Vanderbilt lite blue User Manual

lite blue.
VLBIM06/15/15 v4.1.0
© 2015 Vanderbilt Industries This documentation and the software/hardware described herein, is furnished under license and may be used only
in accordance with the terms of such license. Information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent any commitment on the part of Vanderbilt Industries. Vanderbilt Industries assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this documentation.
The license management portion of this Licensee Application is based upon one or more of the following copyrights:
Sentinel ®RMS ©SafeNet, Inc. All rights reserved.
Sentinel ®EMS ©SafeNet, Inc. All rights reserved.
Sentinel® is a registered trademark of SafeNet, Inc
Vanderbilt Industries Phone: 855-316-3900 Fax: 973-316-3999
Vanderbilt Industries Copyright Notice
ii Contents
Vanderbilt Industries Copyright Notice i
UL Listing Summary 9
Compatible UL evaluated equipment ................................................................................................................... 9
Hardware Not UL Evaluated................................................................................................................................. 9
Firmware Designation ........................................................................................................................................ 10
UL Evaluated Firmware ...................................................................................................................................... 10
The following should be incorporated into the system: ....................................................................................... 10
Operation Testing and Maintenance .................................................................................................................. 10
Operation Testing ................................................................................................................................... 10
Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................... 10
Declaration of Conformity 11
Preface 12
Who should use this book .................................................................................................................................. 12
How this book is organized ................................................................................................................................ 12
Symbols and conventions .................................................................................................................................. 13
U.S./International Technical Support .................................................................................................................. 13
Hours of Technical Support .................................................................................................................... 13
Before Installation 14
Requirements ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
Electrical Wiring Considerations ......................................................................................................................... 14
Before Powering System .................................................................................................................................... 14
Environmental Consideration ............................................................................................................................. 15
Cable Requirement Chart................................................................................................................................... 15
Web Browser Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 16
Internet Explorer 9 .................................................................................................................................. 16
VLBIM06/15/15 v4.1.0
Contents iii
Internet Explorer 10 ................................................................................................................................ 16
Internet Explorer 11 ................................................................................................................................ 16
Firefox 3.63 - 38.0 ................................................................................................................................... 16
Apple Safari v6.1 (OS X) ......................................................................................................................... 16
Apple Safari (iOS) ................................................................................................................................... 16
Google Chrome v43 (Windows OS only) ................................................................................................ 16
Device Power Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 17
lite blue 18
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................ 18
Highlights ................................................................................................................................................ 19
Dimensions ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Power Supply Requirements .................................................................................................................. 19
Power method 1 - Single Power Supply .................................................................................................. 20
Power method 2 - Multiple Power Supplies ............................................................................................ 20
Configuration Guidelines ......................................................................................................................... 20
Installation and Configuration Steps ....................................................................................................... 20
Enclosure Installation ......................................................................................................................................... 21
Features .................................................................................................................................................. 21
lite blue Pin Layout ............................................................................................................................................. 22
lite blue Pin Functions ............................................................................................................................. 22
Functions On Mercury Controller ............................................................................................................ 23
lite blue LED Indicators ...................................................................................................................................... 26
lite blue IP Configuration .................................................................................................................................... 27
Static IP Configuration (Recommended) ................................................................................................. 27
DHCP Configuration ............................................................................................................................... 33
lite blue Date and Time Setup ............................................................................................................................ 35
Using the lite blue software to set date and time..................................................................................... 35
Using the Discovery and Configuration Tool to set date and time........................................................... 38
Battery Replacement .......................................................................................................................................... 41
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................ 42
Highlights ................................................................................................................................................ 43
Features .................................................................................................................................................. 43
Specifications .......................................................................................................................................... 43
iv Contents
VBB-RI Enclosure .............................................................................................................................................. 44
Features .................................................................................................................................................. 44
Environmental conditions ........................................................................................................................ 45
Mounting the enclosure ........................................................................................................................... 45
VBB-RI Pin Layout ............................................................................................................................................. 45
VBB-RI Pin Functions ............................................................................................................................. 46
Pins Left at Default .................................................................................................................................. 46
Pins Not Used ......................................................................................................................................... 47
Connecting to lite blue ........................................................................................................................................ 47
Powering VBB-RI .................................................................................................................................... 48
Addressing the VBB-RI ........................................................................................................................... 48
Connecting to Read Head .................................................................................................................................. 49
