Valcom V-5335800 Service Manual

Issue 1
1. Fill out Zone Map and Configuration Tables. Paging zone decisions should be made and diagrammed prior to programming. Refe r to the Zone Map
and Zone Configuration Tables in the PagePac Plus Paging Controller Programming and Operation Guide.
2. Set Zone Option Switches.
3. If you are using the Zone Mapping feature (page 11), you must determine the controller firmware Issue # before programming. Page 12 describes this procedure.
The slide switch for each zone must be manually set to one of the following options, depending on the programmed mode selected for each zone:
• Contact Closure Output (to switch on/off a device, such as a door security lock, remote amplifier, etc.)
• Contact Closure Input (such as doorbell or security alarm interface)
• 70V Output for audio
4. Set Dip Switches.
If Zone Expansion Units are installed, the DIP switch on each unit must be set prior to powering up the system, and prior to programming. Refer to the PagePac® Plus Controller Installation and Use Guide, or to the Zone Expansion Unit Inst allation and Use Guide, for instructions.
1. Turn on PC.
Let it boot up. At the DOS prompt C:>> on the screen:
2. Insert diskette.
Insert PagePac Plus User Interface diskette into disk drive (A: or B:) and close the drive mechanism.
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3. Type <<drive letter>>: [ENTER].<W9IV>
Type A: (or B:) and press [ENTER] to direct the DOS system to the correct disk drive.
The introductory screen will come up, displaying the PagePac® Plus startup screen. The following command line switches listed can be use d after the execute name, i.e.,
Switch Description
/BW forces black & white display mode /COMn selects serial port; also available via options menu item (COM1-COM4) /ISSUEn sets zone map format; also available via config I Map (ISSUE1 or ISSUE2) /? displays program version number and options
5. Press any key to continue.
The screen will be blank except for the Menu Bar across the top of the screen (v isible in figure 1).
If you want to make changes to the configuration that is currently in use by the PagePac® Plus system, perform step 1. If you want to use the original default configuration (or another version that you have previously saved) to make changes and then send to the Controll er, go to step 2.
1. Change the current configuration.
a. Select Transfer from the Menu Bar. b. Select Receive from the Tr ansfer menu.
This will place a cop y of t he curr ent config urat ion i nto the PPPLUS pr ogr am. You may make changes to it and then use the Transfer/Send option to send your modified configuration back to the Controller.
2. Use the default configuration (or another saved version).
a. Select File from the Menu Bar. b. Select the Load option from the File menu.
You will be prompted to enter the name of the file you wish to load. If no name is entered, the defau lt file will be loaded.
You may make changes to it and then use the Transfer/Send option to send your modified configuration back to the Controller.
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Follow this summary of steps to implement the configuration changes you wish to make. Depending on your needs, you may wish to go directly to the menu(s) and tabl e(s) that access the specific options you wish to change. Detailed instructions for each step are provided elsewhere in this guide.
1. Load the configuration to be modified. See “Which File to Open” (page 2).
2. Make changes to System Paramete rs. See “System Parameters” (page 6).
3. Make changes to individual Zone o r Group Paramet ers. See “Zone/Group Parameters” (page 8). Repeat this step for each zone or group.
4. Define or change the make-up of a Zone Group. See “Zone Groups” (page 10). Repeat this step for each group.
5. Make changes to Zone Mapping. See “Zone Mapping” (page 11).
6. Send your new configurati on to the Controller. See “Transfer Menu” (page 13).
7. Change Monitor or Log File setup. See “Monitor Menu” (page 15).
Use your keyboard or mouse to select from the Menu Bar, and from all other menus in this program .
Mouse—put the cursor on the option you wish to select, and click the l eft mouse button once, to select. Keyboard—use arrow keys, or type first letter of the option name, to move the cursor to the option.
Then press [ENTER] to select the option.
ESC key
Press [ESC] (escape key) to get out of any menu and return to the menu bar. The File Menu provides the Exit option. Select Exit to get out of the programmin g software and return to the DOS prompt.
F1 HELP Press [F1] for context-specific HELP at any point in any of the tables.
Menu Bar
The menu bar is always visible across the top of the screen (see figure 1). Use the keyboard or mouse to activate a pull-down menu from the Menu Bar.
[ALT] + Highlighted letter
This pulls down a menu item from the Menu Bar.
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The File menu allows you to create a new configuration, load an existing one, o r save the curr ent config ­uration (including any c hanges made) on disk. Use the a rrow keys to highl ight your se lection, th en press
[ENTER]. Pre s s [ESC] to abort any of these options and return to the Menu Bar. NOTE: File Name Prefix—A configuration file name consists of a prefix up to 8 characters in length, fol-
lowed by a suffix (CFG). You choose what you wish to call a new file (the prefix), and the PPPLUS pro­gram will automatically use the CFG suffix.
1. Select New, Open, Save, or Exit. New resets the current configuration to the factory default values, discarding any changes previously
made. Open loads configuration d at a from a disk f ile that y ou have pr eviousl y na med and saved. You will b e
prompted to Open a New File by entering a new file name prefix. Save a configuration fi le that you are asked to name. You can save a new file that you create (by giv-
ing it a new name prefix), or save changes to an existing file (by saving it without changing the file name).
Exit takes you out of the programming software and back to the DOS prompt.
Figure 1. File Menu, Open Option
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The view menu enables you to view (but not alter) the configuration that is currently loaded into the PagePac® Plus Controller. Yo u can view the system parameters, individual zone configurations, zone groupings, or the zone mapping (the telephone extension numbers assigned to zones and groups).
Each of these options brings up a table similar to the tables under the Config Menu. Select an Option, press [E NTER]. Options are:
• System (View System Configurations)
• Information (View System Information)
• Zone/Group (View Zone/Group Configurations)
• Groups (View Zone Groups)
• Map (View Zone Mapping)
Figure 2. View Menu
The Config menu selects the portion of the loaded configuration to be edited. Each of these options brings up a table where more specific options are to be selected (see figure 3, below). Use the arrow key to highlight your selection and press [ENTER] to select, or click the mouse button on your selection.
Select an Option, press [ENTER]. Options are:
• System (System Parameters)
• Zone/Group (Zone/Group Parameters)
• Groups (Zone Groups)
• Map (Zone Mapping)
• Copy (Copy Configuration)
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