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Table of Contents
Table of Contents3
1 Meaning of symbols10
2 Security11
2.1 Target group11
2.2 General safety instructions11
2.2.1 General information11
2.2.2 Transport11
2.2.3 Setup12
2.2.4 Operation12
2.2.5 Service and maintenance12
2.3 Meaning of written warning notices and hazard symbols12
2.3.1 Warning notices12
2.3.2 Hazard symbols13
3 Directives and standards14
3.1 EU directives14
3.2 Overview of Conformity to EN50131 Standard14
3.2.1 Compliance with EN50131 Approvals20
3.3 Compliance with EN 50136-1:2012 and EN 50136-2:201422
3.4 Compliance with INCERT Approvals22
3.5 PD 6662:2010 Conformance Guidelines23
3.5.1 Product scope23
3.5.2 Standards overview24
3.5.3 Methods for the completion of setting and unsetting24
3.5.4 Configuration requirements for PD 6662:2010 conformance26
3.5.5 Additional commissioning requirements for PD 6662:2010 conformance27
3.3 Compliance with EN 50136-1:2012 and EN 50136-2:201422
3.4 Compliance with INCERT Approvals22
3.5 PD 6662:2010 Conformance Guidelines23
3.6 Compliance with VdS approvals28
3.7 Compliance with NF and A2P approvals29
3.1 EU directives
This product complies with the requirements of the European Directives 2004/108/EC “Directive of
Electromagnetic Compatibility”, 2006/95/EC “Low Voltage Directive”, and1999/5/EC on Radio and
Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (R&TTE). The EU declaration of conformity is available to the
responsible agencies at http://pcd.vanderbiltindustries.com/doc/SPC
European Directive 2004/108/EC “Electromagnetic Compatibility”
Compliance with the European Directive 2004/108/EC has been proven by testing according to the
following standards:
emc emissionEN 55022 Class B
emc immunityEN 50130-4
European Directive 2006/95/EC “Low-Voltage Directive”
Compliance with the European Directive 2006/95/EC has been proven by testing according to the
following standard:
SafetyEN 60950-1
3.2 Overview of Conformity to EN50131 Standard
This section gives an overview of the SPC compliance to the EN50131 standard.
Address of Certifying Body
VdS (VdS A/C/EN/SES Approval)
AG Köln HRB 28788
Sitz der Gesellschaft:
Amsterdamer Str. 174, 50735 Köln
Robert Reinermann
JörgWilms-Vahrenhorst (Stv.)
SPC products listed have been tested according to EN50131-3:2009 and all relevant RTC specifications.
Programmable functions providedEngineer programming via the keypad on
Engineer programming via the browser on
How indications are made inaccessible to level 1 users when
level 2, 3 or 4 user is no longer accessing the information (see
Masking/reduction of range signals/messages processed as
“fault” or “masking” events (see 8.4.1, 8.5.1 and Table 11)
Keypad user interface on page93
LCD Keypad Settings on page126
Comfort Keypad Settings on page127
Configuring an Indicator Expander on page243
System Options on page255
Wiring the zone inputs on page85
SIA Codes on page374
PIR masking is always reported as a zone
masked event (SIA - ZM). Additionally, antimask can cause an alarm, tamper, trouble or no
additional action depending on configuration
Current defaults of PIR addition effect:
Unset - None
Set - Alarm
UK, Europe, Sweden, Swiss, Belgium
Unset - Tamper
Set - Alarm
Prioritization of signal and message processing and indications
(see, 8.5.3)
Using the LCD keypad interface on page95
Using the Comfort keypad interface - see Aboutthe Comfort keypad on page99
Minimum number of variations of PIN codes, logical keys,
User PIN combinations on page382
biometric keys and/or mechanical keys for each user (see 8.3)
Method of time-limiting internal WD for level 3 access without
level 2 authorization (see 8.3.1)
Not supported - Engineer cannot access system
without permission.
