seven Reference Loudspeaker System. While the
grilles are removable, we recommend that you leave them on the speakers at all times. The Model
Sevens were engineered and measured with their grilles in place. Removing the grilles compromises the performance of the speakers and exposes the drivers to possible damage from probing
fingers. For a complete understanding of the Model Seven’s innovative technology and unique features we recommend that you review this entire manual before connecting or using your new
Vandersteen Audio
The Model Seven combines the superior openness and
realism of the legendary Vandersteen boxless design with the
powerful, extended bass of an
amplified subwoofer in a compact and elegant loudspeaker.
Unique features optimize the
Model Seven for a wide variety of placements, environments, and system configurations. It is available in any
automotive finish to complement any décor.
The Model Seven incorporates advanced patented Carbon Fiber/Balsa sandwich cones and domes for the midbass,
midrange and tweeter. This technology allows true piston
operation for each driver in its pass-band, allowing very low
distortion and uniformity in sound. This innovation offers
incredibly transparent reproduction because all drivers
from 100Hz and above are made of the same material
with exactly the same char-
tailor your Model Sevens to your own personal taste.
The Vandersteen Model Seven is designed and built in
the United States of America.
acteristics. These very stiff
diaphragms allow for dynamic contrast unheard of
with typical materials. On
the rear input plate are
eleven room compensation
controls that a qualified technician uses to match the low
frequencies to the listening
room, and level and contour
controls that allow you to
Unless the high-pass crossover is built into the electronics, (See page 3.) the Model
Seven system requires a M5-HP crossov er between the preamplifier and main power
amplifier that is matched to the input impedance of the power amplif ier. Using the
speakers without a properly configured M5-HP in place will severely damage the
midbass drivers. The drivers in your Model Se vens are critically pair ed to within one
tenth of a dB. In most case s if one driver is damaged, the pair must be replaced.
Physical damage (probing fingers) or damage due to a missing or improperly configured M5-HP crossover will require non-warranty replacement of two very expensive
drivers. (Minimum $480.00 per pair for the tweeters alone.)
The M5-HP Crossover
High-Pass Electronics
The Speaker Cables
Bi-Wire Connections
Vertical Bi-Amp Connections
Internal Bi-Wire Connections
Speaker Placement
Installing The Cone s
1 Model Seven Operation Manual
Listening He ight
Plugging-In The SW Amp
LF Room Optimization
Amplifier Requirements
Battery Replacement
SW Amplifier Replacement
Crossover Replacement
Removing the Grille
Driver Replacement
Common Ques tions
Unless the high-pass crossover is built into the electronics, (see page 3) the M5- HP
crossover is required in all systems. Using the speakers without a properly conf igured M5-HP crossover in place will cause severe and costly non-warranty damage to
the midbass drivers.
True balanced amplifiers will have the same impedance value on the positive and
negative legs of the inputs. An amplifier with differ ent impedance values on the positive and negative legs of the inputs is not truly balanced and is not compatible with
the balanced version of the M5-HP crossover.
The Model Seven uses a unique crossover and subwoofer amplification configuration to provide the true
benefits of bi-amplification and reduce the current demands on the main amplifier. By inserting a passive highpass crossover between the preamplifier and the main
These examples show the interacti on between the external crossover, the main amplifier and the Model Seven subwoofer section.
20 60 100 140 180 220 260 HZ
Output of the Model Seven amplifier. The
contour is the opposite of the low frequency
roll-off induced by the crossover.
Response of the Model Seven’s subwoofer. The contour in its amplifier
boosts the fre quencies below the crossover point back to flat and rolls-off the
subwoofer abov e the crossover point.
Superimpose the response of the Model
Seven subwoofer over the response of the
midbass driver and the crossover point is
Response of the main amplifier and midbass driver with the low-frequency roll-off
induced by the exter nal crossover.
