Valcom IP bold series, IP bold-tx, IP bold-txc, IP bold-tkx, IP bold-tkxc Installation & Operation Instructions

IP BOLD - Door Phone
Congratulation to purchase modern VOIP door entry system “VoIP Door
Phone BOLDIP BOLD. This door entry widely satisfy your needs for
communication to visitors of your company, homes, schools etc… Simply VoIP means Voice over Internet Protocol” – this door entry is connectable to IP network and allows 2 ways of calling. Either P2P (peer to peer) – it means call directly to IP adress of other VOIP device or registrates to SIP server ( as SIP client) and then call phone number. To each button you can assign 5 phone numbers with possibility of progressive or simoultaneous dial. The door entry IP BOLD is offered with 1, 2 or 4 button with or without full colour camera as same as with or without keypad. The door entry IP BOLD is powered from 12V power supply which supply also electrical lock at door. It might be powered also by PoE (Power over Ethernet). By features remind hands free phone. To basic features belongs possibility open up 2 doors via connected electrical locks as same as user friendly configuration by WEB interface.
Manual version V1.2 1-6-2015 Valid for firmware – V3.0.xx Alphatech spol. s r.o. Jeremenkova 88 140 00 Praha 4 Tel/fax: 272103334
Producer progressively improves features of the unit (firmware). The door entry IP BOLD allows whenever upgrade the firmware by newest version via PC. Latest firmware version you can download from . Neccessary guides you find at page 70. We recommend always use latest firmware version which brings new features as same as eventual correction of errors of previous versions. At you can also find latest versions of user documentation.
IP BOLD - installation and operating instructions
1 BASIC DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................... 6
1.1 FEATURES ................................ ................................................................ ...... 6
1.2 USED TERMINOLOGY ...................................................................................... 7
1.3 MODULES COMPOSITION ................................................................................ 8
1.4 IP BOLD CONNECTION ................................................................................ 10
1.4.1 IP BOLD basic board ............................................................................ 10
1.4.2 Relays connection ................................................................................... 13
1.4.3 PoE ......................................................................................................... 17
1.4.4 Usage of door contacts ........................................................................... 17
1.5 INSTALLATION OF IP BOLD ........................................................................ 18
1.5.1 Wall mounting installation ...................................................................... 18
1.5.2 Montage dimension ................................................................................. 19
1.5.3 Open and close of cover .......................................................................... 20
1.5.4 Name cards changing ............................................................................. 21
1.5.5 Micro SD card ........................................................................................ 21
2 SERVICE OF IP BOLD .................................................................................... 22
2.1 SIGNALLING OVERVIEW ............................................................................... 22
2.2 VISITOR AT DOOR ......................................................................................... 22
2.2.1 Button press – outgoing call ................................................................... 22
2.2.2 Button press – code lock ......................................................................... 23
2.2.3 Keypad usage .......................................................................................... 23
2.2.4 Call ......................................................................................................... 24
2.3 VISITOR INSIDE BUILDING ............................................................................ 24
2.3.1 Outgoing call .......................................................................................... 24
2.3.2 Incoming call .......................................................................................... 24
2.4 VIDEO .......................................................................................................... 25
3 PARAMETRES PROGRAMMING ................................................................ 26
3.1 WEB INTERFACE ACCESS ............................................................................. 26
3.1.1 Before login............................................................................................. 26
3.1.2 Login ................................................................ ................................ ....... 27
3.2 CURRENT STATUS ........................................................................................ 28
3.2.1 Language settings ................................................................................... 29
3.3 IP NETWORK SETTING .................................................................................. 30
3.3.1 IP Network setting .................................................................................. 30
3.3.2 SIP setting ............................................................................................... 33
3.3.3 WEB server ............................................................................................. 37
3.4 BASIC SETTING ............................................................................................. 39
3.4.1 Phone book ............................................................................................. 39
3.4.2 Relays ................................ ................................................................ ...... 42
3.4.3 Door sensors ........................................................................................... 46
IP BOLD - installation and operating instructions
3.4.4 Setting SNMP .......................................................................................... 48
3.4.5 Time profiles ........................................................................................... 49
3.4.6 Date and time setting .............................................................................. 51
3.4.7 E-mail ..................................................................................................... 52
