Valor Heartbeat Oxysafe 426 Installation & Servicing Instructions Manual

(GC 32 811 40)
INSTALLER: Please leave these instructions with the owner
We trust that these instructions give sufficient details to enable this appliance to be installed and maintained satisfactorily. However, if further information is required, our
626 341 (Local call rates apply)
Overall dimensions …..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Appliance data .............................................................................................................................................…...................……. 3
General installation requirements..........................................................................................................................................…… 3
Fireplace & hearth..........................................................................................................................................................…. 4
Wall mounted.................................................................................................................................................................…. 4
Precast flues...................................................................................................................................................................….. 4
Metal flue box.................................................................................................................................................................…. 4
Flues................................................................................................................................................................................. ….4
Unpacking & pre-installation preparation..................................................................................................................... .....…........ 6
Carton contents..............................................................................................................................................................….. 6
Fireplace flue pull check................................................................................................................................................….. 6
Appliance preparation.....................................................................................................................................................…..6
Ignition spark check..........................................................................................................................................................…7
Feet assembly (For floor mounted appliances)..............................................................................................................… 7
Closure plate fitting.........................................................................................................................................................….8
Appliance installation..............................................................................................................................................................……… 9
Installing to hearth..........................................................................................................................................................…..9
Wall mounting.................................................................................................................................................................….9
Gas supply connection...................................................................................................................................................…..9
Coal & window fitting......................................................................................................................................................…9
Full operating checks............................................................................................................................................................……… 10
Control setting checks...................................................................................................................................................….10
Reference pressure check..........................................................................................................................................….…10
Final assembly & checks.......................................................................................................................................................……... 10
Outer case fitting........................................................................................................................................................… ....10
Spillage check.............................................................................................................................................................….....10
Flame supervision & spillage monitoring system check................................................................................................. 11
Final review................................................................................................................................................................…......11
Servicing & parts replacement.............................................................................................................................................……..... 12
Window removal....................................................................................................................................................…..... .12
Outer case removal........................................................................................................................................................….12
Coal removal...................................................................................................................................................................…12 Gas
tap removal..............................................................................................................................................................….12
Burner, pipes & pilot removal........................................................................................................................................... 13
Injector removal............................................................................................................................................................…..13 Gas
supply pipe disconnection......................................................................................................................................… 13
Piezo generator removal.................................................................................................................................................… 13
Control tap greasing........................................................................................................................................................…13
Replacement parts - short list........................................................................................................................................… 14
Fig. 1 Overall dimensions
1.1 This product uses a fuel effect piece containing
Refractory Cer amic Fibres (RCF ), which are man-made vitreous silicate fibres. Excessive exposure to this material ma y c a use temporary ir ritation to eyes, skin and respiratory tract. Consequently, it makes sense to take care when h andlin g th is article to en su re that the relea se of dust is kept to a minimum. To ensure that the release of fibres from this RCF article is kept to a minimum, during installation and servicing we recommend that you use a HEPA fi ltered vacu um to remove any dust and soot accumulated in and around the fire before and after working on the fire. When replacing this article we recommend tha t the replaced i tem i s n o t br ok en up, but is sealed with in a heavy duty polythene bag, c learly labelled as RCF waste. This is not classified as “hazardous waste” and may be disposed of at a tipping site lic ensed for t he disposal of industri al waste. Protective clothing is not required when handling this article, but we recommend you follow the normal hygiene rules of not smoking, eating or drinking in the work area and always wash your hands before eating or drinking. This appliance does not contain any component manufac tu red from asbestos or asbestos rela ted products.
1.2 The appliance data badg e i s on the inner f a c e of
the back panel near the bottom l eft corner. There is also a label giving a serial number and the appliance G.C number on th e right side of th e ou ter case near the bottom.
