Appliance dimensions
Model Projection into
cavity (mm)
Projection into
room (mm)
Overall depth
Width (mm) Height (mm)
801 Adorn 68 153 221 545 768
801 Icon 68 59 127 631 622
801 Visage 68 89 157 529 611
801 Elegant 68 89 157 529 611
801 Ultimate
68 89 157 475 600
802 Ultimate 68 89 157 475 600
802 Cosyflame 68 89 157 475 600
802 Fyreside 68 79 147 475 600
802 Pizzazz 68 79 147 475 600
802 Nebula 68 89 157 475 600
Fireplace opening
This heater is intended for use in a fireplace opening generally conforming to British Standard 1251 for a nominal 400mm
(16 inch) or 450mm (18 inch) Fireplace. It may also be located in other fireplace openings or in a wooden surround,
where the following dimensions are available.
Width 390 – 450mm
Height 555 – 590mm
Depth At least 75mm
Clearance for servicing
There should be a clearance of at least 30mm between the top of the appliance and any mantle or shelf so that the outer
surround can be lifted off for servicing access.
Spacers and Wall Kits:
The heater is of a slim design and should suit most fireplace openings and fire surrounds, however there may be some
applications that require the need for either a spacer or flat wall kit. The following table identifies which spacer or wall kit
is available for each heater. The Model 802 Fyreside version is supplied with a 75mm wall kit. For all other appliances the
kits are optional extras obtainable either from the your heater supplier or direct from Valor Sales.
Model 60mm (2.1/2”) Surround Rebate Flat Wall (no recess)
20mm Spacer Kit No. 75mm Wall Kit No.
Model 801 Ultimate Fireslide 05801R1 05801T1
Model 801 Visage 05801S1 05801U1
Model 801 Elegant 05801S1 05801U1
Model 801 Adorn Not Available Not Available
Model 801 Icon Not Available Not Available
Model 802 Ultimate,
Nebula, Cosyflame, Fyrside
& Pizzazz
05801R1 05801T1
Model 801 with Visage, Elegant or Ultimate Fireslide front & Model 802
These are packed in a single carton. This contains the main appliance. In a separate box is the cast fascia complete with
coal pack. Model 802 Fyrside also includes a 75mm wall spacer kit.
Model 801 with Adorn front – Twin Pack
Pack 1 - Main Fire Pack
Pack 2 – Contains cast iron face, the fuel effect and coal pack.
Model 801 with Icon front – Twin Pack
Pack 1 - Main Fire Pack
Pack 2 – Contains the face complete with log effect