Model Seven
amplifier then connecting the Model Sevens like conventional bi-wired speakers, the main amplifier remains in the
signal path to the subwoofer, but its current demands are
reduced. This insures sonic continuity as the main amplifier’s characteristics that are evident through the upper frequencies are maintained to the deepest bass, but with the
power and control of the Model Seven’s internal 400 watt
The M5-HP is the high pass crossover for the mid-bass
driver and must be installed in the system between the preamplifier and power amplifier before the Model Sevens are
used. (The only exception is in systems with a high-pass
amplifier as noted below.) Properly configured to match the
input impedance of the amplifier, the M5-HP will roll off
the low frequencies going to the amplifier so that they are
-3db at 100Hz referenced to 1kHz. To compensate for the
low-frequency roll-off induced by the crossover, the response of the Model Seven’s amplifier is contoured to restore the low frequencies to the proper level as shown in the
illustrations to the left. The M5-HP is a totally mono design, two are required for a stereo pair of Model Sevens.
M5-HPs are available in both balanced and single ended
configurations to match any system.
Before you use the M5-HPs, each unit’s internal set of
ten dip switches must be set to match the input impedance
of your main amplifier. Information on your amplifier’s
input impedance should be in its manual or available from
its manufacturer. If you do not have accurate informat ion
on your amplifier’s input impedance, do not use your
Model Seven speakers until you get the information or
have a competent technician determine the input impedance by the method described on the next page. With
balanced amplifiers, the M5-HP crossover must be set to
match the sum of the positive and negative legs of the input.
(The individual legs must each be exactly one half the impedance.) If the individual legs do not both have the same
impedance, the amplifier must be used in single- ended
mode or with a complex, custom crossover the amplifier’s
manufacturer may be able to provide.
To set the M5-HPs in either a balanced or single ended
system, please follow these procedures.
1. Locate the value closest to the input impedance of
your amplifier in the chart located on the top cover
of the M5-HP. If you amplifier’s input impedance
is between values, use the lower value. Note which
switches to turn on to match the input impedance
2. Remove the cover from an M5-HP and locate the
internal set of ten dip switches.
3. Turn on the switches listed for the value you found.
The numbered side is “ON”. A switch is on when it
is depressed on the side of the numbers.
4. Repeat the procedure for the second M5-HP.
Reinstall the covers.
If you are unable to find the amplifier’s input impedance or if you are not completely sure you have the correct input impedance, you should have a competent technician at your dealer determine the proper setting for the
M5-HPs by the following method.
1. Connect a signal generator to the input of an M5-HP
crossover, the output of the M5-HP to the input of
your main amplifier and the output of the amplifier to an
oscilloscope as shown in the diagram below.
2. Set the M5-HP’s internal dip switches for 50k imped-
ance value as noted on the chart. If the -3db down
point is above 100Hz, try a lower setting. If the -3db
down point is below 100Hz, try a higher setting. When
the -3db down point is at 100Hz, the M5-HP is set to
match your amplifier. (If the oscilloscope is not cali brated in db, find the setting where the voltage at
100Hz is .707 of the voltage at 1kHz.) This setting is
the input impedance of your amplifier. It is a good idea
to write it down for future reference.
3. Set the second M5-HP to the same setting.
The M5-HP contains a battery that continuously biases
some of its components. The battery is mounted on the
PC board and has a life expectancy of 7+ years. Please do
not attempt to measure the output of the battery as the
measurement process will drain the battery more than several months of normal use. Written on each battery is the
year that it should be replaced to insure continuous optimum performance
1. Connect the outputs from the properly configured
M5-HPs to the inputs of the ma in amplifier.
2. With a high-quality cable, connect the left channel
preamplifier output to the input of the M5-HP that is
connected to the left channel of the main amplifier.
Some preamplifiers, power amplifiers, integrated amplifiers and multi-channel processors can be configured
by the user or the manufacturer to provide the lowfrequency roll-off required by the Model Sevens. Incorporating the high-pass crossover into the system electronics eliminates the need for M5-HP crossovers.
, A
3. With a high-quality cable, connect the right channel
preamplifier output to the input of the M5-HP that is
connected to the right channel of the main amplifier.
4. In multi-channel systems, insert the M5-HP between
the processor L&R outputs and the amplifier inputs.
The high-pass section of the applicable unit must be configured to these specifications:
Frequency Response: -3db at 100Hz
6db per octave (First order)
As you set up your Model Sevens, you will be prompted several times to evaluate some aspects of
their performance with reference quality music recordings. We find that natural instrument jazz
recordings generally offer the most realistic and accurate sonic reproductions. They are usually of a
small group yet cover a wide frequ ency range. Most are straight through recordings with a minimum of processing or acoustical manipulation. If you are not really familiar with these types of recordings, your Vandersteen dealer and/or other experts can help you select some. Once you have
established your reference recordings, you can maintain consistency by using these recordings to
evaluate all component, wire and placement changes. Without reference recordings, it is easy to fa ll
into the trap of trying to retune the system for every different recording.