3.5 EXTENDED SETTING ..................................................................................... 54
3.5.1 Door entry ............................................................................................... 54
3.5.2 Audio setting ........................................................................................... 57
3.5.3 Audio codecs ........................................................................................... 59
3.5.4 Video setting ........................................................................................... 60
3.5.5 Video watching (PopUp programm) ....................................................... 61
3.5.6 Video codecs ................................................................ ........................... 62
3.5.7 Streaming ................................................................................................ 63
3.6 SERVICE ....................................................................................................... 65
3.6.1 Restart ..................................................................................................... 65
3.6.2 Configuration .......................................................................................... 66
3.6.3 Language and style ................................................................................. 68
3.6.4 Style and language preparation .............................................................. 69
3.6.5 Firmware upgrade .................................................................................. 70
3.6.6 Logfile ..................................................................................................... 71
3.6.7 License .................................................................................................... 73
3.6.8 Sound files ............................................................................................... 74
4 TECHNICAL PARAMETRES......................................................................... 75
4.1 ELECTRICAL PARAMETRES ........................................................................... 75
4.2 MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS .......................................................................... 75
4.3 VIDEO PARAMETRES .................................................................................... 76
IP BOLD - installation and operating instructions
1 Basic description
1.1 Features
audio is full duplex with ECHO cancellation phone book for 999 subscribers (when keypad is used) every subscriber has more phone numbers with progressive or
simultaneous calling
Email sending when is unreachable including attachment with pictures 10 time plans with week programm 4 relays. 2 included on board with possibility connect 2 independent locks
for door opening and 2 virtual (webrelays) (for remote control of IP relay or relays synchronization)
Relays system via synchronization allows combination of any mode
(progressive opening, 2 pulses etc..)
10 shared adjustable codes for every relay + every subscriber has own code
for every relay
1 and 2 button versions can use door sensors SNMP usage possibility Real time clocks from NTP or SIP server Extendable possibilities of buttons functionality, light intensity settings, call
duration restriction, keypad mode etc...
Audio signalling settings, saving own tones or messages Multilanguage support Multilevel loading and configuration refresh Relaible firmware upgrade Loging system with possibility of data saving to MicroSD card (adjustable) Picturesas same as video saving possibility to MicroSD card (adjustable) WEB inerface management Power supply 12V or PoE (Class 0 - 12,95W) Ethernet – 10/100Mb with standard 10BaseT and 100BaseTx Unit start within 10 seconds Linux operating system USB connection of integrated webcamera. Video transmission to
webbrowser - JPEG, video transmission to VoIP phones - stream H.263, H.264
SIP connection P2P or PBX (SIP server) system,switchable in web
SIP 2.0 protocol , define RFC3261
IP BOLD - installation and operating instructions
1.2 Used terminology
Ethernet is technology which is used to build up local networks (LAN)  LAN - Local Area Network (local network) mark PC network which cover small
geographical area (for example homes, office, etc…).
10Base-T As transmission medium use twisted twoline cable with rate
10 Mbit/s. It used 2pairs of structured cabling from four.
100Base-TX Version with transmission rate 100 Mbit/s, which is named Fast
Ethernet. It used 2 pairs UTP or STP cable category 5.
Twisted 2line or also twisted pair is cable type which is used in PC networks.
Twisted 2line is created by cables pair which are regularly twisted in the length and after pairs are twisted together.
UTP, Unshielded Twisted Pair  STP, Shielded Twisted Pair  WEB - World Wide Web (WWW, shortly web), is mark for application of http
internet protocol
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is internet protocol design for exchange of
hypertex documents in format HTML
USB (Universal Serial Bus) . Modern way of accessories connection to PC  Video codec (compound of word begins coder and decoder“) . Compression
H.263 is derived from MPEG-4, H.264 is coder for format MPEG-4 AVC. MPEG-4 is kind of video compression – decreasement of pictures sequence
data flow
JPEG is standard method of loss making compression used for savings PC
Voice over Internet Protocol (shortly VoIP) is technology allows transmission
of digitized voice in body of family protocols UDP/TCP/IP pockets via PC network . It is used for calling via internet, intranet or any other data connection.
TCP/IP contents set of protocols for communication in PC network and it is
main protocol of worldwide network Internet.
IP adresa is number which definitely identify network interface in PC network
which used IP protocol.
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is application protocol from
family TCP/IP. It is used for automatic assign of IP adresses to individual computers in PC network. Due this simplify its management
Internet is worldwide system of mutually connected PC networks  Intranet is PC network similiar to internet but it is „private“. It is designed jsut
for small group of subscribers (for example workers in some company)
PoE (Power over Ethernet) is powering via data network cable.  NTP (Network Time Protocol) is protocol for synchronization of internal PC
IP BOLD - installation and operating instructions
1.3 Modules composition
Door entry IP BOLD includes modern technology, timeless design and user
friendly installation and service.