Recommended Wire Chart: VBB-RI to Reader Head ............................................................................ 49
P3 - VBB-RI Pin Connections ................................................................................................................. 49
XCEED ID XF 1050 Proximity Reader .................................................................................................... 50
Magnetic Stripe Reader .......................................................................................................................... 50
Installing Diode for Lock Wiring - Relay ............................................................................................................. 51
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................ 52
Highlights ................................................................................................................................................ 53
Features .................................................................................................................................................. 53
Specifications .......................................................................................................................................... 53
VBB-OBRI Pin Layout ........................................................................................................................................ 54
VBB-OBRI Pin Functions ........................................................................................................................ 55
Reader 1 ............................................................................................................................................................ 55
Reader 2 ............................................................................................................................................................ 55
Connecting to lite blue ........................................................................................................................................ 56
Addressing the VBB-OBRI ...................................................................................................................... 56
Connecting to Read Head .................................................................................................................................. 56
Recommended Wire Chart: VBB-OBRI to Reader Head ....................................................................... 56
VBB-OBRI Pin Connections .................................................................................................................... 57
XCEED ID XF 1050 Proximity Reader .................................................................................................... 57
Magnetic Stripe Reader .......................................................................................................................... 57
SBB-RI (Legacy) 58
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................ 58
Highlights ................................................................................................................................................ 59
VLBIM06/15/15 v4.1.0
Contents v
Standard Features .................................................................................................................................. 59
Specifications .......................................................................................................................................... 59
SBB-RI Enclosure .............................................................................................................................................. 60
Features .................................................................................................................................................. 60
Environmental conditions ........................................................................................................................ 60
Mounting ................................................................................................................................................. 60
SBB-RI Pin Layout ............................................................................................................................................. 61
SBB-RI Pin Functions ............................................................................................................................. 61
Connecting to lite blue ........................................................................................................................................ 63
Powering SBB-RI .................................................................................................................................... 63
Addressing the SBB-RI ........................................................................................................................... 64
Connecting to Read Head .................................................................................................................................. 64
Recommended Wire Chart: SBB-RI to Reader Head ............................................................................ 64
P3 - SBB-RI pin connections .................................................................................................................. 65
XCEED ID XF 1050 Proximity Reader .................................................................................................... 65
Magnetic Stripe Reader .......................................................................................................................... 66
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................ 67
Highlights ................................................................................................................................................ 68
Standard Features .................................................................................................................................. 68
Specifications .......................................................................................................................................... 68
VBB-NRI Enclosure ............................................................................................................................................ 68
Features .................................................................................................................................................. 68
Environmental conditions ........................................................................................................................ 69
Mounting ................................................................................................................................................. 69
VBB-NRI IP Configuration .................................................................................................................................. 69
Static IP Configuration (Recommended) ................................................................................................. 69
DHCP Configuration ............................................................................................................................... 74
Configuration GUI (Graphic User Interface) ............................................................................................ 76
VBB-NRI Pin Layout ........................................................................................................................................... 78
VBB-NRI Pin Functions ........................................................................................................................... 79
Pins Left at Default .................................................................................................................................. 80
Pins Not Used ......................................................................................................................................... 80
Connecting to lite blue ........................................................................................................................................ 81
Connecting to Read Head .................................................................................................................................. 82
Recommended Wire Chart: VBB-NRI to Reader Head .......................................................................... 82
P2 - VBB-NRI pin connections ................................................................................................................ 82
vi Contents
Proximity Reader .................................................................................................................................... 83
Magnetic Stripe Reader .......................................................................................................................... 83
Installing Diode for Lock Wiring - Relay ............................................................................................................. 84
Upgrading Firmware ........................................................................................................................................... 84
Verifying Upgrade/Checking Version Number ........................................................................................ 85
Schlage Adaptable AD-300 Series Locks 87
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................ 87
Features .................................................................................................................................................. 87
Specifications .......................................................................................................................................... 87
Contacts and Pin Functions .................................................................................................................... 88
Connecting to lite blue ........................................................................................................................................ 88
Addressing the AD-300 Lock.............................................................................................................................. 89