Number and details of disallowed PIN codes (see inhibits on page382
Details of any biometric authorization methods used (see
Not applicable
Method used to determine the number of combinations of PIN
User PIN combinations on page382
codes, logical keys, biometric keys and/or mechanical keys
(see 11.6)
Number of invalid code entries before user interface is disabled
Access PINs on page383
Details of means for temporary authorization for user access
If automatic setting at pre-determined times provided, details of
Setting/Unsetting on page279
pre-setting indication and any automatic over-ride of prevention
of set (see 8.3.3,
Details of conditions provided for the set state (see on page279
LCD Keypad Settings on page126
Comfort Keypad Settings on page127
Editing an output on page233
Zone types on page385
Notification of output signals or messages provided (see 8.6)Editing an output on page233
Setting/Unsetting on page279
User rights on page201
Other output configurations to interface with I&HAS
components (see 8.2)
Editing an output on page233
Zone types on page385
Test on page163
Keypad user interface on page93
Criteria for automatic removal of “soak test” attribute (see 8.3.9) Timers on page264
Number of events resulting in automatic inhibitAutomatic inhibits on page382
If ACE is Type A or Type B (see 8.7) and whether portable or
moveable (see 11.14)
All devices are hardwired and powered by
system PSUs. See the relevant technical data
on PSUs (separate documents).
Component data for non-volatile memory components (see
Table 30, step 6)
See user documentation for SPCK420/421 and
SPCK620/623 keypads.
Life of memory support battery (see 8.10.1)N/A. Stored in non-volatile memory.
Optional functions provided (see 4.1)Engineer programming via the keypad on
Engineer programming via the browser on
Additional functions provided (see 4.2, 8.1.8)Unrestricted Grade on page271
Options on page255
Access levels required to access such additional functions
Edit on page135
User configuration (browser) - see
Adding/Editing a User on page197
Details of any programmable facility that would render an
I&HAS non-compliant with EN 50131-1:2006, 8.3.13 or
compliant at a lower security grade, with instruction on
consequent removal of compliance labeling (see 4.2 and
Unrestricted Grade on page271
Options on page255
Compliance with EN50131 Approvals on
SPC products listed have been tested according to EN50131-6, and all relevant RTC specifications.
The SPCN110 PSTN module and SPCN320 GSM/GPRS module are tested with EN50131
approved Grade 2 and Grade 3 panels and can be used with these approved panels.
3.3 Compliance with EN 50136-1:2012 and EN 50136-2:2014
SPC products listed have been tested according to EN 50136-1:2012 and EN 50136-2:2014.
3.4 Compliance with INCERT Approvals
Software Requirements
Selecting Belgium (*) under Region implements local or national requirements which supercede
EN50131 requirements.
Selecting Grade 2 or Grade 3 selects EN50131 compliance plus any additional INCERT requirements:
l Only an engineer can restore a tamper. For INCERT, this applies across all grades.
This is normally only a requirement for Grade III En50131.
l A tamper on an Inhibited/Isolated zone must be sent to an ARC and displayed to the user.
For INCERT, tampers are processed for isolated zones. On all other standard variations,
tampers are ignored on isolated zones.
l User PIN codes must be defined with more than 4 digits.
SPC4xxx/5xxx/6xxx – Installation & Configuration ManualDirectives and standards
Hardware Requirements
l The minimum battery capacity for SPC42xx/43xx/52xx/53xx/63xx is 10Ah/12V. If a 10Ah battery is
used, then the battery is biased to the left of the housing and the bottom flap is bent to meet the
l Fit jumper (J12) on the battery selector for 17/10Ah battery use and remove for 7Ah battery.
l The amount of current from Aux output using a 10Ah battery for SPC42xx/SPC52xx is:
Standby time
12 h568543438413
30 h14311813N/A
l The amount of current from Aux output using a 10Ah battery for SPC43xx/SPC53xx/ SPC63xx is:
Standby time
12 h538513408383
24 h1841595429
30 h11388N/AN/A
60 hN/AN/AN/AN/A
3.5 PD 6662:2010 Conformance Guidelines
This document contains all the criteria for the installation, and commissioning and maintenance of the SPC
System to enable it to conform to the PD 6662:2010 Standard.
3.5.1 Product scope
The scope of this document is aimed at the following components of the SPC system:
SPC4320.320-L1 Grade2 Controller
SPC5320.320-L1 Grade2 Controller
SPC5330.320-L1 Grade3 Controller
SPCE652.100Expander, 8Inputs/2Outputs
SPCP332.300 Smart PSU with I/O Expander
SPCP355.300Smart PSU with 8Inputs/2Outputs Expander
SPC4xxx/5xxx/6xxx – Installation & Configuration ManualDirectives and standards
c) Protective switch (that is, door contact) fitted to the final exit door of the alarmed premises or
Connect the switch to the SPC System as follows:
The contact is fitted to the final exit door and is connected to an ENTRY/EXIT zone with a ‘Final Exit‘
See Zone types on page385 and Zone attributes on page390.