Door entry IP BOLD is equiped by 2 relays and PoE feeding.
Basic models are different by using of keypad or full colour wideangle camera.
Version with camera has integrated fully colour wideangle camera on basic board. Version without camera used different plexi cover shield on top of the unit.
IP BOLD-T1 1 button audio IP BOLD-T2 2 button audio IP BOLD-T4 4 button audio IP BOLD-T1C 1 button audio , colour camera IP BOLD-T2C 2 button audio , colour camera IP BOLD-T4C 4 button audio , colour camera IP BOLD-TK1 1 button audio and keypad IP BOLD-TK4 4 button audio and keypad IP BOLD-TK1C 1 button audio and keypad, colour camera IP BOLD-TK4C 4 button audio and keypad, colour camera
IP BOLD - installation and operating instructions
IP BOLD - installation and operating instructions
1.4 IP BOLD connection
The IP BOLD includes basic board differently equipped. To the basic board is possible connect 1 or 2 button boards. Further is possible connect keypad in version TK.
1.4.1 IP BOLD basic board
The basic board is the same for all models of IP BOLD door entry. The difference is just camera module ( with or without). The PoE modul is in standard (according directive IEEE802.3af) as same as connectors for button and keypad connection , MicroSD card reader and 2 relays (first relay has switchable contact [NO COM NC] and second relay has closing contact only [NO COM]). The basic board schematics at picture bellow and all important parts are marked in circle with description.
1. Mounting holes
2. Cabling holes (UTP, electrical locks connection, power supply)
3. Switching contact screw terminal of first relay (NC= closed in stand by,
NO=open in stand by nda COM= shared output)
4. Switching contact screw terminal of second relay (NC= closed in stand
by, NO=open in stand by nda COM= shared output)
5. MicroSD card slot – Insert SD card before switch ON of door entry and do
not také out during all operation time!
6. Input for powering IP BOLD 12V AC / DC (consumption cca 300mA max.)
We reccomend use DC power supply
7. Output 12V DC, max. 300mA, for example to power low consumption
electrical lock via PoE powering of IP BOLD
8. UTP cable connection (Ethernet, LAN,net)
IP BOLD - installation and operating instructions
9. The LED to control network activity, green = connection 100M LAN, yellow
= data transmission on the LAN
10. Connector to Conner keypad module
11. DIP switch
1 – allways ON (servis purpose only) 2 – OFF, hen is ON during start then default IP adress is setup
3,4 – OFF, meanwhile spare - not used
12. IP module
13. Connector to connect 2 buttons or 1 button and 2 door sensors (Info about
door closing)
14. Camera lens (At camera models only). The lens angle is 110°, max.
resolution 640x480.
15. Signalling 2 colours LED
red – call picked up  green – call in progress  red+green – relay closed
16. Extra camera light at night – white LED with intensity setting
17. Sensor of surrounding lighting – according setup control name cards
lighting as same as camera lighting
18. Connector to connect up 2 buttons
19. Connector to connect speaker
20. Connector to connect microphone (polarity attention)
IP BOLD - installation and operating instructions
IP BOLD - installation and operating instructions
1.4.2 Relays connection
Relay contacts connection (3) and (4) is on the picture. Marking "NO" menas in stand by open contact, "COM" means shared output (middle) and "NC" means in stand by closed contact. Contacts of both relays are mutually galvanically isolated as same as isolated from othe IP Bold components.
It is recommended use for IP BOLD PoE powering (according directive IEEE802.3af) or AC voltage min.11input - max.15input or DC voltage min.12Vss - max.18Vss. which is connected to screw "12V". The IP BOLD consumption is max.300mA. This powering is possible simultaneously use for electrical lock(s) feeding. Then you have to consider el.lock consumption. In practise mostly used is AC / DC power supply 12V/1A÷2A.
IP BOLD - installation and operating instructions
Possibilities of relays connection are at following pictures:
IP BOLD - installation and operating instructions
IP BOLD - installation and operating instructions
1. Standard electrical lock connection. This connection is used most often.
One shared power supply feeding door entry IP BOLD and both electrical loch. Current loading of PSU depends mainly on used el. Locks. Standard el. Lock has current consumption 0,6A – 1,0A. As next you have to consider posibility of both relays activation simultaneously. When not then 1A PSU is fine. When yes then use 2A PSU. When you use low consumption electrical loch then PSU 1A is fully acceptable.
