UTStarcom Korea Technologies UTS-EA7H75B User Manual

RPC/RP Configuration RPC/RP Manual
Figure 4-13: RPC Window
4.2.1 Set Time
1. Click the Set Time option on the Configuration pull-down menu. The Set
Time window appears, as shown in the figure below.
Figure 4-14: Set Time Window
2. By default the RPC time is set to the current time of the PC. Set new date and
time to RPC if necessary. Make necessary adjustment using the Arrow
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RPC/RP Manual RPC/RP Configuration
buttons in the fields. Click OK to accept the setting or Cancel to stop the transaction.
4.2.2 RPC Change
Sometimes the operation data for an RPC may not be compatible to the hosting RPC. Use this function to make changes to the SDM (System Data Memory) so that it can accommodate the hosting RPC. Before making any change, the RPC device manager will disconnect from the RPC.
1. From the Configuration main menu, select RPC Change. This opens the RPC Assignment window, as illustrated in the figure below.
Figure 4-15: RPC Assignment Window
2. Select the target RPC and click OK. This will change the SDM to fit the target RPC.
3. If this command doesn’t work, exit the current Netman session and restart.
4.2.3 Unit Control
The Unit Control option can be accessed through the Maintenance pull-down menu. It has the following functions:
Blockade: block or unblock RPIF, E1IF, RPCs, RPs
TimeSlot Layout: configure the RP control channel time slot
Maintenance: set or cancel system maintenance
Master RP: change Master RP
RPC Sync: RPC Synchronization
Online Trace: retrieve the information of the active RP
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RPC/RP Configuration RPC/RP Manual
4- Blockade/Unblockade
The Blockade option is used to block or unblock RP interface, E1 interface, RPs, or the entire RPC. Use this function to block traffic from a malfunctioning device. It is also used when units are replaced. Netman 2000 must be connected to the WLL/V5WLL in order to perform this function. Another important usage of this option is to regain the synchronization of the slave RPCs upon the recovery of the master RPC.
1. From the Maintenance main menu, select Unit Control and then Blockade. This opens the Blockade/Unblockade window, as displayed in the figure below.
Figure 4-16: Blockade/Unblockade Window
Field Name Description
RPC The entire RPC, including all the units under its control E1-I/F #… E1 interface. Each RPC uses 4 E1 interfaces to communicate with
RP-I/F #… RP interface. RPC uss 8 RP interfaces to control RPs. Each RP
interface is connected to 4 RPs. All RP All the 32 RPs RP #… Individual RP. There are altogether 32 RPs under each RPC. Blockade If this radio button is selected, the selected unit is blocked. UnBlockade If this radio button is selected, the selected unit is unblocked.
Table 4-1: Blockade/Unblockade Window Field Description
2. Select the target E1 interface, RP interface, RP, or RPC, and then select
Blockade or Unblockade. Click OK. Selecting RPC will block or unblock all
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RPC/RP Manual RPC/RP Configuration
the units controlled by the RPC. No new calls will be accepted and all the calls in progress are allowed to complete and then dropped.
3. When the action is implemented, the system displays a message in the Self Message window, and the Status View window will also show the Blockade result, as illustrated in the figure below. Use the window to verify the result.
Figure 4-17: Self Message and Status View window for Blockade
F NOTE: If an RPC or all RPs are blocked, calls cannot be made.
4. Zero “o” in the Blockade Maint column means the unit is blocked, and dash “­” means the unit is unblocked. The Status and the Self Messages windows both indicate that RP#1 and RP#2 are blocked.
5. There are two ways to access the Status View window. One is to click Status and then the relevant options: RPC, RPs, RP-I/F Board, E1 Signal, Node-I/F Board, Air Channel, or TimeSlot Status. The other is to click the target item
on the left frame of the RPC window. In either case the Status View window opens on the right frame. Of course, one can always access the window by clicking the relevant toolbar.
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RPC/RP Configuration RPC/RP Manual
4- TimeSlot Layout
F WARNING: Users are NOT recommended to make changes to the settings of the
Time Slot. Use with caution!
When connected to an RPC, use this function to reconfigure the RP control channel time slot. This function is used to complete the RP configuration and make it usable. This function applies to both RPCs and RPs.
1. Before configuring the time slot, use the Blockade function to block the target RPC or PC.
2. From the Maintenance main menu, select Unit Control and then TimeSlot Layout. This opens the Time Slot Layout window, as shown in the figure below.
Figure 4-18: Time Slot Layout Window
3. Select the target RPC or RP.
4. Select Measure Level1. If separation is not completed, try another one from Measure Level2 through Measure Level4. Selecting No Selection may accelerate separation.
