V7 NAV730, NAV740 Update Instructions

V7 Nav730 and Nav740
Software and Map Update Instructions
GENERAL PURPOSE................................................................................................................................................ 2
BEFORE YOU START...............................................................................................................................................2
Check all your devices..........................................................................................................................................2
Check disk space on PC........................................................................................................................................2
Check internet connection.....................................................................................................................................2
DOWNLOAD FILES..................................................................................................................................................2
Access website for Download ...............................................................................................................................2
Select Region and Model ......................................................................................................................................3
Download Software Files......................................................................................................................................3
Download Map Files ............................................................................................................................................ 3
RESTORE APPLICATION.......................................................................................................................................4
Unzip (or Extract) Software Files.........................................................................................................................4
Copy custom Points-of-Interest from current Software version (optional)...........................................................4
Format SD Card ...................................................................................................................................................5
Copy Software files to SD Card............................................................................................................................7
LOAD MAPS...............................................................................................................................................................8
Copy downloaded map files to SD Card’s maps folder........................................................................................8
DELETE BACKUP ON PC........................................................................................................................................9
Delete Previously created Backup Files on the PC’s Hard Drive........................................................................9
Title: Software and Map Update Instructions Last Updated: 12/28/2007 Model(s): V7 GPS Nav730 and Nav740 Version: 1.0 Created by: V7 Customer Care
The purpose of this document is to provide instructions to download the files needed to restore the device with latest software and map updates.
Check all your devices
1. Please ensure you have the following:
Personal Computer (PC)Nav700 or Nav720 Portable Navigation Device (PND) Mini-USB Cable to connect PND to PCSD Card and SD Card reader/writer (Optional)
2. Turn PND power off
3. Insert SD Card into PND
4. Turn the PND power on
5. Wait till the PND starts up completely
6. Using mini-USB cable connect PND to PC
7. Connect PND to PC using mini-USB Cable
8. At this point, “PC Connected !!!” message will appear on PND
9. Windows will recognize the PND as Removable Drive and SD Card Drive
NOTE: Depending on SD Card’s label it may be displayed differently on users PC.
Check disk space on PC
10. A set of map files can be approximately 1GB to 2GB, please ensure enough disk space is
available on the PC.
Check internet connection
11. Ensure that your PC has connection to broad band or DSL connection to internet.
Access website for Download
1. Open internet browser on your PC and go to: http://v7support.com/V7GPS/Updates/
Title: Software and Map Update Instructions Last Updated: 12/28/2007 Model(s): V7 GPS Nav730 and Nav740 Version: 1.0 Created by: V7 Customer Care
Select Region and Model
2. Click on the region you are located in then click on Model you have
Download Software Files
3. If you would like to update to latest Software version, click on Software_Files.zip
This will start the download. Select to save the file on your PC. After downloading, follow the steps in RESTORE APPLICATION section
Download Map Files
4. If you would like to update to latest Map files, click on Map_Files,
If there are multiple map sets available, click on the map set you would like Create a temporary “MAPS” folder on PC to download map files Click on map files (.fbl) to download each individual map files into “MAPS” folder After downloading, follow the steps in LOAD MAPS section
Title: Software and Map Update Instructions Last Updated: 12/28/2007 Model(s): V7 GPS Nav730 and Nav740 Version: 1.0 Created by: V7 Customer Care
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