3 Model Seven Operation Manual
Research has demonstrated that the speaker cables
must be considered an integral part of the music system.
Each brand and model of cable has its own sonic characteristics and contributes to the overall presentation of the
music as much as any active component. The Model
Seven easily passes the amount of information required
to hear these differences between cables.
There is no one best cable to use with the Model
Sevens. To assure that they were sonically neutral, the
Model Sevens were developed using a direct-coupled
laboratory amplifier connection loaded by precision resistors to simulate cable resistance. With neutral speakers, the factors that determine the best cables for your
system are your personal taste, the characteristics of your
listening room, and the associated equipment. The only
person familiar enough with your taste and room characteristics to assist you in selecting cables is someone from
your local dealer who has visited your room and sat
through listening sessions with you. No one else can adequately evaluate two of the three factors (taste and
If you wait to select the cables until the other components in the system are set, you can fine-tune the system
with your cable choice. As you evaluate different cables
in your system, remember that the dielectric in most
quality cables takes several hours to fully form. These
cables may not reach their full potential or exhibit their
true sonic characteristics until they have been in the system for a week or more.
It is very important to keep the speaker cables as short
as possible. In repeated trials, short runs of inexpensive
to moderately priced cable consistently outperformed
long runs of the same cable as well as much more expensive cables. If you must place your speakers a long distance from your electronics, you should consider positioning the amplifier between the speakers and using
long interconnect cables with short speaker cables. With
comparable lengths and quality, long interconnect cables
seem to compromise the sound of a system less than long
speaker cables. An additional advantage is that a given
length of interconnect cable will usually cost less than
the same length of bi-wired speaker cable. An amplifier
placed between the speakers can easily be concealed by a
plant or placed in a decorative piece of furniture.
The Model Sevens are optimized for true bi-wiring
using two separate speaker cables to connect each
speaker to the amplifier. The speaker’s internal crossover
presents different electrical characteristics to each cable
so that one cable carries the signal going to the woofers
while the other cable carries the signal going to the midrange and tweeter. The improvements offered by biwiring versus a conventional single run of cable are
substantial. Often, a bi-wire set of moderately priced cables
will sound better than a single run of far more expensive
All the speaker cables in a bi-wire set should be the
same type. While it is tempting to use a cable known for
good bass response on the low frequencies and a different
cable known for good treble response on the midrange and
tweeter, the differing sonic characteristics of the two cables
can affect the blending between the midbass and midrange
drivers and compromise imaging, transparency, and detail.
Different cables should only be used after you audition
them in your system and verify that they do not affect the
midbass to midrange blending and that you like their sonic
Our research revealed that much of bi-wiring’s benefit
comes from the physical separation of the low frequency
cable from the midrange/tweeter cable. Internal bi-wire
cables that combine all the wires together in one sheath do
not offer all the advantages of true bi-wiring. These multiple conductor cables are the only recommended method of
mono-wiring the speakers, but should not be considered the
equivalent of dual cable bi-wiring.
The Model Sevens can only be bi-amplified passively
with two identical stereo amplifiers in a vertical configuration. (One stereo amplifier per speaker.) Since a single,
higher quality amplifier will usually sound better than two
lesser amplifiers, we only recommend bi-amplification
when every component in the system is the best available
and there is no other path to improving the system. Caution should be used when bi-amping as some amplifiers
will oscillate on transients resulting in speaker failure especially the tweeter.
When vertically bi-amplifying, the speaker’s internal
passive crossover will divide the signal between the midbass and the midrange/tweeter by presenting different electrical characteristics at different frequencies to each channel of the amplifier. Above approximately 200Hz, this type
of passive filter is the most transparent method of dividing
the signal between the drivers. The internal passive crossover between the midbass and midrange can not be bypassed so an electronic crossover can not be used to biamplify the Model Sevens. Two crossovers in series with
each other (electronic and passive) cause severe phase shift
and response non-linearities.