To address the AD-300 lock: .................................................................................................................. 89
Schlage VIP Locks 91
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................ 91
Features .................................................................................................................................................. 91
Specifications .......................................................................................................................................... 91
Contacts, Relays, and Pin Functions ...................................................................................................... 92
Connecting to lite blue ........................................................................................................................................ 93
Addressing the VIP Lock ......................................................................................................................... 94
Schlage Adaptable AD-400 Series 95
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................ 95
Schlage AD-400 Components ............................................................................................................................ 96
Schlage AD-400 Series Wireless modules ......................................................................................................... 96
Panel Interface Module (PIM400-485-VBB) ............................................................................................ 96
AD-400 Series Wireless Locks................................................................................................................ 97
WRI400 ................................................................................................................................................... 99
Wiring Instructions ............................................................................................................................................ 100
Wiring between lite blue and PIM400 (legacy) ...................................................................................... 100
Wiring between lite blue and PIM400 (new) .......................................................................................... 101
PIM400 Configuration ...................................................................................................................................... 101
Log In to SUS........................................................................................................................................ 102
Pair to PDA ........................................................................................................................................... 102
Set PIM400 Address ............................................................................................................................. 103
VLBIM06/15/15 v4.1.0
Contents vii
AD-400 Series Lock Configuration ................................................................................................................... 105
Linking/Addressing ................................................................................................................................ 105
Diagnostics ........................................................................................................................................... 107
WRI400 Configuration ...................................................................................................................................... 108
Connecting to HHD/Coupling/Linking .................................................................................................... 108
Additional Configuration ........................................................................................................................ 111
Schlage Wireless Readers 115
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................... 115
Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................................... 116
Schlage Wireless System Components ........................................................................................................... 116
Wireless Panel Interface Module - PIM-SBB (Legacy) ..................................................................................... 117
Schlage Wireless Modules ............................................................................................................................... 118
WA Series Locks (WA) ......................................................................................................................... 118
Wireless Reader Interface (WRI – Indoor or Outdoor) .......................................................................... 121
Wiring instructions ............................................................................................................................................ 122
Wiring between lite blue and PIM Module ............................................................................................. 123
Wireless reader modules configuration ................................................................................................. 123
Device capacities ................................ ................................ ................................................................ .. 124
Linking and addressing locks to the PIM ............................................................................................... 124
Installing the CDT software ................................................................................................................... 124
Installing Microsoft Java Virtual Machine .............................................................................................. 125
Internet Options .................................................................................................................................... 125
Configuring PIM .................................................................................................................................... 126
Configuring the WRI .............................................................................................................................. 128
Configuring WA Series Locks ............................................................................................................... 129
VEVMS-VBB Video Server Integration 132
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................... 132
Cameras ............................................................................................................................................... 133
viii Contents
Configuration .................................................................................................................................................... 134
Viewing lite blue Transaction Alarms ............................................................................................................... 140
Searching for lite blue Transaction Alarms ....................................................................................................... 143
Troubleshooting 145
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................... 145
Device Communication .................................................................................................................................... 145
VBB-RI Addressing Issues .................................................................................................................... 145
Wiring Problems .................................................................................................................................... 145
Upgrading Software ......................................................................................................................................... 146
Manually Unlock Doors for Upgrade ..................................................................................................... 146
Disable Encryption ................................................................................................................................ 146
File Not Authorized Warning While Upgrading ...................................................................................... 146
System Reboot ................................................................................................................................................. 146
Discovery and Configuration Tool .................................................................................................................... 146
Errors When Logging In or Saving Records to the Database ........................................................................... 146
Date and Time .................................................................................................................................................. 147
Incorrect Date/Time .............................................................................................................................. 147
Slowly Losing/Gaining Time .................................................................................................................. 147
Index 148
VLBIM06/15/15 v4.1.0
UL Listing Summary 9
Compatible UL evaluated equipment
Vanderbilt Equipment
Mercury EP4502  VBB-RI  VBB-NRI  SBB-RI (Legacy)
XCEED-ID Equipment
Supported Proximity Cards
Standard 26-bit Wiegand Format  Vanderbilt 34-bit Wiegand Format  HID Corporate 1000 35-bit  HID Corporate 1000 48-bit  HID/ProxIF 37-bit  XceedID 40-bit  XceedID 35-bit
Note: All interconnected devices (panic hardware, REX, alarm devices, door contacts, computers, wiring, etc.) must be UL Listed.
Hardware Not UL Evaluated
Schlage VIP Locks
Schlage AD-300 Locks Schlage Wireless Locks
PIM400-485-VBB  AD-400 locks  PIM-SBB (Legacy)  WA Series locks  WRI Series locks
UL Listing Summary
10 lite blue Installation Manual
Firmware Designation
VLB Firmware: bright blue v. Y.X.X
Y - Represents the embedded firmware version (matching the software application version)  X.X -- Sequential numbers representing the embedded firmware feature upgrades
VBB-RI Firmware: g1_0.XX
XX numbers values represents the embedded firmware feature upgrades.
VBB-NRI Firmware: g4_0.XX
XX numbers values represents the embedded firmware feature upgrades.