1.3 General Data
The overall dimensions are shown in fig.1. Gas: Natura l (G20)
Supply pressure: 20mbar (8in. w.g) Gas consumption at
Control Setting: Gross Heat Input
4 5.77kW (19,700Btu/h) 3 4.16kW (14,200Btu/h) 2 2.40kW ( 8,200Btu/h )
1 1.65kW ( 5,600Btu/h ) Burner type: Duplex Injectors:- Upper: Bray Ca t 99 Size 150B
Lower: Bray Cat 99 Size 240
Burner test pressure: 17.46 + 0.75mbar (cold) (7.0 + 0.3in. w. g)
Pilot & atmosph ere: SIT ref. OP 9044 sensing device
Control Tap:- Duplex fou r posi ti on. Fitted
with integr a l piezo-electric igniter and thermocouple activated el ec tr o-magnetic
shut-off valve. Inlet connection: Rp1/4 (1/4”BSP) Aeration: Non-adjustable
2.1 The installation should comply with the rules in
force. In your own interest and that of safety, in the United Kingdom, it is the law that all gas appliances are installed by competent persons in accordance with the current edition of the Gas Safety (Installation & Use) Regulations. Failure to install appliances correctly could lead to prosecution. The Counci l of Registered Ga s Installer s (CORGI) requires its members to work to recognised standards. The installation must be in accordance with these instructions. In the United Kingdom the installation must also be in accordance with: a) All the relevant parts of local regulations. b) The Building Regulations issued by the Department of th e En vironment or th e Buildin g Standa rds (Scotland) ( Co nsolidation) Reg ulatio ns issued by the Scottish Development Department. c) All relevant codes of practice.
d) The relevant parts of the current editions of the following British Standards:­BS 715 BS 1251 BS 1289 Part 1 BS 1289 Part 2 BS 4543 Part 2 BS 5440 Part 1 BS 5440 Part 2 BS 5871 Part 1 BS 6461 Part 1 BS 6891 In the Republic of Ireland the installation must also conform with the national and local regulations in force.
2.2 The appliance must not stand on a carpet or any
other combustibl e ma terial. If a panel h a s to be f i tted to the fireplace opening to meet the requi red opening si zes shown below, it mu st be made of non-combustible material.
2.3 In the United Kingdom, as supplied, the
appliance can be installed in the following situations.
2.3.1 Conventional fireplace and hearth
The appliance can be installed to a fireplace complete with surround and hearth The firepl a c e opening must be with i n the following dimensions: Width: Max. 432mm
Min: 305mm
Height Max: 610mm*
Min. 510mm * Though the total height of the c l osu re plate will accommodate a ma ximum opening height of 650mm, heights above 610mm will leave the closure plate and sealing ta pe vi sible above the appl iance. The appliance must be mounted on a non-combustible hearth (N.B. conglomerate marble hearths are considered as non-combustible). The hearth must be at least 710mm wide x 300mm d eep. The hearth ma terial must be at least 12mm thic k. Th e periphery of th e hearth (or fender) should be at least 50mm above floor level to discourage the placi n g of carpets or ru gs over it. The applian c e ca n be fitted to a purpose made proprietary class “O” 100“C or 150°C surrou nd.
2.3.2. Wall mounted
The appliance can be wall mounted. The opening must be within the following dimensions: Width: Max. 432mm
Min. 305mm Height: Max. 610mm*
Min. 372mm * Though the total height of the c l osu re plate will accommodate a ma ximum opening height of 650mm, heights above 610mm will leave the closure plate and sealing ta pe vi sible above the appl iance. The centre of the flue spigot must be at least 512mm above the finished fl oor covering.
2.3.3. Precast flue
The appliance can be installed to a fireplace that has a precast concrete or clay flue block system conforming to BS1289. The appli ance is suit a b l e for insta l lations conforming to older versi ons of BS1289 as well as the current edition. The flue blocks must have a minimum width not less tha n 63mm and a cross-sectional a rea not less than 13,000mm
Older ed itions of BS1289 r equired
a cross-sectional a rea of 13,000mm
. The current
revision of the standa rd requi res 16,500mm
. This appliance is suitable in both cases. The chimney should be on or two storeys h igh but not less than 3m vertical height and be correctly terminated. No mortar f angs between the bloc k s sh ou ld be extruded into the flueway. If raking blocks are used, they must be fitted in accordanc e with the manufacturer’ s instructions. Mortar must not be allowed to drop down and accu mulate in th e r aked positions.