2. The second most often used connection is by powering from PoE. There is
advantage of no extra PSU necessity. However 2 conditions must be followed: Electrical locks must be low consumption as same as relays must not be activated simultaneously (via follow).
3. This connection is version for reversal lock (magnetic lock). Therefore
switchable contact is lead out from first relay only the second (B) electrical lock is standard. When you need connect inversal lock to second relay as well then you have to use extra relay – picture 3a:
4. Connection with security
transmission - “security” activation of B electrical lock . Security transmission is between door entry IP BOLD and module COSW (code switch). Therefore we recommend place COSW module close to electrical lock. For correct operation is necessary setup in IP BOLD door entry and COSW module the same code (via follow). The A electrical lock is in standard connection.
5. Connection with 2x PSU. When you need different feeding for electrical
lock or you want separate powering of lock from door entry you can use 2 individual powering circles.
6. Examples of other devices ( beside el.locks) connection. To the first relay is
connected sliding door controller and to second relay is connected extra bell (siren).
IP BOLD - installation and operating instructions
1.4.3 PoE
The IP BOLD is equiped by circuit for powering via UTP cable – PoE. When you have IP switch with PoE, or you have PoE PSU (box of adapter size inserted into UTP cable input – according directive IEEE802.3af) then you dont need extra 12V PSU for door entry powering. When you use electrical lock for door opening then you have to use PSU for powering of door electrical lock (in relays contacts circuit only), or use low consumption electrical lock and for electrical lock powering use output screw „12V output” (7). When is used PoE then 12V/300mA is available. CAUTION: There must not be activated both electrical locks simultaneously. It might be reached for example by relays synchronization and setup progressive door opening (setting is descriped in follow capture relays setting)
1.4.4 Usage of door contacts
The door sensors might be connected max. 2 to door entry IP BOLD. There are designed for transmission of door close informatik. This information is display on initial screen (under picture from camera). It is also transmit to UDVguard applications. Further posibility is use SNMP.
The door sensor is ether part of electrical lock or it is ordinary magnetic contact used in security. It is connect as button to screw terminal (13), eventually to screw terminal (18). Those screw terminals are designed for buttons connection. Door sensors connection allways require special button module with cable for door sensors connection. This feature is optional. Therefore you have to order in advance.
IP BOLD - installation and operating instructions
1.5 Installation of IP BOLD
1.5.1 Wall mounting installation
Installation place
To reach good video quality the camera must not point directly to
• sun lighting
• strong light sources
• light orstrongly reflective walls
Installation height
Installation height of outdoor video station should be selected according camera scan range (via picture). People with average height will be at installation 160 cm from ground optimaly scaned.
Installation is done by screws and wall plug.
- Wall plug diameter 8mm
- Screw is twist with halfround head . Diameter 5mm lenght 35mm
We recommend following wall mounting procedure:
- Open the unit cover (via follow capture)
- Lead in cable (wires) via cable hole (2)
- Fix the unit safely to wall (screws + wall plugs) by fixing holes (1).
- Be carefull to dont squeeze setting block on back side.
- Connect the wires (follow instructions in next capture)
- Replace the unit cover (via following capture)
IP BOLD - installation and operating instructions
1.5.2 Montage dimension
IP BOLD - installation and operating instructions
1.5.3 Open and close of cover
Cover opening
Bottom lath is connected to alu profile by 2 internal sixedge screws
(1) Screw up to middle way by enclosed key those screws (2) turn bottom lath to left without its complete taking
(3) slide out name card plexi
Cover closing
Slide name plexi under lath Turn bottom lath to right to groove reach screw. Screw down the screw.
When you slide name plexi be
aware to dont demage seal ruber in grooves
When you install next device please dont forget that name plexi is slide out
in down direction. Dont install any other device closely under the unit
Do not seal up the unit in any case! Condenseth water must flow away.
General recomendation for connection
To dont demage the unit please use enclosed screw driver. Pay attention:
dont put cable under lighting diod to disturb name cards lifting
dont squeeze cable under setting block on back side of unit
IP BOLD - installation and operating instructions
1.5.4 Name cards changing
Name cards writing
Templates you will find on our website
1. Write desired names into template.
2. Print out name cards to special foil* and cut them of.
3. Release pockets on external edge of name plexi by delivered plastic board.
4. Slide name cards from side to spaces in name plexi
* We recommend print out the name cards to special resistant foil. This foil you can directly order from us: Polyester foil for name cards DIN A4
1.5.5 Micro SD card
Micro SD card is used to save users sound files and in near future also to
save pictures, video, as record machine.