UL Evaluated Firmware
UL has evaluated firmware 2.0.0 in the VBB  UL has evaluated firmware g1_0.05 in the SBB-RI (Legacy)  UL has evaluated firmware FV11 in the VBB-RI
UL has evaluated firmware g4_0.08 in the VBB-NRI
The following should be incorporated into the system:
The UL 294 requires the lite blue controller enclosure and the VBB-RI enclosure to have a tamper switch
that will generate an alarm whenever the enclosure is opened. Connect the tamper switch flying leads to a UL Listed burglar alarm system or UL Listed local siren/annunciator.
Note: UL has only evaluated the system for stand-alone operation. The connection to a PC/Web browser is to be employed as a local programming/downloading/monitoring tool only.
Operation Testing and Maintenance
Operation Testing
Once lite blue and system components are installed, log into the system and set up a cardholder with a credential and access. Present that credential at read head to test. A green LED indicates system is working.
No regular maintenance is required, lite blue and system components are self-supporting.
VLBIM06/15/15 v4.1.0
Declaration of Conformity 11
Below is the Declaration of Conformity for the VLB, VBB-NRI and VBB-RI.
We Of
Vanderbilt Industries 2 Cranberry Road Parsippany, NJ 07054 USA
Certify that the equipment described below conforms with the essential requirements of the following European Directive:
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 2004/108/EC
Conforming Apparatus
VLB Vanderbilt lite blue Reader Controller VBB-NRI Vanderbilt bright blue Network Reader Interface VBB-RI Vanderbilt bright blue Reader Interface
Serial Numbers
Serial Number Starting with LB100,000
Harmonized Standards Referenced or Applied
EN 55011:2009/A1:2010 EN 61000-6-2:2005/AC:2005
Authorized Representative
Elie Moneuse, Production Manager Vanderbilt Industries Parsippany, NJ USA Tel: 973-316-3926 E-mail:
Date of Issue
March 15, 2009
Elie Moneuse
Declaration of Conformity
12 lite blue Installation Manual
This manual describes the installation and wiring procedures for the lite blue controller and peripheral devices.
Who should use this book
This installation manual provides guidelines for installing and configuring the lite blue controller and the hardware that interfaces with it. This guide is intended to be read by installation technicians and service personnel only. It is not intended for end users of the system.
How this book is organized
Before Installation: Describes the processes and steps necessary to follow before installing the lite blue
Chapter 1 lite blue: Describes how to correctly configure the lite blue controller along with its features and
Chapter 2 VBB-RI Reader Interface: Describes how to connect the new version of the VBB-RI to lite blue
and peripheral devices.
Chapter 3 SBB-RI (Legacy) Reader Interface: Describes how to connect the Legacy SBB-RI to lite blue
and peripheral devices.
Chapter 4 VBB-NRI Networked Reader Interface: Describes how to connect the VBB-NRI to lite blue and
peripheral devices.
Chapter 5 VBB-OBRI Onboard Reader Interface: Describes how to connect the lite blue VBB-OBRI to
peripheral devices.
Chapter 6 Schlage Adaptable AD-300 Series Locks: Describes the integration of Schlage AD-300 Locks
to lite blue.
Chapter 7 Schlage VIP Locks: Describes the integration of Schlage VIP Locks to lite blue. Chapter 8 Schlage Adaptable AD-400 Series Wireless Locks: Describes the integration of Schlage AD-
400 Series Wireless devices with lite blue.
Chapter 9 Schlage Wireless Readers: Describes the integration of Schlage wireless devices to lite blue. Chapter 10 VEVMS-VBB Video Server Integration: Describes in brief the integration of the VEVMS-VBB
video server with lite blue.
Chapter 11 Troubleshooting: Tips and suggestions on how to more effectively use lite blue.
VLBIM06/15/15 v4.1.0
Preface 13
Symbols and conventions
The following are the documentation conventions used in this manual:
Note: A note provides information which should be considered by the user.
Warning: Provides important information about procedures and events. If not considered by the user, it may
cause damage to hardware or system data.
Bold: Text in bold letters are used for window names, button names etc. Disclaimer: Disclaimers provide information that should be considered by the technician.
U.S./International Technical Support
If any problems are encountered while installing or operating lite blue, please contact our technical support team for assistance.
U.S. Vanderbilt Technical Support: Phone: 855-316-3900 International Vanderbilt Technical Support: Phone: 973-316-3900 Vanderbilt Technical Support: E-mail:
Hours of Technical Support
Standard technical support is available during Vanderbilt normal business hours, Monday through Friday, excluding Vanderbilt Industries observed holidays.
14 lite blue Installation Manual
This section provides information on what should be considered before installing the lite blue hardware.
Check to see that all the equipment necessary for the installation is on hand. Make sure all the necessary
tools to properly install the equipment, i.e. screwdrivers, wire cutters, digital meter, etc., are available.
