Valeport miniSVS Operating Manual

Operating Manual
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This document was prepared by the staff of Valeport Limited, the Company, and is the property of the Company, which also owns the copyright therein. All rights conferred by the law of the copyright and by virtue of international copyright conventions are reserved to the Company. This document must not be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any material form, either wholly or in part, and the contents of this document, and any method or technique available therefrom, must not be disclosed to any other person whatsoever without the prior written consent of the Company.
Valeport Limited St Peters Quay Totnes Devon, TQ9 5EW United Kingdom
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Table of Contents
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Table of Contents
..................................................................................................................................... 31. Introduction
..................................................................................................................................... 42. Sensors
.................................................................................................................................... 42.1. Specifications
.................................................................................................................................... 52.2. Physical Characteristics
..................................................................................................................................... 73. Communications
.................................................................................................................................... 73.1. Sampling Modes
.................................................................................................................................... 73.2. Data Formats
.................................................................................................................................... 113.3. Wiring Information
..................................................................................................................................... 184. Operations
.................................................................................................................................... 184.1. Power Up
.................................................................................................................................... 184.2. Stop Command
.................................................................................................................................... 184.3. Command Echoes
.................................................................................................................................... 184.4. Pressure Format Commands
.................................................................................................................................... 184.5. Pressure Tare Commands
.................................................................................................................................... 194.6. Other Commands
..................................................................................................................................... 205. Appendix 1: FAQ’s
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© 2017 Valeport Ltd
1. Introduction
The Valeport miniSVS Sound Velocity Sensor has been designed with the objective of providing high resolution, high accuracy sound velocity data in the most compact package possible. The basic principle of Valeport’s Sound Velocity technology is “time of flight”; that is to say, the sound velocity is calculated from the time taken for a single pulse of sound to travel a known distance.
The miniSVS therefore consists of a single circuit board controlling all sampling, processing and communications functions, and a sensor comprising a ceramic transducer, a signal reflector, and spacer rods to control the path length. The two are connected by a single coaxial cable. A titanium housing may be fitted, which provides waterproof protection to a depth in excess of 6000m.
Optionally, a strain gauge pressure sensor may be added to the miniSVS, enabling sound velocity profiles to be obtained. This configuration is used in the SoundBar 2 Digital Bar Checker, where a 100 dBar range transducer is used, but the miniSVS may be fitted with a selection of different range transducers up to 6000 dBar. The pressure option also uses a secondary PCB.
As an alternative option, the miniSVS may be fitted with a PRT temperature sensor.
Note: the miniSVS may have either a pressure or temperature sensor fitted as an
option, but not both
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2. Sensors
2.1. Specifications
2.1.1. Power
· Requires 8 – 29V DC input
· miniSVS draws approximately 17mA at 12V DC
· miniSVS with pressure draws approximately 24mA at 12V DC
· miniSVS with temperature draws approximately 20mA at 12V DC
2.1.2. Data Output
Units are fitted with both RS232 and RS485 communications as standard. RS485 is enabled by grounding a pin in the communications lead (refer to Section 4). Protocol is 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flow control.
Baud rate is factory set to 19200. User may choose between 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 or 115200. (Note that fast data rates may not be possible with low baud rates).
2.1.3. Signal Frequency
Single sound pulse of 2.5MHz frequency.
2.1.4. Update Rate
Selected by command – Single output or continuous output at one of the following rates: 1Hz, 2Hz, 4Hz, 8Hz ,16Hz, 32 Hz or 60Hz
The fastest rate possible is determined by the combination of sensors fitted:
SV only
SV + P
SV + T
Max Data Rate:
2.1.5. Performance
Overall Accuracy
1375 – 1900m/s
±0.020 m/s
1375 – 1900m/s
±0.019 m/s
1375 – 1900m/s
±0.017 m/s
0.01% FS
0 to 100, 500, 1000 or
6000 dBar
(over -10°C to 40°C)
-5 to +35°C
(others available)
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Certain features of the sensor package are designed specifically to enable high quality data to be delivered:
Carbon Composite Rods:
The carbon composite material used for the sensor spacer rods has been specifically selected to provide 3 features: a) Excellent corrosion resistance b) Very high strength c) Virtually zero coefficient of thermal expansion This last point is particularly important; accurate sound velocity measurement relies on measuring the time taken for a pulse of sound to travel a known distance. The material selected does not measurably expand over the operating temperatures of the instrument, ensuring the highest possible accuracy at all times.
The longer the path length used, the higher the accuracy that can be achieved. It has been found that a signal stability of ±2mm/sec can be achieved with a sensor path length of 25mm (overall 50mm path for reflected signal), falling to ±1.7mm/sec for a 100mm path (overall 200mm path for reflected signal).
Digital Sampling Technique:
Enables a timing resolution of 1/100th of a nanosecond, equivalent to about 0.5mm/sec speed of sound on a 25mm path sensor, or 0.125mm/sec on a 100mm sensor. In practice, the output is restricted to 1mm/sec resolution.
Linear sensor performance allows easy calibration.
2.2. Physical Characteristics
Main housing
Titanium or Acetal
Main bulkhead
Space Rods
Carbon Composite
Reflector Assembly
SV Transducer
Ceramic transducer behind polycarbonate window.
Signal cable
3mm co-ax cable, nominal 25cm length. Push fit connector.
Pressure Transducer
Stainless steel diaphragm with acetal protective cover.
Temperature sensor
PRT in titanium housing with polyurethane backing.
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2.2.1. Dimensions
Dependent on type supplied. See diagram below
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3. Communications
The miniSVS has 3 different sampling modes, and a selection of data output formats. Each mode is available with each output format.
3.1. Sampling Modes
· Single [data on request]
· Multiple at defined data rates [free running]
· Multiple as fast as possible [free running]
3.1.1. Sampling Commands
S<enter> Demands a single reading to be taken and data transmitted
Unit free runs at fastest data update rate
Unit free runs at 1 Hz
Unit free runs at 2 Hz
Unit free runs at 4 Hz
Unit free runs at 8 Hz
Unit free runs at 16Hz
Unit free runs at 32Hz
Unit free runs at 60Hz
3.2. Data Formats
Data output is dependent on the parameters fitted to the miniSVS and the output format selected.
Pressure data format is dependent on sensor range, and may be any of the following. Pressure value is in dBar (abs), and leading zeroes are included, so it is a fixed length string:
PPPP.P (e.g. 1234.5 dBar)
PPP.PP (e.g. 123.45 dBar)
PP.PPP (e.g. 12.345 dBar)
Temperature data format is fixed to a 5 digit string with 3 decimal places. Temperature value is in °C and leading zeroes are included; it is signed only if negative. Examples:
In the examples below, pressure data is expressed as {pressure} and the temperature data is expressed as {temperature}
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