When you select users tone and microSD will not be inserted then tones of
basic signalling will be used.
Never take out SD card during door entry operation!
IP BOLD - installation and operating instructions
2 Service of IP BOLD
2.1 Signalling overview
The door entry IP BOLD signalling acustically stages which occurs during operation. Further signalling is by 2 colour LED (placed right under black plexi). Acustical signalling for each status mentioned in bellow table might be switched off or might be used default tones beepingor recorded user sound.
Call start
Adjustable / user programmable
Call end
Adjustable / user programmable
Call not possible (busy)
Adjustable / user programmable
Confirmation of code insert
Adjustable / user programmable
End of call notification
Adjustable / user programmable
Rlay closing
Adjustable / user programmable
Adjustable / user programmable
Button press
Adjustable / user programmable
Call establishing
Call in progress - talk
Service mode (start boot)
Linux start
Rescue WEB start
* - indication needs active acoustic signalling of appropriate relay
2.2 Visitor at door
Visitor at door is person who wants enter inside the building.
2.2.1 Button press – outgoing call
Outgoing call is call from door entry (start by visitor). After door entry dial is
ringit phone inside the building.
Door entry buttons have name cards with names and functions of people inside the building. The visitor press appropriate button and door entry start calling imediatelly (button is not first digit of code keylock) or delayed (time between button press) .The door entry dial preprogrammed number . Dialling number is different according setting in phone book:
IP BOLD - installation and operating instructions
1. Phone book position for selected button must be permitted
2. Must be fill min. 1 from 5 phone numbers (or IP adresses in P2P mode)
3. At filled phone number is active time plan in appropriate time or no plan is selected.
When is filled up more numbers then selection of phone number is up time plan and next are numbers dial in order (1 – 2 5) or numbers might be dial simultaneously and which is picked up first it has the talk.
Both versions of dialling might be combinated. For example is possible call to 1. and 2. Phone number simultaneously. When call is not picked up until certain time then number 3 is dialled.
Repeated button press might have following functions:
- Nothing happen
- Dial again
- Call is ended
2.2.2 Button press – code lock
Door entry IP BOLD buttons have feature of code lock. By progressive buttons press you can activate appropriate relay. The codes for this feature are either shared by all subscribers (relays setting) as same as individiual (each subscriber has in phone book own priváte access code).
Caution: code might be done from available buttons only (for example model IP IP BOLD-TK4 has available 1,2,3,4)
When button number is first digit o any code then dialling from this button is delayed about time between button pressfor code evaluation.
It is also necessary mention feature relay closing by press of selected button (for example for function bell activation). This feature programmable in relays petting.
2.2.3 Keypad usage
At models with keypad are 3 ways of dialling:
- By button press as models without keyboard
- Direct phone number dial from keypad (When you insert IP adress in mode P2P then dot between numbers group is inserted
by as is usual on IP phones)
- By dial of memory number (phone book have 999 subscribers. So by dial of numeral 1-999 is possible make same fiction as button press).
End of call you can make allways by button press When keypad is connected the fiction of code lock is extended I tis possible use whole range of codes (numerals 0-9). The code for
relay activation is differentiate from phone number dial by pressing in the begining. Then is code for relay activation.
IP BOLD - installation and operating instructions
2.2.4 Call
Door entry IP BOLD has adaptive ECHO canceller. The Echo dissapear usually within first 5 seconds of call. The call is then full duplex. The end of call happen:
- Called party hang up
- Call duration time is over (when is setup)
- By button press(hen is setup)
2.3 Visitor inside building
By person inside building is person who is in communication with door
entry IP BOLD.
2.3.1 Outgoing call
Outgoing call is call from door entry (start by visitor). After door entry dial is ringit phone inside the building. When call is picked up you can talk to visitor at door and by code dialling you can activate relay. Door entry sends 10sec before call end notification about time limit of call and by dial character (* / #) you can prolong the call. By phone hang up the call is ended.
All transmission ways of info about button press are available (for example code to activate relay) –either in “RTP channel – RFC2833” or in
“SIP info” and “inband DTMF” . The IP Bold decoding all ways automatically and you have to be carefull for setting of IP phones,because when you setup for example inband DTMF + SIP info then info about button press is coming twice to door entry! Then press of button 5 is received by door entry as
2.3.2 Incoming call
Incoming call is call to door entry (start by person inside building). After dial of extension number or IP adress where is connected door entry IP BOLD the door entry is ringing and after preprogrammed number of rings picks up the call. You can talk. Possibilities are the same as outgoing call (activate relay, prolong the call etc.).
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