Mount all the enclosures in a secure and accessible location.  It is optimal to mount all enclosures on fire rated plywood which is affixed to a solid wall covering i.e.
sheetrock or bare cinder block.
Mount the enclosure to the wall using the provided mounting holes. Recommended mounting hardware:
Four 1/4" x 1" lag bolts.
Electrical Wiring Considerations
Wiring methods shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Code (ANSI/NFPA70), local codes, and
the authorities having jurisdiction.
The use of unshielded or ungrounded cable may cause problems. Ground shields must be grounded only at
one end. If the shield is connected in both ends a ground loop will be created which will introduce more noise into the system.
Before installing the system, verify that the correct UL Listed Power-limited Power supplies capable of 4
hours standby power are available.
Remember to turn off all power before connecting any equipment.  Make sure the correct wire type and gauges are being used as indicated on the cable requirement chart,
please refer to the Cable Requirement Chart for details.
All back-up batteries should be replaced with the same type and rating as the original power supply.  A licensed electrician will need to supply 120VAC for connection to a UL294 Listed Power Limited, Power
Supply capable of 4 hours standby power for the lite blue controller.
Before Powering System
Mount and connect all readers in accordance with manufacturer's specification.  Mount and connect all door contacts in accordance with manufacturer's specification.  Mount and connect all exit requests and annunciators in accordance with manufacturer's specification.  Mount and connect all peripheral equipment in accordance with manufacturer's specification.  Mount and connect all lock devices in accordance with manufacturer's specification.  Verify that the micro SD Card is firmly seated to lite blue and has not been loosened in shipping.
Before Installation
VLBIM06/15/15 v4.1.0
Before Installation 15
Environmental Consideration
lite blue (VLB), the VBB-NRI and the VBB-RI must be installed indoors within the protected premises in a
clean and a dust free environment.
Ambient temperature: 32F to 120F (0 C to 49C)  Relative Humidity: 85%, +/- 5%
Cable Requirement Chart
The chart below gives the recommended distance between the lite blue controller and the devices it connects to. All cabling and wire should be UL Listed and/or Recognized wire suitable for the application.
Power supply input line transient protection complying with the Standard for Transient Voltage Surge
Suppressors, UL 1449, with a maximum marked rating of 330 V.
RS-485 communication line(s) must have signal line transient protection complying with the Standard for
Protectors for Data Communications & Fire Alarm Circuits, UL 497B, with a standard marked rating of 50 V.
Max Distance
Power (ft)
Max Distance
Communication (ft)
Cable Requirement
lite blue to VBB-RI
18 AWG/2 Pair, Strd, Twst, Shld
VBB-OBRI to Magstripe Reader Head
22 AWG/5 Condr, Strd, Shld
VBB-OBRI to Proximity Reader Head
22 AWG/5 Condr, Strd, Shld
VBB-NRI to Power Supply
18 AWG/2 Pair, Strd, Twst, Shld
lite blue to AD-300
18 AWG/2 Pair, Strd, Twst, Shld
lite blue to Schlage VIP
At 12 Volts DC
18 AWG/2 Pair, Strd, Twst, Shld
At 24 Volts DC
18 AWG/2 Pair, Strd, Twst, Shld
lite blue to PIM400-485-VBB
18 AWG/2 Pair, Strd, Twst, Shld
lite blue to PIM-SBB (Legacy)
18 AWG/2 Pair, Strd, Twst, Shld
Strd. = Stranded  Shld. = Shielded  Twst. = Twisted
16 lite blue Installation Manual
Web Browser Requirements
Internet Explorer 9
IE 9 will run on Windows 7. Any machine with the recommended amount of memory for Windows 7 will meet the memory requirements for Internet Explorer 9.
Internet Explorer 10
IE 10 will run on Windows 7. Any machine with the recommended amount of memory for Windows 7 will meet the memory requirements for Internet Explorer 10.
Internet Explorer 11
IE 11 will run on Windows 7 and newer Windows operating systems. Any machine with the recommended amount of memory for Windows 7 will meet the memory requirements for Internet Explorer 11.
Firefox 3.63 - 38.0
Firefox will run on Windows XP and newer Windows operating systems. Any computer running with the recommended amount of memory for the underlying Windows operating system will meet the memory requirements for Firefox. Firefox has not been tested on the Mac OS X operating system.
Apple Safari v6.1 (OS X)
Apple Safari v6.1 (8357.71) has been tested on Mac OS X v10.8.5. Any Apple Mac system with the recommended amount of memory for OS X v10.8.5 will meet the memory requirements for Safari.
Apple Safari (iOS)
Apple Safari v8.0 mobile has been tested on Apple iPad Safari iOS v8.
