Valcom V-1090 Service Manual



The Valcom V-1090 Flex h orn is a 45 O h m talkback horn designed to be us ed with Valcom “handsfree” talkback control units. This horn is weather proof and can be used indoors or outs ide in environments rang i n g from -20 to +55 degrees C .
Model V-1090-GY Gray Model V-1090-BG Beige Model V-1090-WWhite


White - Tip/A Black - Ring/B
Issue 3
positioning adjustments. Mount “C” clam p with (2) 1/2” screws provi ded.


6.8”H x 8.3”W x 3.3”D
(17.3cm H x 21.1cm W x 8.4cmD)
2 lbs. (.91 kg)


Using the template packaged with the speaker, draw the speaker outline on the wall to be cut. Make appropriate wiring connection s an d test th e speak er f or operation. Using appropriate mounting screws (not furnished) drill and mount the flange as show n.
Loosen or separate the univ ers al brack et leav es by loosening or removing the handle and hardware. Using the back leaf as a template, mark the wall through the mounting holes, drill and mount to the wall using appropriate screws (n ot f u rn i s h ed) or mount directly to a junction box. Mount the T-bracket to th e back of th e horn as shown using the (2) ½" screws provided.
A "C" clamp is provided with the horns to allow mounting to a beam. Place the bolt through the hole in the bottom of the base to secure the "C" clamp to the beam. It is suggested that the horn be mounted to the underside of the "I" beam to provide the maximum of


When trouble is reported, v eri f y the unit is properly connected and there are no broken conn ection s leadin g to this unit. Ascertain volume control is turned up.
Assistance in troubleshooting is available from the factory. When calling, you should have a VOM and a test set and be callin g f rom the job site. Call (540) 427-3900 and ask for Technical S u pport, or cal l (540) 427-6000 for Valcom 24- H ou r Automated Support or visit our website at
Valcom equipment is not field repairable. Valcom, Inc. maintains service facilities in Roanoke, VA. Should repairs be necessary, attach a tag to the u n it clearly stating company name, address, phone number, contact person, and the nature of the problem. Send the uni t t o:
Valcom, Inc.
Repair and Return Dept.

5614 Hollins Road

Roanoke, VA 24019-5056

1 947790
No sound in page mode. - Check tip and ring f or au dio at speak er.
- Check tip and ring f or audio at con t rol u n it. Low sound in page mode. - Check volume controls at page control. Poor listening in talkback
- Check talkback volume control at page control. Set control where audio is clearly


Valcom, Inc. warrants i ts products to be free from defects in m aterials and workmanship under conditions of normal use and service for a period of one year from the date of shipment. The obl i gat i on under this warranty shall be limited to the replacement, repair or refund of any such defecti ve device within the warranty period, provided that:
1. inspection by Valcom, Inc. indicates the validity of the c laim,
2. the defect is not the res ul t of damage, mis use, or negligence after the original shipment.
3. the product has not been altered in any way or repaired by others and that factory sealed unit s are unopened (A service
4. freight charges for the return of products to Valcom are prepai d,
5. all units ‘out of warranty’ are subject to a service c harge. The service charge will cover minor repairs (Major repairs will
This warranty is in lieu of and excludes all other warranties, expressed or implied, and in no event shal l Valcom, Inc. be liable for any anticipated profits, consequential damages, loss of time or other losses incurred by the buyer in connection with the purchase, operation, or use of the product.
This warranty specifically excludes damage incurred in shipment. In the event a product is received in damaged condition, the carrier should be notified immediately. Claims for such damage should be filed with the carrier involved in accordance with the F.O.B. point.
charge plus parts and labor will be applied to units defaced or physic ally damaged),
be subject to additional c harges for parts and labor).
Headquarters: In Canada
Valcom, Inc. CMX Corporation
1111 Industry Avenue 35 Van Kirk Drive #11 and 12
Roanoke, VA 24013 Brampton, Ontario L7A1A5
Phone: (540) 427-3900 Phone: (905) 456-1072
FAX: (540) 427-3517 FAX: (905) 456-2269
2 947790
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