The firepl a c e opening must be with i n the following dimensions: Width: Max. 423mm
Min: 305mm
Height Max: 610mm*
Min. 610mm* * Though the total height of the c l osu re plate will accommodate a ma ximum opening height of 650mm, heights above 610mm will leave the closure plate and sealing ta pe vi sible above the appl iance.
2.3.4. Metal flu e box
The appliance can be installed to a metal flue box complying with th e c onstructiona l requirements of th e curren t edition of BS715. The opening must be within the following dimensions: Width: Max. 432mm
Min: 380mm Height Max: 610mm*
Min. 510mm *Although the total height of the closure plate will accommodate a ma ximum opening height of 650mm, heights above 610mm will leave the closure plate and sealing ta pe vi sible above the appl iance.
2.4. Flues
The flu e m ust be clear of any o bst ruction and its base must be clear of debris. The flue must be completely sealed so that combustion products do not c ome i nto contact with combustible material s ou tsi d e the chimney. Suitable flues are as follows:­(a) 225mm x 225mm conventi onal brick f lue. If a flue li ner is used, it must be a mini mum of 127mm (5in) diameter. The liner must be sealed to th e surrounding area above the fireplace open ing and to the top of the chimney with an approved terminal being used. (b) A properly constructed precast flue conforming to B.S 1289. (c) A flue pipe with a min imum diameter of 127mm 5in.). See B.S 6461 Part 1 for suitabl e ma terials. Metal flu e pipes must comply with B.S 715. See section
2.3.4 of thi s ma nual for flue box opening sizes.
2.4.1 The flue must have a minimum equiva lent
height of 3m.
2.4.2. The flue mu st serve only one fireplace.
2.4.3 Any damper or register pla te should be
removed. If removal is not possible without carrying out structural work, the damper or plate may be left in the flue provided that it is permanently s ecured in the fully ope n
2.4.4. If the appliance is intended to be installed to a
chimney which was previously used for solid fuel, the flue must be swept clean prior to installation. All flues should be inspec te d for sou ndness and freed o m from blockages.
2.5 If the fir epl ace opening is a n underf loor drau ght
type, it must be sealed to stop any draughts.
2.6. The flue spigot and any spigot extension must
be capable of passing through the closu r e plate by at least
25mm with a min i mum clearance of 50mm between its open end an d the nearest obstr uction. There must al so be a minimum c learanc e of 165mm between the back of the closure plate and the bac k of the catchment spac e. The catchmen t spa c e below the flue spigot must extend at least 250mm downwards measured from the bottom of the flue spi got. See figure 2.
2.7. If the fire is to be fi tted a gainst walls with
combustible cladding, the cladding must be removed from the ar ea shown in f ig.3.
2.8. The front of th e fireplace should be fla t over an
area suff icient to ensur e a good seal with the closure plate. The flat surface shoul d extend for a height eq ual to that of the closure plate plus 20mm and a for a width equal to tha t of the closure plate plus 40mm.
2.9. The minimum c learance from the top surface of
the applia nce to the und er side of any sh elf made fr om wood or other combu sti bl e ma terials is as fol l ows: -
For a shelf up to 150mm deep Minimum c learanc e = 150mm
For a shelf deep er than 150mm 150mm + 12.5mm for ever y 25mm d epth over 150mm.
2.10. The minimu m allowable d i sta nce to a corner
wall or any other projection at either side of th e appliance is 100mm.
2.11. The space between the fireplace f ront face and
the back of the outer case must not be filled in.
2.12. Please no te that soft wall coverings (e.g.
embossed vinyl etc .) are easily affected by h eat. They may, theref or e, scorch or become discoloured wh en close to a heating appliance. Please bear this in mind when installing.
2.13. An extra c tor fan may on l y be used in the same
room as this appliance, or in any area from which ventilation for the appliance is taken, if it does not affect the safe performance of the appliance. Note the spillage test requirements detailed further on in this manual. If the fan is likely to affect the appliance, the appliance must not be installed unless the fan is permanently disconnected.
2.14. In the United Kingdom no special ventilation
bricks or vents are required in the room for this appliance. In the Republic of Ireland permanent ventilation must comply with the regulations currently in force.
Fig. 3 Area to be free of combustible cladding
Figure 2 Fireplace catchment space
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