Copyright © 1997, V3 Semiconductor Inc. V96SSC Data Sheet Rev 2.3
accommodated due to the V96SSC’s flexib ility.
Two DRAM banks are provided. Each bank has its ow n progra mmable addre ss base and size. The
mapping of memory address lines to row and column addresses is also programmable for each bank.
The twelve mixed address lines (MA[11:0]) are shared by both banks. Each bank may be
independently enabled and/or write protected. Both banks share a common DRAM signal timing
generator that controls all DRAM timing parameters. DRAM array width can be set to either 16-bit or
32-bits; the V96SSC controls lane steering logic in mixed width systems.
FPM, EDO, and Ramtron EDRAMs a re a natural fit for burst bus p rocessors such as i960 or
PPC401Gx family. The V96SSC takes advantage of fast page mode accesses for every burst
transaction, insuring the highest transfer rate possible. The V96SSC also supports extended burst
peripherals, such as networking controllers, up to a maximum length of 64Byte data cycles.
The DRAM controller also includes page cache management logic. This logic detects subsequent
burst accesses within the same DRAM page, and eliminates the RAS precharge time and row address
cycles for these accesses. Removing these cycles can reduce the average wait-state profile for many
applications. The “aggressiveness” of the caching algorithm is programmable, and page caching can
be completely disabled. The page size is programmable from 512 to 81 92 bytes.
2.3 DMA Controller
Two independent DMA Channels are provided in the V96SSC. The DMA Controller generates fly-by
cycles to transfer data directly from the DRAM to the selected peripheral, or vice-versa. Each cha nnel
includes a req uest i nput (D REQx), an acknowledge output (DACKx), and an end-of-process outpu t
(EOPx, accessible via the I/O Multiplexer). Each channel can also be assigned to a chip select/strobe
channel to provide the necessary strobing signals to the DMA target/source peripheral.
The DMA buffer start and stop addresses ar e program mable, as i s the direc tion of tran sfer (read or
write). Transfers may be initiated either via the DREQx pins or through software.
The DMA Controller’s programmable throttle count allows long transfers to be periodically interrupted
to allow the processor access to the bus for code fetches, etc.
2.4 Serial Communications Unit (SCU)
The V96SSC’s Serial Communications Unit offers both synchronous and asynchronous modes. In
asynchronous mod e, the Serial C ommuni cations U nit fun ctions a s an ind ustry standard , ful l duplex
UART. Transmission and reception are double buffered to help prevent data overruns. Interrupts are
generated on receiver buffer full, transmit buffer empty, buffer overrun error, and framing error.
In synchronous (SPI) mode, data is moved into, or out of, the SCU’s buffers on transitions of the serial
clock output pin (SCLK). Data word length is programmable from 1 to 16 bits. An interrupt is generated
upon completi on of a n SPI t ransfe r. SPI mode is ideal f or co nnecting to serial i nterf ace per ipher als
such as A/D converters.
The clock referenc e for the Seri al Communica tions Unit can be either the independ ent baud rate
generator or general purpose timer 1.
2.5 Chip Select/Strobe Unit
The Chip Select/Strobe Unit provides all the logic necessary to interface a wide ar ray of peripherals
and memory components to the i960Sx/Jx processor. Address decoding, wait-state generation, chipselect, and read/wr ite strobe gen eration a re handled c ompletely b y the V96SSC; no glue log ic is