Google Chrome v43 (Windows OS only)
Google Chrome will run on Windows XP and newer Windows operating systems. Any computer running with the recommended amount of memory for the underlying Windows operating system will meet the memory requirements for Chrome. Compatibility with lite blue requires the use of the IE Tab Chrome Extension. Chrome has not been tested on the Mac OS X operating system.
Note: lite blue uses ports 80 and 443 to communicate; these ports cannot be blocked by any firewall.
VLBIM06/15/15 v4.1.0
Before Installation 17
Device Power Requirements
The lite blue controller is designed to provide power from a power supply to itslef and the 2 onboard readers. Additional devices may be powered separately using the same power supply (i.e. not routed through the lite
blue). The power supply(s) must be large enough to power the lite blue controller and all peripheral devices.
Make sure that the total power requirements of all devices does not exceed the output of the power supply(s) in use. If not enough power is being supplied, the devices and the lite blue controller will not work correctly.
The chart below shows the maximum power requirements of lite blue and peripheral devices. See the specific device chapters for more information.
Model #
Vanderbilt lite blue
12 to 24VDC
Reader Interface
12 to 24VDC
Reader Interface (Legacy)
12 to 24VDC
Network Reader Interface
VBB-NRI (Powered Locally)
20 to 32VDC
AD-300 Hardwired Lock
12 to 24VDC
AD-400 Wireless PIM
12 to 24VDC
AD-400 Wireless Lock
AD-400 External Power Supply
12 to 24VDC
Schlage VIP Lock
VIP Lock
Wireless PIM (Legacy)
7.5 to 14VDC
Example 1: One power supply is going to be used to power 4 Schlage AD-300 locks and 4 VBB-RIs:
AD-300 and VBB-RIs require 300mA each
300mA x 4 = 1200mA (for the AD-300s)
300mA x 4 = 1200mA (for the VBB-RIs)
Total is 1200mA + 1200mA = 2400mA
2400 mA = 2.4A
A single 5 Amp power supply would be used in this situation.
Example 2: One power supply is going to be used to power 6 Schlage AD-300 locks, 2 VBB-RIs and lite blue:
Schlage AD locks require 300mA, VBB-RIs require 300mA, lite blue requires 250mA
300mA x 6 = 1800mA (for the AD 300s)
300mA x 2 = 600mA (for the VBB-RIs)
250mA x 1 = 250mA (for lite blue)
Total is 1800mA + 600mA + 250mA = 2650mA
2650 mA = 2.6A
Again, a single 5 Amp power supply can be used in this situation.
Vanderbilt Recommends Powering the lite blue Controller Separately
to Avoid Device Power Issues Impacting Controller Power.
C H A P T E R 1
Vanderbilt lite blue Embedded Controller
The lite blue system is based on a Mercury EP4502 controller and is equipped with 10 / 100 Base-T Ethernet connection with two RS-485 serial ports and two onboard reader interfaces capable of Wiegand or Magstripe input. It is a Linux application utilizing an atmel ARM926EJ-S 32-bit processor with 400MHz CPU clock, it also has a 256MB NAND Flash and 128MB SDRAM. This application can be browsed from any internet connection that will allow a remote connection to manage the system. lite blue communicates with a series of devices such as the VBB-RI, VBB-OBRI, VBB-NRI, AD-300, VIP, AD-400 and Wireless readers.
lite blue
VLBIM06/15/15 v4.1.0
Chapter 1 lite blue 19
8 card reader maximum configuration
8 per RS-485 data channel maximum
2 per onboard Wiegand channels maximum
Each RS-485 channel divided into two sections
Lockable tamper proof enclosure  256MB NAND Flash and 128MB SDRAM with 5,000 ID capability  Dynamically allocated memory  A 8G memory min-SD Card  10/100 Base-T Ethernet Connection  Linux Kernel operating system
lite blue controller: 8" h x 6" w  Enclosure: 12" h x 10" w x 2.75" d  Power: 12/24 VDC  Power Consumption: 250mA  Max. Device Output: 24VDC @100mA (max. 800mA per power input row)  Ambient Temperature: 0C to 49C or 32F to 120F  Humidity: - 85%, +/- 5%
Power Supply Requirements
UL294 Listed Power-Limited Power Supply capable of 4 hours standby power providing 12VDC or 24VDC
Note: The LED on the cover of the VLB is a power indicator. However it is not an AC indicator as the UL Listed power-limited power supply capable of 4 hour standby power could be providing the VLB with power even if AC power has been removed.
