BS 5871 Part 1 - Specification for the installation and maintenance of gas fires,
convector heaters, fire/back boilers and decorative fuel effect
gas appliances. Gas fires, convector heaters, fire/back boilers
and heating stoves (2nd and 3rd family gases).
BS EN 1858 - Chimneys – Components – Concrete flue blocks.
BS EN 15287 Part 1 - Chimneys. Design, installation and commissioning of
chimneys. Chimneys for non-room sealed heating appliances.
In England and Wales, the current edition of the Building Regulations issued by
the Department of the Environment and the Welsh Office.
In Scotland, the current edition of the Building Standards (Scotland) Regulations
issued by the Scottish Executive.
In Northern Ireland, the current edition of the Building regulations (Northern
Ireland) issued by the Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland.
In the Republic of Ireland the installation must be carried out by a competent
person and installed in accordance with:
a) The current edition of IS 813 “Domestic gas installations”.
b) All relevant national and local rules in force.
c) The current building regulations.
Where no specific instructions are given, reference should be made to the relevant
British Standard Code of Practice.
5.2 Ventilation.
Normal adventitious ventilation is usually sufficient to satisfy the ventilation
requirements of this appliance. In GB reference should be made to BS 5440 Part 2
and in IE reference should be made to the current edition of IS 813 “Domestic gas
Installations” which makes clear the conditions that must be met to demonstrate that
sufficient ventilation is available.
5.3 The Atmosphere sensing device (ASD).
The appliance is fitted with an A.S.D (Atmosphere sensing device). If the appliance
closes down after a period of operation for no apparent reason, the consumer should
be informed to stop using the appliance until the installation and appliance have been
thoroughly checked. The A.S.D will shut the appliance down if an unacceptable
amount of harmful products of combustion accumulate. Under no circumstances
should the A.S.D be altered or bypassed in any way. Only genuine manufacturer’s
replacement parts should be fitted.
5.4 Room considerations.
5.4.1 The appliance must not be installed in any room, which contains a bath, or
shower or where steam is regularly present.
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