5. Select No Selection. If selection must be made, select one from Slot #1 through Slot #80.
6. Click OK to close the window.
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RPC/RP Manual RPC/RP Configuration
7. Unblock the RPC or RP.
F NOTE: The Time Slot Layout window is for configuration purpose only. Actual
separation is done when the target RPC or RP is unblocked. Maintenance
Use this function to set RPC maintenance status, test RPs, and do other configuration. Eligible units are fully installed RPCs and installed RPs.
F NOTE: General PSs can not use RP when maintenance is under way.
1. From the Maintenance main menu, click Unit Control, and then Maintenance. The Set/Cancel Maintenance window opens, as displayed in the figure below.
Figure 4-19: Set / Cancel Maintenance Window
2. Select the target RPC or RP, and click Set to set the maintenance status or Cancel to remove the status.
3. Click OK to accept the selection and close the window.
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RPC/RP Configuration RPC/RP Manual
4- Change Master RP
For the operation in a group control mode, it sometimes becomes necessary to switch a master RP to a slave RP, because the master RP is faulty or because the NMS operation requires the switch. Use this feature to switch the function.
1. Select Unit Control, and then Master RP from the Maintenance pull-down menu. The Master RP window appears as shown in the figure below.
Another way to access the window is to click the Change Master RP toolbar.
Figure 4-20: Master RP Window
2. Click the Arrow button in the Master RP No. field to get a list of all the 32 RP numbers. Select the RP to be the new master and click OK. That RP becomes the new master RP. The Self Message window displays a message, indicating the change has been made. The change can also be verified by viewing the RP status.
F NOTE: Each group can have a maximum of 8 RPs. RPC Synchronization
The ECNT board on the RPC generates the synchronous clock and the air frame synchronization signal by extracting clock from the E1 interface signal on the E1­IF boards, and delivers them to RPs through the RP-IF boards. As a result, all the RPs that are controlled by the same RPC are operating synchronously. The following figure illustrates the process of clock synchronization and air frame synchronization for one RPC.
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RPC/RP Manual RPC/RP Configuration
Figure 4-21: Clock Synchronization and Frame Synchronization in One RPC
However, RPs that belong to different RPCs do not automatically operate with air frame synchronization. This causes the inefficienct air channel usage. To redress the problem, the synchronization group is created which includes as many as 8 RPCs. Those RPCs are connected by cables as open daisy chain, through which the air frame synchronization signal is transmitted. The signal is shared by the RPCs, so that the air frames of the RPs among the RPCs are synchronized. The RPC which generates the air frame synchronization signal is named “Master”. The RPCs which receive the signal are called “Slave”. The following figure displays such a synchronization model.
Figure 4-22: Wired Air Frame Synchronization Group Model
The master or slave mode is set using the rotary switches on the front of the ECNT board. When the master RPC fails during the operation, the first slave RPC in the synchronization signal flow becomes the provisional master RPC.
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RPC/RP Configuration RPC/RP Manual
Upon the restoration and restart of the failed master RPC, the first slave RPC needs to be blocked and re-synchronized in order to regain synchronization. This process is implemented through Netman.
1. From the Maintenance pull-down menu, select Unit Control, and then RPC Sync. The RPC Synchronization window opens, as shown in the figure below.
Figure 4-23: RPC Synchronization Window
2. Click the RPC blockage radio button to block the slave RPCs. Click OK to execute the command. Verify the blockage by checking the RPC Status window and the Self Message window.
3. Return to the RPC Synchronization window and click the RPC synchronization radio button. Click OK to synchronize the slave RPCs. After the command is implemented, the slave RPCs become synchronous in operation to the upstream RPCs. Online Trace
The Online Trace feature is used to check the time slot status of the RPs.
1. From the Configuration main menu, select Unit Control, and then Online Trace. This opens the Select Online Trace window, as illustrated in the figure below.
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RPC/RP Manual RPC/RP Configuration
Figure 4-24: Select Online Trace Window
2. Click to highlight the target RP# and click OK. This opens the Online Trace window, as shown below.
Figure 4-25: Online Trace Window
3. This window displays the relevant Time Slot status information about the target RP.
4.2.4 Function Status
The Status option windows can be accessed through the Status pull-down menu. The following functions are available from the Status option:
Collect and display the status for:
19June2000 WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0
RPC/RP Configuration RPC/RP Manual
- RPs
- RP-I/F Board
- E1 Signal
- Node-I/F Board
- Air Channel
- TimeSlot Status
Collect hourly traffic data for RPCs and RPs
View configuration data for each RP control channel
Verify configuration results RPC Status
1. To view the status of the current RPC, click RPC from the Status option. Another way to open the RPC Status window is to click the RPC Status button. The RPC status is displayed on the Status View window, as shown in the figure below.
F NOTE: The following figure is cut out from the RPC window. The other Status
View windows in Section 4.2.4 are also cropped from the overall RPC window.
Figure 4-26: RPC Status Window
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