• Soft wall coverings (e.g. embossed vinyls etc.) are easily affected by heat. They may, therefore, scorch or become
discoloured w hen clos e t o a heat ing app liance. P lease be ar this is mind w hen having a heat ing appliance ins talle d and
when redecorating.
• As with any gas fire , t his ap p liance m ust be ins t alle d by a compe t e nt p e rson in accordance w ith t he lat e st editio n of t he
Gas Safety (Installation & Use) Regulations and in accordance with the installation guide supplied with this appliance.
• A shelf mad e of wood or other combustible material may be f itted above the fir e provided that th e f ollowing condit i ons
are satisfied:For a shelf not more than 150mm deep, there is at least 75mm clearance above the extreme top surface of the fire. For
a shelf of greater depth, th ere is an add itional cl earance of 12. 5mm for each extra 25mm of added shelf depth.
Please bear this in mind if you alter the room.
• A minimum clearance of 150mm must be allowed each side of the fire for ease of servicing and to give easy access to
the control. Please bear this in mind if you alter the room.
• The space behind the case must not be filled in. Please bear this in mind if you alter the room.
• The fire sh ould not be used without the cera mi c fuel effect pi ec es in their correct positions or with damaged pieces.
• The fire must never be used without the glass window in position or with damaged glass. If the glass is damaged the
fire should be switched off and not used until the glass is replaced.
• The glass panel acts as a fireguard conforming to BS 1945: 1971 and satisfies the Heating Appliance (Fireguard)
(Safety) Regulations 1991 but does not give full protection for young children, the elderly or the infirm. Extra security
can be provided by fitting a fireguard which complies with the requirements of BS 6539 (Fireguards for use with Solid
Fuel Appl iances) 1984. Suc h a fireguard is also recommended for the protection of pet animals.
• The glass window, and areas surround the firebox and hood opening become very hot when the fire is in use. Always
switch the fire off and allow to cool before handling.
• No attempt should be made to clean the bright metal interior of the firebox with metal polish or other abrasives. After
a little use the interior of the firebox will colour. This is quite normal.
• Never obstruct a n y of the openings of th e f ire casing by ha nging clothi ng, towels etc. over th em.
• This appliance is fitted with a device which will automatically shut off the supply of gas to the fire if, for any reason, the
burner goes out or the flue is faulty. If this devic e doe s o perat e or if t he fire is turne d off acc identally or inte ntio nally,
always wait th ree minutes before a ttempting to relight.
Please No t e
When your fir e is operated for the f irst time, some va pours may
be given off which might cause a slight odour and could possibly
set off any smoke alarms in the immediate vicinity. These
vapours ar e quite nor mal w ith n ew a pplia nces. T hey ar e total ly
harmles s and will disappear after a fe w h our s use.
Glass Window
As with all windows, the glass may need to be cleaned both
outside and inside fr om time to time . The window and frame on
this appliance has, therefore been designed to be customer
removable allowing you to clean it without having to call in a
service eng ineer . Detail s of how to remov e the w indo w un it are
given further on in this b ook le t .