A misoperation signal is possible using the alarm abort feature. This is enabled by default.
See Options on page113 (Keypad) and Options on page255 (Browser).
d) Digital key
Not supported by SPC.
e) In conjunction with an ARC
This method of setting is supported by using SPC COM XT or other third party ARC software using EDP
commands. Methods of completion of unsetting (BS 8243:2010 - Clause 6.4)
Unsetting methods are complied with as follows:
6.4.1 For all the unsetting methods in the SPC system there is an audible indication to the user that the
system has been unset successfully. This is in the form of a beep sequence from the CIE.
6.4.2 Prevention of entry to the supervised premises before the intruder alarm system (IAS) is
a) Unlocking the initial entry door causes the IAS to be unset;
Compliance by SPC if KEYARM zone type is used with the UNSET attribute only. This zone type must
not be used for setting.
b) Unsetting the IAS by the user before entering the supervised premises causes or permits the initial entry
door to be unlocked.
Compliance by SPC by unsetting using an access card reader on an entry reader with the UNSET option,
or an input from a third party access system to a KEYARM zone with an UNSET attribute.
6.4.3 Prevention of entry to the supervised premises before all means of intruder alarm
confirmation have been disabled:
a) Unlocking the initial entry door causes all means of confirmation to be disabled
Operation not permitted by SPC.
b) Disabling all means of confirmation by the user before entering the supervised premises causes or
permits the initial entry door to be unlocked
Operation not permitted by SPC.
6.4.4 Opening the initial entry door disables all means of intruder alarm confirmation
Operation not permitted by SPC.
6.4.5 Completion of unsetting using a digital key
a) Operation of a digital key before entering the supervised premises (for example, via radio)
SPC satisfies this clause when the installer installs a PACE reader (for example, SPCK421) outside the
b) Operation of a digital key after entering the supervised premises from a location as near as practicable
to the initial entry door.
This functionality is provided by use of a PACE reader (for example, SPCK421) near the entry door of a
See Zone types on page385 and Zone attributes on page390.
WARNING: Your attention is drawn to the fact that by allowing this method of unsetting, if an
intruder succeeds in forcing the initial entry door, the police will not be called, regardless of the
intruder’s further progress through the premises.
This method of unsetting the intruder alarm system might be unacceptable to your insurers.
6.4.6 Unsetting in conjunction with an alarm receiving centre (ARC)
Compliance by SPC using third party ARC software. Indication external to the building must be
provided by means of a timed buzzer/strobe, etc., that will operate on a system unset for a timed
period, for example, 30 seconds.
See Timers on page117.
3.5.4 Configuration requirements for PD 6662:2010 conformance
Recommendations for the recording of remotely notified alarm conditions (BS 8243:2010 Annex G.1 and G.2)
Alarm conditions can be categorised for analysis in accordance with Annex G if the SPC system is
configured so that the entry timer is less than 30 seconds, and the dialer delay is set to 30 seconds.
See the following sections:
l Areas on page121
l Adding/Editing an area on page273
l Timers on page117
Requirements for systems using dedicated alarm paths (BS EN 50136-1-2, 1998)
The SPC system should be configured to do an automated test call to the ARC.
The SPC system should be configured with a 'Fail to Communicate‘output.
See the following section:
l Adding/Editing an ARC using SIA or CID on page329
Requirements for equipment used in systems with digital communicators using PSTN (BS EN
50136-2-2, 1998)
Fault Output
The SPC system should be configured with a 'Fail to Communicate‘output.
See the following sections:
l Outputs on page153 (Keypad)
l Configuring controller inputs and outputs on page231 (Browser)
l Adding/Editing an ARC using SIA or CID on page329
Retransmission Attempts
Retransmission attempts (Dial Attempts) are configured in this manual:
l Adding/Editing an ARC using SIA or CID on page329
l Editing EDP settings on page339
A minimum of 1 and a maximum of 12 retransmissions are allowed.
Intrusion and hold-up - System design (DD CLC TS 50131-7, 2008)
Setting and unsetting
SPC system is configurable in such a way that the setting is completed by 'Final Exit'.
It is possible to configure the SPC so that a WD (Warning Device) is activated momentarily on setting.