The Model Sevens should not be bi-amped with two
different amplifier models in a horizontal mode. (One amplifier driving the low frequencies and the other amplifier
driving the midrange and tweeter.) When half of the
speaker is driven by a different amplifier model than the
other half - and in these cases, usually by amplifiers chosen
for the differences in their sounds rather than the similarities
— the blending between the midbass and midrange drivers
is compromised and the sonic consistency of the speaker is
different dynamic characteristics, tonal balances, and
detail through the frequency range where the human ear
is most sensitive to inconsistencies.
effected. The upper and lower ranges of the speaker exhibit
Bare wires should never come into contact with the aluminum dress plate while the
amplifier is on. Amplifier damage could result.
The input screws should be snug, but should not be over tightened.
True bi-wiring is recommended for all systems using a
single stereo amplifier or two mono amplifiers. Four identical
runs of equal length speaker cables are required. (Two per
Please review the information on page 4 regarding cable
selection and connection techniques before you connect your
1. Crimp and solder spade lugs to the speaker ends of
the cables being used to connect the Model Seven.
2. Choose one of the cables as the tweeter/midrange cable.
Connect this cable to the two terminals on the right
carefully observing proper polarity.
3. Connect the remaining cable to the two left terminals
carefully observing proper polarity.
4. Connect both cables in proper polarity to the same set
of outputs on your amplifier. If possible, use a single
spade lug to connect both positive wires and a single
spade lug to connect both negative wires to the amplifier
as shown in the diagram to the right.
a. All four speaker cables should be the same type and
length. While certain different cable types may work
well together, using identical cables on both inputs
insures perfect blending.
b. Use high quality cables and spade lugs. Crimp and sol der the spade lugs to the cables.
c. If your amplifier has “A” and “B” outputs, use the “A”
outputs for both cables. The two sets of outputs may not
be electrically identical.
d. If your amplifier has multiple impedance taps, try the 4
ohm taps and 8 ohm taps to see which sound better.
(They will sound different.) The Model Seven is an easy
load and always stays between 4 and 8 ohms so there is
no danger of damaging your amplifier or the speakers
by using either set of taps. Both cables must be con nected to the same rated taps on the amplifier.
5 Model Seven Operation Manual
We only recommend bi-amplification when every component
in the system is the best available and there is no other path to
improving the system. In all other cases, you are better off investing in the best single amplifier. Caution should be used as
some amplifiers will oscillate using this configuration with possible speaker damage.
Vertical bi-amplification uses a stereo amplifier to drive each
speaker. Four identical runs of equal length of speaker cables are
required. (Two per speaker.)
Please review the information on page 4 regarding cable selection and connection techniques before you connect your
1. Connect two cables to each speaker as described in steps 1-3
on the previous page.
2. Designate one stereo amplifier as the left channel amplifier
and the other identical stereo amplifier as the right channel
3. Connect the preamp’s left channel output to both in-puts of
the left amplifier using two sets of pre-amplifier outputs and
two cables or one cable and a high quality single female to
dual male “Y” connector. Use the same method to connect
the pre-amplifier’s right channel output to both inputs of the
right amplifier. The M5-HP must be connected to one chan nel of each amplifier.
4. Connect the bass cable from the left speaker to the channel of
the left amplifier where the M5-HP crossover is connected.
Connect the tweeter/midrange cable from the left speaker to
the other channel of the same amplifier. Verify proper po larity.
5. Connect the bass cable from the right speaker to the channel
of the right amplifier where the M5-HP crossover is con-
nected. Connect the tweeter/midrange cable from the right
speaker to the other channel of the same amplifier. Verify
proper polarity.
a. Verify with the amplifier manufacturer that your amplifiers
are the same generation and sound the same.
b. If your amplifier has multiple impedance taps, try the 4 ohm
taps and 8 ohm taps to see which sound better. (They will
sound different) The Model Seven is an easy load and always
stays between 4 and 8 ohms so there is no danger of damag ing your amplifier or the speakers by using either set of taps.
Both cables must be connected to the same rated taps on the
c. All four speaker cables should be the same type and length.
While certain different cable types may work well together,
using identical cables on
the top and bottom insures perfect
The input screws should be snug,
but should not be over tighten ed.
Bare wires should never come into
contact with the aluminum dress
plate while the amplifier is on. Amplifier damage could result.
This connection method can only be
used in a system configured with
two identical stereo amplifiers
Left Channel
Right Channel
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