The lite blue controller is designed to only provide power the power supply to readers attached to the two onboard reader interfaces. Additional devices must be powered independently from the lite blue controller. If a single power supply is used, it must be large enough to power the lite blue controller and all attached devices. Make sure that the total power requirements for all devices does not exceed the output of the power supply(s) in use (see specific device chapters for power requirements). If not enough power is being supplied, the devices and the lite blue controller will not work correctly.
20 lite blue Installation Manual
Power method 1 - Single Power Supply
In this method a single UL Listed Power Limited power supply is used:
Connect power cables from the power supply to TB1 GND and VIN in order to power lite blue Connect additional cables from the same power supply to the peripheral devices as needed
Power method 2 - Multiple Power Supplies
In this method multiple UL Listed Power Limited power supplies are used:
Connect one power supply to TB1 GND and VIN to power lite blue Connect additional power supplies to power peripheral devices as needed
Configuration Guidelines
The lite blue controller has 2 data channels to connect devices via an RS-485 communication protocol and
2 reader interfaces (Channel 0) supporting Wiegand or Magstripe reader heads. Each RS-485 data channel port can support up to 8 devices. A total of 8 devices for all channels can be connected to lite blue.
lite blue on board reader interfaces will provide power to the connected reader devices. RS-485 devices
must be powered independently.
lite blue allows different types of RS-485 devices (VBB-RI, AD-300, VIP, AD-400 Wireless) to use the
same data channel.
The data connections for every device on the same channel must be properly connected in a daisy chain
and then back to RS458-1 or RS485-2 TR+ and TR-.
A UL Listed Power Limited, Power Supply capable of 4 hours standby power will be needed to provide
power to the external devices.
Please refer to power requirements for each device connecting to lite blue.  Devices must be powered independently of lite blue with a local power source.
Installation and Configuration Steps
1 Mount lite blue controller to wall. 2 Connect all peripheral devices (VBB-RI, VBB-NRI, Wiegand Readers, AD-300, VIP, PIM or PIM-400). See
specific device chapters for details.
3 Connect 12 VDC or 24VDC power supply to TB1 GND and VIN of the lite blue controller. 4 Connect power to all external devices independently as needed. 5 Turn on the power supply to lite blue and any additional power supplies. 6 Configure the lite blue IP address, date and time. See the lite blue IP Configuration and lite blue Date
and Time setup section for details.
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Chapter 1 lite blue 21
Enclosure Installation
lite blue Enclosure - An enclosure with a hinged door and a lock is included with each lite blue system. The flying leads of the tamper switch should be attached to a UL Listed burglar alarm system or Listed local siren/annunciator. Do not connect the flying leads to the tamper switch on lite blue.
Metal enclosure with hinged door  The enclosure is provided with a lock and key  The enclosure is outfitted with a tamper switch  Enclosure Dimensions: 12" x 10" x 2.75"
22 lite blue Installation Manual
lite blue Pin Layout
lite blue Pin Functions
TB1: Power input for lite blue. 12VDC or 24VDC.
GND (-)  Shutdown / Restart
FLT (+)  Shutdown / Restart
GND (-)  Tamper
TMP (+)  Tamper
GND is (-)  VLB Main Power
VIN is (+)  VLB Main Power
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Chapter 1 lite blue 23
RESET / SHUTDOWN - Hold for 5 - 9 seconds and release for Reboot.
Hold for 10 seconds for Power Down. Refer to LED Indicators.
Functions On Mercury Controller
J10 - micro SD connection for flash memory.
J12 - USB HOST (reserved for future use).
S1 - System Dip Switches
1 - Enable / Disable SSL encryption. ON enables. OFF disables. Default is ON.
2 - SSH Toggle. Default is ON. SSH session available for 10 minutes on System Restart and for 30
minutes after S1-SW2 position changed once disabled.
3 - Not Used.
4 - Not Used.
J5 - RS485 Termination (default = Off)
J9 - RS485 Termination (default = Off)
J7 - PASS 12V = Reader Power Select
12 V Available to Reader Ports (min 20 V in)
Input Power "Passed Through" to Reader Ports
Verify Manufacturer Specifications for Reader Head Voltage Maximum
24 lite blue Installation Manual
JP3 [CPU Daughter Board] - DO NOT REMOVE.
J4 [CPU Daughter Board] - RS-232
S1 [CPU Daughter Board] - RESET -- DO NOT USE.
Never Depress the S2 RESET button on the main controller or S1 RESET button on the CPU daughter board. These buttons will interrupt power to the VLB without shutting down critical software processes and may render the lite blue system inoperable.