SPC4xxx/5xxx/6xxx – Installation & Configuration ManualDirectives and standards
See the following sections:
l Timers on page117
l Zone attributes on page390
l Outputs on page153 (Keypad)
l Editing an output on page233 (Browser)
Intrusion and confirmed hold-up alarm (BS8243:2010 Designation of hold-up alarm (HUA) signals
for sequential confirmation)
SPC system is configurable in such a way that the following scenarios, when triggered more than two
minutes apart from any hold-up zone or hold-up device (HD), will report a confirmed hold-up alarm event
(HV for SIA and 129 for CID) to the CIE:
l two hold-up zone activations
l a hold-up zone and a panic zone activation
If a hold-up zone and a tamper zone or a panic zone and a tamper zone activation occurs within the two
minute period, this will also send a confirmed hold-up alarm event.
A confirmed hold-up will not require an engineer restore even if engineer restore is enabled. A confirmed
hold-up event is logged in the system log.
3.5.5 Additional commissioning requirements for PD 6662:2010 conformance
Information to be included in the system design proposal and as-fitted document (BS 8243:2010 Annex F)
l During the installation, configuration and commissioning of an SPC system, the installer must
adhere to the following guidelines as required in the above annex:
l It is recommended that dual paths are used for signalling which are supported in the SPC system
using GSM, PSTN and Ethernet options.
l The SPC system must be installed and configured to provide an effective confirmation facility. Any
exceptions to this should be outlined in the ‘As Fitted’ document.
l Combinations and sequences which contribute to a confirmed alarm should be clearly notified to the
end user.
l The intrusion confirmation time should be clearly notified to the end user.
l Methods of completion of setting and unsetting methods should be clearly described to the end user
as detailed in this document.
l Ensure written arrangements are supplied to the end user in the event of a lock failure.
It is recommended that the enclosed PD 6662:2010 label is affixed in an appropriate position on the
inside of the SPC housing beside the product type label.
3.5.6 Additional information
Transmission Network Requirements – Performance, Availability and Security Levels (BS EN
50136-1-2, 1998 and BS EN 50136-1-5, 2008)
The SPC System has been tested and approved to EN50136-1-1.
AvailabilitySee ATS levels and attenuation specifications on page394.
Signalling security levelTested to EN50136-1-1 and classified as ‘S0’.
3.6 Compliance with VdS approvals
This installation document encompasses the required product installation information for VdS
SPC42xx/43xx/53xx/63xx : VdS Approval Nr. G 112104, G112124, and G112128. VdS EN Certificates
EN-ST000142, EN-ST000143, EN-ST000055, EN-ST000056, EN-ST000057, EN-ST000058, ENST000061, EN-ST000062.
SPC42xx/43xx/53xx/: VdS Approval Nr. G116035. VdS EN Certificates EN-ST000225, ENST000226, EN-ST000227, EN-ST000228, EN-ST000229, EN-ST000230, EN-ST000231, ENST000232.
This section describes the compliance of this system with VdS approvals.
Configuring software for VdS compliance
To set the system for VdS compliance, do the following:
1. Log on to the panel with the browser.
2. Click Full Engineer.
3. Click Configuration > System > Standards.
4. Select Europe in the Continent section of the page.
5. Select Germany in the Region Compliance section of the page.
6. Select the VDS grade required by your installation type.
Hardware Fault reporting — in Configuration > System > System Options, you must select theEnabled + Reporting (10s) option from the Watchdog Output Mode drop-down list.
Hardware faults are not reported if the Engineer is logged in to the system.
VdS compliance requires the following:
l A G5 housing with Front tamper implemented as a minimum requirement.
l Keypads do not show status information if the system is armed.
l The number of supported zones is as follows:
– 512 zones in ring configuration
– 128 zones per X-Bus in multi-drop (spur) configuration
l The following end of line resistance combinations do not comply with VdS standards:
SPC4xxx/5xxx/6xxx – Installation & Configuration ManualDirectives and standards
3.7 Compliance with NF and A2P approvals
Address of Certifying Body
Pôle Européen de Sécurité - Vernon
Route de la Chapelle Réanville
CD 64 - CS 22265
AFNOR Certification
11 rue François de Pressensé
93571 Saint Denis La Plaine Cedex
To comply with NF and A2P installation regulations, this housing must be sealed by affixing the
accompanying Tamper Label after installation.
SPC products listed have been tested according to NF324 - H58, with reference to RTC50131-6 and
RTC50131-3 and current EN certifications. See Compliance with EN50131 Approvals on page20.