READER 1 - Onboard Reader Interface (Wiegand / Magstripe)
Data / Data 0
Clock / Data 1
Reader Buzzer
Reader LED
Reader Power
READER 2 - Onboard Reader Interface (Wiegand / Magstripe)
Data / Data 0
Clock / Data 1
Reader Buzzer
Reader LED
Reader Power
OUT 1 - Relay Output 1 for Reader 1
Normally Open
Normally Closed
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Chapter 1 lite blue 25
OUT 2 - Relay Output 2 for Reader 1
Normally Open
Normally Closed
OUT 3 - Relay Output 1 for Reader 2
Normally Open
Normally Closed
OUT 4 - Relay Output 2 for Reader 2
Normally Open
Normally Closed
IN 1 - Contact Input 1 for Reader 1
2 wires used for Request to Exit (REX)
IN 2 - Contact Input 2 for Reader 1
2 wires used for Door Open Detect (DOD)
IN 3 - Contact Input 3 for Reader 1
2 wires used for Push Button Override
IN 4 - Contact Input 4 for Reader 1
2 wires used for Auxiliary Input
IN 5 - Contact Input 1 for Reader 2
2 wires used for Request to Exit (REX)
IN 6 - Contact Input 2 for Reader 2
2 wires used for Door Open Detect (DOD)
IN 7 - Contact Input 3 for Reader 2
2 wires used for Push Button Override
IN 8 - Contact Input 4 for Reader 2
2 wires used for Auxiliary Input
ETHERNET - Ethernet cable to network connects here.
26 lite blue Installation Manual
lite blue LED Indicators
The following table describes the lite blue status information available via the Mercury EP4502 controller LEDs.
CPU Daughter Board Power
Product Edition:
On = lite blue Off = bright blue
Not Used (Reserved for future use)
Not Used (Reserved for future use)
Not Used (Reserved for future use)
Not Used (Reserved for future use)
IP Address Configuration:
On = Vanderbilt Default IP ( assigned Off = IP Address Changed from Vanderbilt Default
Shutdown / Restart Operation:
Blinking = Button monitoring process active - Normal Rapid Blinking = Button depressed - Restart on release Solid = Shutdown Imminent
Not Used (Reserved for future use)
Not Used (Reserved for future use)
Not Used (Reserved for future use)
Not Used (Reserved for future use)
Not Used (Reserved for future use)
Data Transfer Activity:
Blink on data packet transfer between system processes handling GUI /
Database and Door communications
Door Communication Heartbeat
Blink to verify Door communication process active
Not Used (Reserved for future use)
Reader 1 Unlock Relay:
On = Unlock Relay for VBB-OBRI1 Activated Off = Unlock Relay for VBB-OBRI1 Deactivated
Reader 1 Auxiliary Relay:
On = Auxiliary Relay for VBB-OBRI1 Activated Off = Auxiliary Relay for VBB-OBRI1 Deactivated
Reader 2 Unlock Relay:
On = Unlock Relay for VBB-OBRI2 Activated Off = Unlock Relay for VBB-OBRI2 Deactivated
Reader 2 Auxiliary Relay:
On = Auxiliary Relay for VBB-OBRI2 Activated Off = Auxiliary Relay for VBB-OBRI2 Deactivated
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Chapter 1 lite blue 27
All Mercury EP4502 controller onboard LED indicators will be turned OFF once the lite blue system has been safely powered down. Refer to lite blue Pin Functions above or the User Manual for proper Restart / Shutdown instructions.
lite blue IP Configuration
The IP address of lite blue has to be configured so that it can communicate with a web browser. Configuration should occur after the controller is fully installed. There are two methods to configure the IP address: Static IP and DHCP which are detailed below.
Static IP Configuration (Recommended)
1 Connect a PC with a web browser to the lite blue controller.
Direct Connection - Using a cross-over cable, the controller can be connected directly to the network
card of the PC.
Network Connection - Using a regular network cable, the controller can be connected to a hub or switch
that is on the same network as the PC.
2 Configure the PC's network settings to communicate with lite blue.
a) Click on the Start button. b) Click on Control Panel. The Control Panel window will open.
28 lite blue Installation Manual
c) Click on Network Connections. The Network Connections window will open.
d) Click on Local Area Connection. The Local Area Connection Properties window will open.
e) Scroll down and select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). f) Click the Properties button. The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window will open.
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Chapter 1 lite blue 29
g) Make a note of the existing settings. These will need to be restored at the end of the lite blue
configuration process to return the PC to its usual settings.
h) Click on the Use the following IP address button. i) Enter into the IP address field. j) Enter into the Subnet mask field. k) Click on the OK button. The window will close. The PC's network settings are now compatible with lite
3 Open a web browser. 4 Go to
+ 122 hidden pages